Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow (10 page)

BOOK: Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow
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In the condo, Darden drew Willow a hot bath.  It was already 9 p.m. It had been a long day for the both of them. Darden helped to undress her and place her in the tub.  Darden brought in a chair and placed it next to the tub. He wasn’t looking at her like he wanted sex, he was looking at her because of his genuine concern for her well-being. “Why didn’t you believe Sean?”

“Your behavior in the MUG and his being on the floor holding his family jewels. And the fact we had made love this morning.  You aren’t the type to run from one man’s arms to another.  If you were you would have dated him already. I don’t happen to be stupid.”

“Why did you decide against kicking his ass all over the building?”

Darden smiled.  “I didn’t kick his ass because, you had done such a fine job of it. Losing what he thought he had and doing it in such a desperate way, I think it is punishment enough. On some level he will always see you as the one that got away or somehow I stole your heart right out from underneath him.  You know that didn’t happen and I know that didn’t happen.  We had each other’s hearts for years, long before you ever met Sean.” 

Willow laid back in the tub and closed her eyes.  “Willow before you fall asleep allow me to help you out of the tub.” Darden helped her dry off and put on Michigan shorts and a gray Michigan T-shirt. He helped her into bed and then went and took a quick shower.  By the time he came out she had fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful.  Darden climbed in next to her and prayed that she would be with him always.

Willow woke up after midnight.  The nightstand lamp was still lit. She kissed Darden awake which he didn’t mind at all. “Darden, I have made some decisions. I want to be with you always.  I know I have a lot to work on but if you are willing to stay by my side, I am willing to work through any problems that might arise.”





May 2004

Graduation Day is finally here.  Darden had gotten up at 5am just to make a special breakfast for Willow.  Willow and Darden were quietly eating a breakfast of crepes, and fresh strawberries.  “I know this a special day for you. I am so happy for you and your accomplishment. I want a situation where you enjoy your day with your friends. After graduation, I have made arrangements for you, your family and friends to share in a luncheon at the Michigan League in the Koessler Room.”

              Willows hand flew to her mouth.  And the tears of joy began to flow.  She stood and then Darden stood.  She kissed and hugged him.  “Thank you so much for your support. You have been so wonderful to me and so understanding.” Willow kissed him in a way she hoped would convey all the love she had in her heart for him.

              “Sweetheart, we don’t have time to make love the way I want to right now, but this evening after we get to our destination, we will. Believe me when I tell you, I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself”

              “What destination? Are we going somewhere?”

              “I plan to take you on a cruise as a gift to celebrate your graduation. This is why I worked so hard to convince you to wait until September before starting graduate school.  I wanted to be selfish and take you on a 10-day cruise. Plus, I wanted you to relax for the summer. You deserve it.” 

              “Where are we going?”

              Darden kissed her senseless, she felt the beginning of that familiar throb that made her feel boneless and brainless after a while.  When Darden no longer wanted to discuss a topic he did this.  Willow clung to him because she felt she might find herself becoming a puddle on the floor. He picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs to the bathroom in his suite.  They had taken to showering together.  She loved spending this time together every morning.

              Willow selected a dress for the day and comfortable wedges she could wear all-day. Darden slipped into his suit. She pulled her cap and gown from the closet but elected to put it on when she got to the stadium. Darden ever gracious told her how beautiful she looked, especially with her kiss swollen lips. Willow looked horrified as she touched her lips but Darden only winked at her.

              A car driven by Logan Cameron picked them up and dropped them off near the stadium. Traffic was so bad that they decided to walk the rest of the way. Willow was thrilled when Darden handed her a beautiful bouquet of orchids that an attendant handed him. After the ceremony she would be able to celebrate.  Darden had thought of everything. 

              The Koessler Room was decorated in white pristine table cloths and the tables had shallow glass bowls on each table with blue and yellow lotus flowers floating in water.  The tables were set with the finest of bone china, crystal and silver. The chairs were covered in white with alternating maize and blue ribbon. Everything looked fantastic. Willow practically threw herself into Darden’s arms and kissed him.  She thanked him profusely not believing he made these arrangements for her.  He also placed a long rectangular box on her plate. It was wrapped in a familiar blue paper with a white ribbon not unlike the box he showed her year ago but this one was definitely not a ring box.  Over the past year she had received other pieces of jewelry with the same wrapping.  She wondered if he would ever propose to her. She brushed off the feeling of doubt.  He never gave her any reason to doubt him.  She knew with every fiber of her being that he loved her.  He always told her and showed her there were never any mixed messages. 

              Mr. and Mrs. Pierson offered their congratulations to Willow.  Mrs. Pierson asked, “Darden why are you keeping everyone in suspense? Where are you taking Willow when you go on the cruise?”

              “Mother this is precisely why I dint tell you.  Willow didn’t know until now that we were going on a trip.  I planned to surprise her.” Darden winked at Willow. “Mother, I am still not telling you.”

              Mrs. Pierson briefly eyed Mr. Pierson and wondered if he knew of their destination but quickly dismissed the notion.

              Willow stood talking to her parents. Her mother lowered her voice.  This was usually an indication something unpleasant was about to spill out of her mouth.  “You have been living with Darden for year and still there is no ring. You must be content with giving the milk away for free.”

              “Darden and I have discussed marriage many times it just isn’t the right time for either of us.  He is very busy with his career and I have school.”

              My mother threw her head back and laughed bringing a lot of attention to herself. “Then you are a bigger fool than I thought.”

              Darden was suddenly next to me and pulling me tight against him, “What’s going on?”

              “She thinks you both will eventually marry!” My mother whooped with laughter.  Everyone else in the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Anxious to hear Darden’s response. If they knew anything about Darden it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

              “I have wanted to marry her since the day she turned 18.  But she kept turning me down.  Now, we both want to get married it is just a matter of the right time.  At first, I wanted to get married in Las Vegas or some other quickie wedding place.  But Willow deserved more than that, hell
deserve more than that.  Here’s what you don’t know in many ways we have been married for year, albeit not legally.  We have a commitment to each other that transcends marriage.  We have a love that fights people like yourself that try to hurt either one of us or both of us. Which makes me wonder, what kind of mother are
that you would rather nip at her heels than protect your only daughter? Because that is all you could ever do now, is nip at her heels like a small lap dog?  You no longer have the power you once did to hurt her.  That ended when she spent the summer with me in Plattsburgh. Now, I need you to remember something from here on out and well into the future.  When you disrespect Willow, I will always put you in your place like the bitch you are.”

It was time for Willow and Darden to say their goodbyes if they wanted to make it out to the airport and catch their flight on time.  It was strange that this felt like a rehearsal for their wedding reception. But, Willow didn’t say anything but it was the second time she thought about a wedding.  Shouldn’t she be thinking about a marriage and not just one day? Darden was offering her forever but so far not a ring.  Maybe he didn’t think she was ready? Did she want to get married for the right reasons?  It wasn’t about the gown or where it took place it was about a lifetime with Darden.


May 2007


              This is the day Darden had been waiting for to arrive. He stood in his heather grey tuxedo in earnest waiting for the double doors at the other end of the aisle to open.  The love of his life was on the other side of those doors. He thought over the last four years. How he had waited for this very moment.  As he gazed over the crowd there were many, friends, family and colleagues.  St. Francis of Assisi was decorated beautifully and filled to capacity.  Salix was everywhere in the church. He hoped Willow would like the symbolism of the pussy willows (Salix). The wedding planner, Nicole Richmond went all out. They were both able to meet with Ms. Richmond privately to blend their surprises for the other.

              He couldn’t wait to see Willow.  He hadn’t seen her in over a week. She was helping with the last minute preparations and she had been busy and she wasn’t living with him for the two weeks. That part had been hell.  He had missed her being next to him while he slept.  He found himself constantly reaching for her. He grew more and more disappointed each night when he didn’t find her at his side or in his house.  Yet, these absences does really make the heart grow fonder.  It made other parts of him grow fonder as well.  He truly missed her.  He missed her kisses and the way she slept in his arms.  He needed her and she needed him, he loved the realization of the mutual feelings.

              The doors finally opened, my God she looked lovely. Her dress was beautiful and was perfect match of Willow’s personality. It was conservative and sexy all at the same time. It encompassed femininity and it was definitely defiant.  He loved the lacey overlay that covered her. Oh how he had prayed for this day to arrive. She walked down the aisle to him on her father’s arm.  Willow’s eyes never left his. He couldn’t wait for her to become his wife. No one would have to ask him to cherish Willow.  He has cherished her for years. He loved her more than he could ever explain. His heart swelled with pride. He would always love and protect her until he took his last breath and beyond.

              Father Michael Reardon addressed the congregation, “The bride and groom have written their vows”

Darden reached for Willow’s hands and said. “The feeling hit me the moment we made eye contact when you moved into the Hunter’s Crossing. It was so immediate and powerful – far deeper and inexplicably beyond any calculation of time and place.  You don’t describe a feeling like we share.  No one will ever be able to replicate what we have and share together. Today I will marry you, my friend, the one I will live with, dream with, and love forever. I take you to be my wife. From this day forward I will cherish you. I will look with joy down the path of our tomorrows, knowing we will walk it together side by side, hand in hand, and heart to heart.”

Darden placed a five carat diamond band on her finger.  The diamonds complimented and created a design with the pear solitaire.  The other diamonds were the customary shapes, round, oval, emerald, marquis and heart. With an inscription that reads, Darden loves Willow eternally.

Willow smiled and offered her own words, “Many people spend their lives searching for their soul mate, their one true love. Some people are lucky to find the person they can truly call the better half of themselves, while others spend the rest of their lives searching and never finding. I am happy to count myself among the lucky ones, because I certainly found you. I love you, Darden. I know that you are the only one for me, my one true love. I am happy and I am grateful that you came into my life, that where others have spent their entire lives looking for the one, I have found you. And now that I have found you, I shall never let you go. I promise you, Darden, that I shall hold you and cherish you and give you my heart, that I shall support you and care for you. Faithfully, I shall always stand steadfast at your side with your hand in mine, regardless of what life would bring to us. I take you now as my husband, and I shall remain so for the rest of my life.”

Willow placed a 5 carat ten diamond channel set band on his finger. The inscription reads: Willow loves Darden eternally.

“Darden you may now kiss your bride.”

Darden lifted Willow’s veil. He looked deep into her eyes.  “I love you so very much. My kiss will never equal the passion I have for you.” Darden lowered his head to kiss her. He gave her a toe curling kiss. Then he released her mouth.

Willow smiled at Darden and gave his a chaste peck on the cheek. “I love you very much as well. What we share together is far too overwhelming for me to ever explain to anyone.”

“I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Darden Pierson” The congregation clapped and whistled. 

They skipped the traditional rice throwing activity. Darden and Willow were seated in the back of their rented limousine and shared a kiss.  ‘I love you, Willow. You have made me a very happy man.” They went right to their reception. Darden and Willow were introduced and immediately shared thier dance.  Darden held her close, this wasn’t the dance they were supposed to share but it seemed very right.  “Let’s Get Married” by Jagged Edge was playing followed by “Wifey” by Next. “You are so beautiful, I am so glad we did this.”

Willow grinned. “I am too, I sort of wished we had done this before.  I wasted so much time trying to run from you, when all the time I knew you were the best man for me. I am so glad you were patient and understanding. You stood by me when I didn’t have enough sense to stand by you. Darden, I love you with all my heart.”


May 2010


              Willow got up in around two-thirty in the morning. She paced the living room of their new house.  Darden bought five acres of land and had a house built for them. She was taking deep breaths to ride out the contraction.  The next one she decided she would squat down but not push.  She wasn’t even timing them.  At first, she figured this was a false alarm just like before, though this definitely felt different. She had come downstairs so she wouldn’t wake Darden. She focused on her Wood duck Cruise Control print.  She took another deep breath.  That one was bit more intense than before.  Now she was wondering if this was such a good idea to be downstairs alone.

              She thought about how Darden was over the moon with happiness when she told him they were expecting. He had been treating her like she was fragile piece of glass.  He wouldn’t even let her make her own cup of herbal tea.  He asked her to quit her job because, he wanted her to focus on the pregnancy only.  He read lots of articles and wanted the pregnancy to go smoothly.  He was extremely careful when they made love.  He feared hurting her or the baby.  She tried reassuring him be he wouldn’t listen. He helped her pick out colors and the theme for the nursery as well as getting it ready for their new arrival. Although they didn’t know the sex of the baby, they were so thrilled to be pregnant. Darden told her that he loved her more.  He couldn’t believe she was so willing to give him this gift. Darden was constantly smiling.

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