The fact of the matter is, I had no idea what was going on, and in the end… nothing was going on. I haven’t seen or heard from Blake since I left LA. In fact, I was surprised he didn’t show up in London. I almost expected him to be there. A different photographer from his magazine was there to represent the company.
At first, I was sad. I didn’t let it show, though. The last thing I needed was Zach breathing down my neck while I was preparing for the show. Or Aubrey. Both have been watching me like a hawk recently. I can’t think of any other reason than Blake.
Our paths are bound to cross again in this industry. They’re both going to have to learn to deal with it. Zach knows how to act professionally in public. He’s also mastered the art of tearing someone apart with his words while smiling and sounding pleasant. Yes, it’s an art. One I have learned to recognize where he’s concerned.
We’re on our way to Paris, and then it sounds like I get a small break. Small being a few days, tops, including traveling back to the states. I’m thinking about going home to see Alice and Scott. I miss them terribly, the boys, too. If I can make it happen, I’m going to fly Georgie home for the weekend. According to Alice, Brenden seems to be lonely, and it would be good for him to get to see both of us.
“When we land, we’re heading straight to the hotel to get settled, and then you have a fitting with Anthony this afternoon.”
“Sounds good,” Aubrey pipes in from the seat behind me. “Are we going to have any time for sightseeing while we’re here?”
“After the show, you can do whatever you want until we leave. We aren’t scheduled to fly back for two days.”
“How would you feel about me leaving early and flying home?” My words are hesitant, uncertain what his response will be.
“We’ll see.”
“Um, I’d like to make arrangements as soon as possible.”
“I said, we’ll see. Let’s get through the show first.” Taking an annoyed tone with me, I let the subject drop for now. But this conversation is far from over. Once we’re alone in our room, I plan to bring it back up.
Zach excuses himself to the restroom, and Aubrey hops up into his seat.
“Why do you need to go home?” she inquires, lifting the window shade, momentarily blinding me.
“I don’t need to,” I respond. “I want to. I miss my family.”
“But they’re not really your parents. It’s not like you owe it to them to keep visiting.”
“Excuse me?” I’m not easily offended, but that felt like a knife in the back, especially coming from her. “They are my family. Family is not always about blood, Aubrey. They love me, I love them, and nothing else matters.”
“I guess. It’s just weird how you’re still visiting them after all this time.”
“It’s not weird. If Zach and I get married, who did you think would walk me down the aisle?”
“I meant when.”
Did I say if? Oops. I hope she doesn’t read too much into that. I’m sure she’ll run to Zach and tell him what I said. I’ve learned, especially after this summer, I can’t tell her anything I don’t want him to know.
“Sure you did. Are you planning on setting the date anytime soon, by the way?”
“I already told you, Zach needs to clear our schedule first,” I say, placing the blame on Zach even though I know it’s not him that’s holding things up.
“You guys should talk about it. I mean, you’ve only been engaged for like forever.”
Aubrey’s been pushing the issue lately. This is the third time she’s brought up our wedding date in the last few weeks. I can only imagine Zach has put her up to it. I’d be getting a tad bit impatient if I were him, too. After the whole Blake thing, I figured he’d call things off and I wouldn’t have to worry too much about it. I was wrong. I think it’s made him even more determined.
The pilot comes over the speakers, announcing our arrival in Paris, first in French and then in English. Moments later, Zach returns, closing the window shade, and we sit in silence while the plane makes it descent. This is the worst part of flying in my opinion. My stomach always starts to turn as we approach the ground. I fear, if I were to ever die in a plane crash, it would be while attempting to land. I’d never even see it coming.
Per usual, life becomes a whirlwind as soon as we reach the hotel. Zach is on his phone, making calls and scheduling things for both myself and Aubrey. I hear the word party, photo shoot, and interview a handful of times before I zone out and focus on unpacking both our suitcases.
Zach tosses his phone on the bed and starts to undress. “Get changed. We have to meet with Anthony in thirty minutes. After, you have a photo shoot, and then we’re going out to dinner with a few of my colleagues. Make sure you bring something sexy to change into. We won’t have time to come back to the hotel beforehand.”
I hesitate but only for a second before Zach snaps his fingers to get me moving. However, I’m ready and waiting on him ten minutes later.
“I was thinking,” I start as he pushes the button to call the elevator, “I’d really like to go home for a visit. It’d only be for a few days, and I’d meet you and Aubrey back in New York.”
“I said, we’d see.”
The ding of the elevator stops me from continuing. When the doors slide open and I see the car is empty, I push him on the issue again. It gets me nowhere. He’s dead set on making me wait. I’m sick of listening to his demands, and I almost tell him so. Almost. The elevator comes to a stop, the doors slide open to reveal the lobby of the hotel and Blake’s handsome smiling face.
“Charlie,” he says, his voice lacking the surprise I’d expect.
“Blake. What are you doing here?”
His eyes shift to Zach and then back to me before he continues. “I’m shooting the Paris show. Are you walking?”
“Yep. The Chicago trip I told you about turned out great, and I got to walk in London, too. Same designer.”
“That’s great,” he replies, stepping into the elevator as we step out. Looking directly at Zach he says, “I guess I’ll see you both around, then.”
The doors close, cutting our conversation short. Zach grabs my hand and pulls me into the bustling lobby and over to where Aubrey is standing. He doesn’t speak. I can see the anger on his face, the storm brewing inside. Blake’s presence gets to him. His name alone hits a nerve. I get it. He’s my ex-boyfriend. But after all this time, I would have thought he’d get over it. Zach won. I’m engaged to him even if I’ve had second thoughts about it. Even if I won’t set a date for our wedding. It’s his bed I sleep in at night. His arms hold me. It’s his hand squeezing mine, attempting to get my attention right now.
The cab ride is short. Anthony, who I saw less than twenty-four hours ago, greets us excitedly outside the venue. Zach focuses all his attention on his meeting, addressing Anthony and referring to me and Aubrey as if we’re not even in the room. We’re not included in the conversation. Decisions are made for us. Outfits are chosen. The order in which we walk is determined. All without consulting us, even though we’re all seated at the same table.
It wasn’t like this in London. It wasn’t like this in Chicago. We both had input. Something is wrong with this situation. Did London not go the way Anthony was hoping? Did one or both of us screw up somewhere along the way? I want to ask, but I also don’t want to be rude and interrupt their conversation. So I sit back and tune them out, do a little people watching—my favorite thing to do at these events, and slip my heels off.
“Char is going to be taking a short break after the show. She’s going home for a few days to recharge. We can meet you in Chicago the week after if that still works for you.”
My ears perk up when I hear Zach say my name. My heart starts to race when his words sink in. I’m getting my vacation. I get to go home and spend some time with my family. “Recharge,” as he put it. Time off. Thank the stars!
I pull Zach into a hug, planting a loud kiss on his lips, as soon as the meeting is over. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome. I need you to do me a favor while you’re home, though.”
I should have seen it coming. There’s always a catch. “What?”
“I’m going to give you a list of dates for next year, weeks we don’t have anything planned. I want you to pick a date for the wedding. Talk it over with Alice and Scott. See what works best for them.”
Shit! He’s giving me an ultimatum of sorts without actually saying it. He’s pressing the issue in the nicest way he knows how. I can do this. Deep down, I love Zach. I do. It’s not the kind of love I shared with Blake. I’ll never have that with anyone else, but I do love Zach. I need to do this, for us. I’ve put it off long enough.
“I can do that.”
A smile breaks out across his face as he pulls me in for another kiss. Aware people are staring at us, I push him away, taking his hand and leading him out of the venue. We have a cab to catch and a photo shoot to get to. Plus, I have to call and make arrangements for my trip home.
Walking into the photo shoot, I’m bombarded by hair and makeup. Apparently, Zach messed up the start time. We’re late. Like, an hour late. I’m surprised they didn’t call and cancel. It’s not until I walk out onto the set that I realize why.
“Blake,” I state, attempting to be unaffected by his presence. It’s warm in the room, yet goosebumps still form on my skin when he walks over to greet me.
“Charlie. Glad to see you could still make it. I was starting to get worried.”
“We made it just fine,” Aubrey points out, walking up next to me, hand on her hip, attitude in her voice. She’s never been a huge fan of Blake, and she’s reminding him of that little fact.
“Aubrey. Nice to see you again. If you both could please lose your robes, we’ll get started.”
Aubrey lets hers fall to the ground and leaves it there. I pick it up and lay it over the arm of the nearest chair along with mine. I know there are people who would pick up behind her if I wasn’t here, but I don’t think that’s fair. She isn’t normally this much of a snob. Blake’s presence has a horrible effect on her personality.
The shoot lasts longer than I expect. So long, in fact, that Zach has to call and cancel our dinner meeting and reschedule.
Blake takes photos of us together and then each of us separately. Zach watches the entire time, a scowl on his face. Every now and again, I’d catch him shoot an evil look in Blake’s direction, not that Blake noticed. His attention was focused on us, not Zach.
As we finish up, Zach rushes us to get dressed and out the door. I don’t even get the time to find Blake and thank him. I know I’ll see him tomorrow at the show, but it feels rude to disappear without letting him know. Zach doesn’t seem to care. He’s hell bent on getting us back to the hotel. He claims we need to rest up for the show. I think it has more to do with getting me away from Blake.
“You know,” I start as I toss my purse onto the hotel bed, “you and Blake are going to have to learn to play nice eventually.”
“I always play nice, babe.” Taking a step toward me, Zach looks like he’s ready to pounce. I need to speak my peace before he has his way with me.
“You can’t avoid each other forever, Zach. He’ll be invited to the wedding.”
“Says who?” His sultry tone is gone, replaced with irritation.
“Say’s me. We’ve been friends since we were teenagers.”
“You don’t even see each other anymore. It’s not like you’re still friends.”
“I’d like to think we are, or at least, we could be.”
Zach stops his pursuit of me and stares, blankly, in my direction. “He’s your ex, Char. I’d prefer if he’s not there. In fact, I don’t like you being around him at all. I don’t like the way he looks at you. I don’t like how much attention he pays you. I don’t like that he’s the photographer at all these photo shoots people keep setting up for you.”
“I know. I can tell by the look on your face every time you see him. He probably won’t come to the wedding, but I’d at least like to invite him. And his parents.”
“I can’t talk about this right now. I’m getting pissed off just thinking about it. You need to set a date, and then we can talk about the guest list.”
Storming out of the room, Zach successfully ends our conversation. Of course, he got the last word. He always has to have the last word. Even if we’re not fighting.
I jump online and start making plans for my trip home. After talking with Alice, I send Georgie an email with his itinerary. Everything is set. Wednesday night, after the last runway show, I’ll be leaving for home. I only have a few days to spend there before I have to meet Zach and Aubrey back in New York on Sunday. The work week starts again bright and early Monday morning.
My next break won’t be until Christmas… if I get a break for the holidays this year.
Zach is cuddled up in bed with me when I wake up. He reeks of cigar smoke and beer. He must have gone down to the bar last night when he stormed out. His scent is making me want to gag, so I crawl out of his grasp and start getting cleaned up.
After a long, hot shower, I slip into a pair of stretch pants, covering my butt with a long sweater. I comb through my hair with my fingers and tie it in a knot on top of my head. The hair experts will make it look fabulous in a few hours. No need to waste my morning on it.
I head down to the lobby in search of a hot cup of coffee. After asking the older woman at the front desk, I exit the hotel and head across the street to a cafe. The sun is beginning to rise now—oranges, reds, and yellows blossoming around me. It’s a chilly but beautiful morning.
Taking a seat near the window inside, I send Zach a text, letting him know where I am. Hopefully, it wakes him up so he can start getting ready for us to leave. I text Aubrey after that, asking if she wants me to bring her back some coffee.
Just as I’m hitting send, the bell above the door chimes. It startles me a little, and I look up. My eyes connect with his, and a smile spreads across my face. I forgot how handsome he looks in the morning. His shirt is slightly wrinkled. It’s damp around the collar from where his freshly washed hair has dripped. He never was good as drying it all the way. He didn’t have the patience.
“Fancy meeting you here,” I say when he finally spots me.