Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)
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Oh that's a shame, I'm dying to meet him and finally see these friends of his. We all assure her that its fine, we can still have the meal. After all I'm bring Finley so Sophie can meet him before the wedding. I am so scared, I shouldn't have put it off and made excuses every time Sophie wanted to come by. I feel like such a shit person right now.










Chapter 13



   A couple of days later I wake up feeling like crap, I'm all sticky and sweaty and my stomach doesn't feel too good I wish I could stay home in bed but I have work and I don't ring in sick, ever. Plus Bianca won't have me or Tanya for three days when we go to Barcelona for Sophie's hen. When Finley jumps on the bed as usual it makes my stomach feel worse. I hold back the sickly feeling and slowly get out of bed. I think Finley must have known something was up because he went soft on me on his daily demands.


   When I slowly walk into work I go straight to the staff room. I want quiet which is stupid really because I work in a hair and beauty salon where there's talking women twenty-four-seven and hairdryers blasting. When I walk into the staff room Tanya and Bianca are already there.


      "God are you OK Kendal? You look like shit."


No point in telling the truth there Tanya.


      "Gee thanks Tan."


Bianca  hands me a cup of tea which I decline, I don't think my stomach can handle anything other than water.


      "She's right honey, you sure your OK to work today?"


I slowly nod yes.


      "I only have basic cuts booked in for today."


After a very slow haircut Bianca demands she will take over my bookings and orders me to go home. Finley's at my mums so I go home and text her to say I'm at home sick.


   I wake up shivering to a knocking on my front door. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep on the sofa, I just wanted to lie down while watching some TV. I sleepily stumble to the front door and when I open it I'm greeted by my mum. As soon as she sees me her face fills with motherly concern. She fusses about and cooks a dinner for me and Finley, not that I can eat it. My mums a skinny little thing, shorter than me, I inherited her light brown hair but I obviously have died it but  it's my dads bright blue eyes that I have. She shouts that the dinners ready, just like when I was a kid. I walk slowly to the kitchen table and by the time I sit down Finley's already digging in and I wrinkle my nose in disgust. If I eat I know I will be sick. My mum raises  her eyebrow at me not touching my food.


      "Kendal you need to eat."


   "I can't my stomachs churning just looking at it."


She gets up and makes me some toast. No butter and puts it in front of me, she raises that dam eyebrow again. My hands shake as I eat and Finley looks up at me all concern on his little face. My mum makes sure the house is tidy and Finley's is bed before she goes. She did want to take him back to hers but I want Finley with me. As soon as shes out the door I go straight up to bed. I curl up on my side and hold onto my stomach.


   When my eyes open again the sun is shining and Finley is sitting on my bed beside me. I smile up at him,


      "No jumping today?"


He shakes his head and crawls right up to my side.


      "Are you better now mummy?"


Oh bless him, his stopped his daily jumping marathon on my bed because his worried. I am actually feeling better, allot better than yesterday. It was just a twenty-four hour virus thank god.


      "I think I am all better honey."


I roll onto my side and wrap my arms around him. He feels hot and his face looks clammy.


      "Are you OK baby?"


   "My tummy feels sick mummy."


Oh no, now my little boy has what I had yesterday. He suddenly sits up and looks at me worriedly.


     "Are you going to be sick?"


He nods his head and I rush up and carry him into the bathroom. I put him down and position him just in time before it all comes out. Finley has never been sick before and this site of him is breaking my heart. I don't like it at all. I would rather have another day like yesterday or worse if it meant Finley wasn't going through this.




Now that nearly made me cry. His weak voice saying my name. I rub his back to try and sooth him.


      "Ssshhh I know baby, mummies here."


When his finished I clean his face and change his pajamas then settle him in his bed. I put Disney Cars on his TV while I go and have a quick shower to wash away the sweat and grime from yesterday. As soon as I'm out I quickly wrap myself in a towel and check on Finley. His fast asleep so I turn down the volume on his film. I don't bother drying my hair, I don't want to wake Finley. So I just chuck on my black leggings and white vest top, the shower has made me feel a hundred times better. Today me and Finley are supposed to be going to Sophies for that meal. Finley's definitely not going and I'm not leaving him. I decide to ring Sophie but I don't want to leave Finley so I stay put in my bedroom.


"Hey honey."


   "Hey Sophie. How you feeling? Has Reece left yet?"


I hear her sigh heavily down the phone. That means yes.


      "Yes, he left early with the guys. Is it stupid that I miss him already?"


   "No, your in love. I would worry if you wasn't missing him."


      "True. How are you feeling? When I spoke to Tanya last night she said you were send home from work yesterday."


   "Yea that's sort of why I'm ringing. I'm fine now but Finley has caught it. I'm sorry but were not going to be able to come. I really don't want to leave him when his like this."


      "Don't be silly honey. I totally understand, you don't need to explain. You help your little boy get better and we can do something when his better."


"Ah thanks Soph, I'm so sorry."


"Kendal stop saying sorry. It's fine. Ring me if you need anything."



When Finley wakes up I take him downstairs and lie him on the sofa and run back upstairs to get his quilt cover. We cuddle on the sofa together for the rest of the day. His sick a couple more times and he manages some biscuits and dry toast. I understand why my mum was being so worrisome yesterday with me. At night I put Finley to bed with me. I get a few texts from my friends who are all at the dinner, some are funny and some are well wishes for Finley. After a little while of non successful attempts of trying to sleep I get my IPad out and plug in my headphones. I search
Decoy Jax
and listen to his interviews and watch some music videos. I even watch the interviews with Leo, Max and Rhys. I do miss those guys. Then I return to watching Jax and I can't help but feel a need to be held by him. I miss him so fucking much it hurts.







   I laugh at the worried look on Rhys face as we sit on the plane. He glares over at me. He really is scared of what we have planned for him, mostly for what Max and Leo have planned but he could show a little faith.


      "I'm glad you think this is so funny."


   "I'm sorry, but your face looks hilarious."


He sighs and rubs his face.


      "There haven't planned anything to get me into trouble have they?"


   "Rhys it's a stag due."


I laugh as Rhys groans into his hands. It's not as bad as his making out but it is a stag due at the end of the day.


      "If you ever get married you will know what I'm worried about and I will laugh at you."


   "Look I made sure they didn't go too over the top but it is your stag, relax and have fun."


He finally sits back and relaxes, Leo hands him a drink.


      "Drink up buddy! Were landing soon."


   "You gona tell me where your taking me yet?"


      "Las Vegas baby!"


Rhys face is a picture. Shocked and then amazed. He looks at Leo, Max, his brother Rex and then me.


      "Holy shit guys! This is gona be fucking awesome!"


He starts glugging back his bear and we all follow. The stag due has started.


   A private car takes us to the villa. Max found a great place, it's a one floor luxury pad with pool and it even comes with a chef! At least we don't have to cool when were hungover. We each pick our own rooms and meet back in the living room straight away. This means none of us have unpacked, we guys so that isn't a fucking surprise. Rhys is typing away on his phone.


      "Hey no contact."


   "Sorry, just saying I'm here."


He sounds a little sad. Already missing her.


      "Well hurry up because we need to go."




      "Well, where going to some casino's."


Just like that his smile is back.


      "Fuck yea!"


We go outside where a limo is waiting, we all jump in and get ready to enjoy a night of gambling and drinking.






  Aw God what is that banging and someone please make it stop! I'm lying face down on my bed. My legs feel stiff so I guess I'm still wearing my jeans. Well that's better than waking up naked next to a girl you don't know. Well it is for me anyway. I'm trying to think back to last night, we spent most of the afternoon in the casino's and when we had enough Leo and Max had arranged the limo to take us to a bar. Sound good but when we walked in we were the only guys there with about twenty of the most beautiful and sexiest women you will see were dancing around waiting for us. Cheeky fuckers didn't tell me about this, I see Rhys panicking beside me. Probably thinking if he even looks he will be in trouble, poor guy. After so many drinks half way through the night I took notice of one girl, I can't remember her name. Her hair was dyed a fire red and she had shocking blue eyes, she was small and cute, big tits. Totally my type, we danced and did a few body shots. At the end we ended up kissing and I could have easily taken her back to our villa but something stopped me and I'm glad. I would have been pissed this morning.





"Jax get up ya lazy shit!"


Who was that? My fucking head is killing. I know Leo and Max found there lucky girls and bought them back here. There most probably the girls who I can hear laughing now. I'm starting to come around now, I can smell bacon and sausages. I think I just threw up in my mouth. I can remember making my way out to the limo last night but that's it. I hear banging again but it's not on my door this time.


       "Bang again and I will fuck you up!"


So there banging on Rhys' door too then. I slowly open my eyes thankful the curtains keep the morning sun out the room. I see my small suitcase on the floor. I slowly get up trying to ignore the dizziness and open up my case. I find some fresh clothes what will do for today and open my room door. I walk towards the bathroom and stop in the doorway. Ah fuck! Rex is sat on the bathroom floor leaning his head on the closet toilet seat and is asleep. Guess he was up being sick that much he decided to just stay in here. I shout him loud enough for him to wake up and let him use the shower first seeing as he has sick on nearly every inch of him.

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