Witch Glitch: Magic and Mayhem Book Two (17 page)

Read Witch Glitch: Magic and Mayhem Book Two Online

Authors: Robyn Peterman

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #fantasy

BOOK: Witch Glitch: Magic and Mayhem Book Two
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"No, you didn't," I agreed and sighed heavily. "It's just that Bo's a child. No one ever stood up for me as a child. I wanted to protect him."


"Him or you?" Mac asked, running his large hand through my hair and smoothing it off my face.


Good question.


"I would be doing more harm to Bo and my people by protecting them from what they're to become," Mac said. "Bo will be protected. Will he be in any danger? Yes. Yes, he will. But we live our lives hidden from humanity. We live in a constant state of danger. To deny it or pretend it doesn't exist would be deadly. I never intended to let him fight or do anything else other than lead us to the hideout. Period."


I hated when he made sense. I hated it more that my own childhood had clouded my judgment. Was I going to have to cave and book a visit with Roger the boob-ogling therapist before I left? Goddess, what was happening to me?


"I'm sorry," I mumbled as I shut my eyes again and flopped back down on the bed. Even if I did accept I
his mate, I was going to screw it up. It couldn't be good form to backtalk the King in front of the kingdom.


"Zelda, you're strong, you're good and you're opinionated. You're a beautifully complicated challenge. It's not a bad thing for your compassion to outweigh your judgment occasionally. It's only dangerous if you follow through without really understanding the consequences."


"How'd you get so smart?"


"Well, I'm a little older than you," he replied as he gathered me in his strong arms and pressed his lips to my temple.


"Yeah… like older than dirt," I said with a smile pulling at my lips.


"Possibly," he agreed with a sexy smirk. "But I've stayed in very good shape."


He flexed his considerable arm muscles and I was torn between rolling my eyes and drooling.


"Touch me. I need you," he said softly.


I wanted to so very badly, but it would only make it more difficult to leave.


"You need someone who can be a queen and not embarrass you. You need someone smarter and more mature and more… just more."


"No. I need you," he said in a husky voice that humbled me and made me want to cry. "I've fallen in lo…"


," I blurted out and put my hand over his mouth. "Don't go there. You don't really know me."


I needed to run. I needed to crawl out of my skin. He was offering me what I desperately wanted, but couldn't have. He was making a mistake and I had to stop him. I was not lovable.


"I might know you better than you know yourself," he said as he pulled me even closer.


Brain or lady bits? Which one did I listen to? They were both quite loud at the moment, but the wahooha was slightly louder. Maybe this could be my last memory of us. I could take it with me and cherish it forever.


Was that fair? No. It wasn't fair to him or me, but it felt so right.


"Mac," I said as my brain and heart nobly tried to quash the need of my desire. "I don't think I can be your mate."


I held my breath and waited for him to get up and leave. It would tear my heart to bits, but it was the mature and responsible thing to do. God, being unselfish sucked ass.


"I'm aware you believe that," he said as he gently twisted a strand of my red hair in his fingers and played with it. "But you promised me fifteen death free dates. I want them all before you're allowed make a final decision. We're only on number eight. Are you reneging on your word?"




Shit. He had me there.


"No," I said and slapped my forehead.


"So just in case we all bite it tonight, I need to make love to you," he said as he made quick work of removing my shirt and pants.


I shivered and it wasn't because I was only clad in a sexy pair of panties and a barely there bra. His expression caused my shudder. His lids were hooded and his lust unmistakable. His breathing was heavier and his body tense.


"You're so beautiful," I murmured as I ran my fingertips through the light sprinkling of dark hair on his chest.


"I don't hold a candle to you," he replied as his lips found my collarbone and began to slide lower.


My back arched wantonly as he pulled the cup of my bra down and latched onto my nipple. The firm pulls from his lips went straight to my toes and the moan that left my mouth begged for more.


He smelled like heaven, all soapy, sexy man. He pulled back and stared as if he was trying to memorize me and I did the same. My heart was heavy in my throat as he traced my bottom lip with his finger and watched his motion with intensity.




"Nope, no more talking unless it's you begging me to fuck you or praising me to the Goddess."


He grinned and without any problem unhooked my bra and flung it to the floor.


"I don't think I want to fuck you," he said.


My eyes shot to his in disappointment and shock as he chuckled and shredded my panties with no effort.


"Let me clarify," he said as he lowered himself over me. "We are definitely going to fuck, but not until I've made love to every inch of your gorgeous body. We clear?"


I couldn't speak, let alone think. And I was fairly sure I'd stopped breathing. "Gonna faint," I gasped out.


"You'll faint," he agreed with a smug sexy grin. "However, it won't be until you've come so many times you'll have no choice."


"You're certainly confident," I shot back in a shaky voice. My heart pounded so loudly in my chest, I was sure he could hear it.


"I don't make promises I can't keep, pretty girl. Never have, never will."


Holy shit, he wasn't joking.


He lowered his head between my legs and held me motionless as I gasped and tried to move. My hips wanted to thrust, but his hands held me like a vice. The sensation was so intense I wanted to scream.


"Goddess, Mac," I hissed as my body verged on orgasm.


"I'd prefer to be called a God, but I'll take what I can get."


He upped the ante and used his fingers and tongue in ways I didn't know were possible. The screaming was mine and only made him intensify and speed his process. Glittering golden magic gently rained down around us as I was unable to hold back. I trembled and moaned under his expertise. He’d definitely ruined for other men.


"Please," I begged as a heat coiled between my legs and the pressure threatened to undo me.


"Very polite," he said gruffly as he pinched my swollen clit between his fingers causing me to see stars. "But I have no clue what you want."


Goddess, he was a dick—a sexy, well hung wanker.


"Please, you know what I want," I insisted as I pressed my legs together to trap his hand and keep it where I wanted it.


"Beg," he demanded as he lowered his head to my breast and nipped.


"I don't beg," I shot back as my hips undulated and belied my words.


"Today you do."


His mouth replaced his fingers and he bit down and then sucked. The orgasm tore through me like a storm and my body thrashed and twisted. He went right back to work on me as the tingling ebbed and ramped me back to the place I couldn't control.


"Beg," he hissed as he ran his tongue from my belly button to my heavy aching breasts.


"Fuck me," I whispered.


"Can't hear you," he ground out and positioned his cock against my wet and needy opening.


"Please fuck me," I screamed as he pushed the head of his cock into me.


"So fucking tight," he ground out and then stilled.


The feeling of fullness was like a drug I couldn't live without. I dug my nails into his broad shoulders and tried to push my body onto his, but he held me fast.


"Again," he directed as he eased a little more of himself into me.


"Please, please, please fuck me," I cried out and bit at his lips which hovered above mine.


He was such a bastard. He pushed another inch into me, but it wasn't enough. I wanted all of him.


"Tell me you’re falling in love with me," he snarled as he rotated his hips and sent me into a brain cell losing mini orgasm.


"You suck," I hissed and raised my hips to force him to give me more.


"Say it, Zelda. Or are you a coward?"


He continued to rotate his hips and sucked at my neck so hard I knew it would leave a mark. I wanted him to slam his body into mine. I needed him to stop talking about love and just fuck me. Love was beyond me. I didn't understand it. I'd never had it. He was cheating so badly, but I couldn't think.


"I'm not a coward, you assmonkey," I snapped as I arched and rubbed my breasts against his chest.


His quick harsh intake of breath was way sexy beyond words. I grinned and tightened my body around his partially embedded cock and I squeezed hard. His eyes rolling back in his head was exactly what I wanted to see and I contracted even harder.


"Son of a bitch," he moaned and buried himself to the hilt with a swift and violent thrust.


He was almost too big to handle, but my body softened and gave its approval. My eyes closed and vivid colors ripped across my vision as he began to move. My hips joyously met each staccato thrust as he powered his way into my body, heart and soul.


"You're mine," he informed me in a tone usually obeyed by his subjects. But I was not one of his subjects…


"For now," I countered and wrapped my legs around his waist.


He laughed and kissed me soundly. "For always," he whispered.


The speed of his thrusts increased and he began to fuck me like the animal he was. It was so perfect, I thought I would lose my mind. I gasped in astonishment as he withdrew, but before I could utter a word he flipped me over to my hands and knees and slammed back into me.


"Got to be closer," he growled as he leaned forward and ran his fangs along the back of my neck.


He felt bigger. It was too much and too wonderful at the same time. I was his—in this moment and probably always. I knew I had to leave, but he would always own my heart.


"You're perfect," he murmured as he ran his fingers down my back.


"Far from it," I said as fell forward onto my outstretched arms, giving him even better access to my body.


"Perfect for me," he hissed as his speed ramped up to something that should have torn me apart.


I gloried in his possession and pumped back against his thrusts sending us both into an unstoppable frenzy. My power of speech and rational thought left me as an explosive orgasm ripped through me. Mac howled as he joined me.


I felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole as wave after wave of tingling pleasure consumed my body. For a brief moment everything turned black.


"I think I fainted," I said with surprise.


"Told ya so," Mac replied with total male satisfaction.


I rolled my eyes and giggled. He certainly didn't break his promises. Mac rolled us to our sides. Still buried deep inside me, he spooned me and kissed my hair and neck over and over.


I felt a warmth inside me that I'd didn't understand. It was simultaneously tempting and terrifying. I tensed and tried to get up.


"No you don't," Mac said as he held tight. "I get to cuddle now."


"Alpha werewolves don't cuddle," I said.


"This one does," he countered with a laugh and playfully bit my neck. "Soon," he whispered.


I knew what he meant and ignored it. He was telling me that soon I would let him bite me for real. I wasn't going to set him straight. That would entail me telling him I was leaving which would cause a fight we didn't have time to deal with. I just wanted to be happy for a few more days. Arguing with Mac didn't fit into my plans.


"I'm kind of worn out," I said with a giggle. "Do we have time for a nap?"


"We do, beautiful girl," he replied as he grabbed a blanket and pulled it over us. "Go to sleep. I've got you."


I knew he did and he knew he did. He just didn't realize it was only for a day or so more.


I stopped thinking and closed my eyes just in case he was eavesdropping in my head. Sometimes the truth wasn't the best way. The truth could hurt. Often it was simply better to avoid the truth.


Trust me on that one.


I was an expert.


Chapter 16


"We don't have to go anywhere," Bo said with childlike certainty as he sniffed the air.


What the hell was he talking about? I knew this was a horrid idea. He was scared and didn't want to do it. He was only four—alpha or not.


Night had fallen and the Shifters were in groups of five ready to fight. The magic weighed heavy on the breeze and I had a bad feeling in my gut. Why did they all have to be involved? Someone was bound to get hurt or even die. If my mother was behind this, I should be doing this solo.

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