Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)
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   "We have to go to a strip club but don't hire it all out because that will just make him feel awkward. You know what his like. We have a private area just for us, we need to get in and out of there privately."


Leo huffs and asks Mark to search for the top strip joints. So what exactly is Leo doing for this?


      "What else?"


   "When we were there last year he said he wanted to go to the casino's but we didn't have the time."


Leo clicks his fingers and has a grin on his face. I look over to Max who has his head buried in his laptop busy booking shit.


      "Yes, we should definitely do some gambling! Jax you get on that."


Max looks up from the laptop and frowns at Leo.


      "And what is it your gona be doing?"


   "Well I got us the plane and thought of strippers. I've got a hot girl to see so see ya."


Max looks a little pissed off as Leo walks by him whistling. When the front door shuts behind him his shaking his head.


      "Little shit always fucks off when stuff needs to be done."


If I didn't know any better I would think Max was a little jealous that Leo is out meeting a girl but he is speaking the truth. Leo is amazing on stage, he puts all his energy into his drums but when it comes to everything else he disappears. He doesn't like work, when we need to talk over the album and all the details of songs, recording and the tour he either sits there bored shitless not talking at all or his not there.


   I fetch my IPad and go back outside with Max where we both finish off talking and booking for Rhys stag. We manage to find a rally race on a desert race course, Rhys loves all that shit. On the phone I find out the company also hosts a whole lot of different activities, I decide to just hire the whole place out for the day, saves pictures being taken and we can choose whatever we want to do when were there. I know for a face I will not be sky diving of bungy jumping though. Fuck that.


   Later on when I head on over to Rhys house I feel allot better knowing we have it all planned and sorted it. I was feeling guilty as hell we hadn't talked about it yet but it was hard to get Max and Leo to sit down and talk to them seriously. When Rhys told us he only wanted to stay two nights I think that snapped them into gear thank god.


   I arrive at the gates leading up to his drive and press in the security code to let myself into the property. Seeing Rhys' big house makes me think about the house I loved. I looked at it online yesterday thinking it over, could I buy a house like that for myself? I was tempted to just buy it so nobody else could even if I don't want to live in it yet. That house is a family house, it needs a girlfriend, maybe a wife even and kids. Not a single rocker on his lonesome. Fucking hell, what is it with me sounding like a pussy lately? Maybe I need to rethink not having sex. Rhys opens his door stopping that line of thought.


      "Hey man, what you doing?"


   "What? Other than planning a stag?"


He grimaces. It's funny how scared he is.


      "Oh dear"


I laugh and pat him on his shoulder as I walk past him and into his house. We walk into his overly large garden. His garden is massive, I would say it's about the size of a football pitch. I don't understand why you would want a garden this big. He says it's for children and all that jazz. It does have an amazing view though. Fields and a huge lake. Last time I was in his garden the need to write came over me so that's the need for this visit.


      "So what you here for? Space from the guys again?"


   "Yea but that's not why I'm here, I need to get a start on writing and your garden seemed the right place."


He leaves me in his garden on my own because he knows I'm not good company when my mind is in another place. I zone out when I'm in my writing mind. If I get interrupted too many times I snap and get in a bad mood. Too many times I've ended up in a fight or two with them over the years so now they leave me alone. As soon as Rhys is gone my writers mind taps into feelings that have been troubling me for a while and I'm off.


   An hour and a half later I feel like I've had enough writing for today, I think I have enough written down for about three songs. Rhys appears with a couple of beers and passes me one on his way to the seat across from me.


      "Is it safe to come out now?"




I laugh at the cheeky fucker.


      "Good. I need to tell you something."


My eyebrows pull together.


      "Why didn't you tell me when I got here?"


He rolls his eyes at me like it's so obvious.


      "I had a feeling you wanted to write so I left you to it. You were all moody looking, it's one of your signs."


I laugh again and flip him the finger.


     "Say what you gotta say."


His smile disappears and he gets all tense. I stay silent while he takes a big gulp from his beer.


      "So I went for my usual jog the other morning and I saw James, he looked shocked to see me. It was about 5am, looked like he was doing the walk of shame."


My smile has now gone and I take my own gulp from my beer.


   "No shit. Did you talk?"


What I wanted to say was did he say anything about Kendal? Rhys shakes his head.


      "We didn't have the best friendship remember? We just both noticed each other and carried on. It was only at the bottom of the estate."


That close? If he was walking back to his place he must be close, is Kendal close by too?


      "I know what your thinking so stop it."


   "What are you talking about?"


He raises his eyebrows at me.


      "I've known you for fifteen years so I think I know how your mind works. Let me guess, you thought does that mean Kendal is close by aswell, didn't you? Don't lie, I cant tell by your face. You need to try and move on pal, It's been nearly four years since she walked away from you. She's a gorgeous girl, she's probably been snatched up by now and got herself a little family. You need to do the same. Don't get me wrong I loved the girl but I know how it's been for you since she left."


The thought of that devastates me. I know his trying to make me realise I need to forget her but the image of her married and happy with kids of her own hurt like hell. I know I still love her and I can't help it. The thought of her with another man, kissing him and letting him hold her where I did angers me. She's still mine and I don't give a shit. I will see her and I will win her back. I can't live like this anymore, I need Kendal back.








   So me and Tanya are rushing in our cars to Sophie's final dress fitting straight from work. We both finished work at 2:00pm and the appointment is in half an hour and we work twenty minutes away without traffic. With five minutes to go we both snag side by side spaces in the car park down the road from the dress shop. We run out the car park and speed walk down towards the dress makers. When we reach the shop it's not a dress makers at all, it's a freaking posh up market wedding boutique which means money. Oh crap these places make me feel like shit. I cautiously follow Tanya in and were greeted by a lovely elderly woman. She's all bright smiles and giggles, I feel a little more settled but my surroundings are intimidating. The shop is filled with amazingly beautiful dresses everywhere. Spotted here and there are glass cabinets showing bridal jewellery. I don't go near those, I'm scared they will break if I go anywhere near them. Tanya tells the kind lady we're here for Sophie James and she happily shows us the way. This place is a big place, the front is where dresses and accessories are on show and from there we walk further into the building. We walk past two rooms on the right and left of us, the lady tells us they are dressing room where dresses can be tried on with friends and families. Isn't that where we should be going and by the look Tanya just shot me she thinks the same too. At the end we reach white double doors, she knocks and then walks off. Wait, where's she fucking going? One of the white doors is snapped open and a young woman looks down her nose at me and Tanya straight away. Yep, here is the reason why I don't like these shops.


      "Kendal! Tan!"


The woman looks shocked and moves aside, yea move bitch. I'm with the bride. When we enter it becomes clear Sophie is a high paying customer because this is not your usual dressing room. I'm used to a little cubicle when I'm trying something new on. The bridal dressing rooms we just past are what I expected from today but this! This is the top dog of luxury. This room is huge, my eyes quickly scan the room in awe. The girls are sat on one of three golden leather sofas on the right hand side of the room. There sat facing the middle where there's a golden platform that is raised slightly from the white wooden flooring. On the left side of the room the whole wall is a mirror and right in front of me, facing the doors where we just entered is a big area is closed off by a golden curtain.


   We make our way over to the girls and Sophie stands to give us our hugs. She tells the snot nose woman that me ad Tanya are her other bridesmaids and best friends and she leaves us alone. She appears a couple of minutes later stopping our excited laughter to give us each a glass of champagne then goes to stand in her corner again. So she looked down her nose at me because? A small red head comes out of the golden curtain and smiles at us and asks Sophie if she's ready. We all take our seats and watch Sophie practically skip over to her.


   Were all quite, nobody talking because we're all anxious and excited to see Sophie. She hasn't told us any details of her dress so I have no idea what to expect. Only Jessica and Tanya have seen the dress and Sophie made sure they kept there mouths shut. When the curtain moves we all freeze in our seats and hold our breath, well I do anyway. Out walks Sophie who has a beaming smile lighting up all her face, it looks like Sophie floats across the floor to the platform. She stands facing the mirror and I can't believe how amazing she looks, she looks absolutely beautiful. I suddenly feel so emotional. I can see Jessica wiping under her eyes in the reflection of the mirror, I knew she would be the first.


      "So girls, do you like it?"


Sophie shifts her body side to side so the dress swishes around. It's an ivory colour, the top is a halter neck style and shows a little cleavage. It looks like it's a smooth satin material and there's sparkling gems spotted around the bodice and halter neck piece. The bottom puffs out but not too much that she wouldn't fit through the door, just right. It's the same material as the halter neck top and doesn't have a lot of sparkle on it but it's looks perfect. Anymore and it would be too much. She has on the same sparkly shoes as ours, which are just peaking out the bottom of her dress. None of us answer, I don't think we can. We look at each other and we all have shiny teary eyes. We're all emotional wrecks. Sophie turns around to face us and as soon as she takes a proper look at our faces she steps down off the little platform. Her arms out wide.


      "Oh you guys, come here."


We all put our glasses down and rush over into a crying group hug. We're careful not to get any tears on the dress. After we have all got control over our emotions and wiped away ours tears away on the soft tissues the snot nose woman brought out for us we can all talk again. Maisy is the first.


      "You look hot! Reece is not gonna know what to do when he sees you."


Tanya nods in agreement.


      "Yea your tits look amazing Soph."


We all laugh and then cry a little bit more. I don't know how where going to be on the big day. Me and Jessica give Sophie more suttle compliments which make Sophie cry and then were all crying again. I dread to think what we're going to be like on the big day.


      "Oh girls I have some bad news. The guys have arranged Reece's stag for when we were supposed to be having the meal."

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