Trouble (4 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “Alright, ready?” Gage spoke handing us a microphone each.

              “Ash what the fuck did you choose?” She smiles as the song begins. OH MY GOD. I can’t believe it. Ashley knows that I know some rap especially Black Eyed Peas. Now we have to sing Where Is The Love. This should be fun. We begin it and take it away. When we are done the crowd is cheering. I go to walk off stage, when Gage starts yelling “one more”. Then the crowd joins in. This is bullshit. This time I choose the song All She Wants by Ace of Base. I start and I know Ashley knows it because we jam out to it a lot. She winks at me and my eyes fall on J in the back smiling. We finish, bow, and Ashley runs off with Gage probably to go fuck. I walk off the stage and decide that for once I need to clear my head. It’s around one in the morning. I sit on the beach and let the water splash my feet. I could hear the drunks talking; I glance to my left and see the bonfire still going and around fifteen people around it. I look to my right and notice a few people trying to head back to the beach house. This is one of the frat guys beach house. They hold it here for the drunk people so they don’t have to drive home and be able to crash here. It has roughly ten bedrooms. No lie. Rich kids have it all. The cool breeze blows and makes me shiver. I was about to pull out my phone when I feel a hand on my shoulder and then seen him sit down next to me.

              “Mind if I join you?” I smile, it wasn’t that he wasn’t sexy and fun to be with it was just I spilled my heart out to Brandon and I need some real talk. I stare out into the ocean watching the wave’s splash up.

              “So aren’t you afraid that people will spread rumors about us?” I smirk, but was mentally slapped because it could never happen. He is my teacher and I am his student.

              “What are they going to say? I was at party drunk and saw Mr. Jones talking to Lannie? Right there, they just told on themselves.” I laugh, he’s right, but my smile fades as I realize that I was not loved by my family. Mom, Dad, Mark, yes, but the others all look at me as the bad child, spoiled, and worst of all, I was the mistake.

              “What is on your mind?” I glance up to see dark eyes staring into mine. I forced myself to turn away, because the hot liquid in my eyes starts to pour out. He wraps an arm around me and I have never felt this type of love from another guy before.             

              “You don’t have to tell me. I knew from day one you were weaker than you led on. Although you are a major bitch.” I chuckle and am grateful for that.

              “Thanks. No it’s just well I don’t know. It’s complicated. I grew up in a home that held no meaning of family. I was dragged until I was thirteen to family functions where I wasn’t even wanted. My grandma passed away and now I get to see family that I hadn’t seriously seen in five years that could care less if I went or not. Want me to go on? So yes I am weak, but I mask that with bitchyness because what else do I have?” He looks over into my eyes I can see the pity for me, I spoke, before he did.

              “Don’t pity me. Please. The last thing I want is someone else’s damn pity. I need to find Ashley so we can go, excuse me, but also with that I don’t need a ride so you are free to leave.” I get up and walk away. This is exactly why I am closed off. I never interrupted Ashley when she was fucking, but tonight I need her and she would know it when I barged in on them... Gage has her bent over the bed pounding the shit out of her. They both freeze and she takes one look at me and that is all it took for her to push Gage away, throw on her clothes, and take my hand leading me out of the house. Gage also knew I wasn’t one to be a cock blocker so moments later he was by my side stopping us.

              “La, honey are you okay?” I break down and they both help me into his big pick up and while driving us home, Ashley sits in the back seat stroking my hair. Gage is the only other person who knows my family history. He also is the only guy who hasn’t tried to fuck me. Moments later he pulls up to my house. He turns off the truck and as I get out I turn to them.

              “Gage, it family shit again. I’m sorry to have stopped you. Ashley you are more than welcome to go back with him. I just need a bath and rest.” She turns to Gage kisses his cheek as he nods his head. Ashley walks me in my house. This right here is why she is and will forever be my best friend. She starts the bathtub and helps me in it. She talks my ear off while I soak and then moments later we are lying in my bed going to sleep. Well she fell asleep I was staring at the ceiling thinking of what my life would have been like if it were different. I slid out of bed when I figured sleep was not on my side. I make my way down stairs and in need of some ice cream. I’m digging the rocky road ice cream out of the freezer when I hear a faint knock on the door. I pause a moment thinking I’m hearing things. I walk over thinking its Gage. I open the door to see J standing there looking towards the road.

              “Umm, you know you live down there right?” He turns and chuckles, but then it fads and he just stands there a moment not saying anything.

              “Want some ice cream? It’s rocky road?” He laughs and nods his head as he follows me into the kitchen. I dig two spoons out of the drawer and hand him one.

              “Bowls?” I smile and shake my head no.

              “We don’t do that. This is my pity party we do it by my rules. Deal?” he nods his head as we dig into the ice cream.

              “So La, where do you plan on going to college at?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

              “Really? School? I plan to go up state to New York. I have actually applied with Ashley and if we get accepted than we will haul ass. I am determined to get out of this house.” He bent his head down as I shoved a spoon full of rocky road in my mouth.

              “That impressive. I mean of course I don’t get why you wouldn’t get in. So change of subject since its boring talking to your teacher about college. Music choice? Cause tonight it seemed that you knew it all.” I laugh music was my specialty. I want to major in it.

              “Well I listen to everything. I do know rap although the rap now is getting worse, I love rock and punk rock. Country though I only like it a little.” He wasn’t laughing.

              “I saw that you wore a Live shirt to school. My favorite song is Lighting Crashes by them. I’m addicted.”

              “Oh my god me too. I am not sure what it is about that song that just captivates me.” He laughs and nods. I glance at the kitchen clock and notice that it’s already five in the morning.

              “Hold on. I have to show you something on my phone.” I was on my way up the stairs when he stops me.

              “This?” I look down and there in his hand was my phone.

              “You rushed out so quick you left it on the sand.” Oh my god.

              “Thank you.” I look to see two text messages. One from Brandon the other from an unknown number.

              “That unknown number is mine. I texted you my number in case you need me.” I walk down the stairs a little disappointed. I prayed that Brandon was Mr. Jones. I started thinking it was him when I was sitting on the sand, but now it was confirmed that he indeed was not him.

              “Thank you. Oh so right see my music collection.” I unlock my phone and hand it to him. He scrolls though it and gives it back.

              “Wow you are a music junkie aren’t you?” I laugh. He walks toward the door and I know he needs to leave. I open the door for him and what happens next was unexpected. He leans close to me and presses his lips to mine and I welcome them. He grabs the back of my neck deepening the kiss, I feel the bulge in his pants get bigger. We pull apart he closes his eyes and sighs.

              “Good bye Miss. Clark.” I laugh as I shut the door. I make my way upstairs to get some sleep. I check the message from both of them.

Brandon: I am sorry about your grandma. I am also sorry I chickened out again. I guess friends?

Unknown: It’s J or Mr. Jones. I didn’t want to give you my number due to reasons, but considering what we talked about last night. I can tell you may need a friend to vent too. I am try to keep it that way. My job is important to me, it is more important than a relationship with a student. Please do not make me regret talking to you Friday night at that party. I knew the moment your smart mouth spoke to me I was doomed. Good night Lannie.

              Holy hell. He was right though. I love our friendship and didn’t need anything more. But he kissed me after he sent this text. SHIT. I save his number before rolling over and let sleep take over.

              “Lannie wake the hell up.” I grunt and rolled over covering my face with my blankets.

              “Leave me alone.” I hear Ashley laugh and then speak, but not to me. She isn’t waking up sorry sir. Wait, did she just say sir? Holy fucking shit my dad is already back?

              “Lannie, you have a visitor. Please wake up or you will regret it.” Ugh. I groan shoving the pillow over my face.

              “What time is it?”

              “It’s ten in the morning now get up.” Fuck her. I didn’t fall asleep until after six or seven this morning.

              “Go the fuck away.” I move on my stomach.

              “I told you that you were going to regret it.” She yanks the covers off me and throws the pillow across the room. Ugh.

              “Oh my god Lannie. What the hell are you wearing?” She laughs.

              “It’s called shorts, well short shorts and a tank top damnit.” I shot up ready to beat her ass when I notice someone standing in my room.

              “Like I was trying to say Lannie. You have a visitor. Mr. Jones is here to give you something.” She giggles as I give her the evil eye.

              “So you brought him up to my room?” She winks at me before leaving the room.

              “I didn’t know that you had company last night. I might have waited.” He hands me my pillow and covers.

              “Oh she isn’t company.” He laughs.

              “Well I came over today to see if you were okay due to last night and then I was a little shocked when Ashley answered the door.” I laughed.

              “I am fine, thank you.” He has something in his hands and hands it to me. Oh it was a monster thank goodness.

              “I know that caffeine is your thing. Also was kind of hoping you could take me to get my Jeep I sort of had to take a cab last night and now need it to get places.” I narrow my eyes while drinking the monster.

              “Oh I get it bribe me first ask favor next. Let me get dressed.” He gets up and leaves. Oh this is going to be a long day. On the bright side is that I’m going to get plenty of sleep for school tomorrow. I walk out in the hall and seen him leaning against the wall in the hall. He’s wearing blue jean shorts, a wife beater, and DC shoes once again. Damn.

              “Hey before we go down there. Umm, is Ashley going to say anything?” I smile.

              “No, Ashley always has my back and will never speak of It.” he nods satisfied with my answer. We walk down stairs and Ashley was on the couch watching Netflix and eating cereal.

              “Hey, I’m going to run him to get his Jeep. You okay here for a minute?” She waves her hand at me and we walk out the door into my car. My phone rings displaying my mom’s name across the screen. I motion for him to be quite.

              “Hey mom, did the flight go okay?” I prepare myself I hear my aunt and uncle in the back ground.

              “Yes sweetie it did. Everyone is looking forward to seeing you dear...” Moments later I hear my uncle in the back ground. “Don’t fucking lie Rose. No one cares to see the snot nose spoiled little brat.” I grab the steering wheel cover so tight that my knuckles are turning white.

              “Sweetie ignore him. He’s been a grump since we landed.” I close my eyes not giving him the benefit of the doubt to know I am crying.

              “It’s okay mom. I am seventeen, not ten I get it when I am not wanted. What is it that you need?” She sighs knowing that she couldn’t cheer me up. She tries a lot, but she knows it is no good.

              “Your flight schedule has been sent to your email and there is also the rental car information. Please tell me Ashley is coming with you?” I look over at J and he looks pissed.

              “Yes she is coming.” I hear my mom yell for them to shut up.

              “Okay good. I will book you guys a hotel. We are staying with Uncle Tim.”  I hate being the outcast in the family.

              “Okay mom. Look I got to go. Love you.” I hear my dad say love you in the back ground followed by yet another remark from my uncle.

              “Love you baby girl.” I hit the end button and proceed to back out of the driveway. We drive in silence, I wasn’t in the mood to explain.

              “You don’t have to tell me, but what was that about?” I laugh.

              “Which part? The fact that my family hates me or the part where my mom pawned me off on a hotel and rental car? Welcome to my life sir.” I have bitter in my voice, but I was not in need of pity. I pull up next to his Jeep waiting on him to get out. He pauses before doing so.

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