Evince Me (15 page)

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Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #wattpad evince me notice me bebechinadoll watty awards tristan lise monhegan moonlight werewolf

BOOK: Evince Me
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Pulling out a seat for me at the table, I sat
down and immediately felt Tristan's lips brush against my cheek.
Tristan moved taking his place in the seat across from me. I almost
burst out in laughter...almost...at the sight of Max who was
dressed in a tuxedo as he appeared from the bottom deck with two
plates of food in hand. Wonder what he did to merit the punishment
of being our waiter for the evening.


"Dinner is served." Max announced in his most
professional voice. I could see right through him though as his
eyes gleamed with amusement. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he actually
volunteered to do this.


"Thanks" Tristan and I said in unison as Max
placed our dishes in front of us. "If you don't like it too bad,
it's all I've got." Max chuckled as he returned downstairs. We sat
and ate our lemon pepper chicken with roasted vegetables and garlic
mashed potatoes in a comfortable silence, just enjoying our


Soft music began playing out the speakers, which
startled me at first, because I had no idea what it was. "Dance
with me?" Tristan asked sweetly holding out his hands for me. I
stood and wrapped my arms around his neck placing my head against
his chest as we swayed slowly to the beat. Closing my eyes I
cherished the moment. "I know it's not until tomorrow, but Happy
Anniversary baby. Thank you for giving me the best three years of
my life."


My eyes began to fill with happy tears. Three
years have flown by in the amount of time it takes to snap my
fingers...or at least it seems that way. "Happy Anniversary, I love
you and thanks for doing all this for me." I grinned, allowing my
eyes to trail from the stubble on his chin all the way up to his
ashen gray eyes.


"You're welcome." Tristan breathed out obviously
caught up my intense stare. "Would you mind taking off you're
shoes? I wouldn't want them getting ruined." Tristan suggested as I
felt the ferry come to a stop. Why would my shoes get ruined? Was
that it? Is the ferry ride over?


Looking over the edge of the boat I noticed we
pulled up to another dock....where the lighthouse is! Aww this is
where our first date took place. Stepping off the ferry, me
barefoot with my shoes in hand and Tristan with a large duffel bag
slung over his shoulder. I wondered what was in the bag?


Tristan took my hand and led me across the sand
towards the lighthouse. I heard the tooting of the ferry's horn, so
I turned around to see it pulling away from the dock. Where the
hell's it going? "Wait!" I cried out throwing my hand up in the
air. "Tristan it's leaving us!" I shouted trying to turn around and
run for the ferry.


Yet, another chuckle was heard and this time it
echoed loudly. "Baby, that's the idea. We're staying here for the
night." Tristan said throwing his arm over my shoulder and leading
me towards the lighthouse. What? Where are we staying? "Everything
we need is in this bag. We're sleeping on the lighthouse deck under
the stars tonight." Tristan whispered against my ear causing my
body to develop goose bumps.


How can we spend the night here, what about the
pack and his Alpha duties? "Luke's got everything under control
back at the house. He'll update me with any problems, so stop
worrying" Tristan reassured me, almost as though he could read my


The vast sky stretched out above us as I
snuggled my head into a more comfortable position on Tristan's
chest. We were tucked into the double sleeping bag underneath the
stars. Tristan wasn't lying when he said it was magnificent here at
nighttime. The only noise that could be heard was the waves moving
to and fro. Being able to spend alone time with Tristan was
satisfying enough for an anniversary present. He's the best gift
I've ever received in my entire life and I'm so blessed that he's
all mine.

Chapter 16: Thomaston


"Yes I promise you that we'll be there with
bells on. We wouldn't miss your birthday and announcement as Alpha.
No, I don't think Tristan would think it's funny if you declare me
as your Luna. Seriously, don't do that. He'll probably shift and
attack you if you do..."


With the phone pinched in between my shoulder
and my ear, I was trying my best hand at multi-tasking but it
didn't seem to be going too well. "Listen Troy, I have to go I'm a
little busy cooking. I'll give you a call tomorrow ok? Love


Troy called to remind me that tomorrow is his
birthday and announcement as Alpha of his pack. Like we would miss
this for the world, he's my brother from another mother. The
transition of taking on our duties as Alpha and Luna has been
successful. Tristan and I have been able to work out time for us as
well as devote all our needed attention to our pack.


"Who else has my Luna's love?" Tristan whispered
close to my ear causing me to jump in fright. "Ahhhh." I screamed
holding up the rubber spatula like a weapon. He scared the crap out
of me so bad, I dropped my phone into the bowl of mashed potatoes I
was whisking away at frantically. Whipping my head to the side I
glared at him with narrowed eyes.


Anya instantly began cracking up mid gulp of her
glass of ice tea, spewing it out of her mouth. She was laughing so
hard some of it began trickling out of her nose. "Th...the l-look
of f-fear on your face was priceless." She gasped out in between
breaths. "How much damage did you plan on inflicting with that
rubber spatula?"


With a raucous chuckle, Tristan bit down
guiltily on his bottom lip giving me an innocent wide eyed look. He
leaned down and pecked me on the cheek before reaching over my
shoulder and plucking my phone out of the bowl. Cringing slightly,
Tristan announced. "Uhh, looks like it might be time for a new
phone, if I can't get all this gunk out of it."


"Ya think?" I asked sarcastically a little angry
that my entire Iphone was covered in potatoes. Letting out a
frustrated sigh, I wondered why people get enjoyment out of
sneaking up on others? "And you, no thanks for the warning!" I
pointed at Anya with said rubber spatula.


Anya just shrugged her shoulders and went back
to spraying down the cookie sheets so she could place the biscuits
and croissants on them for baking. "What? It was a good laugh." She
smirked before going back to her task at hand. From the corner of
my eye I could see Luke putting his index finger to his lips
indicating he planned on scaring Anya, ha payback's is a bitch!


As Anya went to peel the wrapper off the
pillsbury biscuits canister...I forgot to warn her that when the
wrapper is peeled off, it lets off a huge popping noise as if a
gunshot went off. That noise in combination with Luke grabbing her
from behind at the same exact moment was hilarious as Anya let out
a scream fit for a horror movie. Ha, karma works wonders.


"That was Troy he was calling to remind us about
the party tomorrow." I turned around to face Tristan. Staring up
into his hazy eyes, I decided to answer his initial question before
getting sidetracked with the shenanigans. "Mom and dad said they'll
watch over the pack while we all go." This caused Tristan to grin,
he loved the fact that I stared calling his parents, mom and dad.
Why not, we're practically married already anyway.


Dinner was chaotic as usual, having a house full
of hungry wolves was never a good thing. "I'm running patrols with
Luke tonight so I won't be home until late." Tristan said pulling
me into an embrace as I tried to clean up the dining room table. He
kissed the top of my forehead and gave me an award winning smile.
"Don't wait up for me ok?"


Who was he fooling, he knows I can't sleep
without him. With a roll of my eyes, I stood on my tippy-toes and
leaned up to brush my lips against his. "I'll be patiently waiting
until you get home. Besides Anya and I planned on having a movie
night with the girls anyway."


"Dance with me?" Troy asked both Anya and I,
holding out both hands. He's already been declared the Alpha of the
Thomaston Pack. Now all he needed to do was find his Luna. Sadly
Tristan and Luke couldn't come with us, they had to tend to pack
duties, duties Tristan chose not to disclose with me.


Taking Troy's hand we both danced with our best
friend. "Congrats Troy and a very Happy Birthday." I smiled. From
across the yard I could see Axel and the boys watching me
carefully. Without Tristan being around Axel as my protector was
taking his duty seriously. He wasn't even drinking with us!


'Baby, sorry to ruin your fun but I need you to
have Troy call me now.' Tristan's voice penetrated my mind causing
me to freeze on the spot. Looking at the guys I could see them
closing in on us quickly. Obviously Tristan's filled them in on
what's going on. Why is he keeping me in the dark?


'Ok, but can you tell me what's going on?' I
sent back wanting to know what the deal is? I have a right to know
right? I'm Luna! Taking my cell phone out my back pocket I dialed
Tristan's number and handed the phone over to Troy. "Tristan needs
to speak to you immediately."


Nodding his head, seriousness washed over Troy's
expression as he walked off with my cell phone pressed up to his
ear, probably away from all the noise and into a quiet atmosphere.
Facing Axel I trusted in my protector to fill me in on the events


"Axel, what's going on?" I took a step closer to
Axel, an uneasy feeling beginning to swirl around in my stomach. My
nerves were frayed and on edge. There was a sense of urgency in
Tristan's voice when he mind linked me. Boy was I gonna give him an
earful once things calm down. He needs to keep me informed of
things, it's my pack too!


"I'm not sure yet Luna, but I assure you once I
find out I'll let you know." Axel answered in his strictly about
business voice. We've become very close friends and to hear him
address me that way worried me. Something is brewing on the


Rushing out of his house Troy came to a halt in
from of me. Returning my cell phone, Troy gave me small smile.
"Well looks like my first duty as Alpha is in effect as of, right
now!" He shouted excitedly, boys they always get riled up over the
littlest of things. "Tristan received a tip that a group of rogues
are headed this way. We need to stop them before they enter either
of our territories and that's not the worse part. Somehow along the
way they've enslaved she-wolves they've captured along the


Sick bastards, why is the world of wolves always
about war, fighting, more war, and even more fighting? Is there
never any peace? Hugging Troy, I wished him good luck and told him
I was sorry that he had to go through this on his birthday. I also
thanked him for informing me what was going on.


'Please be careful.'
I told Tristan. There was no hiding the anxiety that filled
my voice. I know they're extremely good fighters, but that's my
mate and I always worried about his safety. Facing Anya I filled
her in on the details, she immediately called Luke to speak to
'I love you.'


'I love you too baby. I'll be
home soon.'
I planned on holding him to that
'I've advised Axel and Sam to
stay with you and the girls, but I need the rest of the guys to
assist me. I need you all to get home and stay indoors until I get
there. You need to keep the pack calm sweetheart...I'm sure word
spread quickly.'


Chewing on my nails nervously, I sat on the sofa
curled up between Anya and Darla. My eyes kept wandering over to
the clock. This is the worst part...the waiting to hear from
someone or for them to just walk in the door and let us know
they're ok. Kalista, Brianna, and Sofia were trying to keep their
minds busy by baking cookies and cakes for when the guys


The sound of the front door opening forced us
all to jump to our feet and rush to the front foyer. Standing there
were all they guys in the center of them were about five girls who
looked absolutely terrified to be in their presence.


Troy had his arm wrapped around one of the
girls, just the way he was staring at her told me he had found his
mate in one of the girls. Axel and Sam emerged from the kitchen
each with a cookie in hand. When they realized what was going on
they stood stock still.


'Baby, I need you to work your
magic. We've killed the rogues and managed to get them to come
along with us. It helps that Troy found his mate, so they trust us
but not completely and who can blame them after what they've been
Tristan closed the front door behind him and
wrapped his arms around me, he seemed genuinely relieved to be home
and I was glad he returned unharmed.


"Nicole, Ally, Gwen, Miranda, and Amy..."
Tristan began as he pointed to each girl so that we'd know who was
who. "I like you all to meet my Luna, Lise." Tristan went on to
introduce everyone else that was present in the room. The four
girls seemed to huddle themselves in a close circle, they seemed on
edge and scared. It was a sin to see them like that, but I planned
on trying my damned hardest at making them feel comfortable.


Axel's eyes drifted over to the girls and I saw
his body instantly freeze up. A low growl erupted from deep within
his chest as he focused on the smallest of the four...Nicole. It
wasn't a threatening growl it was one filled with anguish as he
stared at her bruised up body. Looks like Axel's found his mate,
let's just hope she opens up and lets him love her the way a mate

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