Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow (7 page)

BOOK: Darden's Pursuit of Happiness: Darden and Willow
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              “Darden, I want to try, I want to go slow and I need you to be gentle and patient with me. I want to know what it is like to be with you intimately.”

              “When things get to the point you want to stop just say stop.”  Darden helped her to her feet. “I want you in my bed every night regardless if tonight is successful or not. Stay right here don’t move an inch.” Darden placed the decorative pillows on one of the wingback chairs.  He turned the covers back and then walked over to her.  “We are going to do anything that you don’t want to or aren’t sure of, remember, you are calling all the shots.” He gave her a kiss on the lips. “No matter what happens here tonight, remember that I love you and I have always cherished you.” Darden kissed her in such a way that he wanted to translate all that he had said into their kiss. He held her close and continued kissing her. He wanted to go slow and didn’t want to scare her. 

For the first time in his life a woman he was about to bed mattered to him. Before he didn’t give a damn how it happened.  He fucked them and then he left.  Or he fucked them and then told them to leave.  It hadn’t been since Plattsburgh that he allowed any of them to sleep over.  He couldn’t do that anymore.  He wouldn’t do that ever again, unless it was Willow. He was kissing Willow about her ear. Taking the earlobe into his mouth and then licking her lightly behind her ear. He made a string of kisses along her jawline.  Her low moans were music to his ears and her moans urged him on.  He unbuttoned her shirt, one button to expose the center of her collarbone. He kissed along the exposed part of her collarbone then licked a line. Then he sucked the area ever so slightly.  He didn’t want to leave passion marks where just anyone could see them.  He wanted to mark her as his but on private parts of her body, her breasts, her upper inner thigh and her delectable ass. A sure fire public way of marking her as his is putting a bridal set on he left hand but, he would have to wait until she was accepting of him.





















Chapter 6

Darden began to unbutton her Oxford revealing a beautiful mocha brown camisole and a matching bra. His blue gray eyes had darkened considerably at the sight of her.  The combination of her skin and the camisole was an instant turn on. It almost matched her skin tone perfectly.  He lifted each wrist so he could unbutton the cuffs.  He kissed each of fingers and gave the tip of her pinky a soft suckle. He gave the shirt a slight push and it slipped off her shoulders.  He kissed along the straps first the left shoulder then the right all the time taking in the sexy aroma of warm vanilla sugar that has become her signature scent. Then, Darden licked along the rise of her breasts, for the first time, she began to cradle his head indicating she didn’t want him to stop.  Why would he ever stop?  He wanted to see the rest of her so he decided to loosen her belt all the while licking trails over her breasts. He undid the clasp of her pants and then the zipper. Darden was careful to only take the pants down.  He wanted to see her underwear while she was still in it. She never had panty lines and always wondered what kind of underwear she wore. She had as his maternal Grandfather Frank would say legs that went from her ass to the floor.  Didn’t everyone have that?  But suddenly, he understood exactly what his beloved Grandfather Frank meant.

He knelt down to help her step out of her trousers and then stood up to take a few steps back. She was the best eye candy. Damn she looked sexy as hell. His penis jumped in pants and got bigger.

“Do I get to undress you the way you undressed me?” Willow licked her lips.  Darden visibly shuddered at the sight of her.

Darden shook his head.  “Not this time. I don’t think I could handle that. I might explode right here if you were to touch me. I don’t want to embarrass myself.”

“Darden, don’t be silly” The look in willows eyes were so far removed from the innocent her knew her to be.

Darden removed her camisole.  Her blemish free belly was exposed.  She had a smooth flat belly that seemed like it would be soft to the touch. He took it all in.  Willow wasn’t a woman to wear a bikini and she didn’t wear revealing clothing, she was very conservative.  But her bra and panty set had blood on fire.  Aw, hell was all the words that were coming to mind.  He felt like he might turn into a human torch. “You are so beautiful. So beautiful in fact you have no idea what you do to me.” Darden breathed deeply, he had to get his mind under control. He was back to the thoughts from this morning.  It had only been just this morning and so many things had already changed.  Who would have thought Willow would be asking me to make love to her. And yet, she had and I won’t question it at least not right now.

He picked up the remote to turn on the sound system and jazz was coming over the speakers. He adjusted the sound on his Sony Disc Explorer.  David Sanborn was playing. Willows hips seemed to hone in on the beat.  The moved and rotated to the beat.  Was she trying to entice him?  There was no point in doing that he was already raring to go.  Together they took steps towards each other. Her hands slid up his chest and over his shoulders and around his neck. “I love you, Darden.” Willow initiated the kiss for the first time.  There was nothing chaste or demur about the kiss.  She was hungry for more and she was going to be given more. She wanted everything Darden could physically give her. With one of her hands she brazenly cupped the front of his pants and found his bulge to be large. She loosened his belt but was unable to release the clasp. As their kiss deepened Darden offered his assistance. His pants had fallen past his hips thus, leaving him in his boxer briefs and polo.

Willow lifted his shirt and kissed his chest then she tossed his shirt above his head.  She loved the feel of his hard abs under her fingertips. She began to finger the inside of the waistband. Darden had released the clasp of her bra and was pulling the straps down her arms. He was anxious for her breasts to spill out of the cups.

“Willow, will you allow me to give you the most carnal kiss of all?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Willow was practically breathless.

“I want to kiss you between your legs. Just the way my tongue explores your mouth
I want to explore you.”

“Darden . . . I am not sure. I don’t know if . . . I can handle that. Please don’t use your fingers, okay?” Willow pulled away from him and covered her breasts with her arms and hands.  She had a haunted look in her eyes. Darden really thought she might scream.

Willow, its okay. We don’t have to do this. Let me just hold you. We can try at a different time. I will get you something to put on.  He turned to get her a t-shirt from a drawer.  When he had a t-shirt in hand he turned and she was gone. Just that fast. Damn.  He heard whimpering in the bathroom.  He knocked lightly on the door. The whimpering turned into a sob.  It was the same sound her heard the night Dade had raped her. She must be reliving it, Darden thought. “Willow, it’s alright it is only me, Darden.”

Darden opened the door slowly and found her against the farthest wall.  He offered her his shirt. When she wouldn’t take it he placed it on the countertop. “Sweetheart, ‘I will do whatever you want. I think if you would allow me to hold you, you would feel better. Willow looked as if she was thinking it over and then she shook her head no. Another whimper sob combination came out much louder this time.  “I will be out in the bedroom when you are ready to come out.” Darden didn’t know what else to do.  If he stayed would she see him as a threat? Because, he left the bathroom, would she think he had given up on her? He wasn’t sure what to do.  But now more than ever he understood the private hell she was suffering through.  She had put on such a brave face that he believe that in time she could get past it.  But obviously she was still reliving it. 

Forty-five minutes later, Willow exited the bathroom. She didn’t look so scared anymore but she didn’t look very unsure. Darden stood but didn’t move from the spot he was standing in. “Willow, do you want to talk? I will listen.” Darden offered his hand to her but she didn’t move.  She glanced at the bedroom door as if she was considering running. Tears ran down her face.  “We can get past this together. Willow please don’t give up on us. Don’t run away.”  Willow slowly took a few steps in Darden’s direction. Then she looked at the bedroom door. She was torn. Without warning Willow ran right into Darden’s arms almost knocking him over. He just held her.  He picked up her legs and placed her on the bed and pulled the covers up over her. He turned on the bedside lamp next to his side of the bed.  He reached for her and pulled her close. 

No one spoke.  He kept his hands still. He closed his eyes and before long he heard the sound that he was so familiar with, she had fallen asleep in his arms. He was still shirtless but in his boxer briefs. She wasn’t wearing her bra but was wearing his t-shirt. He was grateful for that. 

In his mind it symbolized that they had a chance. Willow being in the bed with him gave him hope that they didn’t have far to go. He hadn’t seen her like that in years. But when he had she had always clung to him just like she was doing right now.  He definitely wanted her in his bed and was willing to wait in hell if he had to for her love.  But he knew he already had her love, now it was about winning her trust. It was a reverse wasn’t it?  First you earn trust then you earn love.  His body ached for her. But that would have to wait.  Now, he needed to gird himself and make himself ready to stand beside her and offer her is strength to fight her demons.

For right now, she will have to learn to trust him. To know he would never harm her or make her feel uncomfortable. But she must trust him on some level after all she is here in his bed.  But that trust must have some cracks in it.  Those cracks need to be repaired.

Darden was feeling good and feeling a lot of pleasure. A deep growl escaped his lips. He opened his eyes and noticed the room was brightly lit. He frowned.  His penis was being stroked and not by him. He took a deep breath and slid his hand over to feel Willow’s hand.  Her hand froze and then he released her hand and she began her ministrations.  Thank God this wasn’t a dream. Funny, how Willow said the same thing, yesterday. He groaned this time. “Willow?”

“I wanted to try to make up for last night.”

Darden placed as few fingers under her chin and lifted head.  He twisted a little so he could kiss her.  He offered her a soul-thrilling kiss. A kiss that was unparalleled by anything he had given before. He slowly lifted her shirt and ran his index finger around her nipple.  He broke the kiss because he wanted to answer one of his questions. No areola at all and large nipples.  He lowered his head to capture the nipple between his lips.  This was so good. “Darden, I want you so much right now, I am aching.”

“Be patient sweetheart; allow me to make you feel good all over your body. Willow, I need you to dig deep inside yourself and trust me.  Know that I am the man who loves you and who would never hurt you. Chant my name inside your head.  So you know it is me.

Willow reluctantly did as he asked.  She found meditating on his name surprisingly relaxing.  She was soaring as she found herself being gifted with his attention.  She didn’t notice his hand splayed over her belly as it inched its way to her mound.  She was too busy luxuriating in the sucks and plucks of her nipples. There was an electric current flow from her nipples to her clitoris.  Her hips rose off the bed as if they had a mind of their own. They rocked left to right and then lowered.  She bucked then moaned deep in her throat.  Her head moved back and forth slowly and her eyes closed. For the first time she was fully attuned to her body.  The blood flowing threw her body was being heard by her ears, her vision was sharper and then she could feel herself become unglued.  Darden was lightly manipulating her clitoris. Rubbing the tip, pulling the hood back, the cool air didn’t cause it to shrink back it had the opposite effect.  He allowed two fingers to rub on either side clitoris and then it happened.  He raised his head to look into her eyes. She shattered and cried out. He kept it up.  “Darden!” she crooned.

Darden smiled and thought to himself, this won’t be the only time she screamed his name tonight. He kissed her mouth but his fingers stayed very busy bring her to yet another shattering orgasm.  He kissed a trail down her body until he could latch on to his prize.  After a few licks her legs wrapped around his neck and head.  He hadn’t planned on going anywhere. He licked the alphabet in block letters then in cursive. Then he licked his name. He was making sure to penetrate her deeply between each letter of his name. She was screaming again, “DARDEN!”  Darden spelled out I love you in both block letters and cursive and drove his tongue deep within her to re-spell the words of endearment. Darden pulled her legs from around his head and repositioned himself.  He reached for his beside drawer and pulled out a box that he opened. He extracted one condom. Darden eased the condom on making sure it was on right. You would think as many as these as I have put on I wouldn’t have to concentrate so much.  But, I am just so damn excited about her.

“I am going to go slow and you may feel my hand. Continue chanting my name inside you head.  Remember at any time we can stop.  All you have to say is stop.  If it is too much at once then place your hand on my chest and push and I will stop until you get used to the girth.  Then I will push a little further but only when you tell me it’s okay.  Are we understood?”


Darden lowered his head and kissed Willow.  Not for the first time had he noticed the contrast in their skin tone.  He knew they looked beautiful together. He liked how they looked together.  He kissed her shoulder and began to slowly penetrate her. He saw her winced and he immediately stopped.

“Darden, I am okay don’t stop we need to get past this.  No matter what please don’t stop.”

Darden pushed a little further and Willow cried out from the pain. He was startled and began to pull out but Willow quickly wrapped her legs around him. So he stayed in one place.  Everything inside him wanted to thrust. But he didn’t really want to hurt her. She felt virgin tight.  And in his mind he knew she was a virgin, regardless of her rape. She took a deep breath and that made her muscles clamp down on him.  He was in heaven. “Are you ready for me to push a little further?” she simply nodded. He pushed further and she shuddered.  Her legs were shaking.

“Please don’t stop, I want more.”

Darden had never been the first with any women and he didn’t know exactly what to expect. “Baby, I think maybe you have had enough and you can’t take all of me right now. You are very tight and I don’t want to make you feel like I am trying to tear you apart. We don’t have to finish what we started, today.  We can try again if you want in a few days.  Your body is going to need some time to adjust.”

“No, I want this. I want you to finish this. Please Darden, make love to me.”

“Are you absolutely sure?”

“Yes!” Willow’s body began to rumble. And she lifted her hips to take more of him as he was on the downward stroke. She was rotating the hips as if she was trying to screw herself onto him.

“Willow, don’t do that! You going to make me do the wrong thing that, your body doesn’t need right now.  I don’t want to thrust deep and I don’t want to do long strokes right now. ”

“Darden, you are mine and I can do what I want with your body.”  And with that, Willow’s body began milking Darden. Willow was working her inner muscles.  She wasn’t even sure she was doing it right but with Darden’s initial response it was obvious she has either pushed or pulled him over the edge. Willow was now meeting his every thrust and she felt beyond magnificent.

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