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. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, 70; N. Hammond, ‘Ancient cities’,
c American
, Vol. 5, No. 1: Special Issue, 1994, 8. 63 Mau, 1907, op. cit., 16; Maiuri, 1962, op. cit., 17.
64 Beloch 1898 in Jashemski, 1979a, op. cit., 343 n. 56; Jongman, 1988, op. cit., 108. 65 Cary and Scullard 1975 in Jashemski, 1979a, op. cit., 343 n. 56.
66 Jashemski 1979a, op. cit., 343 n. 56; Russell, 1985, op. cit., 3; Wallace-Hadrill, 1991, op. cit., 199.
67 H. Eschebach
et al
Pompeji: Erlebte Antike Welt
. Leipzig: Seeman, VEB, 1978, 6; Jongman, 1988, op. cit., 110; Jashemski, 1979a, op. cit., 343 n. 56; La Rocca
et al.
, 1976, op. cit., 21. 68 Jashemski, 1979, op. cit., 24, 343 n. 56.
69 Jongman, 1988, op. cit., 108–12; Wallace-Hadrill, 1991, op. cit., 199–201; WallaceHadrill, 1994, op. cit., 93–96.
70 Jongman, ibid., 55, 110–12.
71 Wallace-Hadrill, 1991, op. cit., 200–203; Wallace-Hadrill, 1994, op. cit., 97–98. 72 Wallace-Hadrill, 1991, op. cit., 202.
73 Wallace-Hadrill, ibid., 203, 225; Wallace-Hadrill, 1994, op. cit., 98.
74 One issue that is seldom addressed is the definition of the extent of the site and whether estimates only relate to the area inside the walls of the town.
75 W. Gell,
Pompeiana: The Topography, Edi
ces and Ornaments of Pompeii: The Results of Excavations since 1819
. London: Jennings & Chaplin, 1832, xix.
76 E. Bulwer-Lytton,
The Last Days of Pompeii
. New York: Putnam, 1897, 304. 77 T.H. Dyer,
Pompeii: Its History, Buildings and Antiquities
. 2nd edn. London: George Bell & Sons, 1883, 46; Fiorelli, 1873, op. cit., 172; Russell, 1985, op. cit., 4. 78 For example, S.C. Bisel
et al
The Secrets of Vesuvius
. Toronto: Madison Press, 1990, 31; Brion, 1973, op. cit., 34; Corti, 1951, op. cit., 81; Engelmann, 1925, op. cit., 4; Grant, 1976, op. cit., 34; Mau, 1907, op. cit., 23; Wilkinson, 2003, op. cit., 73. 79 For example, Bullard, 1984, op. cit., 201; Cerulli Irelli in Russell, 1985, op. cit., 5 n. 22; G. Perl, ‘Pompeji-geschichte und untergang’,in
Pompeji: 79

1979: Beiträge Zum Vesuvausbruch und seiner Nachwirkung
, ed. M. Kunze. Stendal: Beiträge der Winckelmann Gesellschaft, 1982, 22; H. Sigurdsson, S. Cashdollar, and S.R.J. Sparks. ‘The Eruption of Vesuvius in
79: Reconstruction from historical and volcanological evidence’,
American Journal of Archaeology,
Vol. 86, 1982, 51.
80 For example P. Gusman,
Pompei: The City, its Life and Art
. Translated by F. Simmonds and M. Jourdain. London: Heinemann, 1900, 15.
81 Blong, 1984, op. cit., 79; Russell, 1985, op. cit., 5.
82 De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, op. cit., 111–12; E. Lazer, ‘Human Skeletal Remains in Pompeii: Vols. I and II’, unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Anatomy and Histology. Sydney: University of Sydney, 1995, 69–70; Lazer, 1997a, op. cit., 107. 83 Blong, 1984, op. cit., 79; D. Herbet and F. Bardossi.
Kilauea: Case History of a Volcano
. New York: Harper & Row, 1968, 12–13.
84 See Chapter 5 and S. De Caro (Ex–director, Superintendency of Pompeii) to E. Lazer., 1988, personal communication; De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003a, op. cit., 66–67. 85 De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003a, op. cit., 64–72; De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, 111– 12; E. De Carolis, G. Patricelli and A. Ciarallo. ‘Rinvenimenti di corpi umani nell’area urbana di Pompei’,
Rivista di Studi Pompeiani,
Vol. 9, 1998, 75–123.
86 Francis, 1993, op. cit., 67; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 47; Ward-Perkins and Claridge, 1980, op. cit., 13.
87 Strabo, ‘The Geography’,in
Loeb Classical Library
. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1988, 5.4.8.
88 Pliny the Elder, op. cit., III, 62.
89 Sigurdsson, 2002, op. cit., 32; H. Sigurdsson, ‘The environmental and geomorphological context of the volcano’,in
The World of Pompeii
, ed. P.W. Foss and J.J. Dobbins. London: Routledge, 2007, 45.
90 For example, by Trevelyan, 1976, op. cit., 9; F.L. Sutherland, ‘The volcanic fall of Pompeii’,in
Pompeii Revisited: The Life and Death of a Roman Town
, ed. D. Harrison. Sydney: Meditarch, 1994, 74.
91 Pliny the Younger, op. cit., VI, 16; VI, 20.
92 Allison, 1992b, op. cit., 11; H.W. Benario, ‘The land, the cities, the event’,in
The Buried Cities and the Eruption of Vesuvius: The 1900th Anniversary
, ed. H.W. Benario and G.W. Lawall,
Lectures presented at Emory University on May 7, 1979 in a symposium sponsored by the Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics, Alpha Sigma chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, and the Atlanta Society of the Archaeological Institute of America
. Amherst: NECN & University of Massachusetts, 1979, 1–7; Ciprotti, 1964, op. cit., 44; Ciprotti, 2004, op. cit., 19–20; Descœudres, 1993, op. cit., 168,171–72; U. Eco, ‘A portrait of the Elder as a Young Pliny: How to build fame’,in
On Signs
, ed. M. Blonsky. Oxford: Blackwell, 1985, 289. 93 For example, by Bullard, 1984, op. cit., 195; E. De Carolis, and G. Patricelli, ‘Le vittime dell’eruzione’,in
Storie da un

Eruzione: Pompei, Ercolano, Oplontis: Guida alla Mostra
, ed. A. d’Ambrosio, P.G. Guzzo and M. Mastroroberto. Milano: Electa, 2003a, 56; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 39–40; H. Sigurdsson
et al
., ‘The eruption of Vesuvius in
National Geographic Research
, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1985: 332–87; Sigurdsson, 2002, op. cit., 41. 94 Eco, 1985, op. cit., 290, 294–96, 301.
95 Anonymous.
The Etna Poem
. Translated by J.W. Duff and A.M. Duff. Revised edn. Vol. 1, Minor Latin Poets in Two Volumes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1982. The arguments for this claim have been summarized by Allison, 1992b, op. cit., 11; Allison, 2002, op. cit., 110; Allison, 2004, op. cit., 20.
96 Dio Cassius,

s Roman history
. Translated by E. Carey. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1914–27, LXVI, 21–23. 97 Suetonius, Titus, 8.
98 Allison, 2004, op. cit., 19.
99 For example, De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003a, op. cit., 56; De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, op. cit., 77; Descœudres, 1994, op. cit., 37; Perl, 1982, op. cit., 21; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 39; Sigurdsson, 2004, op. cit., 44–50; Trevelyan, 1976, op. cit., 28; Ward-Perkins and Claridge, 1980: 8. The arguments in favour of the 24 August date have been reviewed by Ciprotti, 1964, op. cit., 41–42.
100 Ward-Perkins and Claridge, 1980, op. cit., 9.
101 Strabo, op. cit., 5.4.8.
102 A. De Franciscis,
The Pompeian Wall Paintings in the Roman Villa of Oplontis
. Recklinghausen, Germany: Aurel Bongers, 1975, 14–15; Grant, 1976, op. cit., 74; Richardson, 1988, op. cit., xv; Trevelyan, 1976, op. cit., 25; Ward-Perkins and Claridge, 1980, op. cit., 9. For problems associated with the establishment of ownership of Pompeian houses on the basis of epigraphy, see P.M. Allison, ‘Placing individuals: Pompeian epigraphy in context’,
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2001: 53–74. 103 Ciprotti, 1964, op. cit., 41.
104 Dio Cassius, op. cit., LXVI, 24.
105 For example, Mau, 1907, op. cit., 19.
106 For example, Ciprotti, 1964, op. cit., 42 makes a point of mentioning this event in his summary of the arguments for the different dates of the eruption.
107 U. Pappalardo, ‘L’eruzione pliniana del Vesuvio nel 79 d.C.: Ercolano’,in
Volcanology and Archaeology
, ed. C. Albore Livadie and F. Widerman. Strasburg: Council of Europe, 1900, 209–10. See also A.M. Ciarello and E. De Carolis. ‘La data dell’ eruzione’,
Rivista di Studi Pompeiani
, Vol. 9, 1998: 63–73, for a discussion of the eruption date.
108 Pliny the Younger, op. cit., VI, 16.
109 Ciprotti, 1964, op. cit., 48.
110 G. Stefani, ‘La Vera Data dell’Eruzione’,
Vol. 260, No. 10, 2006: 10–13. 111 For example, F.M. Bullard, ‘Volcanoes and their activity’,in
Volcanic Activity and Human Ecology
, ed. P.D. Sheets and D.K. Grayson. New York: Academic Press, 1979, 31; Bullard, 1984, op. cit., 184, 200–201, A. Maiuri, ‘Last moments of the Pompeians’,
National Geographic,
Vol. 120 1961, 51–55. For a discussion of the different views about the form of the
79 eruption, see H. Sigurdsson and S.N. Carey, ‘The eruption of Vesuvius in
The Natural History of Pompeii
, ed. W.F. Jashemski and F.G. Meyer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, 37.
112 Bullard, 1979, op. cit., Bullard, 1984, op. cit., 184.
113 Pliny the Younger, op. cit., VI, 16.
114 Bullard, 1984, op. cit., 195; Francis, 1993, op. cit., 69; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1985, op. cit., 336. 115 P.J. Baxter, ‘Medical effects of volcanic eruptions’,
Bulletin of Volcanology
, Vol. 52, 1990, 532; Francis, 1993, op. cit., 208, 213, 236; W.E. Scott, ‘Volcanic and related hazards’, in
Volcanic Hazards
, ed. Tilling, R.I.,
Short Course in Geology
. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union, 1989, 11–14; Sigurdsson, 1985, op. cit., 337–38; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 44.
116 Baxter, 1990, op. cit., 539; M. Krafft,
Volcanoes: Fire from the Earth
. Translated by P.G. Bahn, London: Thames & Hudson, 1993, 118; L. Lirer
et al
., ‘Two Plinian pumice-fall deposits from Somma-Vesuvius, Italy’,
Geological Society of America Bulletin
, Vol. 84, 1973, 759; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 85–86; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 37; Trevelyan, 1976, op. cit., 24.
117 Francis, 1993, op. cit., 198–202, 241–44; Carey and Sigurdsson, 1987, 303–14; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 47–50; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1985, op. cit., 339–63; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 37–64; Sutherland, 1994: 72–75. 118 For example, Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 86; H. Sigurdsson,
Melting the Earth: The History of Ideas on Volcanic Eruptions
, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, 67–68; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 38, 41, 44–50; Sigurdsson, 2007, op. cit., 51–52. 119 Sigurdsson, 1999, op. cit., 1.
120 For example, by Cooley, 2003, op. cit., 38–45; De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003a, op. cit., 56–59; De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, op. cit., 83–108.
121 De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, op. cit., 78.
122 Pliny the Younger, op. cit., VI, 16.
123 Pliny the Younger, op. cit., VI, 20.
124 M.S. Greenberg
et al
., ‘When believing is seeing: The effect of scripts on eyewitness memory’,
Law and Human Behavior
, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1998: 685–86.
125 J.M. Brown, ‘Eyewitness memory for arousing events: Putting things into context’,
Applied Cognitive Psychology,
Vol. 17, No. 1, 2003, 104; B.L. Cutler
et al.
, ‘The reliability of eyewitness identification’,
Law and Human Behavior
, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1987, 233–58; Greenberg
et al.
, 1998, op. cit.
126 Bullard, 1979, op. cit., 31; Bullard, 1984, op. cit., 200–201. The interpretation of the letters of the Younger Pliny by Sigurdsson and his team has been used to demonstrate that he did describe these events; for example, see Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 50. 127 Francis, 1993, op. cit., 186, 201–2; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 48; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 47–48.
128 Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 48–49; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 48. 129 Baxter, 1990, op. cit., 540; Blong, 1984, op. cit, 79–80; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 39; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 48.
130 De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, op. cit., 83–98; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 42, 49; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1985, op. cit., 351–52, 364; Sigurdsson and Carey 2002: 49–50, 53– 54; Sigurdsson, 2007, op. cit., 51–54.
131 Bullard, 1979, op. cit., 200–201; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., 50. 132 For example, near the necropolis outside the Nocera Gate of Pompeii. Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1982, op. cit., Pl. 4, Fig. 2; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1985, op. cit., 350.
133 De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, op. cit., 111–12; De Carolis and Patricelli, 1998, op. cit., 75–123; G. Luongo
et al
., ‘Impact of the
79 explosive eruption on Pompeii, II: Causes of death of the inhabitants inferred by stratigraphic analysis and areal distribution of the human casualties’,
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
, Vol. 126, Nos 3– 4, 2003b: 169–200.
134 Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1985, op. cit., 364–66; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 49. 135 J.W. Eisele
et al
., ‘Deaths during the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mt St Helens’,
The New England Journal of Medicine,
Vol. 305, No. 16, 1981, 936.
136 P.J. Baxter
et al.
, ‘Medical aspects of volcanic disasters: An outline of the hazards and emergency response measures’,
Vol. 6, No. 4, 1982, 269; Baxter, 1990, op. cit., 533–34; Eisele
et al.
, 1981, op. cit., 933–35; Francis, 1993, op. cit., 98; Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1985, op. cit., 365; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 49.
137 Sigurdsson
et al.
, 1985, op. cit., 365; Sigurdsson and Carey, 2002, op. cit., 58. 138 De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003a, op. cit., 66–72; De Carolis and Patricelli, 2003b, op. cit., 111–12; De Carolis
et al.
, 1998, op. cit., 78–123; Luongo
et al.
, 2003b, 174–98. 139 Luongo
et al.
, 2003a, op. cit., 221–22; Luongo
et al.
, 2003b, op. cit., 178–80. 140 Luongo
et al.
, 2003b, op. cit., 180.
141 Blong, 1984, op. cit., 79; W. Hamilton,

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