You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder (62 page)

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Authors: Kate Kelly,Peggy Ramundo

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Diseases, #Nervous System (Incl. Brain), #Self-Help, #Personal Growth, #General, #Psychology, #Mental Health

BOOK: You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder
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registration and, 62–63
relaxation techniques and, 309
rote, 63, 65, 312–13
storage and, 63–65, 301–3
techniques for, 309–19
transfer and, 66–67
visual, 304, 313–14, 316–18

memory learning disabilities, 322


language of women vs., 145
learned helplessness and, 88

mental debris, 393–95, 404–5

mental fatigue, 58–60, 418–19

coping techniques for, 407–11
techniques for avoiding, 413–20

mental health professionals:

referrals for, 98
types of, 99–100
see also

mental hygiene, 385–405

definition of, 393

message centers, 215–16

Metadate, 370

Methylin, 370

methylphenidate (MPH), 355, 364, 369–71
see also

middle finger sign, 146

Miller, Merlene, 360

Misunderstood Child, The
(Silver), 322

mnemonic devices, 318–19

modafinil, 376

“monkey chatter,” 327

monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 376

mood stabilizers, 377

Mostel, Zero, 420


job performance and, 60, 91
memory and, 67

movies, family trips to, 226–29

moving, in meditation, 331

multi-sensory memory, 315

muscle relaxation, 309

“must-do’s” and “should-do’s,” 134–38

Nadeau, Kathleen G., 230, 243, 346

natural remedies, and ADD, 378

nature, nurture vs., 27

needs, desires and, 43–45, 119, 140

neurofeedback, 379–81

neurologists, 99

neurology, 24–25

neurotransmitters, 25–26, 246–48, 256, 366

drug response and, 23
function of, 25
imbalance in, 347–48
see also specific neurotransmitters

newspapers and magazines, 270–71

NMR (nuclear magnetic reso-nance), 23

“no,” inability to express, 76

noise, 185

nonstimulant medication, 374–78

nonverbal communication, 145–47, 151, 163, 166, 167, 168, 170, 209–10

“No pain, no gain,” 164

norepinephrine, 247, 345, 347, 366, 369

nortriptyline, 376

novelty, in sex, 251–52

nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 23

nurture, nature vs., 27

observation, memory and, 312

office equipment, 181–82

“off label” prescription, of stimulant medication, 366

Ohmae, Kenichi, 427–28

“on the run” conversations, 214

Optimal Functioning Institute for ADD Coach Training, 381

organization, 261–67

beginning tips for, 263–67
cardinal rules for, 279–80
filing systems and, 279
general mess management, 267–72
general office management, 272–74
paper pile management, 277–87
practical mess management tools, 274–76
questionnaire on, 261–63
simplicity and, 279
spatial difficulties and, 50–51
time management and, 287–97

orgasm, 245–46, 247

Orton Dyslexia Society, 324

output learning disabilities, 322
see also
input/output problems

outside help, hiring of, 139–40

overall memory, 304

overpersistence, 38–39, 49

paired (group) association, 317

paper pile management, 277–87

bulletin boards and, 281
cardinal rules for, 279–80
categorization of, 277–79
color-coding and, 284–85
cues and prompts and, 282–87
desktop files and, 282
filing systems for, 279
in/out baskets and, 281
ongoing to do lists and, 285–87
personal yellow pages and, 282
planning notebooks and, 277, 284, 295
Post-it notes and, 285, 295
psychology of, 424–27
resistance to, 423–24
scheduling and location of handling of, 279–80
simplicity and, 279
storage and access in, 281
to do’s in, 280–87

parenting, heredity vs., 27


ADD children and, 238–39
blame theory and, 27–28
individual strengths and weaknesses of, 205–7
see also
family relationships

passing for normal, 95–96

Paxil, 377

pediatricians, 99

Pentz, Doug, 359

perceptual/input learning disabilities, 322

perfectionism, 75–76, 405

personal yellow pages, 282

pessimism, 42

Peter Pan Syndrome, 90–92

pets, 41, 223

PET scan, 231

phobia, definition of, 150

physicians, 99–100, 102, 243

finding and choosing, 361–64

pituitary gland, 345

planners, week-at-a-glance, 290–91

planning notebooks, 277, 284, 295

play, productivity and, 430–31

playing hard to get, 198

postadrenaline crash, 338–39

postage scale and stamps, 275

Post-it notes, 285, 295

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 60–61

powerlessness, 122, 124


ADD and, 243
complications in, 28

primary sleep disorder, 27

privacy, 209–10

procrastination, 18–19, 39–40, 296–97, 405

Producers, The
, 420

productivity, 402–4

play and, 430–31

progesterone, 241

progressive muscle relaxation, 309

Provigil, 376

Prozac, 377

psychologists, 99–100

psychotherapy, 106–7

QEEG, 101

quiet zones, 213

Quinn, Patricia O., 230, 242–43, 346

random access memory (RAM), 63–64

Ratey, John, 101, 378–79

reaction time, 56–58, 66

reading skills, 163


acceptance and, 113–16
balance and, 117–19
balance inventory and, 124
complexity of, 341–42
definition of, 104
depression and, 111–13
goal of, 124, 432–33
grief process in, 106–10
hitting rock bottom and, 118, 413–15
self-evaluation and, 128–33
“should-do’s” and “must-do’s,” 134–38
social benefits of, 121
twelve-step programs and, 121–24
see also

reframing, 390, 396, 428–29

registration, memory and, 62–63

rehearsal, memory and, 62–63

relationships, 62–63

dating, 194–200
descriptions of, 153–54, 165–68, 194–98, 200–207, 208–11
feedback and, 163–64
in groups, 153–65
impaired social skills and, 68–70
one-on-one, 165–72
survival tips for, 159–65, 168–72, 176–87, 198–200, 211–16
at workplace, 173–93
see also
communication; family relationships; speech

relaxation, in meditation, 329, 332

relaxation, techniques for, 309

religion, 140–41

remedial writing classes, 182

reminder lists, 292

rest and relaxation zones, 212–13

retrieval, of memory, 65–66

return address stamps, 275

“revolutionary bed ejector,” 137

Richardson, Wendy, 360

risk taking:

in adolescence, 73–75, 235
in adulthood, 48
childhood accidents and, 48
as defense mechanism, 73–75
sexual, 234–36

Ritalin, 47, 55, 86, 110, 351, 352, 355, 359, 369–70

rock-bottom plan, 413–15

role-playing, sexual, 252

rote memorization, 63, 65, 312–13

Rotz, Roland, 383


following and questioning of, 176–77
unwritten, 162, 178–79

“runner’s high,” 25

scales, postage, 275

schedules, weekly, 127

Scheiber, Barbara, 306

“school” master forms, 293

selective attention and intention, 52

selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 245, 248–49, 377

self-awareness, 395–96

self-employment, 191–92

self-esteem, 326

and acceptance of imperfections, 105–6
in ADD women vs. men, 232–34
boosting of, 13–14, 104, 401–2
low, 11–14, 348, 385–88, 390, 393–95, 398, 415
recovery and, 124
sexuality and, 255
techniques for building, 401–2

self-evaluation, 128–33

can’t/shouldn’t do list, 132–33
do adequately list, 131–32
do well list, 128–31

self-help books, 261

sensory cues, in meditation, 329

seratonin, 247

Serenity Prayer, 123

sertraline, 246

sex, 73, 76

ADD and, 245–60
risk taking and, 234–36

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, 256–57

sexual addiction, 256–57

shame, 235, 257, 356, 404–5

shopping, impulsiveness and, 45, 138–39

short-term memory, 64, 301

“should-do’s” and “must-do’s,” 134–38

mental fatigue

side effects, of stimulant medication, 353, 365, 372–74

siestas, 47

Silver, Larry, 322

simplicity/complexity equation, 136–37

single-mindedness, 18

sleep disorder, primary, 27

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