Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow (11 page)

BOOK: Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow
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Darden read to the baby every night. He even played special music for the baby. He wanted his son or daughter to be very smart. He talked and sang to the baby. He talked to all the experts, making sure that Willow and the baby were getting all the nutrition they needed. They went to the
Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center every day to walk three miles.  They held hands as they walked. Every night they prayed together.  They started praying on their honeymoon.

At church, Darden was fiercely protective of her and their unborn baby. He never allowed anyone to walk up and touch her belly. They no longer stood and socialized. Her thoughts were interrupted by what she considered a hard contraction.  She gritted her teeth to suppress the scream.  She debated with herself if it was time to wake up Darden.  She straddled the chair and leaned forward and folded her arms across the back of the chair then placed her head on her arms. For the life of her she couldn’t remember what breathing technique went with this position.  She tried in through the nose and out the mouth.  But it didn’t seem to relax her.

Darden woke up on his own.  He listened for Willow and then opened his eyes and didn’t see the light coming from the bathroom.  He got up and headed towards the stairs.  He thought he heard something like a whimper.  He quickened his pace. The whimper was much louder now.

“Willow, how long has this been happening?”

“I don’t know, since about two-thirty at first I thought these were Braxton Hicks contractions, I have been debating if I should wake you.”

“Sweetheart always wake me you shouldn’t be doing this alone.” Darden looked at the clock. I am going to get dressed and I will bring you some loose fitting clothing then we are going to the hospital.

Another contraction came on harder than the rest, Willow screamed. Darden times the contraction length it went on for more than a minute. Darden took the steps two at a time. He raced to wash is face and get dressed.

Darden brought her a pair of maternity shorts and large t-shirt. She washed in the downstairs bathroom then dressed herself. After just a few minutes she was ready.  Darden helped her into the car.  Together they headed to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. She was in so much pain it was unimaginable.

Darden checked her in and then they went to triage.  Quickly they were given a curtained off area. Willow was checked.  She was at 5 centimeters but her water hadn’t broken yet. Willow was holding tight to Darden’s hand. All through the next contraction.  She bit into the pillow so she wouldn’t disturb anyone else.

“Mrs. Pierson, may I ask a few questions?” the cheery nurse asked.

Willow was just finishing another contraction before she could answer.  These last two were much harder. Tears were beginning to form. “Yes.” 

The nurse asked all the customary questions and then left. Darden held Willow as she rode out another series of contractions.  Darden wondered why they weren’t in a private room yet. When the nurse returned he asked the question.  He wanted her to labor in private not like this.

Soon Willow was moved to a labor and delivery room.  A different nurse came in to check her and she had dilated to seven centimeters. Willow was laboring fast.  The contractions were now coming faster and stronger. Willow just wanted to be alone with Darden and labor in peace. There just seemed to be a revolving door of activity.

Willow was finally ready to push. It seemed to the doctor and his staff that the baby was helping the process. In other words, Willow didn’t have to spend much time pushing. Darden held her hand and encouraged her. 

The doctor announced it was a boy.  Darden for the first time cried tears of joy. Darden was given the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord.  All the other necessary procedures were performed and Darden was given his son to hold. Tears streamed down both their faces.  Darden kissed Willow tenderly. “Thank you for our son. He is beautiful just like his mother and perfect in every way. I love you.”

Darden Mitchell Pierson, Jr. was 22 inches long and 9 lbs. 15 oz. at birth.   Darden allowed Willow to choose the name and was honored that she named their son after him.  Darden beamed with pride over his son and his wife.

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