Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow (2 page)

BOOK: Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow
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They went out to Valcour Island for the last time.  They walked all 7.5 miles of trails and walked near the light house and then back to their boat.  They picnicked on their boat. Willow had made chicken salad sandwiches, they drank bottled waters and for dessert they shared a mini melon and mango fruit tray. Willow was enjoying the view. Darden was also enjoying the view. He admired how Willow could seemingly make anything look appealing. She could make a potato sack look sexy. After everything was put back into the picnic basket, they headed back to the Pierson Cottage.

Willow commented, “Thank you for making my summer so pleasant and memorable. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you most.” Without warning Willow popped up on tiptoe to kiss Darden’s cheek.  She went to turn and he grasped her waist gently to turn her around to face him. He stared into her eyes for a long moment.

“I want to kiss you.  Please tell me that I can.”

Willow’s heart was pumping hard and fast.  Her breasts seemed to swell. She managed a breathless, “Yes”.  Darden wasted no time in kissing her softly at first and then more deeply mating his tongue with hers. Exploring her mouth with a hunger that he didn’t know existed.  Her body was held tightly against his. She could feel his heartbeat. Her heart beat matched his. Her tongue latched onto his and his hands glided up and down her body until he grasped her buttocks to pull her even tighter to the fit of him. Willow didn’t know who had groaned deep in their throat. It was a groan of immense pleasure. Darden broke the kiss and placed his forehead gently against Willow’s.  Both of them trying to learn how to breathe again, both were gasping for oxygen.

Darden apologized, “I didn’t mean to take your mouth so aggressively.  You must think I am some sort of jerk for behaving like that.” Darden looked deeply in to Willow’s amber colored eyes. “I will never apologize for kissing you. I don’t regret a moment of it. It is just this isn’t the right time for this to happen. The way I did it was inappropriate for you . . . for us. You deserve better than what I just offered you.”

Willow’s heart was slowly breaking.  The kiss felt perfect to her. Darden had more experience so he must be right. “I know you are right.  I start at the University of Michigan in a few weeks and you have one more year left at Amherst. This isn’t the right time. I agree.”  Willow ran up to the back of the cottage and ran to her room.  She thought she would cry but she was too excited and too elated to cry out of sadness. If she never received another kiss she would always remember this kiss. This kiss would sustain her always.

Darden ran his fingertips through his light brown almost blonde hair.  He couldn’t believe he had her in his arms once again and the gentleman inside him just allowed her to slip through his fingers both literally and figuratively. He knew now more than ever that he would never be able to contain his feelings for her if he stuck around.  They were supposed to stay at the cottage for 2 more weeks.  There was no way he could do that and remain a gentleman; that meant keeping his hands to himself. He wanted to fill his hands with her.

Darden knocked on Willow’s door.  “I think we should head home in 2 or at the most 3 days.  We need to get to work closing up the house and packing up to leave.”  Damn, did she have to look so damned hot? He didn’t give her a chance to respond he just turned and quickly walked away.

I was the longest walk he ever made to his room.  He wanted to turnaround and go to her on every step he took. The king sized bed looked so inviting but, she isn’t ready for him in that way. He wasn’t ready for the kind of relationship she deserved. He locked the door and placed his body against it. How the hell is he going to make it two days let alone three days?  Just looking at her right now had his blood at a near the boiling point. His heart was slamming against his chest so hard he thought he was having chest pains.  He had to get ahold of himself and fast. She deserves a gentleman not some jerk who is only interested in satisfying his own needs. She deserved better. It would be best if he would just stay away from her for a while, at least until he can get his emotions under control.























Chapter 1

Ann Arbor, Michigan

May 2003


And that concludes our tour.  I hope the tour was enjoyable for you. Please have a wonderful rest of your day, here at the University of Michigan.” Willow walked across State St.  To go toward the Michigan League through the Diag as her co-ed Fraternity was hosting a Tea.  If she hurried she could be there before the tea and the delicious delicacies from Espresso Royale were served. Willow’s personal favorite was the Almond Cake. She could just imagine the taste and her stomach stirred because she had managed to skip both breakfast and lunch. 

              Darden had studied Willow while she was finishing her tour.  She was lovely in every way. She had beautiful mocha colored skin with not a single blemish. Porcelain perfection from her beautifully sculpted cheekbones to the wide almond shaped eyes to the gentle cleft in her chin. She had soft curves and full breasts as well as long shapely legs.  She had a femininity about her that was so refreshing. The navy blue sheath dress showed off her every attribute quite nicely. She would never bend over to pick something up off the floor. She would squat down, always, being careful to keep her legs together as she did so. She was just so poised and polished and confident. She wasn’t like the other women he knew, practically taking their panties off on the word ‘hello’.

              “Willow, Willow, wait up!” 

              Willow froze and turned around ever so slowly.  She knew that deep baritone voice.  Her heart was beating so hard she thought it might actually come through her chest. Her body knew that voice all too well. She spotted Darden easily in the crowd.  She wondered, “What is he doing here?”, as she watched his easy stride as he crossed the distance between them. His tall medium built frame was a far cry from the lanky teenage boy he used to be.  At almost 24 years old, he was a very handsome man with a body to die for, wide shoulders and a narrow waist, powerful looking thighs even through the fit of his khaki trousers. Willow hadn’t seen Darden since their summer in Plattsburgh, NY. Yes, they had sent emails back and forth, and spoken once a month, every month but, just for 15 minutes almost as if he was just checking on her.  She could always hear some female in the background trying to hurry him along. Her heart ached every time she had the misfortune of hearing a female voice talking or giggling. But, he was making it clear to her there could never be a relationship.  She got it, loud and clear.  So what is he doing here now? If she was honest with herself she thought about him every day and what could have been.

“Willow, it is so good to see you.” They shared what started out as an awkward hug. That turned into a tight squeeze. Darden brushed a kiss against her forehead. 

              “What are you doing here?  This is a bit of a surprise”, Willow said as she slowly backed away.  Already she was missing his warmth and his touch. Already her body was longing for his touch.

              “I work in Ann Arbor now or at least I will, starting on the following Monday. I am already settled in to my new place. I thought I would pop over and try to see you.”

              “I am sorry Darden, but, I have to rush off to the Michigan League for tea. . .”

              “May I accompany you?”

              “Darden, I. . . Sure you can come along. But you may be terribly bored.  We are hosting a tea for some elderly alumni as we do every year, then after that we are going to the Mendelsohn Theatre to see a new production, I have forgotten what it is called though.” Willow bit her lip wondering if Darden will accompany her.

              Darden fell into step with Willow. They walked through the Diag and Darden commented on how beautiful the Campus was. He could see why she loved it there. When they were ready to cross North University Ave., he placed his hand on the small of her back as if to guide her across the street.  He kept it there.  She fought to keep herself from pushing her back more into his hand. The warmth of his hand brought back so many good memories.

              They arrived at the Michigan League and went to the Koessler Room.  The room was beautifully decorated with maize and blue cloth napkins on white tablecloths.  The centerpieces were very lovely too.  Small vases filled with clear marbles and votive candle. Her Gamma Pi siblings out did themselves.  Everything looked so very chic.  The guests had already arrived and everyone was seated except for her and Darden. But no one had been served so that was good.  The spread of cookies, cakes and pies as well as a variety of fruits made her mouth water. Her stomach tightened again to remind her she hadn’t eaten. Always the gentleman, Darden held her chair for her.  There were some glances from around the room wondering who Darden was, she assumed.

              Willow could read the confusion on their faces.  Darden didn’t touch her but it was apparent to her and others that he was putting forth a protective display by placing his arm across the back of her chair. Sean finally noticed her arrival.  At that moment, Darden whispered something about going somewhere for coffee after all the festivities were over. Sean frowned then got out of his seat to walk over to her.

              Diane Dimiglio said under her breath, “Let the pissing match begin.” Willow looked at her but Diane gave no indication that she had even actually spoken.

              “I saved you a seat over there, if you would like to join me?” Sean prompted, never taking his eyes off Darden.  “Perhaps you would like to introduce me to your acquaintance?”

              “Sean McAllister, I would like you to meet Darden Pierson.  Darden, I would like you to meet Sean”.  The two shook hands but continued to eye each other.

              “May I ask how the two of you know each other?” Sean was continually sizing up Darden. Darden was at least two inches taller than Sean. And Sean wasn’t nearly as fit as Darden.

              “Would it make you feel better if I said we just met or would you feel better knowing we are childhood friends?” Darden asked.

              “Sean, we are just friends and nothing more”, Willow said. Lowering her voice she said, “You are making a scene. We can discuss this later, privately.”

              “I expect to be to sitting with you when we see
Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde
at Mendelsohn,” Sean said, giving Willow a daring look.

              “If it is alright with you, I will escort her there and sit with her, I would like to catch up on old times.” Darden had no problem taking the dare.

              He looked at Willow and then gave Darden a hard stare. Sean was fuming.  That was plain to see by all.  Willow glanced at Darden.  His face was emotionless. Yet his eyes were not at all amused.  She knew Darden well enough to know he wouldn’t ask her about Sean until they were alone.  But she could tell by his eyes he had every intention of asking about Sean, especially after this display Sean has put on. The rest of the time at the Tea went uneventfully.  Willow introduced Darden to her other friends as well as Alumni she knew.  When it was time to go to the Mendelsohn, the guests were trouped out. 

              Willow stayed behind with a few others to help clean up. Darden pitched right in while Sean stood in the doorway and watched.  All the leftover food had been packaged into small party favor boxes and would be presented to their guests after the theatrical performance.  After a few minutes they were all ready to go to the Mendelsohn.  Darden placed his hand on the small of Willows back.  Sean moved out of the way to let the others out but seemed unmoved to do the same for Willow and Darden.

              “Willow what is going on between the two of you? I have the right to know.”

              “I have already explained that we are just friends.”

              “Please move aside so we may pass.” Darden said it with a bit more force that he had intended.  He wanted his voice to be even but that wasn’t happening.  Sean had pissed him off royally.  If Sean was her boyfriend she hadn’t owned up to it. But then neither had he.  Actually, to his way of thinking Willow has truly acted like she is uninterested in Sean. But, then again, why does Sean think he has any right to know anything about them?

              “Sean, I have already asked you once to move aside, I won’t be asking you again. I would suggest you move.”  Darden took a step forward and crossed his arms over his expansive chest. They stared at one another for a long moment.  Willow saw Darden stiffen and then stand a bit straighter. She knew Darden wouldn’t back down but neither would Sean.

              “Look, just like I won’t date you, I won’t be dating anyone else. I have a lot on my plate with school, Gamma Pi and doing campus tours, I just don’t have the time to date. Darden has always been my protector. So please, don’t take any offense to it.  He goes a little overboard but, that is all it is to it.  There is nothing else between us but friendship. So can we go now?”

              Sean reluctantly moved to the side. Sean stared at Darden’s hand on Willow’s back. Willow would never allow Sean to touch her.  Most guys would have walked away by now but, he cared deeply for Willow.  Her body practically convulses as if she would vomit when any male touches her but then this guy shows up and it’s like nothing.  The way he looks at her says anything but friendship.  Yet, she is seemingly oblivious to the situation.  It is as if she has no idea how he feels about her. Maybe that is it, she doesn’t know.  And as she just stated, dear Darden just found out she doesn’t have time for a relationship with either of them.

              Darden thought, is that really what she thinks? Nothing but friendship, wow I can’t believe she doesn’t know. When coffee is over tonight she will know there is more than just friendship between them.  They entered the theater and found their seats just as the house lights went down. Darden sat next to Willow and held her hand. On the other side of Willow sat Sean.  He tried to reach for her hand and she pulled her hand away from Sean. Darden asked if she would like to switch seats. Willow said it would not be necessary.  Darden smiled at the new tension he felt coming from Sean.  Basically, Sean wanted her too.  But, there is something about Sean, Willow must not like.  Then why tell Sean it is about time or fullness of her plate? Obviously, she doesn’t like him. But, she likes him enough to spare his feelings. 

              Darden thought back to when they were growing up together.  She didn’t want much to do with his brother.  She never said it but her actions had said it. Yet, he never paid attention to it until after that fateful night.  It was done in such a subtle way. Maybe this is the same thing. Has Sean tried to get aggressive with Willow? Has he tried to overstep his boundaries? Is that why she had no problem allowing me to come to these events this afternoon and early evening? Yet, she didn’t present Darden as her significant other she said that they were just friends.  So maybe she isn’t trying to get rid of Sean or is she trying to do it subtly? I just need to keep my cool and until I can get some answers. He sat back and relaxed so he could enjoy the show.

              After everyone was seen to their cars, Sean asked Willow if they could have dinner alone.  Willow gave the impression that she wasn’t feeling up to it.  That she had just planned to go back to her apartment.  Sean asked if he could join her.  Darden stayed quiet.  The smirk on Darden’s face, spoke untold volumes.  It seemed like Willow wasn’t going to say anything either. “I just want to go back to my place and relax it has been a very long day.”

              “So let me get this straight, you are going to take him home with you?”

              “It is none of your business what Willow does.”

              “Yes, it most certainly is my business. I have invested three years into trying to cultivate something with her. I was taking it slow and easy. Most people think we are an item. Now that is all blown to hell. . . . She has never so much as mentioned you once in the three years I have known her and yet you pop up out of nowhere and can take more liberties with her than I ever had or could.”

              “Sounds like a personal problem to me. Yet, thank you for your honesty.  I appreciate knowing you never had a chance. And here I thought I was going to have to tell her to forget about you. But, now I don’t even have to do that. Willow, when you are ready, we can go.” Willow started walking back toward the Diag. Darden fell into step with her and grasped her hand. He took a quick glance over his shoulder and grinned at a still-staring, Sean.  Sean was even madder now than he was before. At least he had the good sense not to follow us.

              Darden had always been the consummate alpha male, always taking charge of any situation. On one hand it made things easy for her.  But, on the other hand she made her own decisions now.  Sean had been an unsatisfying version of Darden.  She never allowed Sean the notion the he could hold her hand. She let him know she couldn’t tolerate his touch. So of course, kissing him was out of the question. She wasn’t even curious about him. Sean was good looking he was tall and had a wiry build. She always made sure their private time together was in a public place. She wouldn’t go to dance clubs with him and always made sure they parted ways before 9 pm. She was always clear to let him know they weren’t dating and that he should be dating. She never invited him to her place and she never went to his.  Even if he hosted the Saturday morning tailgate brunches, she never attended them. Only when they were on neutral territory did she attend.  But, even then he tried to make a big show of their “togetherness”.  Why did she allow it? She could never embarrass him.

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