You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder (60 page)

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Authors: Kate Kelly,Peggy Ramundo

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Diseases, #Nervous System (Incl. Brain), #Self-Help, #Personal Growth, #General, #Psychology, #Mental Health

BOOK: You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder
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Solden, Sari. With foreword by Edward Hallowell.
Journeys Through ADDulthood
. New York: Walker & Company, 2004.

Women with Attention Deficit Disorder
. Grass Valley, Calif.: Underwood, 1995.

Weiss, Lynn.
ADD and Creativity
. Dallas: Taylor Trade Press, 1997.

Of course, new books about ADD will just keep popping up. For an up-to-date reading list, please visit us at


AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), 121–23, 133


of diagnosis, 113–16
of imperfections, 105–6

access, memory and, 65–66, 301–3

accountability, 430

acquisition, as first step of memory, 62


catch-up game and, 429–30
cognitive tempo and, 54–56
fear of, 429
inaction balance and, 52–54
reaction time and, 56–58, 66
will and, 56

action steps, 416–20, 422

active (working) memory, 63–64, 301

Attention Deficit Disorder ADD coaches and coaching, 126, 152–53, 332, 335–37, 339–41, 388, 406–7, 410–11, 412, 419–20, 432

ADD Council of Greater Cincinnati, 148–49

Adderall, 110, 351, 352, 355, 359, 364–65, 366, 371


to adrenaline, 333–49
sexual, 256–57

additives, food, 29

ADD professionals, 99

adolescence, risky behavior in, 73–75

adrenal glands, 345

adrenaline (epinephrine), 25, 345

addiction to, 333–49

affective disorders, ADD compared with, 43

Affinity Center, The, 359

aggression, hormones and, 231–32

alcoholics, alcoholism, 118, 128

stimulant medication and, 360–61

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 121–23, 133, 432

alertness, regulation of, 26–27

Alice in Wonderland
(Carroll), 406

allergies, 29–30, 384

altered cognitive tempo, 54–56

Amen, Daniel, 101

American Psychiatric Association (APA), 15, 16

amphetamine, 364–65, 369, 371

amygdala hijacking, 398–99

analogical thinking, 317

Anderson, Neil, 385

anger, 108–9

in men vs. women, 243–44

antidepressants, 245, 374–77

anxiety, memory and, 309–11

APA (American Psychiatric As-sociation), 15, 16

apologizing, 163

appointment calendars, 287–88

Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, 324

associations, visualization combined with, 316–18

atomoxetine, 374–75

attention, 14, 15, 263

during sex, 253–54
manifestations of problems
with, 17–18
one-channel operational system and, 36–38
selective, 52
see also

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD):

alcoholism compared with, 128
allergies and, 30–31
brain-based differences in, 231
definition of, 14
diagnosis and treatment of, 14–17, 97–116
differences caused by, 34–70
fantasy of future and, 434–37
fibromyalgia and, 29–30
food and, 29
gender issues and, 230–44
general health and, 342–49
with and without hyperactivity, 15–16, 29, 32
initial discovery of, 97–98
labels given to, 15
learning disabilities and, 323–25
as malicious behavior, 30–31
prevalence of, 31–32
research on, 14–15, 23, 25–30, 230–31, 346–47
as running in families, 204–5
symptoms of, 17–22, 34–70
thyroid conditions and, 29–30
in women, 230–44

Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception
(Hartmann), 417

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 15–16

auditory learning, 307

auditory memory, 304, 314

auto-defense and attack mode, 163

axons, 24–25

“baby steps”:

in meditation, 331
moving forward with, 416–17, 419–20, 422

balance, 117–42

importance of, 117–19
maintenance of, 141
in neurotransmitters, 247–48
“one-rat study” and, 126–27, 128–29
personal schedule and, 127
problematic aspects of, 119–20
questions for evaluating issues of, 124–25
safety nets and, 133–34
simplicity/complexity equation and, 136–37
slicing and dicing techniques for, 138–41
between structure and freedom, 118–19
value of examining issues involving, 120–21, 138

balance inventory, 124, 133, 143, 188

bargaining, after diagnosis, 110–11

bartering, 139, 182

basal ganglia, 26, 231

beliefs, letting go of, 427–29

Better, Cathy, 116

bipolar disorder, 359, 377


ADD women and, 239–40
as defense mechanism, 76–78
theory of, 27–28, 30

body languages, 145–47, 151, 163, 166, 167, 168, 170, 209–10

boredom, 18, 91, 136

boundary needs, 211–12

brain, 15, 119

ADD differences in, 231
basal ganglia of, 26, 231
cerebellum of, 26, 381–82
corpus callosum of, 26
female vs. male, 231
filtering mechanism of, 40
frontal lobes of, 26, 231, 347–48
hypothalamus of, 344–45
imaging and, 23
limbic system of, 347
pituitary gland of, 345
vermis of, 26
see also
information processing; neurotransmitters

brain scans, 101

breathing, deep, 309

Buddhism, 327, 379

budgets, 138

bulldozers, 94–95

bulletin boards, 281

bupropion, 245, 249, 376

Bush, George H. W., 146

calendars, appointment, 287–88

can’t/shouldn’t do list, 132–33


Carroll, Lewis, 406

catch-up game, 429–30

Celexa, 377

central nervous system (CNS), 344–45

ADD as disorder of, 14, 35, 118, 119
early damage to, 28
messenger system of, 24–25

cerebellum, 26

stimulation of, 381–82

childbirth, complications in, 28


hyperactivity and, 15, 32
lead poisoning and, 29
negative self-perception developed by, 11–14
society’s undervaluing of, 121
spacing of, 207
see also
family relationships

“chip on the shoulder” attitude, 83–84

choice, memory and, 311–12

chronic fatigue syndrome, 346

chunking, 318

Cincinnati, University of, 325

central nervous system

coaches and coaching, for ADD, 126, 152–53, 332, 335–37, 339–41, 388, 406–7, 410–11, 412, 419–20, 432

codependency, 76

coding, memory and, 62–63, 319

cognitive functioning, hormones and, 241–43

cognitive temperature, 409, 410

cognitive tempo, 54–56


art vs. science of, 144–47
importance of skills in, 144, 147, 198–99
manners and, 147–49
with sexual partners, 250, 251, 253
social hazards in, 147–52
technology and, 179–82
telephones and, 148–53
unspoken rules in, 162
verbal vs. nonverbal, 145–47
written, 182
see also
relationships; speech

Community Times
, 116

comorbid conditions, 101

complexity/simplicity equation, 136–37


random access memory of, 63–64
usefulness of, 276

Concerta, 370

consultants, 190, 191

continuing education classes, 182

control, as defense mechanism, 88–89

convergent retrieval, 66

coping strategies,
defense mechanisms

corpus callosum, 26

cortex, 398–99

cost, of diagnosis and treatment, 355

Counseling for Relapse Prevention
(Gorski and Miller), 360

crash, postadrenaline, 338–39

cravings, 43–45

crisis intervention, 389

dating, 194–200

descriptions of relationships in, 194–98
survival tips for, 198–200

decision making, techniques for, 411–12

deep breathing, 309, 329

defense mechanisms, 71–96, 123–24

character sketch descriptions of, 90–95
“chip on the shoulder” attitude, 83–84
control, 88–89
denial, 85–87, 109–10
examples of, 73–90
function of, 71–73
learned helplessness, 87–88
manipulation, 80–82
overuse of, 73
perfectionism, 75–76
risky behavior, 73–75
“take me or leave me” attitude, 84–85
“who cares” attitude, 78–80, 82
withdrawal, 82–83

Delivered from Distraction
(Hallowell and Ratey), 378–79, 381–82

dendrites, 24–25


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