Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)
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   I have a great end of the night with my girls though, apart from Tanya and Maisy who have already left. I frowned at them when I saw that Miquel left with them. Me, Jessica and Sophie have a lot of fun dancing the rest of the night together and have to stagger our way into a taxi back to the hotel.





   I hear a banging on the door and wince. Ouch my head hurts. Was that someone shouting? I try my best to open my eyes but I can't. There shut tight but the banging won't stop. I manage to peel my eyes open and cover them with my eyes because the sunlight hurts too bad. Now that I'm starting to wake up I'm aware that I'm not in my bed, I'm on the sofa in the living area. Why did I sleep out here?


      "Will you lazy bitches get up and answer the dam door!"


So the shouting was Tanya and Maisy then. I pull my body up and walk across the nice cold floor to the door. My feet feel so hot from the shoes I wore last night that the cold feels so good. My eyes are still partly closed when I open the door for the  one night standers. I leave them to close the door and go to my room so I can lie on my bed. I'm obviously not aloud any sleep though because the girls follow me in and sit on the edge of my bed happily chatting away that they wake Jessica and Sophie who are in the next bed. They glare at Tanya and Maisy, to see there in the same mood as me. Jessica grabs a pillow and throws it at Tanya who seem way to chirpy for this time in the morning. It hits her straight in the head.


      "Oww! What was that for?"


   "Shut up! We were sleeping!"


Tanya and Maisy look around at us all like they have only just noticed us on our beds. Sophie leans up on one elbow.


      "So what did you two get up to last night?"


Ugh wrong question because they jump into talking way too loudly. Apparently Miquel paired up with Andre and gave Tanya a good old threesome. What a dick!


      "Tanya that man was a dick."


   "It wasn't planned or anything. Me and Andre were in the middle or doing our own thing and in pops Miquel, literally."


Ugh way to much information, it's too early for me to deal with Tanya's sex life.


      "If you two are going to keep us up then the least you can do is make me us a drink."


And being the good friends they are, they do just that while I shower to wake me up. Also to wash away the grime from last night.


  When I come out all clean from the shower wearing my short light blue denim shorts that are dip dyed pink and my white vest top I spot Jessica sitting in the living area. She spots me and I make a run for my room because I know she wants to talk about last night. I'm not so lucky thought because she jumps on my back and we land face down on my bed. Thankfully not on the floor.


   "Get off me Jess."


I turn my head and see Sophie sitting on Jessica's bed through strands of my purple hair. She's smiling so at least I know she's not mad at me.


      "So, how come you didn't go with the hunk from last night?"




      "Oh fine, fine."


She rolls off me but she still demands details. I tell her what was going through my mind at the time of my decision. She can totally understand because the only person she has ever slept with is Sam.


     "Aw honey, I'm glad you didn't go with him."


   "You are?"


      "I think if you did go with him, you would be hating yourself today."


Well shit I didn't think of that and I know she's right. I would have regretted everything, thank god I stuck to what it right for me. We all decide it's time to get ready and are all looking cute in our beach babe outfits and we make our way down to the beach. We walk it because it's literally outside our hotel. When we reach the beach Sophie links our arms and smiles up at me. She looks so happy and I feel proud that we, as her friends, payed a part in that.


      "This has been amazing Kendal."


   "You deserve it Soph."


Maisy links her other arm with Sophie.


      "Plus we all have sun kissed skin for the wedding. Bonus!"


Well there is that too, I look down at my legs and they do look a little brown. Even after only three days here.


     "So what are we doing on the beach?"


   "You will find out."


I spot a young woman holding a camera further down the beach and I know that's our girl. Sophie looks at where I'm looking and I see confusion cross her face. We al greet the photographer and Sophie still seems unsure. Sophia seems really nice and thank god that her english sounds pretty good because that just makes this hard morning so much easier.


       "Hi girls. I'm Sophia and I will be taking your photo's."




Sophie's face is scrunched up, how could she have not pieced this together yet?


       "We have arranged for some pictures to be taken of us on the beach Soph."


   "Ah guys thats such a great idea!"


So that morning was spent having fun in front of the camera. It was a lot of fun and I was glad we didn't spend the whole time posing. There were shots of us eating ice creams, jumping around, splashing in the sea. At one point Sophie had us all lying down on the sand looking up at the camera. I know there's going to be some really good pictures from today. We plan to have our favourite two printed out and then four more printed A4 size.


   We have some dinner and then head back to our hotel to pack before we go home. I am so excited to see Finley, I rang him every morning and every night before we went out but it's nothing compared to seeing his beautiful face.


On the plane home Sophie stands up from the sofa and looks at each of us.


      "Right girls before we go home, I just want to say thankyou. I knew you would do me proud and give me a great hen but I never imagined this. Every minute has been amazing and I never even thought about Barcelona! The things you planned for us to do and the laughs we had.  I had such a good time and when any of you get married I hope I do you proud like you have done for me."


She gives us all a hug and a kiss and she starts crying so it turns into a bit crying group hug.


      "I just can't believe I'm getting married in two days!"


We stop her crying and laugh over the memories from the last couple of days. When me and Jessica get out the limo at my house Jess gives me a hug.














Chapter 15



   I leave my suitcase near the washing machine and go and make myself a good cup of tea. Barcelona doesn't do them like home. I sit on my sofa and drink my tea, it's  nice to be home. I look at my phone with longing, I really want to see Finley but it's 7:30pm so he will be in bed now, I will go round first thing in the morning. I spoke to him before I got on the plane to say goodnight and I will be there in the morning.


   The house is way too quiet so I put the TV on and catch up on my missed programs. Half way through the first on though I feel my eyes getting heavy so just in case I get up and lock my front door then go back to watching the TV. Sure enough before the program finishes I surrender and let my eyes close.


   What is that noise? Oh crap I fell asleep and now it's dark in the living room. The noise is my phone so I reach onto my coffee table and grab it. Sophie? Why is she ringing me at 9:00pm?




My voice sounds all croaky from sleep.


"Kendal? Were you asleep?"


   "Yea, what's up?"


"Oh sorry. Look I need to see you."


   "What? Why?"


"There's a problem at my house, I've been looking through my photo's and I need you."


   "What's the matter?"


"Just get here Kendal, now."


The line goes dead, I can't believe she hung up on me! But rather than be annoyed I'm really worried. It's really humid weather so my shorts and vest top are still suitable so I shove on my Vans and jump into my car. All the way to Sophie's I'm praying she's OK, she sound really weird and a little nervous. Reece better not have upset her but she mentioned her pictures. What could be wrong with her pictures? I buzz her button when I reach her gates and race up to her house. Something is definitely off, Sophie normally shouts her hello as I come in through the gates.


   I park up my car and run to the front door and knock. Sophie answers straight away and I know by her face somethings up. She gives me a little smile and moves to the side so I can walk in. I am starting to get really worried now. So I walk into the hallway, well it's not exactly a hallway. You walk in and it a large round room that leads you to other rooms and the stairway. I turn around to face her and she closes the door and faces me too, she's twiddling her fingers.


      "Soph? What's up, you're scaring me."


She suddenly looks up and and walks over to me. She has tears in her eyes.


      "I can't believe it's you Kendal, he always spoke about you to me. I just can't believe I found you for him."


What the hell is she talking about. I am so freaked out right now.


      "Sophie what are you talking about?"


   "I showed Reece the pictures from the hen and he recognised you. I didn't think it was you, I thought it was a different Kendal. Why didn't you tell me?"


Her little face looks hurt. My body runs cold, she couldn't be talking about what I think she's talking about could she?


      "Sophie what are you tal-"


   "Hi Kendal."


At the sound of his voice I stop talking and freeze. It couldn't be. I slowly look to my right and there standing before me is Rhys. He looks sad but his smiling at me. I choke back a sob, I really want to run into his arms but I haven't seen him for so long. For fuck sake why didn't I see the signs? Decoy move back, I meet Sophie in the best hotel in town and she tells me her boyfriends name is Reece but I didn't know her Reece was actually Rhys! He steps closer and I don't move.


      "As soon as Sophie shown me her pictures I knew it was you Kenny."


Kenny was my nickname they all gave me, I didn't really like it but it became my thing with the guys so I ended u loving it. Hearing him call me that brings tears to my eyes. This is so fucked up and confusing. I can't do this right now, I thought I was coming here for Sophie not this. With my eyes closed to stop my tears I don't see him quickly come closer and wrap me in his arms. He squeezes me tight and I try my hardest to fight back my sobs but when he kisses me on my hair and then on my forehead they fall on there own. When I left Jax I left they guys too and through the two years I was with Jax, Rhys, Leo and Max became like my brothers. I left them too and didn't say goodbye, I have lied to them too. Not only has Finley been missing out on having Jax as his dad he has missed out on having these as his uncles. I cry in Rhys arms and then break away. I need to go home, I need to get my head around this. I step towards the door and Rhys trys to reach me but I move out of reach.


      "Kendal please stay, Jax is on his way."


My eyes widen and stumble a little. They told Jax I was here, I can't be here when he comes. He can be here any minute. I need to go.

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