Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys (23 page)

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Analysis Notes:
Because thallium is not a normal body constituent, any concentration is considered significant. Blood and hair thallium levels are not reliable measures of exposure.

Selected Thallium Homicide Cases

Martha Lowenstein Marek (1932)

Caroline Grills (1947)

Graham Frederick Young (1971)

George Hanei (1976)

George Trepal (1988)


1. Baselt RC:
Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man
, 7th ed. Biomedical Publications, Foster City, CA, 2004.


Ballantyne B, Marrs TC, eds.:
Clinical and Experimental Toxicology of Cyanides
. Wright Publishers, Bristol, UK, 1987.

Bryson PD:
Comprehensive Review in Toxicology
, 2nd ed. Aspen Publishers, Rockville MD, 1989.

Ellenhorn MJ, Barceloux DG:
Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning
. Elsevier, New York, 1988.

Moyer TP: Heavy metals: the forgotten toxins.
Ther Drug Monit Clin Toxicol Division 1996;11(3):1–5.

Olson KR, ed.:
Poisoning and Drug Overdose
, 4th ed. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, 2004.

Polson CJ, Green MA, Lee MR:
Clinical Toxicology,
3rd ed. J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1983.

Proctor NH, Hughes JP, Fischman ML:
Chemical Hazards of the Workplace,
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Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1988.

Seiler HG, Sigel H, Sigel A:
Handbook on Toxicity of Inorganic Compounds
. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1988.




This extensive bibliographic collection on forensic toxicology, poisoning murders, and poisons in general represents the results of more than 35 years of my research on the subject. The citations have been drawn from an in-depth review of the international literature. These bibliographies are included for two major purposes: (1) to serve as a catalog of available literature for those individuals wishing to study the subject of poisons and murder in even greater depth, and (2) to provide for criminal investigators a checklist of things to search for in the environment of the homicidal poisoner.


Autenrieth W, Warren WH:
The Detection of Poisons and Strong Drugs. Including the Quantitative Estimation of Medicinal Principles in Certain Crude Materials.

Blakiston’s Son & Co., Philadelphia, 1905.

Baselt RC:
Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man
, 7th ed. Biomedical Publications, Foster City, CA, 2004.

Blyth AW:
Poisons and Their Effects and Detection—A Manual for the Use of Analytical Chemists and Experts
(2 vols.). Charles Griffin, London, England, 1884 (US edition, published by William Wood & Co., New York, 1885).

Campbell WA: Some landmarks in the history of arsenic testing.
Chem Britain
1965;1: 198–202.

Cavendish M:
Science Against Crime
. Marshall Cavendish, London, 1982.

Chiavarelli S: Toxicologic chemistry, historic and contemporary.
Ann Ist Super Sanita 1968;4:445.

Clarke EGC:
Isolation and Identification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals, Body Fluids, and PostMortem Material
. The Pharmaceutical Press, London, England, 1969.

Coe JI: Postmortem chemistry: practical considerations and a review of the literature.

Forensic Sci

Collin E:
Traite de toxicologie vegetale. Application du microscope a la recherche des poisons vegetaux. . . .
O. Dolin, Paris, 1907 (in French).

Curry AS:
Poison Detection in Human Organs
. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1976.

From: Forensic Science and Medicine: Criminal Poisoning, Second Edition By: J. H. Trestrail, III © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ



Criminal Poisoning

Druid H, Holmgren P: A compilation of fatal and control concentrations of drugs in postmortem femoral blood.
J Forensic Sci

Gerber SM:
Chemistry and Crime—From Sherlock Holmes to Today’s Courtroom

American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1983.

Gerber SM, Saferstein R:
More Chemistry and Crime—From Marsh Arsenic Test to DNA Profile
. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1997.

Griffith JR, Nahata M: Intoxication with sodium monofluoroacetate (Compound 1080).

Vet Hum Toxicol

Haroz R, Salzman MS, Greenberg MI: Hyperammonemia: a possible marker for methanol and ethylene glycol intoxication.
Clin Toxicol
2005;43(6):689 (abstract).

Hilberg T, Rogde S, Morland J: Postmortem drug distribution—human cases related to results in experimental animals.
J Forensic Sci

Imwinkelried EJ: Forensic science: toxicological procedures to identify poisons.

Law Bull

Itallie I: Fixation of time and administration in cases of chronic arsenic poisoning.
1937;62:401 (abstract).

Jones GR, Pounder DJ: Site dependence of drug concentrations in postmortem blood—a case study.
J Anal Toxicol

Langford AM, Pounder DJ: Possible markers for postmortem drug redistribution.

Forensic Sci

LeBeau M, Andollo W, Hearn LE, et al: Recommendation for toxicological investigations of drug-facilitated sexual assaults.
J Forensic Sci

Leikin JG, Watson WA: Postmortem toxicology: what the dead can and cannot tell us.

Clin Toxicol

Levin B:
Principles of Forensic Toxicology.
American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 1999.

Loga BK, Smirnow D: Postmortem distribution and redistribution of morphine in man.

J Forensic Sci

Mitchell CA:
Forensic Chemistry in the Criminal Courts
. The Institute of Chemistry, London, 1938.

Moriya F, Hashimoto Y: Redistribution of basic drugs into cardiac blood from surrounding tissues during early-stages postmortem.
J Forensic Sci

Moyer TP: Heavy metals—the forgotten toxins.
Ther Drug Monit Clin Toxicol
1996; 11(3):1–5.

Niyogi SK: Historic development of forensic toxicology in America up to 1978.
Am J

Forensic Med Pathol

Niyogi SK: Historical overview of forensic toxicology. In:
Introduction to Forensic Toxicology

Cravey RH, Baselt RC, eds. Biomedical Publications, Davis, CA, 1981, pp. 7–24.

Pirl JN, Townsend GF, Valaitis AK, et al: Death by arsenic: a comparative evaluation of exhumed body tissues in the presence of external contamination.
J Anal Toxicol 1983;7(5):216–219.

Pounder DJ: The nightmare of postmortem drug changes.
Legal Medicine
, 1993, pp. 163–191.



Pounder DJ, Jones GR: Postmortem drug distribution—a toxicological nightmare.

Forensic Sci Int

Pounder DJ, Owen V, Quigley C: Postmortem changes in blood amitriptyline concentration.
Am J Forensic Med Pathol

Rella JG, Marcus S, Wagner BJ: Rapid detection of cyanide in blood using the Cyantesmo
® kit.
Clin Toxicol
2005;43(6):687 (abstract).

Repetto RM, Repetto M: Habitual, toxic, and lethal concentrations of 103 drugs of abuse in humans.
Clin Toxicol

Repetto RM, Repetto M: Therapeutic, toxic, and lethal concentrations in human fluids of 90 drugs affecting the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems.
Clin Toxicol 1997;35(4):345–351.

Repetto RM, Repetto M: Therapeutic, toxic, and lethal concentrations of 73 drugs affecting respiratory system in human fluids.
Clin Toxicol

Reyes LL, Santos JG: Importance of information in forensic toxicology.
Am J Forensic Med Pathol

Risser D, Bonsch A, Schneider B: Should coroners be able to recognize unintentional carbon monoxide deaths immediately at the death scene?
J Forensic Sci
1995;40(4): 596–598.

Rule G, McLaughlin LG, Henion J: A quest for oleandrin in decayed human tissue.
Anal Chem

Sunshine I:
Was It a Poison? Forensic Toxicologists Searching for Answers
. 1998.

Walker JT: Scientific evidence in poisoning cases.

Wilson B: Traces of poison.
Chem Britain
1993;405, 406.

Zeldenrust J, Boer D: Fatal phosphorus poisoning elucidated by exhumation three and a half years after burial.
Med Sci Law
1964;4(?):120, 121.


Adelson L: The coroner of Elsinore. Some medicolegal reflections on Hamlet.


Agatha Christie, Official Centenary Edition 1890–1990
. Harper Paperbacks, Harper-Collins, New York, 1990.

Alexander N:
Poison, Play, and Duel: A Study in Hamlet
. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1971.

Bardell EB: Dame Agatha’s dispensary.

Bardell EB: Literary reflections of pharmacy—XI: thallium as “an untraceable poison.”


Bond RT:
Handbook for Poisoners: A Collection of Great Poison Stories
. Rinehart & Co., New York, 1951.

Borowitz A:
Innocence and Arsenic: Studies in Crime and Literature
. Harper & Row, New York, 1977.

Cooper P: The Devil’s foot—an excursion into Holmesian toxicology.
Pharm J
1966; 197:657, 658.

Corvasce MV, Paglino JR:
Modus Operandi: A Writer’s Guide to How Criminals Work

The Howdunit Series, Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, 1995.


Criminal Poisoning

Cromie R, Wilson TS:
The Romance of Poisons—Being Weird Episodes from Life

Jarrold & Sons, London, England (no date).

Done AK: History of poisons in opera.
(newsletter of the Toxicological History Society) 1992;2(2).

Fallis G:
Just the Facts Ma’am: A Writer’s Guide to Investigators and Investigation Techniques

The Howdunit Series, Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, 1998.

Foster N: Strong Poison—Chemistry in the works of Dorothy L. Sayers. In:
Chemistry and Crime from Sherlock Holmes to Today’s Courtroom
, Gerber SM, ed. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1983, pp. 17–29.

Gerald MC:
The Poisonous Pen of Agatha Christie
. University of Texas Press, Austin, 1993.

Gwilt JR: Brother Cadfael’s Herbiary.
Pharm J

Gwilt PR: Poisoning—a dying art—some observations on the use of poisons in fiction, 1978 (unpublished).

Gwilt PR, et al: Dame Agatha’s poisonous pharmacopoeia.
Pharm J
1978;28 & 30:572, 573.

Gwilt PR, et al: The use of poison in detective fiction.
Clue: J Detect

Horning J:
The Mystery Lover’s Book of Quotations
. The Mysterious Press, New York, 1988.

Huizinga E: Murder through the ear.
Pract Oto-rhino-laryng

Kahn JA: Atropine poisoning in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.

Kail AC: Medicine in Shakespeare: the bard and the body—4. Drugs, herbs and poisons.

Med J Aust

Keirans JE:
Poisons and Poisoners in the Mysteries of John Dickson Carr
CADS Supple-ment No. 5
, Essex, United Kingdom, 1996 (an alphabetical guide to poisons and poisoners, including real-life criminals, contained in the works of this author).

Lundstrom B: Det perfekta mordet Hamlet, Akt I, scen 5 [The perfect murder—Hamlet: Act I, scene 5].
Sydsvenska medicinhistorishka shallskapets jarsskrift

Macht DI: Pharmacological appreciation of Shakespeare’s
: on instillation of poisons into ear.
Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp

Macht DI: A pharmacological appreciation of a Biblical reference to mass poisoning. II Kings IV, 38–41.
Johns Hopkins Bull

Macht DI: A physiological and pharmacological appreciation of Hamlet Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 59–73.
Bull Hist Med

Mactire S:
Malicious Intent: A Writer’s Guide to How Murderers, Robbers, Rapists and Other

Criminals Think
. The Howdunit Series, Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, 1995.

Mallory W:
The Mystery Book of Days
. The Mysterious Press, New York, 1990.

Murphy BF:
The Encyclopedia of Murder and Mystery
. St. Martin’s Monitor, New York, 1999.

Newton HC:
Crime and the Drama, or, Dark Deeds Dramatized
. Stanley Paul & Co., London, England, 1927 (a history of plays based on criminal cases).

Newton M:
Armed and Dangerous: A Writer’s Guide to Weapons.
The Howdunit Series, Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, 1990.



Reinert RE: There ARE toadstools in murder mysteries.
MUSHROOM—J Wild Mushrooming

Reinert RE: There ARE toadstools in murder mysteries (Part II).
MUSHROOM—J Wild Mushrooming

Reinert RE: More mushrooms in mystery stories.
MUSHROOM—J Wild Mushrooming 1996–97;15(1):5–7.

Riley D, McAllister P:
The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Agatha Christie

Frederick Unger Pub. Co., New York, 1979.

Silbar H: Michigan’s poisoning maniac.
Detective Files
, March 1978.

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