A Healing Heart (28 page)

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Authors: Melissa A. Hanson

BOOK: A Healing Heart
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Love you.”

Love you too.”

With his arm slung around my waist, we walked back to the kitchen where the rest of my family waited. Looking at my aunt and uncle and cousins beaming with pride, I knew I was loved. Even though my dad, mom, brother, and sister were no longer there to see me graduate in person, I knew they would’ve been proud of me and happy for me. They were there with me in my heart, where they would always be. I placed my beautiful flowers in a large vase and got ready to leave.

Wait, I’ve got one more present for you before we leave.”

I don’t need anything else, Collin, really.”

We’ll see. Come here.” From his pocket he took out a small gold package with a shiny green bow on top.

I knew my eyes had gotten as big as saucers. Taking the package from him hesitantly, I looked intently into the blue depths of his eyes. Every eye in the room was on me. I could hear my aunt’s quick intake of breath when I took the package.

Collin, what have you done?” I asked.

Just open it.”

Slowly I ripped the paper off, revealing a small white leather box. Almost afraid to open it, I looked up at Collin’s smiling face.

Hurry up and open it,” Darcy said anxiously next to me.

Carefully I snapped the lid open. Nestled in the white satin was a ring: a thin, yellow gold band, with a small emerald center stone, flanked on each side by three baguette diamonds. It was simple and small, and I loved it.

Oh, my gosh, Collin, it’s beautiful.”

It’s a promise ring. I promise to love you forever.”

I removed the ring out from its box and Collin slid it onto my left ring finger. Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes.

And I promise to love you forever and always,” I reciprocated. I leaned up; placing my hands on Collin’s face, I kissed his lips. “Thank you. Thank you for saving me, for loving me, for coming into my life and turning everything completely upside down—or right side up.”

No, I think it was more like you turning
life upside down. I love you, sweetie.”

He chuckled as he held me tightly to his chest. I knew my hair was getting messed up, but I didn’t care. I was where I was meant to be, in my own personal heaven.










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