Unfinished (22 page)

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Authors: Shae Scott

BOOK: Unfinished
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“You are so
beautiful.  You have no idea what you do to me.” His hands moved across my
skin, exploring.  He hooked a finger into the top of my lace panties and pulled
them down slowly.  I was so ready to have him that his slowness was torture. 

“Owen, please.
I want you.” I didn’t mind begging. I wanted him too much to be shy about what
I needed.  His eyes flashed as he moved back up my body. 

“I want to
savor you. But I don’t know if I can be that patient,” he admitted.  His mouth
pressed to the dip of my throat, his tongue tracing lines across my neck. 

“Don’t be
patient. I want you now.” I bucked my hips up to him, searching for him to fill

“Look at me,
Kit Kat, I want to see you.” I opened my eyes and met his gaze.  I saw so much
there, so much of what I felt reflected back to me.  I loved this man.  It was
a dangerous kind of love, the kind of love that consumes you for the rest of
your moments.  It was the kind of love that changed you, shaped your life in
every way. It was real and it was scary and I wanted to drown in it. 

He pushed into
me, deep and full and I grabbed for him to pull him closer. I couldn’t get
enough of him and as we began to move together I knew…I knew that there was no
other option.  The choice was no longer mine.  I was his. Forever.

“God, you feel
so amazing.  You make me feel so much.  I can’t get enough of you.” His words
against my ear worshiped me with each movement.  The emotions that were in me
were so powerful that I could barely take them.  The pleasure was so intense,
but the emotion that held us together upped the anty in a way I had never
experienced before. 

Owen flipped
us over so that I was straddling him, but he pulled himself up too, each of us
sitting, but wrapped around the other in an intimate embrace.  He kissed me
deeply as we continued to move.  He was so deep inside me and each long slow
thrust brought me closer to the brink of something that seemed more powerful
than I was ready for.  Owen grabbed my face in his hands, as I moved against
him, clinging to him with an unfamiliar desperation. 

God…I…I. You are all I need.  You are all that I want,” I could feel him tense
beneath me, close to the edge. It was enough for me to lose myself and I fell
apart around him, calling out his name.  We fell together and the intensity was
so powerful that I felt my eyes prick with tears.  I was done for.  This moment
had branded me. 

As I came down
from the high I dropped my forehead against his and we tried to slow our
breathing.  He pulled back, cupping my face in his hands, holding me steady. His
eyes held mine and what I saw there hit my heart with a force I had never
experienced before.  “I love you, Ally.  I do.  I love you so fucking much. I
need you to know that.”

I smiled and
the tears that had gathered in my eyes were set free.  “I love you.” I kissed
him and finally allowed every wall to come down.  The line had been crossed and
there was no going back.

Owen’s face
lit up as he kissed me again.  He pulled us down and pulled me close to him.
This was what I had been missing. Not just this past month, but my whole life.
We were quiet, Owen running his hands through my hair and soon we’d both fallen

Chapter Twenty-Four




The morning
came with a familiar fuzziness that I wanted to hold on to.  I had woken up to
these dreams a lot over the past few months.  I could nearly imagine the feel
of Owen wrapped around me, his familiar scent, his warmth. I sunk into the
memory and smiled.  But just like every other morning, the haze lifted and
reality set back in.  Only this time it wasn’t just a dream. This time it was
real. He was pressed against me; his breath tickled the back of my neck as he
continued to dream there beside me.  It made my heart full and I turned gently
to face him, because I needed to see him. I needed to see his face.  He didn’t
wake, which allowed me a few moments to just admire him. 

He loved me. 
Those words were like a treasured gift.  I knew what it took for him to say
them. What’s more, I’d seen it there. I’d seen it in his eyes as he’d made love
to me.  It was easily one of the most intense experiences that I had ever had. 
Maybe we were crazy to think we could make this work, but I couldn’t stay away
from him.  I needed him.  He was a part of me, and knowing that he was feeling
what I was, was enough for me to try my best to make it work.  We still had a
lot to overcome, but maybe we could. 

I watched as
his eyelids fluttered and he reached out for me.  He pulled me closer to him,
wrapping a leg around my own before settling in again.  I smiled and wondered
what he was dreaming about. Was he dreaming of us, like I had been?  Or was he
dreaming of trivial pieces of reality all mashed up into a wacky version of
craziness that only makes sense in the vices of slumber?  I could watch him
sleep for hours.  He seemed so peaceful. The stubble covering his face made him
sexier than was fair.  But he was mine.  For me he was going to take a chance
and I still couldn’t quite believe it.

I felt him
stir and watched as his eyes slowly opened.  The smile that touched his face
was instant as he looked at me. “I like waking up to you.” His voice was still
thick with sleep as he pulled me to him.  I snuggled my head into the crook of
his neck and breathed in his familiar scent. Home.  This felt like home.

“I’m so glad
that you are here,” I said.  He grunted in agreement, still not up for real
words. So I snuggled in closer, closed my eyes and drifted in and out of



I woke a
little later to the feel of feather like kisses against my forehead. I opened
my eyes and saw Owen looking down at me, eyes more alert than before. “Hi,” I
smiled sleepily.  He smiled back now that I was awake and moved his kisses down
to my cheek, my throat and my collarbone.

morning,” he said as he continued his reign of sweet kisses.  I giggled

“You’re in a
good mood this morning,”

“Why wouldn’t
I be? I’m here with you. Finally.  I’ve craved this moment for so long, that to
have you here beside me when I wake up is pretty close to perfect,” he said, his
fingers lightly making patterns along my skin. 

“I’ve missed
this too,” I agreed. I took a second to just appreciate the moment.  Things had
turned around completely in less than twenty-four hours.  “You never did tell
me what you were doing here,” I pointed out. He grunted.

“I came here
to talk to you. I couldn't take the silence any longer and what I had to say
couldn’t be done over the phone.”

“Oh,” I smiled,
remembering the memory of him professing his love for me.  I couldn’t help it,
it made me giddy.

“Sorry I
ruined your date.” He didn’t even try to hide his smirk. I rolled my eyes.

“He was a nice
guy.  You didn’t have to be so mean to him,” I said. I still didn’t agree with
the way he’d stormed in or treated Austin.

“He was
kissing my girl.  I don’t have to play nice when that happens,” he said

I chose not to
respond.  I didn’t want to get into a fight about it.  I wouldn’t change his
mind and he wouldn’t change mine.

Owen moved so
that he was supporting himself on his elbow and stared down at me.  “I meant
what I said last night.  I love you, Ally.  I don’t say that lightly.  Hell, I
don’t say it at all. But it’s true. It consumes me and I can’t deny it, or try
and push it away anymore.  I just want to be the person that makes you happy. I
want to be better for you.” His face was serious and I reached up to stroke his
cheek. He was so devastatingly handsome that I had trouble believing that he
was real. 

“I know how
you feel, Owen.  I know because I am right there with you.  I love you so much
and it’s been so hard not having you around.  Nothing feels right when I don’t
have you to share it with,” I confessed.  I watched his eyes light up at my
words and he pressed a kiss to my mouth. 

“I know that
you probably had plans for today, but seeing as I have to leave here later
tonight, I kind of want you to cancel them so that we can stay in bed and I can
savor you all day.” His gaze was dark and full of promise and I felt my insides
begin to wake up with a needy ache.

“I don’t have
any plans.  I’m all yours,” I said.

“Good answer.”





Watching Owen
leave that night sucked.  It was hard to watch him drive away and leave for Chicago.  I didn’t want him to go.  Not now, as we were just deciding to venture down this
rocky path of a relationship.  I wanted him here, beside me.  I wanted to wake
up to him wrapped around me and fall asleep to his kisses.  I wanted days like
today, when we only left the bed to get food, and even then, ended up caught up
in passion on the kitchen counter.  I should probably scrub that down. I guess
I had a kitchen sex story for Cassie now. I laughed to myself as a blush found
my cheeks.  I didn’t want to let him go when I’d just gotten him. 

I sighed and
ventured back into the house as his headlights faded away.  He’d be back. We
would make this work. I knew we were in for a rocky start, but I had to believe
that we could find our way through it. I hoped I was strong enough to do it.

It was nearing
midnight when my phone began to ring with the familiar ring tone.  I jumped to
pick it up and settled back against my pillows.

“Hey, baby.  I
just landed.” His voice sounded tired, but smooth.  I smiled at the endearment
as it settled the ache that had begun to build since he’d left.

“Hi.  How was
the flight?” I asked.

“It was good
as far as the flight goes. But the fact that it took me away from you really
sucked,” he said.

“I know. Chicago has never felt so far away.” I was never one for long distance relationships.  I
craved contact and the kind of bonds that are built when you are with someone
face-to-face.  Also, I have a thinking problem.  It gets in the way. I was
always aware that so much space could cause me problems; too much space to
think was dangerous. But I was willing to push that all away.  My new relationship
with Owen had been built on a different kind of foundation.  We had our past
friendship that was solid.  And now, as adults, we’d developed it more through
deep conversation.  Conversation without distraction had allowed us to get to
know one another on a deeper level. It felt pure and real.  It was this that kept
me going with the idea of a long distance relationship.  We’d make it work for
now and figure something else out later. I was willing to make the sacrifice
because I wanted him so much.  I’d fallen in love with him.  It’s amazing what
you’ll do for that kind of love.  Logic isn’t the thing that moves you forward.
It’s need. It’s connection. It’s the intangible piece that makes you whole.
You’ll do anything for that kind of love.  And I was more than willing to do

“I know.  I
was thinking…do you think you could get away from work for a couple of days?  I
want to take you somewhere. Let’s go away for a long weekend.  You think you
could make that happen?”

I felt
excitement build as I thought about having time away with him to build on this
new thing.  “I might be able to.  What did you have in mind?” I felt giddy
thinking about the possibilities.  I’d be happy just hanging out in one of our
houses for days on end. Anything that would get us away from the distractions
of our lives and allow us to enjoy each other would be perfect.

“It’s a
surprise. But I’ll arrange it all.  Just say that you’ll come.”  I could hear
the smile in his voice.  I’d missed him so much this past month. 

“Wait, what
about you?  Can you get away?  I mean you have this huge partnership thing you’re
working on finalizing.  Is it the best time for you to be gone from work?” I
was suddenly nervous that he’d take the offer back.  I bit my lip, fearful of that
disappointment that would hit if he changed his mind.

“Don’t worry about
that. I’ll make it happen.  I told you, I want to make this work.  We need some
time together.  I can’t be away from you for very long.  I don’t want to be
away from you now.  All I did on the plane is replay visions of you over and
over.  I thought I was going to have to escape into the bathroom a few times,”
he chuckled. 

“I wish you
didn’t have to replay memories.  I wish I could have gone back with you.” The
words were out of my mouth before I could question them.  There was still part
of me that wanted to hold back a little and not jump in full force, full
feeling.  But what was the point of holding back now?

“I know, baby. 
We’ll be together soon. I’ll get this all planned out.” I heard him stifle a


“Get some
sleep.  I’ll talk to you in the morning.” His voice was quiet, full of

“Okay. But
will you text me when you get home?  I’ll sleep better when I know you are
there safe,” I admitted.

I heard the
smile in his voice. “I will. I love you, Ally.” My heart warmed at his words. 
They wrapped around me and it made the distance a little easier to bear. 

“I love you. 
Now get home and sleep. I can hear how exhausted you are.”

fault,” he laughed.  “But so worth it. Good night.”

I hung up the
phone feeling hope. Hope for tomorrow and hope that we’d finally find our way.

Chapter Twenty-Five




Two weeks
later my plane was landing in Chicago.  Owen had arranged my ticket to connect
there so we could fly to our final destination together.  I was glad. I was
secretly ecstatic about traveling with him.  He’d finally told me where we were
going when I’d complained that I had to know so that I could pack.  He’d given
in and I was glad that he had, because he had rented a cabin in the snow covered
mountains of Breckenridge, Colorado. I was so excited.  I had never been to the
mountains or been skiing and it sounded romantic.

I practically
ran off the plane. I was so anxious to see Owen.  I needed to feel him in my
arms to make it all real again.  Even though we talked all the time on the
phone, I needed to see his face, and smell his wonderful scent, feel his hands
on me.  Just the thought made my skin prickle in anticipation.

I saw him as
soon as I exited the sky bridge.  My eyes found him instantly.  He was wearing jeans
and a dark gray hoodie. Owen did casual and relaxed better than anyone I knew. 
His face broke into a wide smile and I rushed to him, throwing my arms around his

“You’re here,”
he said, his mouth against my neck, as he buried his face there, breathing me
in.  I melted into him, and I realized that we were having a perfect movie
style airport greeting. He pulled back so that he could see my face. “Let me
look at you.”  He took me in, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he
appraised me. “Damn. I missed you.” He pulled me into him again and his mouth
found mine.  I didn’t care that we were in the middle of the airport,
surrounded by strangers; his mouth on mine left me instantly weak and needy for
more of him. 

Luckily, Owen
pulled back and saved me from the embarrassment of taking our encounter a step
too far.  I looked up at him, his gray blue eyes dancing with amusement.  I
felt flushed.  “Hi,” I managed.  He laughed at me and wrapped me up in one of
his famous hugs.

“Come on, we
have a plane to catch.” He wrapped his arm around me and we wandered off to our
connecting gate.






We pulled up
to the most beautiful cabin I had ever seen.  Cabin didn’t really even begin to
cover it.  It was huge.  The bright cedar contrasted perfectly with the blanket
of snow that covered every surface. The large porch appeared to wrap around the
entire house and windows looked out from each side.  I could tell the views
were going to be breathtaking.  How could they not, with a backdrop of
mountains like this? I was in awe. 

I heard Owen
chuckle under his breath and I looked over at him to see what he was laughing
at. “What?” I asked confused.

“You look like
an excited five year old.  You’re eyes are huge,” he smiled.

“I can’t help
it.  This place is amazing.  I can’t believe we get to stay here all weekend.”

“I’m glad you
like it,” he said, pulling the car up the final stretch of the drive and
parking.  “Let’s go in.”

I grabbed his
hand and pulled him to the door.  I was giddy like a kid. We got snow now and
again in Nashville, but nothing like this.  This was picture perfect and I
couldn’t wait to play in it.  “We are so going to make snow angels and a
snowman. Oh, and sledding. Do you think they have a place to go sledding?” I
asked excitedly.  My words ran together in one long rambling thought as I added
things to the list of things to do. 

Owen laughed
as he unlocked the door.  “I bet we can find a place.”

We stepped
inside to the open floor plan of the cabin. It was warm and inviting. The
furniture was plush, colorful throws tossed around strategically. There was a
huge fireplace that had me suddenly thinking about making love with Owen there
in front of it.  I silently added that to my list too.

“Like it?  A
guy from work told me about this place. He brought his wife up here about a
year ago and he said they had a great time. I thought it would make our perfect
escape.”  He pulled me into his arms and pushed the hair from my face and then cupped
my face in his large, powerful hands.

“I love it. 
Thank you for bringing me here.”

“I want to
make memories with you.  I want to shut out the world and just enjoy you.  I
know you wanted to go play in the snow, but maybe I could convince you to put
those plans off for a little while?” His gaze turned dark and I saw the promise
in his eyes.  It turned me to molten lava in an instant. 

“I don’t think
I would complain about a little detour.” I pulled at his shirt, needing him
closer.  I watched as Owen bit his lip and then his lip twitch up into a
smirk.  It was only an instant, so I didn’t see it coming when he picked me up,
threw me over his shoulder and darted for the staircase that I assumed led to the

I laughed in
surprise and he slapped me on the bottom.  “Owen, put me down!” I laughed as he
continued his trek, effortlessly, up the stairs. 

“Not a
chance…you’re all mine,” He said darkly. 

That I was.





The cabin was
amazing. The rich woods gave a feeling of warmth, which just intensified when
you stopped to take in the view that the back wall of windows had to offer. 
Snow covered mountains filled the landscape, majestic, tall and powerful, yet
somehow still peaceful, creating an intimate silence.  The snow was beautiful,
covering everything in an unblemished blanket of perfection.  Part of me wanted
to run through it, but the thought of disturbing it made me sad. 

I stood at the
bank of windows, wrapped in one of the throws, a cup of hot chocolate in my
hand, thinking of how lucky I was to be here. It was the perfect place for two
people who had just given in to love.  Owen was right.  It was an escape.  Here
in this massive cabin, with all of its luxury, tucked into this mountainside we
were safe from all of the distractions of life.  There were no jobs, no
obligations, to take us away from this time together.  It felt like heaven and
I already knew that I wouldn’t want to leave. 

“There you
are.” Owen came up behind me, a pair of low slung jeans and a flannel button
down.  I smirked at him as he wrapped his arms around me, pressing himself
against my back.  “What?” he asked, questioning my smirk.

“You look like
a lumberjack,” I teased.  He let out a loud laugh and I could feel it against
me.  God, I loved having him so close.

“You never
know if I’ll have to go and hunt us down some firewood. Can’t have my girl getting
frostbite,” he said matter-of-factly. 

“You are so
good to me. Just so you know, I have plans for that fireplace,” I admitted. He
spun me around to look at me and I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Your plans
the same as my plans?” he asked me, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

I gave him my
best over the top excited smile, “S’mores?  You think they have any of those
long sticks around here?”

He raised an
eyebrow.  And I laughed.  He pulled me close against him staring me down, the
only sign of humor the slight creases at his eyes.  “S’mores? Baby, trust me
when I say that when I take you in front of that fireplace, the last thing you
are going to be thinking about is s’mores.  But, if you’re really nice to
me…and I mean really nice to me…I might be able to work it into the equation.” 
He ran his finger across my collarbone, “I’m thinking a little chocolate right
here,” he said, tracing the delicate skin of my cleavage. I shivered, my
teasing replaced with the hum of want.  He did that so easily.  My body
responded to him so instantly that everything else seemed to fade away, until I
was drowning in him.  “The question is,” he said thoughtfully, still drawing
patterns on my exposed skin, “Is what to do with the marshmallow?”  He tilted
his head thoughtfully and a smile finally spread across his face. 

That was just
like him.  Take my own teasing and turn it around on me by getting me all hot
and bothered.  He knew the power he had over me and he wasn’t afraid to use it
to his advantage. This weekend was going to be very interesting. 






Having Owen
all to myself in this little bubble was amazing.  I was completely blissful. 
We had spent the afternoon out in the snow.  I had never seen him so handsome,
in his big puffy coat, his beanie and his eyes bright with laughter and
mischief.  He was a boy.  He was all man.  He was a piece of perfection and he
was all mine. 

We made
matching snow angels and a fort of snow.  I had laughed at him when he’d gotten
a determined look on his face as he built his igloo.  When I’d asked him why he
was so focused he gave me a sexy smirk and said, “Sex fort.” I had laughed and
smacked him in the head with a snowball. 

“There is no
way we are having sex in a snow fort,” I laughed. 

“Why not? 
I’ve never done it before. Have you?” He eyed me teasingly. 

“Um, no. There
isn’t enough snow in Nashville for a snow fort. Besides, don’t you think it’s a
touch cold to be trying to have sex out here when we have our nice warm cabin?”
He’d continued to build his fort.  Setting it up like a sandcastle with blocks
of snow he’d compacted into a pail. 

“I don’t
know…I think we could keep each other warm enough.”  He said. I could see the
smile teasing his lips.  It made me want to kiss him.  I moved over to where he
was currently working on his third row of blocks, on his knees, in the cold
snow. I took the pail from him and gave him a smile. “What are you doing?” he
asked, catching the intent in my eye.

“I need to
kiss you,” I said simply, sinking down into the snow in front of him.

“Oh yeah?” He
ran the back of his gloved hand across my reddened cheeks.  I shivered from the
cold as it was still covered in snow.

“You just look
so damn sexy out here, I can’t help myself,” I admitted, leaning in close to
him.  He hummed along my lips, the vibration sending tingles through me.  How
he could do that with just the anticipation of his kiss was crazy.  I’d never
felt so much from a kiss.  He was pure seduction to me. My drug. 

“Well, I can’t
have you feeling needy,” he crooned against me as he pulled me to him, his hand
behind my head to steady me.  I had come to him, but now he was taking
control.  It made my heart speed up.  His mouth found mine and his warm lips
brushed gently across my own, soft and firm.  His tongue ran across my lip,
before finding my own as he deepened the kiss.  I was instant molten lava,
melting into him, hot despite the snow or the cold.  In his arms I was
protected and safe and completely lost in desire. 

I heard the
whimper escape me as he moved his kiss to my throat and the sensitive skin
behind my ear.  I instantly wished there weren’t so many layers between us. 
His kiss always made me want more.  He really was an addiction, one I knew I
didn’t want to quit.  Not now. Not ever.

“Pretty sure,
I’m going to have to abandon this fort idea and get you inside. I need you out
of these clothes.” His voice was husky as his hands held my face, his kisses
hungry and eager. I was right there with him…half tempted to let him take me in
his half made fort. He moved, effortlessly and had me up to my feet without
breaking the kiss. 

“God, I want
you.  I can’t get enough of you. You’ve ruined me.  You’re so goddamn
beautiful.  I want to bury myself in you, claim you, own you.  You make me
crazy,” he said as he lifted me and carried me, through the snow back towards
the cabin.  My skin was hot and my breathing rough.  His words had me so
impatient and lustful I wasn’t sure we were even going to make it inside. 

We did.


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