Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)
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      "Hey Jessica, Kendal."


We all look up to see Harley standing near our table. Jessica quickly looks to me and then back to Harley.


     "Hi Harley, what are you up to?"


I see Sophie's eyes widen a little at Jessica calling him Harley, Obviously she's going to realize this is my ex Harley. Of course he would just appear moments after we have just spoken of him. His studio is just up the road though so I suppose there was a chance of him coming in here.


      "Just picking up some food for me and the guys at work. And who is this pretty lady?"


I decide to stop being scared and step in.


      "This is Sophie, Sophie this is Harley."


   "She's our new sister in the group."


      "Oh I see, you must be special then Sophie."


He leans across to shake her hand and then he kisses the top of it, the lady killer move.


      "Any friend of Kendal's is a friend of mine."


I can practically hear Jessica and Sophie swooning, honestly these women are taken!


      "You look very nice today Kendal, as always."


He leans down and kisses my cheek, his hand creeps behind my neck to hold me in place and I'm sure I heard him breath me in. The woman shouts Harley's order and he says his goodbyes, I don't miss that his yes linger on me for a while before he walks out the diner. Our table is quiet for a while and then Sophie is the first one to speak.


      "I know you said he was sexy Jess but fucking hell Kendal! How was you not in his bed 24/7?"


Jessica blurts out laughing.


      "Sophie you're going to be a married woman soon."


   "Yes but I'm not blind."


We all laugh and gossip over Harley, I even share a few stories about him. Like the fact he has a snake tattoo on his hip bone and the tail ends on the start of his cock. I add that he is very big in that department, oh yes, Harley has a big cock. Jessica lets Sophie in on a few details of hers and Sams sex, those two experiment in the kink department now and then. Sophies eye's widen when Jess tells her some of her story's. Jess should remember that Sophie nearly ran out the sex shop screaming so she may be frightening her with her spanking and rope stories. When it gets to 12:00 we decide to leave, I have work at 1:30 so I need to go home to get ready. We all say bye and go in our cars and leave, I put my roof down and put my shades on and make the most of this weather. Today Jessica is fetching Finley for me, I hate having to ask people but I do need help from time to time and Finley loves going over there anyway. When I get home I have time to do some housework and then get ready for work. I decide on my black skirt that ends just above my knees and my purple vest work top and my hair in a simple ponytail.


   When Jessica comes over to bring Finley home when I've finished work later she stays while I put Finley to bed and we talk excitedly about the hen do planning. Maisy got hold of Sophie's boyfriend's phone number to ask him secretly if he could help us get a private plane to Barcelona for Sophie. He loved the idea of going private so he offered to plan it all and the guy who owned the plane didn't even want paying! He said it was his wedding present to Sophie and he was owed a dance by a hot bridesmaid as extra. Of course Tanya volunteered the little gold digger. So travel is sorted and were booked into a very posh hotel which Sophie's boyfriend helped sort, I'm sure he payed most of that too because from the pictures I've seen I'm sure it would cost more than what we have paid. We talk over what we can do while we are there because we only have two weeks to go and have a good laugh before she goes home.

































Chapter 10





I groan as I look at what I look like in the mirror and as soon as I make a sound the curtains to my dressing room open. Rhys has a very smug smile on his face, looking very pleased with himself, the dick.


      "Can't I just wear black jeans instead? I hate these trousers."


   "Nope I say suits, It's my wedding so what I say goes."


Leo and Max walk out there changing rooms with the same look on there faces as mine.


      "Well don't you all look great guys."


Rhys is my best friend but he better be careful right now. His smugness might get him a punch in the face.




Max shrugs his shoulders in his suit jacket not looking very comfortable at all. Leo is pulling on the tie at his throat. They both have the black shoes on that Rhys picked out, I look down on the floor where mine are waiting for me.


      "I'm not wearing these shoes Rhys. I'll wear the suit for you, fine but not the shoes. Please not the shoes."


Leo walks over to stand by me and pats my shoulder.


      "I'm with Jax man, I hate these things. Please don't make me wear these."


Leo pouts which nearly makes me laugh but I'm afraid if I do Rhys will make us wear the dam ugly shoes. Rhys looks over to Max who has turned to look at his reflection. Fucking vain bastard.


      "What about you Max?"


   "As much as I look like a good looking bastard right now I'm with Jax. No to the shoes and I don't like these trousers either."


He pulls on the waist of the trousers and frowns. There just normal black trousers that I'm sure every man wears on a wedding day but were not normal guys. We have never worn trousers, just jeans. Rhys knows this and is obviously enjoying himself, he looks like he has no problem wearing these trousers. Probably to make his future wife happy.


      "No, your all wearing the suits. I am with you on these shit for shoes though. We can all wear black Converse or Vans instead, nothing else."


Thank fuck for that. I shove Rhys away the little shit, I bet he knew all along we weren't wearing the shoes. Max is still looking at himself in the floor length mirror. Looking at himself all over, from side to side and turning for the full view.


      "Don't no about you plebs but I think I look like the shit. Max will definitely be getting some nice, sweet fanny at this wedding."


Rhys eyes widen, poor guy looks horrified.


      "Stay away from my family guys! I trust you Jax but you two better stay away from my sister."


Rhys points to both Leo and Max. Max turns to face us all and shrugs his shoulders but Leo glares at Max now too.


      "Yea man, my sisters coming too and you better stay away from her you fuck."


Max groans and puts his hands on his hips.


      "Aw come on guys, you know I'd treat em good. We could be brothers."


Leo and Rhys look pissed, I duno why. He would never touch their sisters, they should know that. His just fucking around with them.


   "Hell no!"


      "Fuck off man"


Thank fuck I don't have a sister. The other curtain opens and Rhy's older brother Rex walks out in his normal clothes not bothering joining in on our conversation. Rex and Rhys could be twins they look so much alike, his a good guy, he used to come along to some of out earlier gigs and was always on the hunt with us but now his a family man. Leo and Ma loved to tease him all the time but fuck me he always looks so dam happy the lucky bastard.


      "You will stay away from Reanne. Got it?"


Max holds his middle finger up to us all and walks into his dressing room to change, Leo also. I turn to Rhys whos running his hand through his hair.


      "His just fucking around with ya man, don't worry bout it."


   "Naw I know he won't even dare touch Reanne but I'm worried for all the other girls there. I don't want them scaring away the gests."


I will have to mak sure there on there best behavior, that's if they know how.





   Today the band has to attend some red carpet shit. It's for a movie premiere and I really don't want to go, I hate these things and Rhys isn't that much of a huge fan of them. Max and Leo however love them, they love to soak up all the attention of the screaming fans and flashing cameras. I don't mind signing shit for the fans, that's part of being in a band, our fans are what make us. It's the stopping for pictures and interviews for the press that does it for me. The other celebrity's who are also walking down can be just as bad, they will talk to you so the press can snap a picture of you both and look like your good friends. Or a girl can pat you on the arm for the sole purpose of making a picture look intimate, most of them are told by there managers to do this. So they can be linked to Decoy, seeing as were quite popular now. Selling our gigs and concerts and making the charts with almost every single we release.


   So the plan is we all do the red carpet but me and Rhys aren't watching the film, we will go and leave Leo and Max to stay. They love all the after party shit so they will show up for Decoy. I don't take Rhys up on his invite to his house and decide to head straight home instead. I don't want to watch TV so I head up to the games room and fire up the Xbox.


   Times passes by without me realizing and I hear the door bang open loudly.  Laughter fills the house and I know what is about to happen even before I hear Leo shout.




I really should have seen this coming and I just hope he hasn't bought any girls home that are in the public eye. That could get messy, especially when Max or Leo is involved. I hear footsteps come dangerously close to the games room and tense. I don't want any shit right now, especially from some drunken girl who is only interested in telling her friends she has been with a band member.


      "Hey where you going?"


Max! Thank fuck.


      "You said Jax would be here. Where is he?"


   "His in his room already, sorry hun but your too late to be his girl tonight."


Well he can't tell her I'm not interested in having sex or I'm too busy killing on the Xbox can he? She would just ignore him and carry on finding me. But with this chick even that won't get her away.


      "That's OK I like threesomes. Which room is Jax in?"


I hear more footsteps again. Fucking hell, why didn't I go up into my room? I could have locked the door and not worry.


      "Erm no darling, he don't wana be disturbed tonight. Maybe next time yea? If your in need for a threesome tonight though maybe I can help ya?"


Ugh fucking hell Max. The girl laughs and I hear there feet move away from the door. The thumping sound of loud music fills the silence. I need to find my own place, these two have women round here all the time. I decide to sneak out so I quietly exit the game room. I don't know why because the music is so loud I can't hear any sounds I'm making so nobody else will. I open a door near my room door that leads you to a narrow staircase to the private living room that I mostly use. That room has a direct route to the garage so I can get into my car without anyone from the party seeing me. I lock my bedroom door and I'm just about to open the door that leads to the stairway when arms wrap around my waist and a warm little body presses against my back. A sickly sweet smell fills my nose and I pray to God it's not who I think it is.

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