and risk taking, helped create the modern world. These qualities are essential human characteristics, but they need to be held in check. Given the social conflicts and danger of violence today, we may need to spend more time developing traits and skills, including cooperativeness and empathy, that come more naturally to most women than to men.
This final chapter has described the need to control testosterone to keep it from doing too much damage. After thinking about the matter, Mary reached a conclusion about testosterone. She said, "It's 'guystuff,' and guystuff seems to be about building stuff, fixing stuff, and blowing stuff up." She went on to say, "A mother's job is to encourage the building and fixing, and discourage the blowing up." We learned the importance of controlling human nature while we were raising our two sons. We are proud to say they grew up to be fairly well civilized, even the one who lives part-time in the jungle. Civilizing is a job for fathers and mothers. Delinquent behaviors are more common among children raised by one parent alone, even allowing for differences in income and education. 38 I suspect that absent parents have an especially bad effect on high-testosterone children, either boys or girls, because the rambunctious nature of these children demands more guidance and control.
Without the civilizing effects of mothers, fathers, laws, customs, and societies, we fall quickly into a savage state. 39 King Arthur's polite court at Camelot controlled the wilder impulses of his knights, and when the court began to fall apart, his knights looked forward to the freedom to go to war again. Sir Bors was enthusiastic about the prospect. He said, "No offense to you ladies, but this time it will be a man's world, absolutely uninspired, unrefined, and unencumbered. Please God!" 40 It was his testosterone talking, and the royal court had been restraining its effects.
Fortunately for the citizens of modern democratic societies, it doesn't take a royal court to restrain the more rambunctious effects of testosterone. Loving families, good schools, and stable communities can channel the energy of the Sir Borses still among us into positive activities. Trial lawyers, athletes, actors, construction workers, soldiers, and heroes still have jobs to do.