Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow (9 page)

BOOK: Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow
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                            “What did you just do to me?” Willow panted out. She was so glad they weren’t standing.

“I gave you an orgasmic kiss. Based on the look on your face, I bet you thought there was no such thing.  I was told some time ago, that if you were kissing your soulmate and they were receptive and opened their selves up to you an orgasmic kiss could happen. I believe now it works. Is that you were thinking, am I right, were you thinking about what happened between us?”

              Willow turned red.  She looked everywhere but into his eyes. “Yes, I was thinking about us. The things we did and what more we could possibly share.  I imagined what that would be like and feel like and yes found myself falling over the edge. You are introducing me formally to some many things, that I had read about but never experienced and then I am doing these things with the man I have fantasized about many, many times.”

              “You have fantasized about me?  Why haven’t you ever shared that with me?”

              Willow changed her position she was straddling him. “When would I have said that?” She gave him a slight snort. “When your women were rushing you off the telephone? You have no idea how much that hurt.  When I wanted to be the one you were dating or seeing? Never, did I think you would give me a chance.  What Dade said to me that night I thought it rang true.”

              “What did he say?” When Willow didn’t say anything for a long while, he urged her on. “It is okay, remember you can tell me anything I am here to support you.”

              Willow struggled a little.  The memory of that night might haunt her for the rest of life. “I guess my dear brother was telling the truth that he wasn’t fucking you. After, I get done with you he will never even so much as consider it.” Willow slumped forward burying her face into his shoulder. “Those words have always tortured me.”

              “He is such a bastard.  “I’ am so glad he is finally behind bars and can’t hurt you anymore.”


              “You don’t know do you? He was finally locked up.  He has a fifteen year stint in prison with no chance of parole or time off for good behavior.  He is being given some psychological help that in my opinion he needs.”

              “How long has he been in prison?”

              “Not quite a year. But it doesn’t matter, he is never allowed to be within the same state as you.  So you never have anything to worry about.  You will never see him at any family gathering or any social event.”

              Willow slid off of Darden and eased herself into a sitting position.  “I want to go back to the apartment for a while.  I need to think.  You are overwhelming me.  I feel a myriad of feelings. I am feeling so very . . .  I don’t know what I am feeling.  I just know I can’t do this here. I know that won’t make since to you but that is the case.”

              Darden brought himself to his elbow and caressed her face with his finger.  “If you want I can leave and give you the space you need but I don’t think it is wise to take you back to your place right now.  When we were leaving yesterday I saw Sean watching as we were loading your things in the car. He was there even after I was driving away and we went in opposite directions. Honestly I can say I am concerned.  But, I am willing to compromise.  I will take you to your meeting this evening.  I will wait for you outside the conference room. When you’re done we will come directly back here. I don’t trust Sean.”

              “Alright, we will compromise.”

              “Tomorrow I have to go to the office for a good portion of the day. I don’t anticipate being back here before 2 pm.  Take the time to study and do whatever you need to do. But while you are studying, I want you chant during your breaks ‘Darden loves me.’ You have to get past the past in order for us to have a future that will be fulfilling to us both.”












Chapter 8


Darden and Willow arrived at the Michigan Union.  He held her hand in his as they walked into the building. The meeting of the executive board of Gamma Pi is to take place in the Tappan room. The Tappan room is a beautifully decorated room.  Gamma Pi has held many meetings and executive board meetings inside that room and she has always felt it was a room she belonged in. Outside the Tappan Room Darden pulled Willow into his arms.  He looked deep into her eyes and sees a lot of love there. He hopes his eyes reflect the love he feels for her. He intends to give her a chaste kiss but the kiss deepens as if their lips have a mind of their own. Darden reluctantly pulls away, “I will go down to the Michigan Union Ground floor (aka the MUG). For about 90 minutes and then I will come back up.  You can text me if you get done earlier and I will come right back here. Good luck with your meeting, I hope it is productive. Willow watched as Darden walked away. He took such confident steps.  Could a walk be sexy?  Darden’s was very sexy.  Broad shoulders that exuded a sensual confidence. She now knew all about his special brand of sensual confidence.  She smiled to herself with thoughts of Darden clouding her vision.

              Willow liked order and she liked formality.  She set about putting the name and position tented placards on the oak table. Although she wasn’t the President; she was the Vice President of Service and she took the job seriously.  She had done the traditional volunteer projects that Gamma Pi has always done for years plus she has added new staples.  She has even added some websites that Gamma Pi can use to gain service hours by adding to the websites and keeping them updated with the latest news. Willow had made Gamma Pi the go to fraternity for service projects in the community and on the campus. She liked to make the table presentable.  Next, she pulled out the agenda and the financial report and placed copies at the eight spots. She looked the table over and was quite pleased with it.  Darden had crossed her mind briefly and she gave a small smile.  She couldn’t wait for this meeting to end. She wanted to climb into to the bed with Darden and cuddle.  Yes, Darden had given her a lot to think about but tonight she didn’t want to think, she just wanted to feel. She couldn’t wait to have another opportunity to straddle him and to feel his strength underneath and alongside her.

              “You are a real piece of work”, Sean said. Willow jumped, she had no idea she wasn’t alone.  For the first time she noticed that Sean was sitting in the corner of the room.  She couldn’t believe that she hadn’t noticed him. Then on the other hand all she had been thinking about was Darden. And she was still thinking of Darden as Sean was staring at her hard. She found herself actually comparing them.  Darden’s lips were fuller than Sean’s.  Sean’s were thin. Sean was approximately two inches shorter than Darden. Sean had dark hair and Darden’s was a light brown that gained highlights in the summer.

              “Oh, hello, Sean, I am so sorry I had no idea you were in the room.  I guess I was so focused on setting up the room.  I hadn’t noticed you.”

              “But yet for three years I went out of my way to be there for you.  Making sure your projects went off without a hitch. Giving you the support that you needed. Being your sounding board and all the while hoping you would
me. Notice how well we worked together and how good we were together or might be together in a full-fledged relationship.” Sean stared at her. He wondered where she had gone and why she packed up her things. Sean knew somehow she had spent the night with Darden.  Had they been intimate?  The thought of that fueled his anger all the more. It took nothing for him to imagine her under him.  He would love to have that full mouth of hers on him.

              “Sean, I truly appreciate everything you have done for Gamma Pi. Without you I couldn’t have accomplished anything.”

              “I am sure you would have found someone else to use while you waited for your
to return. You never even gave me a chance and that is bullshit.”  Sean was very angry and now walking towards her more like stalking his prey. “I feel like a fool for chasing you.  Making sure I was there for you. I did every fucking thing with you in mind because, I wanted you.  I desperately needed you to be a part of my life. I had our future all planned, I was just waiting for you the final piece to fall into place. And then this asshole comes out of nowhere and kisses you multiple times in front of me.  Kisses you allowed.  He staked claim on you and never once had you corrected him.  Yet, you corrected me if I insinuated that we were together. Then you pack up your stuff and go somewhere, presumably to his place.  Though I thought it was strange you went in opposite directions. But, I know you somehow ended up with him. Those kisses belonged to ME. How dare you go allow him a privilege that was to be mine? Did you offer your body to him when it should have been me?” Sean was within grasping distance. And this felt eerily like her situation with Dade. Willow took a few steps backwards.

              “Sean I am sorry but, I didn’t mean for this to happen.  Darden was right in part when he told you, I was angry with him when I invited you to breakfast but I fully intended to try a relationship with you.  But then things got complicated.” Willow bit her lip and moved very slowly toward the door and wanted to get to her phone. “Darden and I have rekindled something that could turn out to be special.”  The moment she said the words she regretted it.  She saw the flash in Sean eyes and his body language let her know this was about to get nastier. 

              “You’re a fucking bitch.  You were waiting for him all along.  You used me to make him jealous, didn’t you! I was just a pawn in you little game, wasn’t I?”

              Sean’s eyes looked wild.  Just like Dade’s had looked that fateful night. Willow decided to be forceful in hopes Sean would back off. “It didn’t happen like that and you very well know it. You were the one who demanded to know who Darden was.  When you walked over to the table Darden decided to swing into action. You put yourself on the map when you had no right to be on the map in the first place. Literally, Darden walked up to me on the street.  I admit, I was flattered and wanted to spend some time with him. I hadn’t seen him in three years. I wasn’t expecting to start anything new with Darden.  I was against it, at first but . . . “

              “But, nothing, you are just so consumed with yourself and Darden, you forgot all about me. But, you won’t ever forget me again. You had no problem allowing him to touch you, what else have the two of you done!” Sean snatched her from where she was standing and awkwardly into his arms. He crushed his mouth to hers.  His mouth was cold and so unappealing.  She thought about vomiting that she was immediately pushed into flight or fight mode. Willow pulled her knee straight up between Sean’s legs.  She did it twice more in rapid succession giving Sean no time for recovery.  She snatch the door open. She then ran out of the Tappan Room.  All she could think of, was she needed to find Darden.  She searched all over the MUG for Darden. Finally, she texted Darden and in less than thirty seconds he was at her side.

              “Why are you so upset?” Darden was concerned and inwardly thrilled she came to him.  As he looked at her, the look in her eyes was reminiscent of last night’s fear.  Had someone scared her? He chided himself, he should have stayed with her until someone arrived that was part of the meeting.

              “Sean said some horrendous things to me. I want you to take me home with you. I can’t handle what he did to me . . .  I feel so violated. I need to get away from here right away! I need to take a shower, possibly even to fumigate myself.  Oh shit, I left my bag upstairs.  It has my personal information and Gamma Pi’s information in it.” Willow seemed flooded with thoughts and was spewing them out just as fast as they came to mind.

              “Calm down we will go together and get it, it is no big deal.” Darden wanted to know everything but wanted her to be calm and feel safe so he could be told what exactly went on.  Darden kept Willow close at his side as they walked in lock step back to the Tappan Room. Darden kept a keen eye out for Sean, he was ready to pummel him if given a chance. Willow was shaking, either from anger or fear, he wasn’t exactly sure which but then he decided it was probably both. As he replayed her words in his head, he knew she was angry. When they got to the room, Sean was writhing in pain on the floor, cradling the area between his legs. Marissa Alexander, Logan Cameron and Gabriel Mason standing with Brent Underwood, the Pledge Trainer for Gamma Pi and some other board members. Everyone looked rather perplexed as to how Sean had been “attacked”.  Logan and Gabriel helped Sean to a chair. No one questioned Logan’s or Gabriel’s presence.

              Willow hurriedly gathered up her things and placed them in her bag.  She wanted to get away from Sean. She answered some questions about the meeting but most of the questions were about Sean. Upon hearing Willow’s voice the look of stark fear rose into Sean’s eyes. At first, Darden thought it was about his presence and then began to realize that it was Willow he feared. Did she kick him between the legs?  And if so, for what reason was this done? Didn’t she say she needed a shower and possibly fumigation? She had said she felt violated so that must mean Sean had touched her inappropriately in some way. If that is the case then Sean needs a good old-fashioned ass kicking. At first Darden wanted to ask Sean in front of everyone what happened to him.  But then he thought if Sean implicates myself or Willow there might be trouble. Willow was already upset and he didn’t want to compound her pain.

              Willow walked over to Darden.  Darden slipped her bag off her shoulder and placed it on his. In a low voice, “Can this meeting run without you?”

Willow whispered, “Yes.” Willow slipped her hand into Darden’s, a move that wasn’t lost on anyone in the room, including Sean. Darden did a quick survey of the room to make sure nothing else had been left behind. Darden decided to turn towards the door with Willow in tow.

“Willow, our conversation isn’t over.” Sean leered at her. Willow stood tall and stared right back.   “I bet you didn’t tell lover boy how I ended up in this situation.” Sean’s tone indicated he was still very upset with her.

Before Willow could speak Darden had taken up the cause.  “What did you do that she should tell me about?”  Willow’s bag hit the floor. Darden unbuttoned his sleeves and methodically began to roll them up.  

“I didn’t do anything that she didn’t want me to do.  She asked for it.”

“Now I know you are a liar.  If she asked, you wouldn’t have been kicked between the legs. Willow was defending herself.  But, how about this I will ask to pull the tape that records what goes on in this room.  And you can show me how she asked for it.  And when it is proven that she didn’t ask just like I believe, be prepared to have your ass kicked all over this building.” Darden nodded at Marissa who left to get the tape and the video cart equipment. Darden was visibly livid.

              “Everyone in this room knows how Willow and I are together, we are always together joined at the hip,” Sean said. Darden made a swift move to get to Sean but two other males grabbed ahold of Darden to hold him back.  “I have been fucking Willow practically every day for three years.”  

Darden lunged for Sean and was able to connect his fist to Sean’s jaw. “That isn’t true and you know it, just as well as everyone else does in this room.  The only thing you have been fucking for three years is your hand. When this is over and the truth comes out you will be apologizing to Willow.”

“Sean how could you tell such lies that no one believes? Are you living in some sort of fantasy world? Don’t you know the difference between fantasy and reality?”  Willow wished she had kneed him several more times. She grew even angrier. Marissa returned and wheeled in the cart.  Marissa plugged in the equipment and played the tape.  Everyone watched with rapt attention. The video showed everything that happened.  The men in the room crossed their legs involuntarily when Willow doled out her punishing blows to his family jewels. It was more like she tried to crack some eggs. She hit him with a lot of force. Darden was beaming with pride. They watched the whole video.

Darden turned to say something to Sean. “I think you better apologize to Willow. You violated her trust in you. And I think you better resign your post with Gamma Pi. I feel it would be in the best interest of everyone here that you didn’t have any more contact with Willow. If you decide not to apologize to her I have no problem letting her loose on you again.  It is obvious to me that she can take care of herself though, she shouldn’t to have to against her so-called friend. Willow, I believe it is time to go.”

Darden picked up the bag and offered his hand to Willow. Willow looked at him and squeezed his hand.  Darden squeezed her hand back.  They walked to the Thompson Parking Structure, once inside they found the car.  Darden leaned against the car and pulled her into his arms.  “Are you going to be okay?”  Willow closed her eyes and gave an imperceptible nod. “I am so proud of how you decided to defend yourself. Sean may never walk straight again.” Darden made the little joke.  But he wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

Willow burst into tears. She buried her face into his shoulder.  “Sweetheart it is fine if he never walks again, he should have never tried to force himself on you in any manner.”  Darden held her closer to him and gently patted her back. When the crying subsided, Darden walked her to the passenger door and opened the door for her.  Darden kissed her forehead and helped her into the car.  They rode in the car in silence except for the jazz coming through the speakers. At the stop light he looked over at her and her eyes were closed and she looked expressionless.

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