Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow

BOOK: Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow
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Darden’s Pursuit of Happiness is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or locales or actual events is purely coincidental.


© 2015 by LiSoya Gilltin, All Rights Reserved worldwide under the Berne Convention. May not be copied or distributed without prior written permission — if you have this file (or a printout) and didn’t pay for it, you are depriving the author and publisher of their rightful royalties. Please pay for your copy by purchasing it a
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May 2000

“You’ve been nothing but a cock tease all night! You disrespected me by talking to your so-called male friends and giggling with your stupid girlfriends!” screamed Dade Pierson while driving his sleek Jaguar.

“I never did anything to give you the impression that anything would happen between us! All that was supposed to happen is you were to take me to dinner and prom as your brother directed you to do! This whole day has been a mistake!”  Willow screamed back.  He had embarrassed her with his comments about her fellow female classmates’ bodies. What had she been thinking to agree to this! She never liked him. She had thought even as a little girl that he was an asshole. Willow would have had a better time if she had just stayed home.  Many girls manage not to go to prom year after year, she could have just been one to stay home. 

SMACK! PUNCH! Willow suddenly saw stars.  She couldn’t grasp the fact he just hit her. Twice! What the hell! What kind of asshole was her best friend’s brother? They made it into her driveway.  Willow had to do a mental head shake to rid her of the stars. Willow could feel her face swelling and the distinct taste of blood trickling into her mouth. She refused to let a tear drop from her eye. Willow frantically clawed the car door to try to find the latch to release her from the presence this uncommon asshole.

“Where do you think you are going, bitch? You aren’t going anywhere until you fuck me as payment for taking you to dinner and prom.” Dade reached out and unceremoniously tore the front of the bodice of Willow’s hunter green dress. He squeezed the top of her mocha colored breast. She flinched at the unfamiliar contact. The latch to the car door finally released and she ran headlong toward her porch picking up her now ruined dress so she wouldn’t trip over it.  Dade tackled her forcing her face to hit the second concrete step.  Her cheek bone shattered on impact, her head ostensibly exploding in pain. She screamed and willed herself not to pass out. She fought to no avail as her dress was tossed up and her underwear was yanked down, seemingly simultaneously.  She felt his two fingers press into her.  She screamed again. No one had ever touched her there. She tried to squeeze her legs shut and use her inner muscles to force his fingers out.  He hit her again and then demanded that she open her legs.

She then felt what she thought was his whole hand invading her.  She felt like she was being ripped apart. She tried to push with her muscles again but he just forced his fist deeper inside her. How could he do this to her?  She never ever so much as flirted with him.  She has never given him any indication that she might have been attracted to him. She dug deep within to fight against the pain of her cheekbone to let out a blood curdling scream hoping someone would hear her.  She writhed in pain.

Dade asked, “Do you like that? I always thought your prim and proper act was just that an ACT! I guess my dear brother was telling the truth that he wasn’t fucking you. After, I get done with you he will never even so much as consider it. Hell, you won’t consider any other man.” He pushed further into Willow and she cried out more so out of pain than for help. 

The porch light flickered to life and the door opened. Willow’s brother Aspen came running out and tackled Dade.  He began pummeling Dade with his fists. Willow was scooped up by Darden, her best friend and Dade’s brother.  Again she fought against passing out but the pain was too great to hold back the tears any longer. She buried her face into his chest and sobbed.

After a moment, Willow looked into Darden’s blue gray eyes almost as if she was begging him to stay near her. Darden promised he wouldn’t leave her. Darden carried her up the stairs and placed her on her bed.  Willow’s world faded to black.

              Willow could hear voices but was too woozy to open her eyes. She could make out her parents voices and the voices of Darden’s parents but she wasn’t quite sure of the other voices. Why were people gathered in her room? She told herself to try to focus.

“I don’t think it is necessary to get the police involved. We will pay for all the treatments she needs. We will pay for the best doctors money can buy. After all we have been friends for more than twenty years and it is the least we can do,” Mr. Hamilton explained.
              “Our doctor insists that the damage is so severe that she had lost her ability to have children. And probably no man will ever want her due to the fact she can’t bear children and who should pay for that?” my mother quietly said.

“Whatever method she plans to have children either through adoption or surrogacy we will pay for two children,” Mrs. Hamilton said quietly.

“Your son’s brutality cost us dearly…cost Willow dearly”, said my father through what sounded like gritted teeth. “How are you in any position to dictate how many children she should want?” Willow heard a quick tapping of a foot on the golden teak floors. Her father only did that when he was beyond angry. “My daughter cannot be bought,” my father said angrily.

I heard whispers but couldn’t make out the words.  “Mr. Warren will want to hear your offer.  Please keep in mind he is rather angry so please don’t insult him.”  That must be our family attorney, Jedidiah Bryant. Must everyone know of my predicament? I should think I would have some modicum of privacy.

“I think he should be put under the prison.”  It was Darden.  “These little indiscretions of his, as you call them, Father, are costing a fortune! He needs psychiatric help and he needs to be locked up.  Anyone this twisted shouldn’t be allowed to walk among the rest of us. Never did I dream he would do this to Willow. He has known her since she was 5 years old when the Warrens first built their home here. He had to know Aspen or I would have pummeled him at the mere notion.” Darden used his thumb to stroke the back of my hand. I didn’t have to open my eyes to know Darden’s touch.

              We had been playmates since day one. Darden had always been my protector in and outside of our development. I did whatever Darden thought was best or made the most sense.  He had always done what was best for me.  He helped me choose challenging coursework.  He thought I would need it to enter some of the top colleges in the country. Darden helped me study and Darden showed me many different study techniques to help me succeed. I had been accepted to the University of Michigan and I had been accepted to Yale as well as a host of other prestigious schools, all due to Darden’s perseverance and belief in my abilities.

              “I can arrange a first installment payment of $250,000, it should be enough money to start any procedures necessary.  I will even throw in money for her pain and suffering after the procedures are over,” said Mr. Hamilton cutting in on my thoughts.

“What about my pain and suffering,” my mother exclaimed.  “I will have to sit here and hold vigil while she recuperates.  I have my community volunteer things to do and we are in the middle of planning a big gala event to help the homeless. I am finally the chairperson this year!”

I couldn’t believe her selfishness. It is so typical of the garbage she does all the time.  It is always all about her. She tells my father about this volunteer committee or that one and how they so desperately need her for direction but, even I know she hasn’t gone to any volunteer organizations in years.  Instead, she picks up young college boys to mess around with.  She has even been so bold as to allow them to come to the house when my father is away on business. If Aspen only knew, he would have her thrown out on the street.

“After her surgeries, when she is well enough to travel. Darden can take her to our summer house on Lake Champlain in Plattsburgh, NY to finish her recuperation. This should free you up”, Mr. Pierson said in a mock display of caring.

After a long pause, my father said they had a deal and he would turn over all medical bills over to Mr. Pierson when the time came.  My mother squealed a sound of delight.  I guess she was imagining all the shoes and purses she could buy.  Darden stayed at my side and whispered his disappointment of his parents and of mine into my ear. For the first time, he lay down next to me and pulled me into his arms.  The first of many tears trickled down my face, the tears seemed to have burned instead of soothed due to my anger. This nightmare seemed like it would never end. My untreated body still very much racked with pain.

After Willow’s surgeries, she was released from the hospital into Darden’s care.  Darden took her to the airport and they boarded a rented Jet.  Darden helped her into her seat.  Without very little delay they were up in the air.  Upon leveling off, Darden eased Willow’s seat back into a more reclining position so she could rest for the next 3 hours.  Willow thankfully slept a dreamless sleep. 

              Darden sat nearby watching her sleep.  He thought about moving her to the rear of the plane where there was a queen sized bed. So, he could lie next to her.  Over the past 3 weeks he had gotten accustomed to having her in his arms sleeping.  He knew eventually he would have to break the habit, might as well start now.  Oh, how his arms ached to have her nestled in next to him.  His eyes scanned her still swollen face.  What beautiful skin she has. He though back to the night of the attack.  How could she have fought his bastard of a brother off with those delicate arms of hers? He had beaten himself up for not taking her to prom. But he had reasoned everyone would have expected him to be there with her.  He wanted someone else to take her someone he could trust, so much for good intentions. He tried to convince himself he was more her big brother than anything else.  But, if that was true why was he looking at her like this? Why was he so concerned for her well-being? He brought his hand down his face then scowled at himself for his thoughts of more.

              He had to get himself under control. He let his mind drift back to the night of the attack.  Even though he promised Willow he would be stay by her side he slipped away just long enough to find his brother and without a spoken word, finish the job Aspen had started. His brother had taken such a beating at his hands he thought he was close to killing him.  Darden shook his head to rid himself of such a vivid memory and flexed his hands as if they were still sore. Days later Dade had the nerve to try and taunt him about Willow not being pure as she once was and how she didn’t start screaming until the porch light went on.  Dade claimed she loved his attention.  Darden knew his brother well enough to know he was lying but he punched him in his bruised mouth anyway, for good measure. Darden smiled at the memory of the shocked look on his brother’s face.

Upon arrival to the Pierson Cottage, Darden noted that some of his college buddies had already arrived. Willow had no idea they weren’t going to be alone.  She immediately slipped her hand into Darden’s and she shivered.  She gave Darden a questioning look and he immediately pulled her closer which eased her fears.

“You will be perfectly safe with me here,” he said with confidence. 

The first of his friends quipped, “I see you brought your own bedmate.”

Darden quickly retorted, “She isn’t my bedmate and nor will she be anyone else’s. If I catch you even so much as talking to her I will kick your ass all over the lake and I know full well you can’t swim.” Darden’s friend went pale. 

Darden showed her to her room.  She would be using one of two Pierson suites.  This one had that feeling of being detached from the rest of the house.  It was almost as if the suite was an afterthought. It had a huge adjoining bathroom and walk in closet with a two loveseats back to back.  The bedroom also featured a gas fireplace insert. Darden helped her gather her things and helped her get them put away. He gave her a quick tour of the other parts of the house and showed her where he would be sleeping.  It was a suite nearly identical to hers but decorated with more of a male flair. It was getting close to dark by the time they had finished a light supper.

Darden thought to himself, how am I ever going to get any rest when she is under the same roof with me?  He tossed and turned all night wanting her in his arms. He decided that a woman to occupy his nights was in order.  And it couldn’t be Willow. 

Unbeknownst to Darden, Willow was sharing similar thoughts to his.  She missed him, she missed his touch and she missed his warmth. She missed that feeling of being protected that only he offered her.  Willow decided she will keep herself busy by doing other things and learn to be without Darden.  She didn’t want to intrude on his friendship with his friends. She would occupy herself and that was that.

Early Sunday morning Darden asked if she would join him to go over to Valcour Island. Darden wanted to walk the trails. Darden told her about the history of Lake Champlain and the history of the light house on Valcour Island.  Darden packed sandwiches and water. They walked out to the dock and boarded a sizeable vessel named
The Huntress
.  Willow sat where she was directed and immediately wondered if he had slept well.  Lord knows she hadn’t. But she was feeling better.  They quickly ended their one mile boat ride and began a short hike around the island.  Darden planned to go no further than a mile round trip.  He would bring her out here as often as he could to help her regain her strength. 

After a few weeks of their morning routine of walking around the downtown area of Plattsburgh then going back by car to the Pierson cottage had become familiar. They would also drive out to other parks and walk the trails. She had gradually been able to walk at a good pace up to 3 miles.  She was feeling good about it.  Darden seemed to be feeling good about it as well.  A week ago most of his college friends had returned to their families, leaving them alone for a few weeks.  When the college friends left, the college girls Darden dated went away too. In the evenings although Darden had become old enough to drink he chose to stay home with her.  They talked, watched movies or played board games.

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