Miss Abernathy's Concise Slave Training Manual (2 page)

BOOK: Miss Abernathy's Concise Slave Training Manual
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An additional note on names is in order. Some dominants, especially professionals, use a

"scene name" instead of or in addition to their legal or street name. Likewise, some submissives entering the community choose a scene name, and dominants may occasionally give their submissives "slave names.” Individuals have different preferences regarding the use of scene names. I once heard a professional dominant at an S/M community function say, Oh, please, call me

[her given name]! We are all friends here; this is no dungeon." Other professionals prefer to keep their given names private, for legal and personal reasons. "When in doubt, ask. No one will fault you, and you will avoid awkward misunderstandings.

Positioning the Body

One of the most obvious ways that a slave can express his submission is through his body. A slave should strive to be graceful and unobtrusive at all times. Just as he should keep his mind focused on the task at hand, so he should eliminate unnecessary gestures.

The dominant should instruct the slave to assume a default posture when at rest. . The most common postures are kneeling and standing. To assume the kneeling posture, the slave should fold his legs neatly beneath him. The knees may be held together or spread apart, according to the dominant's wishes. Hands may rest palm up or down on the thighs, may be clasped lightly at the small of the back, or the fingers may be laced behind the neck. The head should be inclined forward, the eyes cast down. Be aware that most Westerners are not accustomed to long periods of kneeling, so this posture may cause some discomfort. Slaves with existing knee problems should, of course, be given another posture to assume.

In the standing posture, for example, the slave stands erect with feet together or slightly apart.

Hands are again clasped lightly behind the back, either at the base of the spine or at the waist, or they are left hanging loosely and gracefully at the sides. If the arms are at the sides, the slave should take care not to ball his hands into fists, but to let his open hand show his willingness to serve.

Again, the head should be inclined and the eyes down. (In some exceptional cases, such as military training, the eyes may be kept up and forward.)

The slave should practice these postures under the direction of the dominant Until he can execute them perfectly. He may then be shown "his" spot, the default location where he should assume the "at rest" posture when a task has been completed and he is awaiting ,further instruction.

In addition to the "at fest" posture, the slave should be made aware of any physical restrictions placed on him. Is he allowed to sit on the furniture? May he use Utensils to eat? May he walk from place to place, or should he crawl? When, if ever, is it permissible to look the dominant in the eye?

The dominant must reflect upon these details and inform the slave accordingly. Whatever the dominant's decision, she must be consistent. Unless her intent is to confuse and frustrate the slave, the dominant should stick to her own instructions when correcting a slave.

Many novice submissives find it difficult to hold still for any length of time. Often this has nothing to do with physical problems, but indicates a lack of awareness of the body. Jiggling legs, tapping fingers, nervous coughs, and wandering eyes are to be discouraged. Instruct the submissive to focus his attention on his breathing and make a slow mental sweep along the full length of the body; taking note of any points of tension and relieving them. The submissive should also be instructed in basic stretches and encouraged to perform them regularly. This discipline will greatly increase a slaves capacity for maintaining postures.

Again, vigilance is paramount. Submissives expect correction, and are often crushed when the dominant fails to notice an error. Such sloppiness undermines their confidence in the dominant and makes them question the sincerity of the dominant's commitment to them. The dominant's actions should always reinforce the slaves submission.

Voice Commands and Postures

A slave should learn to respond immediately to verbal commands. Some commands are so frequent and simple that a word or two should elicit the desired effect. We have already covered the first two postures, kneeling and standing. Several more useful postures follow.

"Come Here"

The dominant uses this command when ordering the slave to approach. The slave
expected to take the most direct route possible without disturbing any other people who may be in the area. She should either walk swiftly and gracefully to where the dominant is, or she should drop to her hands and knees and crawl there. Often the circumstances will dictate which method is appropriate. In a non-kinky setting, crawling will only cause scandal; likewise, a gravel path will damage the slaves knees or rip her clothing. When the slave reaches the dominant, she should stop within arm's reach and assume the "at rest" posture while waiting for further instruction.

She may also be expected to acknowledge the dominant verbally, as, for example, “You require me, Mistress?”


This command
used when sending a slave to attend to a task or when the dominant wishes the slave to leave the room or area. The slave should again move quickly and gracefully. The key; however,
to do so without turning his back on the dominant. Slaves must learn excellent observation skills; when entering a room, they should already be planning the most efficient way to exit it.

"Follow" or "Attend"

This command tells the slave to follow the dominant as she moves about. Again, the slave is expected to crawl or to walk, although under most circumstances, walking is more efficient. When asked to "attend," the slave should be prepared to assist the dominant in other ways: by carrying packages, holding bags or drinks, fetching ashtrays or footstools, and a myriad of other small tasks.


This command indicates that the slave should make her body available to the dominant in a pre-arranged fashion. The most common posture is kneeling with the legs spread wide and the pelvis tilted up, exposing the genitals. Hands should be lightly laced-at the back of the neck, with elbows out to the sides. The shoulders should be thrown back to accentuate the breasts. Alternatively; the slave may be expected to kneel down on hands and knees, legs spread fu1d head down, giving access to the posterior.

Another variation is "present for punishment." The dominant may also specify "present ass" or,

"present thighs" or whatever portion of the anatomy she intends as the recipient of her correction.

Here the slave kneels down, pressing the top of the body flat against the ground and lifting the posterior into the air to receive the blows. Alternatively; he may lean across a table or other flat surface with his legs spread apart.


A related command is "open," upon which the slave should assume a position of sexual availability. The specifics of the posture depend upon the dominant's preferred wax of using the slave. For women, this may mean a hands-and-knees posture like the second "present" option; stretched out on the back with legs spread; kneeling with mouth open; or bent over a convenient piece of furniture. For men, the hands-and-knees posture and the kneeling posture are appropriate for oral use; the slave may also be expected to lie on his back to be ridden.

"Down" or "Prostrate Yourself"

Upon hearing this command, the slave should lie flat on his belly in front of the dominant. His arms should be stretched forward over his head and his feet should be pressed flat so the soles are exposed. The forehead should touch the floor. This posture may be used for abasement, confession, or as a prelude to worship.


Here the slave should worship whatever object or body part the dominant offers. Worship is generally understood to be oral, using both lips and tongue, unless otherwise specified. Worship should always be respectful, never greedy or sloppy. Nothing is more offensive than a slave who drools on a boot or slobbers on a dominant's hand. Consider that the lips and tongue express the totality of the slave's devotion during worship. Sometimes a dominant will allow the slave to cradle the object or body part in his hands, or will rest it on his shoulder, as when a Mistress rests her booted leg on a slave's shoulder to allow better access to the top of the boot or to her sex.

Basic Forms of Service for Slaves

In addition to being able to execute the basic positions described in the previous section, slaves should be able to perform some basic tasks. Not all of the tasks listed are appropriate for every type of slave; dominants can pick and choose at their discretion.


The amount and type of housework a dominant may require will vary with the dominant's living situation and personal standards of tidiness. Whether she lives in a small apartment or a cavernous mansion, the dominant will need the following:

• floors swept and washed (and possibly polished)

• rugs vacuumed and possibly cleaned

• surfaces and objects dusted

• counters cleaned

• dishes washed, dried, and put away

• laundry washed, dried, folded or ironed, and put away

• simple meals and beverages prepared

If the dominant has specifications for any of these tasks whether socks are to be folded or balled, the proper proportions of sugar and milk in tea, which china to use for guests and which-for everyday - she must make them very clear to the slave, or she will be disappointed. Slaves, for their part, ought always to ask how to do a task if they are unsure, rather than doing it incorrectly and wasting their own time and the dominant's by having to do it again. It is also the dominant's responsibility to provide the necessary tools and supplies for any household cleaning task.


Almost everyone has at some time wished that the groceries would magically appear in the cupboard. Slaves should be prepared to do basic grocery and sundry shopping for the dominant. In preparing a shopping list, the slave should note the dominant's preferred brands and should inquire about specialty items like coffee, tea, chocolate, liquor, and unusual bath produces. The dominant should make arrangements to pay for the goods in some simple way: a presigned check, an ATM

card from a household account, or cash. The slave may be expected to shop within a budget, and efforts toward economy should be rewarded.

A slave can do many other simple errands: dropping off and picking up dry cleaning (be sure to provide the slave with the claim check ticket); going to the post office and retrieving the dominant's mail and packages from a post office box or mail drop (make sure the slave has the key or make arrangements with the postmaster in advance); returning rented items, such as videos or cars; picking up forms at the DMV or insurance companies. Remember that many large cities have droves of "professional organizers" who make their living running errands for busy people. Your slave is a valuable resource.

If the slave will be driving, she should be able to produce a valid driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance for her vehicle. If the slave will be using the dominant's vehicle, be sure the insurance covers other drivers. The slave should be responsible for any parking or traffic tickets incurred, and should be firmly chastised for such irresponsible behavior if she in fact gets one.

Personal Attendance

A slave should be ready to fetch and carry the dominant's possessions or to deliver messages to third parties. The dominant should instruct the slave in basic grooming and clothing care, and may expect the slave to trim or style her hair, provide her with a manicure or pedicure, or even apply her makeup. Slaves are often responsible for drawing baths and attending the dominant while she bathes.

The slave should be able to press clothing and do any basic mending - hemming, buttons, and the like - that may be necessary. If the dominant wears leather shoes or boots, the slave should know how to clean and polish them.

Sexual Techniques

If the slave has been engaged for sexual use, he should be trained to perform whatever type of sexual service the dominant most enjoys. A sex slave should always be prepared to be used, and should make sure that the necessary supplies - condoms, latex gloves, lubricant, and such - are at hand. This may mean carrying a supply on his person, or secreting caches away around the house.

Spontaneity is no excuse for unsafe sex. Nor should the dominant allow his demands to endanger the slave or himself. As one dominant of my acquaintance is fond of saying, "If you break your toys, you don't get to play with them anymore.”

Special Skills

Any of the basic skills described above can become the focus of a slave’s training. A simple maid may become an expert in household management and advance to the position of housekeeper.

Similarly a slave who shows a talent for personal care might be sent to study massage or hairdressing. Sex slaves can train in techniques of special interest to the dominant, such as fisting or Tantric breath. A salve who shows a special talent in the kitchen can train as a chef. Open schools like The Learning Annex offer many classes for a nominal fee, from wine-tasting to stripping, that the dominant may wish the slave to attend. Copies of any certificates or transcripts from such classes should be duly added to the slave's file.


Voice-training is a specialized area of accomplishment that many slaves never approach. At its simplest, voice-training involves teaching a slave when it is appropriate to maintain silence (which is most of the time) and when and how to speak. This type of training is usually part of any basic program. In its more advanced form, training requires practice in reading or recitation or other types of vocal performance, and is useful for slaves expected to entertain at social functions. It may also refer to training a slave to respond to dominants in a way that avoids references to the self or to the slaves’s own preferences or will. Responses such as "If it pleases you Sir.” or "Whatever Mistress wishes," fall into this category. In its most advanced form, voice-training may include instruction in foreign languages and complex social etiquette, and is appropriate for slaves who will act as escorts or companions to diplomats or business people or who show a special aptitude for and interest in languages. Advanced voice-training requires a commitment of many years and is best reserved for long-term contracts.

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