Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy) (22 page)

BOOK: Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy)
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     Gareth swallows.

     Bending down on my knees I glide my hands up from his ankles, then his calf leg and to his inner thighs.  I feel him quiver under the slightest touch but he is not the only one affected.  The fine hairs covering his legs tingles my sensitive skin and my breathing hitches.  The thought of the power I hold over him is enough to get the juices flowing.

     My hands make another circuit of his firm and lean legs, but this time they work their way higher to the waistband of his boxer shorts.  The crisp whiteness of the fabric is a contrast to his tanned skin.  The purity of the colour seems out of place in these surroundings.

     Teasingly I slowly edge the boxer shorts down past his hipbones, occasionally placing a wet kiss with each expanse of skin that’s revealed.  His breathing becomes ragged and heat creeps up my neck to the tip of my ears.

     With the removal of his last piece of clothing it’s my turn to return the favour.

     One hand remains on his thigh as I arch my back and expertly unclip my bra with the other and watch as it drops uselessly to the floor.  As the nerves strike me I keep my eyes focused on the ground as I shuffle out of my plain knickers.

Come on Alex, you’re gutsier than this!  Just look at him will you!

     Timidly I lift my gaze to see Gareth not staring at my naked body but to my face, caressing my skin with his aquatic eyes, pupils dilated.  A soft smile plays at the corners of his mouth.  My heart melts at the tenderness I see and it encourages me to continue.

     I crawl up his body, kissing his skin as I go, until I move to straddle his slightly protruding, but firm, belly to rest back on my haunches.  The heat emanating from his erection as it rubs against my bum cheeks is exquisite.

     Peering into his eyes I see so many emotions swimming around they become indescribable.  The intensity of the moment catches me off guard and it feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest, while at the same time I feel complete.  It’s the oddest sensation and it frightens me.  It’s an unfamiliar feeling.




Shhh, don’t say anything,

and he sits up, runs his fingers through my hair massaging my scalp as he pulls me towards him. 

Oh God.

Gareth’s lips latch onto mine, sucking, tasting, reaching deep inside and taking everything I have.

What is this complex man doing to me? 
I’m welling up with the strength of what I am feeling.  It’s too much; all of it is too much.  Yet I can’t seem to get enough.  He has,
taking everything from me and I’m powerless to stop it.

     I kiss him back with all the passion and frustration I’m feeling deep down inside, the complexity of it all overwhelming.



I whisper against his lips. 


but what am I pleading

     Whatever it is Gareth seems to instinctively know and he flips me onto my back in one fluid motion.

     Arms either side of my body he looms over me, hair flopping down in front of his eyes.  The soft glow from the side lamp sharpens the contours of his chin and nose creating a more masculine, dominant appeal.

     A thrill runs through my body and a burning sensation forms between my legs.  I look down the length of his torso the origin of that heat.

Very impressive.  Very impressive indeed!

     With my hands itchy for action they trail their way southwards and greedily takes hold of his increasing mass, causing him to gasp at the sudden contact of coolness clashing with warmth.

     And now I begin in earnest.








     My other hand doesn’t remain idle for long as it reaches down to join in with the foreplay as it cups and fondles the weighty objects contained, delicately stroking the soft skin found.  


A-A-Al-Alex, st-st-sto…ahhh…

     I look up to see him bite down hard on his bottom lip, eyes scrunched up in pleasurable agony.


Oh Christ, Alex, I c-c-can’t t-take…

     The musky scent of his skin wafts up my nose, turning me on further and I fidget as the dampness between my legs becomes excruciating.


W-wait Alex, hold on a minute,

he rasps before leaning over to the side to pull something out of his drawer.

     When he leans back I notice him clutching a square foil packaging.  Tearing it open a circular object falls out.

A condom.  He comes prepared I see, which begs the question, is this part of the plan?


I’ll do it,

I say from nowhere.

     Gareth looks up, eyes wide, but after a moment’s hesitation he hands it over.

     Sitting up I use both hands to secure the pink latex.  As I sheath the vivacious appendage heat trickles through causing my hands to shake making the task much more awkward than it needs to be.


     And then his body collides with mine, his mouth instantly pleasuring my neck and our bodies grind together, skin touching skin, fire with fire.  Our carnal lust can no longer be contained.

     His hard length rubs against my entrance several times before he hooks my leg over his hip and surges forward, burying himself to the hilt in my hot, welcoming core.  A cry escapes from both our lips at the strength of our connection. 

     He pauses allowing our joining bodies to adjust before he begins to thrust ever so slowly, building tempo with every push.


Harder Gareth…harder,

I moan digging my nails into his bottom, forcing him further in me, urging him on. 

     Harder and harder, faster and faster he pounds against my inner walls as his self-control vanishes.

     With each thrust he strikes gold, hitting my g-spot every time, escalating my pleasures to heights I could only dream of. 

     Just when I think it can’t get any better, Gareth bends down and takes a firm nipple between his teeth, eagerly sucking the sensitive nerve endings, evoking me to squirm and groan at the explosive desire that sweeps my insides.  My hands painfully grab fistfuls of hair, yanking him down further onto my nipple, determined for him to remain there.

     I can feel my orgasm spiralling out of control as it’s reaching its cusp when his hand dives down between our bodies to the volcano at the apex of my legs.



rumbles from the pit of my throat as Gareth tweaks the highly attuned clit hiding in my folds.

     My internal muscles flutter and I clamp powerfully around his harden appendage while screaming out his name in ecstasy.  I open my eyes to see Gareth’s face contort with the effort of holding back, but with one, two, three more desperate thrusts his hips ground into mine and he follows me over the edge and into oblivion, my name vibrating off the walls of his bedroom.

     Spent, Gareth steadily lowers himself behind me, kissing me on the lips as he goes.  I stroke his damp mane, pushing it back off his face to see the afterglow of our coupling
warming his eyes.  The blue is as rich as ever, capturing me in their intensity.  I can do nothing but smile in return.

     Without a word I turn in his arms and our sweat slicken
bodies slide against one another’s, a reminder of what happened wasn’t a dream. 

     Wrapped in his arms, legs entwined I lay staring through the window, Gareth’s shallow breathing the only sound I hear.

Asleep already!  I don’t know how men do it.

     What am I doing?  Having sex with my kidnapper?  It is wrong on so many levels.  What has he turned me into?  I would have never behaved so wanton before.  And then there are these feelings, where have they come from?  They mess with my head.  Why is it that every time they creep up on me they feel so right but at the same time feels so wrong?  How can that work?  Is it guilt?  I can’t define them, can’t identify anything anymore.

     A yawn takes hold and my eyelids start to droop.  Exhaustion settles in and the warmth radiating from Gareth lulls me in to a false sense of security, but right now it’s the security I’ll settle for.

     Pulling the cover up over bodies and snuggling back into the firm pressure behind, I give into the peaceful slumber.


Chapter Twenty-Tw



     All I can hear is screaming, masculine voices roaring at each other somewhere in the darkness, always hidden.  Each time I think I am getting closer they appear further away in the opposite direction.  I’m endlessly running around in search of what, I do not know.  All I know is that I must stop the screaming.  It’s drilling away at my skull and I can’t take the pressure of it any longer.

     Then a flash of red splashes across the deadly scene and an image comes in front of me.  I see a man stumble, lose grip of his gun and come crashing to the rough, cold, damp pavement beneath his feat, crying out in agony as he goes.  His large but tender hands shakily move to cover his torn flesh.  A rich shade of red manages to find the gaps and seep through his fingers, soaking his shirt then form a puddle, staining the streets of the back allies of London forever.

     I screech into the chill night air as I fall to my knees and crawl over to the fallen man.  I grapple for his hands, my fingers slide against his precious blood.  Every drop is another minute of life draining away.

I need to stop the bleed!  I need to stop the bleed!  I need to stop the bleed!

No matter how many times I tell myself this it never stops.  It continues to ooze out, staining my hands, a constant reminder of the sins surrounding my life.

     Tears turn into waterfalls and begin to mix in with the never ending red river leaking out of the lifeless form.

     I scream, I shout, I beg, any means to gain help, to save the man lying in my arms but it’s all for naught.  I am alone.

     Gazing down into the colourless eyes I know I have failed.  He had a life, he had a future, but it was cruelly taken away from him in one click.  Now the body of the impressive beast grows cold and limp and nothing but my own heart beats.  A void enters my soul and the love I harboured disperses into the atmosphere as I screech until my lungs constrict with need.  The world shatters around me turning everything to dust.  Everything evaporates into tiny atoms.  Life ceases to exist.



Oh God, no!

     I bolt upright from the mattress, heart pounding and lungs gasping for breath.  Sweat trickles down my back and glazes the curve of my breasts.  A shiver takes hold as the stark contrast of cold atmosphere and warm body clashes against my skin.  Irrevocable fear clouds my mind to settle and nerves stand on end at a dread of an unfathomable loss. 

     Blinking, my eyes sweep the unfamiliar surroundings and I begin to panic.

     Burgundy curtains adorn the windows, an old, wooden desk occupy a corner of the room with scrunched up pieces of paper surrounding it, and unkempt clothes are haphazardly strewn across the wooden floor.

     As I inhale I get a strong odour of something unique, different.  It’s comforting yet disturbing all at the same time.  The muskiness clings to my skin and flitters in the atmosphere around me.  The unmistakable richness of tobacco fills my lungs and my eyes close on their own accord, my lips form a tender smile as I remember.

     The scared little boy trapped inside crying out to be comforted.  The tender strokes of his fingers as he discovered every inch of my body.  The hunger in his eyes as he watched the
last piece of fabric slide from my naked torso to the floor.  I remember the joining of our bodies, passion for passion, each trying to take that something more. 

     The sweet melody of birds’ tweeting in the first rays of sun draw my attention to the window where the curtains are only partially drawn, allowing the orange glow to slowly warm the room.  Goosebumps speckle my skin as the slither of light makes its way across my body then to the heated bulk lying hidden under the sheet next to me.

     Even when sound asleep he carries that frown.  His troubles never seem to leave him.  Poor guy constantly haunted.  I just wish there was something more I can do to elevate his fears.   

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