Always Yours (28 page)

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Authors: Kari March

BOOK: Always Yours
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"Now you're both back and I'm excited to maybe have a chance at a real family again. I just don't want Amber to mess this up with you. I lost you once and I don't think I could do it again." Her voice started to crack as she said the last few words.

"Hey," I said while reaching over to her. I lifted her chin up so she was looking at me. "Give me your phone."

She pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to me. "What do you want that for?"

I typed my phone number into it, hit save and handed it back. She looked down at the screen where I had saved my number under Big Bro and smiled. "Now, no matter what happens between your sister and me, I will always be there for you."


Leaning on my kitchen counter, my chin resting on my hand, I watched as Nolan set the table. My parents were coming over for a long overdue dinner. I had seen them a few times since they got back from vacation but we hadn't spent much time together so I was excited to finally get to sit down and actually have a conversation with them.

It had been almost a month since the Fourth. I thought about Cam every day but the more time I spent with Nolan, the less it hurt. I didn't know if my pain was less because of Nolan or if time was healing my heart, but I didn't care. Whatever it was, it was working.

Life was getting back to normal. I talked to Tessa a lot but rarely saw her and Blake—I didn't want to risk running into Cam. My wounds were finally closing and seeing him would be like ripping out the stitches before the healing process was complete.

Nolan had been a saint through this whole process. He stuck by my side, was there when I needed to talk, and he never once pushed me to tell him things about my past. I eventually opened up to him though. Telling him about...well, everything. Even Cam.

"Do you want the flowers on the table still, beautiful, or should I move them?" he asked, looking over his shoulder, his eyes sparkling.

"Let's move them." I walked over and took them from his hands and placed them on the counter. Grabbing the wine glasses I had washed earlier, I walked back over and placed them on the table.

With my hands on the back of one of the chairs, Nolan came up behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Thanks for inviting me tonight."

I looked over my shoulder at him. "It's not that big of a deal. It's just dinner."

"It's a big deal to me." He kissed the back of my neck softly.

I closed my eyes as goose bumps rose on my skin. "Why? You already know my parents," I said confused.

"I know but now it's different, I'm not here because of business. I'm here because I'm your boyfriend. And as someone who's dating their daughter, I hope they still like me."

I turned around in his arms and began playing with the buttons on his dress shirt. "They already like you, Nolan, being my boyfriend isn't going to change that." I looked up and caught his gaze and he smiled with a sense of relief.

He leaned down to kiss me but pulled back when the doorbell rang. Grabbing the sides of his face, I drew him down to my lips, sliding my tongue into his mouth, before walking over to the door.

When I reached it I looked over my shoulder at Nolan. He was in the same position I left him in and his jaw was almost on the floor. I giggled and then pulled the door open.

"Mom, Dad," I said with a huge grin and they both held their arms out to me.

I embraced them as they walked in, so happy to have them home. I never thought I would miss them as much as I did.

Royce handed me a bottle of champagne and I looked at it confused. "What's this for?" I asked.

"We have some exciting news," he said, patting me on the shoulder. "But we'll talk about that later. Right now I want to have a relaxing dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend." He looked over at Nolan and then leaned into my ear. "I always wanted you kids to get together. I saw it in his eyes the day I introduced you. He's always liked you, Care-Bear. I'm just glad he finally broke you." He winked at me and walked away.

I took my mom's purse and hung it up in the closet, still in shock over Royce's words. Royce found Nolan immediately and shook his hand. My mom gave him a big hug and after I poured us all a glass of red wine we sat down in the living room together.

"Dinner should be ready in about fifteen minutes," I announced and Nolan wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"So, Nolan, I hear you got promoted, congratulations," Royce said, tipping his glass to Nolan.

"Thank you. It's going to be a lot of work but I'm ready for the challenge."

"Well, don't hold out on us, son, tell us all about it," Royce probed.

While Nolan enlightened Royce about his new job, the timer on the oven went off. I stood and headed for the kitchen and my mother followed.

She stood next to the sink and crossed her arms over her chest. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

I looked over at her. "Nothing, what makes you think something's wrong?"

"I'm your mother, Cara. I can tell when something isn't right with you," she said, handing me the oven mitt. "I can see it written all over you."

I opened the oven and pulled out the lasagna so it could set. "I'm fine, Mom, really." My voice sounded weak and even I didn't believe myself.

"Cara Beth, don't you lie to me. You may be a grown woman but I am still your mother and you can tell me anything." She scolded me quietly as I walked to the fridge to get the stuff for the salad.

I hated that my mother knew me so well. I closed the door and set the ingredients on the counter. Looking out to the living room I watched Nolan. He was laughing at something Royce had said and when he caught my stare he blew me a kiss before returning his attention to Royce.

"Mom, how did you know Royce was the one?"

"Ah, I knew it was a matter of the heart," she mumbled as she grabbed the lettuce and started washing it. Shaking my head, I ignored her blabbering and waited for her response. "I know because he is the only man that I want to slap and kiss at the same time, he can break my heart and mend it in the same sentence, and he is the only man that makes me feel secure and vulnerable all at once."

"Okay," I said as I took a tomato and started dicing it, not knowing how to respond to her.

She stopped ripping the lettuce and looked over at me. "My point is, Cara, love isn't something you will ever fully understand. It's crazy, chaotic, passionate, cruel, hurtful and amazing, all at the same time. If it was simple and boring no one would ever want it. It's the mess of emotions that makes it worth fighting for."

I wasn't expecting what she said but it was perfect. My mom was amazing in every way. Even after what my father did to her—cheating, lying and leaving her—she still believed in over the top love. She gave me hope with her words and I loved her so much for that.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Mom," I said, bumping into her with a smile.

I saw her grin widen even though she didn't look up from the salad. "I love you, too, Care-Bear."

My mom and I relaxed on the couch while Royce and Nolan rinsed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Royce looked out of his element with water splashed all over the front of his shirt while Nolan looked like a well-oiled machine—rolled up sleeves and all.

"Are you sure we can't help?" I asked and Royce's eyes shot up, pleading with me to come save him.

Nolan just kept loading the dishwasher. "I told you, beautiful, if you cook, you don't clean. Simple as that."

"Okay, if you insist." I laughed as Royce wiped his brow with his forearm and glared at Nolan.

Once the guys were finished in the kitchen they came and joined us in the living room. My mother snuggled up into Royce and he put his arm around her, pulling her closer.

"Cara, your mother and I have something we want to talk to you about." Royce’s voice was serious as he crossed his foot over his leg.

My stomach rolled and for a moment I thought something might be wrong with one of them. I looked at my mom and the grin she was trying to hide calmed my nerves.

"When we were in Florida we rented this amazing house right on the water in Coca Beach. It was paradise to say the least and your mother and I...well, we fell in love with it." My mom looked up at Royce with adoration as he continued, "So long story short, we wound up buying a house down there."

What? They couldn't move!

They both stared at me, waiting for my reaction.

Tears started to build in my eyes. It had always been my mother's dream to live on the beach and I knew one day they would leave, but I didn't think it was going to be so soon. I wanted to be happy for them, I really did, but I didn't want to say....goodbye.

God, I hate that word.

Forcing my best fake smile, I forced back my tears. "Congratulations," I choked out. I felt the couch move a little as Nolan scooted closer to me and put his hand on my leg. Apparently, my fake smile wasn't very convincing. "So should we get the champagne out and celebrate?" I went to get up, needing to get away for just a minute to compose myself.

"Care-Bear," my mother said, stopping me. "We have something else to tell you first."

Great! What else could they possibly spring on me right now?

Defeated, I fell back on the couch and looked down at my shoes. I pinched the tip of my thumb between my teeth and waited for them to continue.

Royce stood up and took a seat next to me on the couch. Rubbing my back he finally spoke again. "Cara, when I married your mother, I promised I would do everything in my power to make her dreams come true." I looked over at him and saw pools of liquid forming in his eyes as he looked at my mom. "And I'd like to think that I've made a few of those come true already." My mom smiled at him as a tear of joy rolled down her cheek. "Recently, I've been able to fulfill two more of her dreams; the house in Florida being one of them."

"And the other?" I said, waiting for the blow that was sure to knock the wind out of me.

"I knew the moment I met you, Cara, that Maggie's biggest dream was one I wouldn't mind sharing with her." He paused for a moment as he wiped a tear away from his cheek. "She always wanted to see you happy. That was her biggest dream of all and I promised her I would make them all come true." He took my hand and placed a key in it.

I looked down at the metal sitting in my hand and my heart melted.

Holy shit!

"She's all yours, Care-Bear," he said and I looked at him speechless.

I looked over at my mom and she had tears streaming down her face.

"Oh, and the house in Florida is just a vacation home and you are more than welcome to go use it whenever you want," Royce said smugly as he stood up.

I jumped up and threw myself into his arms. "Thank you, Dad....for everything."

Walking into Maggie's Place the next day was emotional. I couldn't believe it was mine. I had been dreaming of this day since I was ten and it finally happened. I couldn't wait for Shay to get here so I could tell her the good news.

Pulling out my phone I sent her a text.

Where R U? I have big news.

I waited for a moment and then finally my phone beeped.

Be there in 5. I have news too. I finally talked to Kyle...

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