When Dreams Come to Life (5 page)

Read When Dreams Come to Life Online

Authors: H.M. Boatman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: When Dreams Come to Life
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Making his way back up to my lips,
he says, “Now for your beautiful backside.” He guides me softly to roll over onto my front and he runs his fingers down my back, over my ass and down to my feet. On his way back up, he kisses, licks and bites me strategically. My body is a puddle of goo right now - I haven’t felt this relaxed in years and I’m loving it.

We don’t talk – he just touches me everywhere
he can get his hands and lips. When he finishes, he pulls me to him so that we are entwined with one another. My face is snuggled into his neck and I realise how amazing he smells - not so much cologne, it’s more a mix of his body soap and fresh laundry. I inhale his scent softly and he catches me.

chuckles and kisses my forehead but I say nothing - I just smile and kiss his shoulder. We lay there in each other’s arms and fall fast asleep.



When my eyes open the next morning, I’m alone in bed – Eoin must have carried me in here. I stretch and sit up, fixing my ridiculous bed head. I get up and make a run to the bathroom to shower and get ready for my last day with Eoin.

I take a quick peek out the window and am greeted with a grey, dreary morning so
I decide that I’ll go casual-cute today - jeans and a T-shirt with my sneakers. Simple, yet comfy.

I finish up and head to the kitchen to grab some food and hopefully find Eoin.
He’s not in the kitchen but there is a note under a delicious-looking blueberry muffin. Just as I’m about to read it, Eoin walks through the door, looking gorgeous as usual. He greets me with a huge smile and a kiss.
I could get used to this very easily.

“Sorry about that
. I had to get my boarding pass for tonight,” he says, snagging a bite of my muffin,

“No worries, I already have mine so I
’m all set. Did you decide what you wanted to do today, Eoin?”

Shaking his head,
he replies, “No, but I do like the movie idea so let’s get some lunch and then go see one.”

“Sounds good to me
. Hopefully this rain stops, though.” I glance out the balcony doors quickly and notice the sun peeping through the clouds. Good! “It looks like it has so we’ll hit up a tasty food truck. There are a few out here that I’ve been wanting to check out.” He nods in agreement.

“After you, my sweet Lea
,” he says, making me blush all over.

He grabs my hand as we walk the streets of Dallas
and he seems just as thankful as I am that the sun has come out. I spot a few food trucks ahead and jump with excitement when I see the one I really want to try.

“That one! Ssahm’s Korean BBQ taco
- it’s traditional barbeque with an Asian kick, served Mexican style.” I can’t help but smile ear-to-ear and Eoin gives me a grin in response.

“You really can be ridiculously cute, Lea. Let’s get over there and try it out.”

I feel like a child. There’s a long line so we have to wait about ten minutes. We both get a Daeji taco - that’s pork to the culinary unsound - and we also get an order of Kimchee fries with chicken, or Ddak as they call it.

After we get our food, w
e walk over to sit by a beautiful fountain. I love that I can eat in front of him. With Trent, I was always-

I stop
that train of thought right there and enjoy my taco. Eoin scarfs his down and we start on the Kimchee fries.

“Oh, wow! I
’ve had Kimchee fries before but these definitely win hands down.” I nearly drop some in my lap and Eoin laughs. Taking a napkin, he wipes some of the delicious spicy mayo off my face.

“You have some
, too - right here,” I say, wiping the corner of his mouth with a giggle.

“Thank you
. These really are amazing - I’ll have to remember to search for them next time I’m here. Thank you, Lea. You’ve fed me some amazing food these past few days.” I am doing flips in my head - little does he know that he has given me the most amazing time of my life.

“My pleasure
, but I only took you to the food - the chefs are that ones who fed you. You’ve given me the experience of a lifetime, too.” I’m going to make a list of his smiles... Then again, that would take me forever because he has a million of them. Why write about it when I’m experiencing it right now?

’m startled by screaming suddenly and almost fall into the fountain. Good Lord! He laughs and I manage to as well. I think the fans that have spotted him made him jump, too. He gets up and goes over to them but I stay seated and just watch.

They are funny
– even before I met Eoin, I would have waved and left him alone if I ever saw him in public. The poor guy has to deal with this everywhere he goes but he has always said that he loves it. That’s just another notch on the board of reasons why he’s perfect.

After he signs
their stuff and takes pics with every single one of them, he heads back in my direction and I stand to greet him. He places his hand on the small of my back and gives me a kiss on my cheek. The girls behind us hoot and holler so we decide it’s time to leave.

catch a cab to the nearest movie theatre and when we arrive, we decide to see the latest action flick out – it’s gotten a lot of great reviews.

“Most chicks
would chose the girly movie,” he says. “I’m surprised you didn’t.” I laugh.

will always choose a loud, action-packed movie over a chick flick because it’s the big screen.” He looks at me and chuckles.

“My logic is undeniable, Eoin.” I give him a playful push and we both laugh. We get popcorn and a pop to share. Luckily, there isn
’t a soul there as it’s a Tuesday so we manage to score seats in the very back row.

’m still a bit full from lunch so I wait to dig into the popcorn but Eoin dives right in. I smile at him and he throws a piece at me.

“Watch out
- we’ll have a war if you keep that up, mister.” Again, he throws popcorn at me but this time it’s a handful. I scrunch my face up and grab a handful but he stands up, making me miss his face completely. He moves away from me and even takes the bucket of popcorn with him, damn it!

I run up to him and
manage to wrestle a small handful from him. One popped kernel at a time, I seek my revenge. We’re running around the empty theater when the lights dim and he stops, drops the popcorn and grabs me.

My heart starts to beat out of my chest. He takes a piece that’s found its way into my hair and drops it to the floor. Eoin place his hand on my cheek and kisses me so gently that my knees buckle. He, of course, catches me.

, gorgeous. Let’s sit down and enjoy the movie. I’ll go and get us some more popcorn if you want.” I shake my head and pull him to our seats.

The movie starts and I place my hand on his knee
. He puts his hand on mine and glides it up his leg, coming to rest on his bulging crotch. My mouth really does drop open and I look over at him. He just smiles and keeps his gaze on the screen, his head resting in his hand like he’s not doing a thing wrong.

What the fuck do I do here? He
’s going to make me have a heart attack before I get home! I try to move my hand but he strengthens his grip.
I leave it there and decide that I’m going to have a little fun – I’ll make circles and lines on his amazingly hard erection.

I want to get on my knees and give him a mind
-blowing blow job but he’s made it clear that we’re just ‘holding hands’. I start laughing uncontrollably and when I gain some composure, I see he’s looking at me like I’m a fool.

“You going to be alright over there, Lea?” I bet he would laugh at my wayward thoughts.

“I was just thinking how much I want to get on my knees and give you an amazing blow job right now.” I pause and Eoin’s jaw almost literally hits the floor. He has his mouth wide open like he can’t believe what I just said.

“Can you be any more sexy, Lea
? Seriously! I’ve never had a woman say something so forward to me before. I’ve heard some crazy things, yes, but that was the hottest thing I’ve heard yet!”

He starts to open his jeans
Oh, hell yes!
I’m going to enjoy this! As soon as his zipper is down, two fucking people walk into the theatre.
I actually growl out loud – quite audibly, too. They look over at us and we just laugh.



After the movie, we make our way outside to the street. It’s still a little early so I think of what to do.

“Let’s go back to the hotel so I can change.
Maybe we could go and have a nice dinner together to end a great weekend?”

“That sounds great, Lea. I know a
wonderful restaurant we can go to.” I walk up to him and kiss him softly, still not believing my luck.

A cab pulls up and we head back to
the hotel to change and check out. Eoin orders a black car to take us to the restaurant. Good, I wouldn’t want to leave my things in a cab.

I put
on the cute purple dress that I was going to wear to the dance before Eoin wanted... Before he made me the happiest woman in the world! Before we leave the room, he grabs my hand and twirls me.

“You look stunning, Lea!” I smile at him

“As do you
, Mr. Skye! Thank you.”

“Let’s go
. I’m ready to have you on my arm for the evening.” Again, I have zero words so I nod and we walk down to the lobby.

We pull up to a cute little corner restaurant
- it looks quiet and the smell of the food when we get out of the car is amazing! Walking in, Eoin is greeted with a hug from a very large man, which soon turns into the man lifting Eoin off the ground in a bear hug. I laugh and Eoin pats his back and tells him that’s enough.

After the man puts Eoin down, he says,
“Ron, this is my lovely date for the weekend, Lea. Lea, this is Ron. I’ve known him since we were kids.” I shake his hand.

It’s nice to meet you Lea. I hope this heartbreaker has been good to you or I’ll bust his chops right here.” I laugh.

’s been amazing!” I make sure to put emphasis on the amazing part.

“Good, he’s a good man. I do hope you enjoy my food.”

“I’m sure I will. I’m also a chef so I’m looking forward to your excellent food, Ron.” He smiles and seats us over in a corner booth. I look down at the table and realize there’s no menu. Odd.

“Do we get a menu, Eoin?”

Smiling, he replies, “Ron knows what I like so I called ahead while you were getting dressed to let him know that I wanted you to have the same. I promise you’ll love it.”

“Okay, I trust you. I ordered for you, didn’t I?” I wink and
notice a waiter approaching us out of the corner of my eye. He carries a huge plate of barbeque sliced brisket, coleslaw, greens, baked beans and biscuits.
I’m going to be full!

Well, this wasn’t
exactly the best dress to wear for such a feast but I’m looking forward to the brisket, which has a perfect smoke ring on it.

“Damn, Eoin! This is a truck load of food.” He nods

Ron never skimps on the food. I try to make it here every time I’m in Dallas. It’s the best barbeque here, I think.” I start to fill my plate and we devour the delicious food before us.

Everything is amazing
- I’ll sleep well on the flight home. When we finish, both of us just sit there, stuffed to the brim. Hmmm, I’m going to have to change before I get on the plane - this dress is feeling a bit snug now.

Ron comes back out and we
chat for a little while before Eoin and I head out to enjoy the rest of our night.

I grab a sweat shirt, jeans and my sandals from
my bag in the trunk and change in the car. Eoin watches me undress and stills my hand when I’m in only my bra and panties.

“You are so gorgeous, Lea. I could eat you for dessert!”
Oh, Eoin. Trust me, I would let you!

“I would like that very much
. I only wish I had more time with you.” I pull my jeans on and pull my hoodie over my head. I slide over to him and kiss him softly. He pulls me flush against him and we can’t seem to stop this erotic, passionate kiss.

Eoin comes up for air to ask the driver to take us somewhere we can have a drink, before joining his lips back to mine. The driver takes us
to a local bar and we spend the rest of our evening together drinking, dancing and just having fun.

We don’t have long before our 10pm flights but it’s enough. I’m secretly looking forward to the pictures and media surrounding our encounter. What will my family and friends say? This has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it was
that got to enjoy it. I’ll never forget this.

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