Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)
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      "Gel mummy"


I go grab his hair gel which was in the kitchen and I spike it up how he likes it. Just like Mark has it, Mark did this the other night when he popped around and now I have to do it for him. It's another thing that makes him look that little bit more like his daddy. Finley runs of to go and look at himself in the mirror in the hallway and I hear him shout.


      "Cool dude!"


  "Come on then cool dude lets go."


On our drive into the town center we sing along to the radio. One Direction comes on and Finley knows almost every word. His nodding his head as he sings and he belts out the last line.


      "Thats what makes you beautiful!"


   "Wow Fin that was great! Well done baby."


      "I like singing. I'm gonna be the best singer ever mummy."


My heart stutters, did he mean what I think he meant. Did my boy say he wants to be a singer? His only three no need to panic. It would only be natural to follow in his dads footsteps, even if he doesn't know Jax. Music is deep in Jax's roots, so it's also in Finley's right? Oh I don't know! I swallow down the ache in my heart.


      "Anything you want to be rockstar."




   Were having a good shop, Finley's good as gold as usual. He has three bags full of new clothes and a pair of new Converse high tops. He stood there for ten minutes deciding which colour, he finally decided on the dark gray. I managed to quickly browse my shops, treated myself to some new jeans and a few new tops and a pair of white high top Converse for myself. We head up to the toy store for Finley's present for being a good boy. While his browsing the toy shelves a toy deal catches my eye, two goal nets, a football and pump. I don't even think I just grab it and ask the young girl behind the counter to hurry so my son can't see me buying him a surprise. After the boxes are bagged up to hide them from Finley's little eyes. I watch Finley beside the counter starting at some toys.


      "Seen anything you like Fin?"


He nods without looking at me, he looks like his in deep thought. I step around the counter to see what his looking at and the ache  in my heart returns in full speed I almost fall to the floor. There just toys but I can't help the thumping of my heart when I see the electric blue mic stand with microphone and the matching electric blue guitar.


     "Which one mummy?"


So that's why his thinking so hard, he doesn't know weither to get the microphone and the stand or the guitar. Then I see the sign next to the toys, there's an offer on these toys when you buy them both bought together so I decide to spoil him and let him have both. He has a huge smile on his face while I'm struggling with the bags on the way to the car. On our way home we pick up a McDonald's. I finish mine first so while Finley is filling his face I run to go and get the bags from the boot. I leave the football box in the boot though, for now. After I've put mine and Finley's clothes and shoes bags away on my bed I hear Finley from the kitchen.


      "All done mummy."


   Finley's sitting by his two boxes on the floor. When I pick one up he gets all excited. I connect them and put in the batteries. He picks up the guitar and fits the sling over his shoulder and then stands behind his mic stand and starts shouting/singing.


      "Oh yea I'm a rockstar, rockstar. I am a cool dude and my mummy has purple hairrrrrr!"


I can't stop laughing. That was the most funny and adorable thing I've seen. I wish I recorded that.


      "Wait let me get a picture."


He acts like his strumming his guitar and pulls a face. I snap away and send it to Jessica. I immediately get a reply.



JESSICA:  OMG! How cute is he! What R U up 2?



ME:  I no it's scary how much he looks like Jax. Were just

chilling at home, Y U wana come over?



JESSICA:  Yh if thats OK? Sam wants 2 come 2, 5 mins?



ME:  Of course its OK, shall I ask the others?







So I send a group message to everyone asking if they want to come around for the afternoon. Only Mark is free.



MARK:  Who else is coming?



ME:   Us, Jess n Sam



MARK:   Cool, shall I bring a BBQ? I get everything




ME:   Its up 2 U hun, U dont have 2, C U soon xx




   I don't know why Mark hasn't got himself a girl yet. His a great guy. There's a light knock on the front door followed by Jessica's sing song voice.


      "Hellooooooo? I heard there's a rockstar house!"


Jessica and Sam arrive in the living room and they both stop and take in the image of mini Jax standing there singing and strumming on his guitar. They both wipe there shocked looks off there faces.


      "Hey buddy, I got you something to cool down with."


Sam pulls out a massive water gun. Finley's eyes look like there about to bug out his face.


      "I got me one too"


He pulls out a matching one, Finley carefully takes his guitar off and they run into the kitchen to fill the water guns. Jessica is shaking her head as she watches Sam following Finley.


      "Honestly, it's like his the same age as Finley."


We giggle watching the water fight outside. Finley is doing his loud evil laugh and Sam is dripping with water. Were still laughing when Mark walks in holding bags.


      "Hey, I bought a disposable BBQ instead, should still do the job."


So Mark and Sam take charge of the manly job of being in charge of the BBQ and soon the garden is filled with delicious smells. While Finley is too busy on eating his hot dog to notice anything I run to my car to take out the secret box. I put it on the kitchen floor and walk over to the back door where Finley is still eating. I sit down beside him and wait until his plate is empty.


      "Finley there's a surprise in the kitchen for you."


He gasps and runs into the kitchen.




Jessica, Mark and Sam all look confused.


      "I bought him some goals from the toy store."


   "Aswell as clothes and his other new toys?"


I shrug at Jessica's accusing glare.


      "Kendal you spoil him."


   "I'm not spoiling him, he deserves it."


Finley comes running out looking panicked and grabs Sam and Mark.


      "Come on! I need help."


He drags them into the kitchen. Well not actually drag, his only 3 but his leading them by there hands. Me and Jessica watch from outside as they set it all up for him, I'm glad Sam and Mark are actually here now. I don't think I would have had the patience to do all of that. Jessica gets out the wine and we talk about Barcelona. We have everything planned for Sophie's hen. We will arrive very early in the morning so we can take out time unpacking, chill by the pool or even go back to sleep seeing as we will be there early. On the first morning there we have arranged a sexy lap dance and pole dancing lessons for 10:00am. That should be funny and also maybe useful for the future. Tanya has actually bought a cheeky present for Sophie which I hope doesn't scare her, she has bought her a dancing pole so she can show Reece her new moves. After that we will have dinner followed by a luxury yacht ride where we can soak up the sun and sip champagne. At night we can find some local bars to end the night in. The next morning we have arranged for some professional photos to be taken of all of us on the gorgeous white sandy beach near our hotel. This is also another wedding present from all of us because we will have some of them printed of for Sophie. The rest of the day can be spent doing whatever we want. Seeing as it's a hen, we will probably be spending the last night getting drunk. Then the next afternoon we fly home, I really hope Sophie likes it. She did after all trust us to plan it all, we know she doesn't like the tacky idea of hen do's so we hope we have done Sophie proud.


   It's not long before Finley is all tired out after his busy day of shopping and an hour of kicking a football about with Sam and Mark. My three friends go home and I take my little rockstar to bed.


     "Today was fun mummy."


   "Yes it was, do you like your new toys?"


He nods and smiles that smile that brings an image of his dad to me.


      "Can I take them to mama and grandads tomorrow?"


   "Sure honey."


He falls asleep as I'm reading his story. Tomorrow I have to do the Sunday cover shift. It's not so bad because we close at 4:00 on a Sunday but I will be missing my mums roast dinner.

































Chaper 12





   I'm in the garden with Max and Leo chilling by the pool with a few beers. I have been looking at other houses and apartments online but they don't know yet. They must know I'm not 100% happy living here though. I love the guys like my brothers but I cannot live with them, I thought living in a big house would be easier than living on a tour bus with them. I was wrong. Being on a tour bus is a lot better than living with them, at least on a tour bus they don't throw parties all the time and I have Rhys to talk to whenever there too busy keeping some girls entertained. I have learnt a hard fact about them too, they sometimes share the girls, not separately, threesome sharing. I do not like to think about it, each to there own but not me.


   So were sat out here discussing the stag do for Rhys. A little last minute but were guys and we want to do is drink so it's not going to be too much trouble. The guys want to have three days worth of strippers but I say no, Rhys wont want that. I make a deal with them that if they get married they can have all the strippers there heart desires. Were using Leo's step brothers private plane, his step brother is a stinking rich film director.


      "So we have travel sorted and where were going now we need to find somewhere to stay."


Rhys loved Las Vegas when we toured there last year but when your on tour you don't get to relax or see the sites but this time he will. Well not exactly the tourist sites.


      "Jax did you ask Rex if he can come?"


I nod, his brother was all to eager to come.


      "Well I think we should get a villa, it will be more private. The last thing Rhys will want on his stag is fans knocking on his hotel room door."


Makes sense so Max gets on his laptop and gets to it. Leo claps his hands together.


      "Sooo. What will we being doing when were there?"


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