Trouble (3 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              I hear Mr. Jones laughing on the way down and I can’t help, but wonder what he is laughing at. I try not to hide the jealous feeling I have thinking that it could be his girlfriend.

              “You ready Lannie?” I nod, as we exit the house I realize where I am at. His house is actually maybe two houses down from mine. I go to end of driveway, and sure enough there is my mom’s pink, yes I said pink Mercedes Benz.

              “You realize I live two houses down there, right?” he nods as we hop into the Jeep. Oh this is where my shoes are. Hmm.

              “You gave me your address, but never woke up to get in your house. It was either wake your parents up and tell them your drunk, and I’m your teacher, or bring you back to my house, and take you to your car and you tell them whatever you want.” He backs out of the driveway.

              “I don’t lie to my parents. They knew I was going to a party. So it would have been okay to drop me off and ring the bell.” I turn to the window as I watch us pass my house, and Mark and my mom are leaving.

              “Well here is your car, and that looks to be your best friend looking pissed.” I was about to get out when he grabs my arm and kisses me deep and passionately. I sit there frozen as I climb out unsure what in the fuck just happened. I was just kissed by far the best kiss ever too by a teacher. Oh no. I’m in so much trouble.

              “What the fuck La? Where did you run off too?” We get in the car and I tell her everything as she kept saying “No way.” “Seriously?” My favorite “You dirty whore.” I drop her off saying we will meet up for lunch tomorrow before pulling up to the curb of my house. I know better than to park behind my mom when she’s home, because I would just have to move it. I step out of the car when I caught a glimpse of Mr. Jones who waves and walks away. Damn it. What in the hell am I going to do? In that moment I receive a text thinking it is from Mr. Jones I sigh as it’s from Brandon, but then I thought that maybe this is better than that.

              Brandon: Oh it was quite a show the entire time. Couple times I had to adjust myself as guys kept talking to me and you were out there dancing hot as hell. Also what fun would it be if I couldn’t keep you on your feet?

              ME: Well it is a shame that I didn’t notice you. I could have had fun with you. So how do I know you?

              “Lannie I have been trying to call you.” My dad spoke as soon as I walk into the house. My dad was very handsome guy. He has black hair, stood around six four and that is no joke. He has blue eyes that were like mine. I use to be a daddy’s girl. Now I‘m not.

              “Sorry, what is going on?” He pats the seat next to him. I sit my purse and phone down on the foyer table and slip my shoes off as well. Number one rule no shoes on the carpet in the living room. Mom hates that.

              “Sweetie, Mark, your mom and I have to go out of town. You are more than welcome to come, but don’t have too until the day of the funeral. Which is next Saturday in Nevada.” Umm I wonder who in the hell died.

              “Dad, you didn’t mention who died.” He shifts in his seat and I know now. The one person I’m glad died.

              “Grandma Clark baby.” Yup, you may ask now, why I hate my grandma. Well there are a number of reasons. One being the fact that she told my mom to abort me and when she didn’t, she made it her life’s mission to have no respect for me growing up. She resented me and never once had nice thing to say to me. At thirteen I stopped seeing her and never once spoke to her again.

              “I will go Saturday, I will fly out and fly back, but no I will not miss a week of school to suffer the loss of her, because frankly she didn’t care about me, why should I her?” He nods and gives me a hug before he walks out of the room. Ugh. My dad and mom respected my decision on this one. They both knew what an evil cunt she was. I get up and go into the kitchen in search for food.

              “Hey Lan, did you hear? We are going to go on trip with mom and dad?” My brother was the gem in my grandma’s eyes. He did no wrong, and he was her first grandson. I bet he gets lots of money since she died. He also don’t get why I hated her I never told him nor showed him the hatred I had for her. It wasn’t right.

              “Dad told me that you guys are going. I have to stay since its senior year, but I will be there Saturday.” He smiles before frowning.

              “What?” He points to my outfit and I realize I still have yet to change. I laugh as I finish making us peanut butter sandwiches, and go to my room to change. I jump into the shower, and wash off all the makeup, beer, and whatever else was on me. I rarely smoke, but do it occasionally depends on what mood I’m in at a party. I step out and decide to let my hair air dry which was going to hurt me. I knew that it be a fluff ball of curls, but who did I need to impress. My parents were leaving in the morning I would be alone for a while week. Yay.

              “Lannie, your phone is down here going off like crazy.” I walk downstairs to see my mom, dad, and Mark’s luggage by the door.

              “Mom, I thought that you were leaving in the morning?” I pick up my phone, but refuse to acknowledge that I have four text messages.

              “Well we decided to leave tonight. Uncle Tim wants your dad to help him with arrangements and they have a meeting in the morning. Plus Aunt Carol is dying to do some shopping and I can’t turn down shopping.” I nod before giving my parents hugs, and my little brother, the one I’m most worried to be pawned off on family members.

              “Be safe, and I’ll email your flight information when we get there. See if Ashley wants to come as well. She is practically my other daughter.” I agree before watching them leave. I open the text while heading to the living room to watch a movie and read these texts.

Ashley: My mom told me about your grandma. It’s about time she croaked. So we are heading to Nevada?

              Brandon: Now Lannie, why on earth would I tell you? Once it is known, the mystery is gone. Plus if you don’t know then I guess I am not that great looking.

              Ashely: Don’t ignore me hoe or I will drive my ass to you.

              Ashley: That is it on my way over. See you in 10.

              Just then the doorbell rings. Wow that was fast, but weird, because Ashley has never rang the doorbell. She even has a house key. I get up and make my way to the door.

              “You know you have never ringed the doorbell.” I open it and freeze right there.

              “Hi.” I smile as I stand there staring at him.

              “Hi, what in the world are you doing here?” He holds up my house keys, and I frown. I look back on the foyer where my car keys, and purse are. I must have left them in Jeep. Just then my phone rings. It’s Ashley. I hold up a finger and he nods. I open the door to let him pass, and close it.

              “It’s about time you answer me bitch. Hey what you got planned for tonight?” I look over at J, and he’s just staring at me.

              “Nothing, but relaxing after that freaking night. I’m hung over.” She laughs in my ear, and I hear her mumbling to someone. Just then J phone rings, he answers it and laughs.

              “Whatever bitch. I’m heading to the beach with Gage and a bunch of frat boys if you get bored come out. Okay? The same spot they always have their bonfire and parties.” I thought for a moment as I glance at J who’s still staring at me. I could figure out if this Brandon was going to be there and see him once and for all, or I could hang out with J all night. Damnit.

              “Yeah, I will text you okay?” She laughs and hangs up just as J was ending his conversation. He looks at me and smirks.

              “What?” I narrow my eyes.

              “Want to go to a bonfire at the beach tonight?” That must have been one of the frat guys. I nod then go upstairs to change. I unlock my phone and send a text.

Me: Hey you sorry. Had a bit of family issues when I finally did come home from last night. You are right the mystery is part of the fun. Just an FYI I will be at the bonfire with some frat boys who had the party last night. Here is your chance take it or leave it?

              I change into a black bikini and throw a tank top and shorts on over it while slipping on my flip flops I get a ding.

              Brandon: Oh yeah? I may have to just to show my face and see what happens huh? What if I don’t go? Or approach you? What will that mean?

              Me: Then I’m sorry this texting will be nothing, but friendship through text.

              Brandon: I guess we will find out tonight if we will be anything more than friends.

              Me: I guess so. Here is a little picture for yo

              I snap a picture of me with my wild hair in a pony, makeup and I took the tank top off showing my stomach and bikini off that barely hid my boobs. Threw my shirt back on and headed downstairs.

              “Ready?” I nod. We walk out the door towards his house. He runs inside and changes when he emerges I literally fall on my ass. He helps me up. Damn he has on a wife beater that shows his muscle and tanned arms. He’s wearing Hawaiian swim trunks and damnit, he has normal flip flops. He’s looking more and more my age.

              “You have balance issues don’t you?” I laugh as I get into the Jeep. I pull out my phone and see I have a response from Brandon.

              Brandon: Holy Hell…. You are really making this harder and harder. Shit. I want to tell you, I do, but I can’t.

              What does he mean he can’t? I’m staring at my phone trying to understand. I glance at J who is silent.

              “What are you thinking?” He whispers as he drives to the beach. I stare at him, and he has sadness in his eyes.

              “Just that maybe playing with fire isn’t always a good thing.” I turn away and look out the window. I pray Brandon will show himself to me. We arrive at the beach as the party is in full swing. I’m about to jump out when he grabs my arm.

              “I need you to know that I’m your teacher so therefore I won’t be around you much. Just let me know when you are ready to go and we will leave.” I nod while getting out of the Jeep and sent a quick text.

Me: I am here. I will leave the decision up to you. I will respect it if you don’t. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean I won’t keep talking to you. I may need a friend to open up to every now and then when my BFF isn’t around.

              I know Ashley was around, but I still wanted him to confine in me, and trust me. Ding. My phone went off and I decide this time to check it.

Brandon: I do hope that everything is okay. Thank you for some reason I needed to hear that.

              Me: It’s nothing really. My grandma died. I found out today, but don’t be sad, she hated me. I mean hated me. I wasn’t allowed to family functions or anything that she was involved in. So now Saturday I have to go to Nevada and pretend I loved her. Yeah right. Then my parents are never around, well kind of are, but there not really. IDK weird, but I guess I will see if not talk to you later. Bye.

              I put my phone on silent and shove it into my pocket and go in search for two things. Beer and Ashley. I found both by each other. I walk towards the beer and noticed J in the back talking to Gage looking at me. Man I do not like this. The feelings, the getting deep. I need to fuck someone and quick before I make a big mistake.

              “Oh my god you bitch.” I laugh as Ashley runs towards me knocking me off my feet into the sand.

              “Thank you for knocking me over. So I see you went to another party with Gage. Thinking about making it serious?” She arches her brow and wrinkles her nose up.

              “No, it’s a party, free beer, and hot sex.” I laugh, she’s already gone. We walk back to get a beer.

              “Hey La, how was the party last night?” I laugh as Gage leans over the keg and ask me.

              “It was pretty crazy, I didn’t even sober up until I woke up.” He laughs.

              “Good that means it was by far the best. Right?” I nod his lip twitching up and that was never good.

              “So La. Did Ash tell you that we got karaoke?” I shake my head no thinking of the last time we did karaoke drunk. I have a great voice, but when Ash fucked up I almost hit her. I’m too competitive.

              “Oh come on La, we’ll do a song I know.” I laugh giving up as we wait for this girl to get down, then Gage makes his way to the little stage outside by the beach house.

              “Hey peoples, who remembers La’s last year performance with Ash?” The whole crowd turns towards me and claps.

              “Here they are again and I convinced them to do karaoke again.” The crowd screams as Ash runs up the stairs looking for a song. Waiting for Ash to pick the song is hard.

              “La, it is hard, because I like rap, you like rock, and we both like country, but I don’t know what to do.” I laugh motioning for Gage to come here.

              “Hey she is lost.” After Ash and Gage go back and forth and I’m standing there getting stared at, they both glance at me smile, they did something. Oh shit this can’t be good.

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