You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder (61 page)

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Authors: Kate Kelly,Peggy Ramundo

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Diseases, #Nervous System (Incl. Brain), #Self-Help, #Personal Growth, #General, #Psychology, #Mental Health

BOOK: You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder
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as defense mechanism, 85–87
in grief process, 109–10

depression, 136, 245

ADD compared with, 43
after diagnosis, 111–13
euphoria vs., 120

designated quiet zones, 213

desipramine, 376

desires, needs and, 43–45, 119, 140

desktop files, 282


aversion to, 39
global thinking vs., 120

Dexedrine, 351, 355, 359, 371

Dextrostat, 371

diagnosis, 98

acceptance of, 113–16
bargaining after, 110–11
in boys vs. girls, 232
cost of, 355
depression after, 111–13
importance of, 96, 361
as medical dilemma, 14–17
medical tests in, 100–101
personal understanding of, 101–2
reactions to, 106–8
self-education and, 98–99
see also

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), 15–16

diet, and food additives and sugar, 29

differential thinking, 317

digressions, 162–63

directionality, 50

disinhibition, 53

dissatisfaction, 42–43

divergent retrieval, 66

do adequately list, 131–32

doctors, finding and choosing, 361–64

Don’t Forget!
(Lapp), 299, 304

dopamine, 25–26, 247, 248, 347, 366, 369

dosage levels, in stimulant medication, 364–65

double standard, for women vs. men, 235

do well list, 128–31

down time, 212–13

medication; substance abuse

drug testing, and stimulant medication, 354–55

DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), 15–16

eating, physiological slowdown after, 47

Edison, Thomas Alva, 323

education, 182, 189–90

learning disorders and, 325

Education Department, U.S., 322

Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975), 324

Effexor, 376

emergencies, determination of, 214, 389

emotional incontinence, 93–94

Emotional Intelligence
(Goleman), 398

emotional living space, 211

emotional release, 390, 399–402

emotions, 398–402

extreme swings of, 41, 241–43


endorphins, 25

environmental toxins, 29

epinephrine (adrenaline), 25
see also

ergonomics, 274

estrogen, 231, 241–43

euphoria, depression vs., 120

“Everyday Get Out the Door” lists, 292–93

exercise, as alternative to medication, 382–83

facilitation, 53

failure, talking yourself into, 167–68

family relationships, 118, 121, 200–229

ADD in, 204–5
descriptions of, 200–207, 208–11, 218–21
emotional temperature and, 216
equations of, 202, 204–5
evenings out and, 226–29
finances and, 208
mealtimes and, 221–26
privacy and, 209–10
survival tips for, 207–8, 211–16

family therapy, 211

farmers, 417

fax machines, 180


of taking action, 429

feedback, 163–64

Feingold, Benjamin, 29

fibromyalgia, 29–30, 346

Fidget to Focus
(Rotz and Wright), 383

fight-or-flight response, 25, 340–41, 345–48

filing systems, 279

finances, 135, 138, 208

Focalin, 364, 370

focus, in meditation, 330, 332

follow-through, 430

food, ADD and, 29

food allergies, 29–30, 384

Ford, Henry, 168

forgiveness, of yourself, 70, 420

“found” time, 295–96

freedom, structure vs., 118–19


frontal lobes, 26, 231, 347–48

full-spectrum light, 383

Future Shock
(Toffler), 30

gender, ADD and, 230–44

Gender Issues and AD/HD
(Quinn and Nadeau), 243, 346

generic letters, 182

ginkgo biloba, 249

global thinking, details vs., 120

Goleman, Daniel, 398

Gone with the Wind
, 71–73, 87

Gorski, Terence T., 360

grief process, 86, 106–10

Griffith-Haynie, Madelyn, 381

group (paired) association, 317

group psychotherapy, family, 211

guilt, 257, 430

Hallowell, Edward, 101, 378–79, 381–82

Hallowell, Jack, 381–82

handwriting, 54

hard to get, playing, 198

Hartmann, Thom, 417


and ADD, 342–49
effects of stress on, 342–43

Heinlein, Robert, 391

help, asking for, 140

herbal remedies, and ADD, 378

heredity, parenting vs., 27

hidden agendas, 176

hormones, 231–32, 241–43

household management, 236–38

HPA axis, 345–48

human stress response, 340–41, 345–48

humor, 84–85, 420–22

hyperactivity, 14, 119

ADD and, 15–16, 29, 32
as asset vs. deficit, 22
in boys vs. girls, 32
fluctuating levels of, 45–48
as range of behaviors, 21
sex and, 257–59

hypoactivity, 45–47, 119

hypothalamus, 344–45

hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, 345–48

IDP Dynamic, 42–43

I-messages, 170

immediate (working) memory, 63–64, 301

impulsiveness, 14, 69, 81, 163, 175

dating and, 195–96, 199–200
definition and description of, 19–21, 53–54
hormones and, 231–32
in sex, 235, 254–55
shopping and, 45, 138–39
speech and, 53–54, 163, 186–87
triggering of, 42



index cards, 294–95

inferiority, sense of, 11–14
see also

information explosion, 30

information processing:

cognitive tempo and, 54–56
input/output problems and, 51–62
learning disabilities and, 50

inhibition, 53–54

in/out baskets, 281

input/output problems, 51–62

action/inaction balance and, 53–54
brain shutdown and, 60–62
cognitive tempo and, 54–56
description of, 51–62
mental fatigue and, 58–60
output learning disabilities, 322
reaction time and, 56–58
will and, 56

input/perceptual learning disabilities, 322

instant recall, 63, 301

insurance, 102–3, 355

integration learning disabilities, 322

intensity, 41–42, 171, 196, 198

intention, selective, 52

intercoms, 214

intimacy, fear of, 196

irresponsibility, 395–98

irritability, 42–43

Johnson, Samuel, 298

Judge, The, 390–93, 401, 410

“Keep it simple,” 133, 136, 279

kinesthetic memory, 304, 314–15

kinesthetic/tactile learning, 307, 308, 331

Lapp, Danielle, 299, 301–2, 304

lead poisoning, 29

learned helplessness, 87–88

learning, tips for, 319–21

learning disabilities (LD), 101, 238, 263, 298, 321–25

definition and types of, 322
education and, 325
incidence of, 321
spatial difficulties and, 50

learning styles, 67–68, 305–8

auditory, 307
tactile/kinesthetic, 307
visual, 306–7, 308

Leedstrom, Jack, 419

letter openers, 275

letters, generic, 182

Levine, Melvin D., 52

Lexapro, 377

libido, 250

limbic system, 347

locking in and blocking out, 38–39

logic, 159

long-term memory, 64–65, 301–2

magazines and newspapers, 270–71

magnetic resonance imaging, 23

mail order catalogs, 277

manipulation, as defense mechanism, 80–82

manners, 147–49

mantra, 330

“me,” “we” and, 199

mealtimes, 221–26

descriptions of, 221–23
survival tips for, 223–26

medication, 102

bargaining and, 110
cost of, 355
in meditation, 332
at workplace, 185
see also
antidepressants; non-stimulant medication; stimulant medication;
specific drugs

meditation, 326–33

benefits of, 342
guidelines for, 328–32

memory, 15, 50–51, 62–68, 181–82, 263, 298–325

access and, 65–66, 301–3
acquisition and, 62
anxiety and, 309–11
associations and, 316–18
auditory, 304, 314
choice and, 311–12
comprehension and, 313
context and, 313
duration of, 301–2
function and process of, 298–301
information input and, 303–5
kinesthetic, 302, 314–15
lapses in, 300–301
learning and, 305–8
mnemonic devices and, 318–19
multi-sensory, 315
observation and, 312
overall, 304
paper pile management and, 282–87

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