Glam Metal (10 page)

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Authors: Anna Daly-McCabe

BOOK: Glam Metal
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He had been working flat out on this one and wrote most of the songs himself. Even he was convinced it was a number one album.


“You must be so proud,” Sam stated. Jay smiled, he was. It had been a tough time in recent years for him personally.


“I have been clean for a very long time…had lots to tempt me but I didn’t
fall into that trap again.


m a lucky man at the moment. I

ve been given a second chance.” For the first time since she met him, Sam could see the serious side of him. She knew he wouldn’t return to his old ways. He was way too determined to succeed.


“You and Nick seem to be very close still?” Sam asked. Jay laughed.


“Darlin, Nick and I are like brothers, we fight like two cougars but we’
re brothers at the end of the day.”


During lunch they all had a very pleasant time, talking and joking. The food was delicious. It was an extensive seafood platter with various other side dishes, washed down with young Chablis. Lisa wore a bemused look and whenever Nick spoke, she was like a schoolgirl again, hanging on his every word.


Sam even found it easy to be pleasant to Nick. Funny but when Jay was around, it seemed easy to be nice to him.


Sam had no idea where this was going. If after this, she would see Jay again. There was no doubt that she wanted to. That she was certain of. But sometimes life didn’t play out the way that you wanted it to.


As if guessing what she was thinking, Nick asked:


“So Jay, is it love yet?”  Sam shot him a warning look. Jay laughed but didn’t
reply. Lisa giggled; the wine was starting to affect her.


“Perhaps you shouldn’t
stick your nose where it

s not wanted.” Sam retorted to him. She was receiving quizzical looks from everyone. Nick laughed loudly.


“Someone has no sense of humour.” Even Sam had to smile at that.


The remainder of the afternoon was very pleasant. Nick and Lisa sunbathed on the upper deck and Sam took up her old position on the sun lounger, she occupied earlier.


Jay navigated the massive yacht back into its mooring at the Marina. Despite the little tension with Nick earlier, the rest of the time was very pleasant.


Walking hand in hand with Jay, Sam felt so content. He made her feel so alive.


Suddenly she was blinded by flashing lights and two guys walking in front of her snapping away with cameras and shouting questions, but she didn’t understand what they were shouting at her.


Jay turned to Nick and said:


“Get the car, and take the girls with you.” Nick grabbed Sam and Lisa by the arm and ushered them in the opposite direction to the way they were going, leaving Jay behind with the two camera guys.


When they reached the car, Nick opened the door for them and jumped into the driver

s seat.


“Sorry about that ladies!” He seemed genuinely sorry that they had to go through that. “That happens quite a bit. We weren’t
expecting it tonight though.”


s Jay doing?” Sam asked, recovering from the ordeal that they just endured.


“He’s using his charm and power of persuasion to get the roll of film.” There was sarcasm in Nick’
s voice.


“Will they give it to him?” Lisa asked. Suddenly she was quite scared. What if they had photographed her with Nick’
s arm around her? Right now she thought it was only Sam and Jay they were photographing.


“Sweetie, they didn’t
see us until it was too late. Jay was too fast for them.” Nick knew what she was thinking.


“How do you stand it?” He laughed and looked in the rear view mirror at Sam and said:


s all part of this life, sugar.” But this time she didn’t pick up anything contrite in his voice.


Nick drove a couple of blocks then pulled into the car park of a motel. It was the kind of place that rented the rooms by the hour. Sam and Lisa looked at each other momentarily. The door opened suddenly and Jay was barely in as Nick tore up the stones as he took off like a bat out of hell.


He turned around and patted Sam

s knee. There was genuine concern written on his face.


“You ok Darlin?” She was fine, just a bit taken aback. Nick asked about the film.


“Digital camera, wouldn’t
erase the shot, said it was a good pic.”  Lisa looked alarmed but Jay smiled at her reassuringly.


“Hey, I’
m very persuasive. I gave them a couple of tickets and a few back stage passes. They deleted it.” A sense of relief swept over her.


The rest of the journey was in silence. So this is what life with Glam Metal was like, with constant running from sleazy photographers. Sam thought. 


Sam showered and put on her bikini, she desperately needed to soak in the hot tub. There was no one on the terrace as Sam made her way across the lawn to the tub. As she slid under the water, it
warmth caressed her body sensuously and she lay back and closed her eyes. This was heaven. She never wanted to get out of it. Sam felt as though she could stay in there for eternity.


The sound of someone approaching brought her back to reality. It was Lisa. Sam smiled at her friend. She was dressed in a very smart dress and her hair was tied up.


“Nick and I are going out.” She said matter of factly. “Don’
t wait up.” Sam laughed and she saw Nick coming out onto the terrace.


Once again, she was alone in the hot tub. Sam wondered where Jay had gotten to; she hadn

t seen him since they got back. She lay back in the tub and closed her eyes.


“Mmm, that is soo good.” Sam said as she felt strong hands massaging her shoulders. In a moment, Jay was in the tub with her.  She lay back against him and felt his arms go around her.


“We’re alone at last Darlin!” Jay said as he nuzzled her neck. She could stay like this for ever. “Sorry about earlier. Hope it didn’t
upset you.” He was so protective. 


“Must be difficult to deal with all the time?” Sam asked.


“You get used to it. My sex life is of particular interest at the moment.” He joked. “The price of being a rock star, I guess.” He was caressing her thighs. Jay kissed her neck, his hands moving higher and higher up the inside of her thighs.


“Mmm, don’
t stop. This is heaven!” He laughed.


“Sam,” Jay said softly. “I want to ask you something,” she turned around to face him. He sounded so serious.


“What is it?” She wrapped her arms around his neck. Looking into his eyes, Sam knew that she was falling in love with him.



s cell phone rang, and the moment was lost. He swore.


“Yes!” He growled into the mouthpiece. Then almost immediately his tone changed. “Hey it’s my favourite girl!” Sam knew it was Tammy; the bands agent and manager. She made to leave the tub but Jay pulled her back. She sat back against him and still talking on the phone, Jay thrust inside her. She gasped and began to move on him. Rhythmically, he pulled on her hair, forcing her head back onto his shoulder, while he went deep into her.


Sam wanted to scream as she moved on him. He was getting harder and harder. All the time he was talking on the cell phone.


Jay hung up and turned her round to him, he probed her mouth with his tongue. He was muffling her cries of ecstasy.


It was still dark when the sound of Sam

s phone rang out in the darkness of the room. Automatically, Jay reached for it and handed it to Sam. Sleepily she said hello.


“Samantha!” The familiar voice of her ex husband Dan said. She sat bolt upright in the bed. Jay stirred and half asleep asked if she was ok. She grabbed Jay’
s tee shirt and put it on and went out onto the veranda


“Dan, what do you want?” She was feeling agitated. How dare he phone her so late at night? But a glance at the clock beside the bed showed her that he was on London time.


“Samantha, where are you? I have been calling for days to the apartment but you’
re not there. What

s going on?” He sounded very angry. She was getting really annoyed now.


“I can’
t talk right now. Call Richard and talk to him. Anything you have to say to me should be through him. You know that!”


“Where are you?” She paused. Should she tell him? No. It was none of his business.


“I am having a short break. I’
ll be home soon!”


“Wherever you are, get back here now and sign those papers, you bitch!” He shouted down the phone. “I don’
t want you back, do you understand, you frigid cow!” Sam dropped the phone, she was shocked. She began to shake uncontrollably as the tears ran freely down her face. She sat on the wicker chair and pulled her knees up to her chin and sobbed.


In a moment she felt the strong arms around her as Jay lifted her up and brought her back to the bedroom.


He held her close to him and kissed her head. He couldn’t understand why she was so upset.


s OK, Sam.” He whispered softly in her ear. She wrapped her arms around him and said:


m sorry Jay.”


“Sam, whatever it is, it’
s alright.” He kissed her. “I

m here babe.” It was the way he said it. It was so gentle, so tender. Sam knew he was feeling the same way she was feeling. No words were needed between them. And none were spoken.


Jay brought her breakfast in bed. Coffee and croissants! And a single red rose. She had slept in his tee shirt. He kissed her on the forehead and said softly.


“Wake up sexy!” She stirred and smiled at him. Sam sat up and took a sip from the coffee. It was delicious.


They talked for a moment then Sam

s phone rang again. She looked at it. Then she quickly turned it off. Jay looked at her puzzled. But he didn’t press her for answers. If she wanted to tell him, then he figured she would.


He left her to finish her coffee and take a shower and he went out on to the terrace near the pool. Lisa and Nick were sitting there.

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