So Much to Learn (29 page)

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Authors: Jessie L. Star

Tags: #romance, #university, #college, #new adult

BOOK: So Much to Learn
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"Somehow I
don't think you've quite got the gist of the feminist movement," I
laughed, eying the hard ridges on his chest just as approvingly as
he had looked at me.

suddenly brave, I stepped forward and pressed myself against him so
that my breasts flattened against him and little zings of pleasure
shot through me as my nipples were rubbed by the little hairs on
his chest. Tilting my head up I began placing little kisses along
his jaw line and was pleased to feel him suck in a sharp breath as
a result of my ministrations.

As much fun as
it was to run butterfly kisses around his jaw and throat, I soon
realised that it was time for another proper kiss and so I lifted
myself higher and caught up his lips with mine again. I kissed him
so hard, and I think he was so caught up in enjoying my attentions,
that he lost his balance and the pair of us toppled backwards onto
his bed.

And so I found
myself propped over Jack, my hair falling on either side of his
face and enclosing us in a honey coloured cocoon that smelt like my
shampoo. Jack's feet were still on the floor, but I had pulled my
legs up so that I was straddling him, my knees on either side of
his thighs and the hammer making its presence well and truly

As we kissed,
Jack's hands slid up my sides and then moved in to cup my breasts.
The heat from his palms was searing and I almost jerked away, but
the intense pleasure his slightly rough hands were imparting
completely overrode any instincts I had to move and, in fact, I
found myself pressing my breasts harder into his hands. He moved
his fingers to the outer sides of my breasts leaving his two thumbs
to circle my areoles. The skin there puckered into a pattern of
ridges at this contact and, when he finally let his thumbs brush
over my nipples, I released a strange little breathy sound of bliss
into his mouth.

From here on in
things started moving pretty fast. As he pinched my nipples between
his thumbs and forefingers and began gently rolling them, I sat up
slightly and reached down to undo his belt. Next my fingers fumbled
with the button and fly of his jeans, but the awkward angle
combined with the intense feelings I was receiving from his hands
on my breasts made it extraordinarily difficult to undo them.
Finally I did manage to have all the fastenings undone and I could
see the silky material of his boxer shorts but I couldn't do any
more while sitting on top of him.

Jack didn't
seem to really care about my problem and ignored my futile tugs on
his jeans. Instead he lifted his head slightly and kissed the
nipple on my left hand breast. I stopped fussing with his trousers
immediately and gripped the sides of his chest to steady myself. He
moved his head to my right breast and repeated the action before
breathing lightly over my skin causing my nipples to tighten almost
painfully. Capturing one nipple back into his mouth and moving his
hand back up to the other he busied himself with the serious
business of making me bite my lips and rake my nails down the sides
of his chest in pleasure.

Just when I
felt something seriously big building inside of me he pulled away
and his hands slid down the fastenings on my own pair of jeans. He
smiled when he saw my expression of complete encouragement of this
action and it widened when his fingers reached the buttons.

"Button up
jeans, my favourite," he murmured, "Get the right angle and…" He
demonstrated his technique by popping all of the buttons out of
their fastenings in one swift movement. "Now do you want to lean
forward a little bit?"

I did and he
was able to push my jeans pretty far down my legs. Sitting up again
I worked the denim the rest of the way off and threw the jeans off
the side of the bed. So there I sat in nothing but my little white
knickers with red love hearts prancing around on them.

Jack released a
strangled noise which could have been "Oh my God!" and ran his
hands lightly over the fabric of my undies, the warmth from his
hands seeping through and caressing the sensitive skin beneath.
Next he let a finger gently run down the middle revealing dampness
and making me bite my lip to stop from crying out. His gaze firmly
locked with mine, he rubbed his finger in the same place before
pushing the material to one side and letting his finger move
against me, unimpeded by the fabric.

I would have
thought I would have been embarrassed at this stage, but the truth
was that we had moved beyond embarrassment by then. His finger
moved amongst my folds stirring hitherto unknown feelings within me
and, on impulse, I leant down again to kiss him. This other anchor
to him heightened the feelings even more and I was glad of a way to
nonverbally express my ecstasy when seconds later I felt his finger
slip inside me.

The delicious
tension which had truly begun in the bathroom, but had really
started making its presence known when he had moved his fingers
over my nipples, built to almost unbearable levels and, as he moved
another finger in to join the first and his thumb brushed against
my nub, it reached a crescendo.

Someone had
once told me that sneezing six times in a row is the equivalent to
an orgasm and let me say right now that whichever scientist had
proposed that theory clearly wasn't getting any. I have sneezed six
times in a row before and it has nothing on what I was feeling
then, for a start my nose wasn't running, nor were my eyes
streaming uncontrollably. I was, however, trembling all over and a
very thin sheen of sweat seemed to have sprung up in the hollow of
my neck and between my breasts. I broke my lips from Jack's as I
was too exhausted to hold myself up and laid my head against his
chest, panting slightly as if I had just been jogging.

He kissed my
temple a couple of times and smoothed down my hair with one hand,
the other still moving, but more slowly now, against me down

After a minute
or so, when I had got my breath back and was feeling the bubble of
desire rising once more within my chest, I raised my head and
looked him right in the eye. "Why have you still got your jeans
on?" I asked, my voice still somewhat breathy.

"I don't know,"
he replied, smiling slightly. "Wait a sec." And, removing his hand
from my undies and grabbing my waist he performed a quick little
roll so that our positions were reversed and he was lying on top of
me. With his legs now free he was able to work his jeans down and
then kick them off. "Better?" He asked.

"Much," I
replied, reaching out and brushing my fingers back and forth
against the silky material of his boxers stretched over the bulge
in his crotch. Looking up to see Jack's reaction I saw that he was
holding himself very still, his face tight with pleasure.

"Can I…?" I
gestured towards his nether regions and he gave a sort of strangled
noise of assent. I ran my fingers along the elasticised hem,
slipping them beneath the dip and feeling the tickle of the hairs
there. Then, taking a deep breath, I pulled the material down to
his knees where Jack took over, taking them completely off and
flinging them behind him before settling himself back down on his
knees, my legs spread on either side of him.

Funnily enough it wasn't the hammer and friends which
immediately caught my attention, but rather what looked like black
writing which ran across the top of his thigh. Looking closely I
saw that it was a tattoo in midnight black ink which read:
20/09/1999 (P.W., E.W., M.W.)

"When did you
get this?" I asked, tracing the letters and numbers with my fingers
and marvelling at the fact that I could know Jack so well and yet
know nothing.

"19th of
September 2000," he replied quietly. "I was pissed so it seemed
like a good idea at the time." Suddenly smiling he added, "Matt got
a football tattooed on his arse and couldn't sit down for a

Quickly doing
the maths I wrinkled my brow in bemusement, "But you must have only
been 15, how did two drunk 15 year old boys from Bridunna manage to
get a tattoo? I can't even think where the nearest tattoo parlour
would be," I exclaimed.

"You'd be
surprised the places you end up when you're young and off your
head," he replied vaguely.

And I wondered,
not for the first time, exactly what mischief Jack and Matt had got
up to over the years.

I looked again
at the tattoo. P.W., E.W. and M.W., Paul Whitby, Elizabeth Whitby
and Marie Whitby (Jack's mum). Quite unbidden I felt a little bit
of wetness spring to my eyes and, moving forward, I placed a gentle
kiss over the tattoo. Then I propped myself on my elbows and lifted
my head to kiss him softly on the lips, trying to convey how truly
sorry I was that such a terrible thing had happened to him.

"Enough of
that," he said gruffly, pulling away. "Things to see and people to
do, remember?"

"Right, poor
hammer has been desperately trying to get my attention for the last
hour so I suppose I should get back to him," I said, pushing away
melancholy thoughts and focusing on the matter at

Lowering my
gaze I took in the sight of Jack's good friend properly for the
first time. Of course as kids Matt, Jack and I had run around naked
together plenty and I had seen it but that is hardly the same thing
to seeing a man's fully erect penis, straining towards the belly
button, for the first time.

And I think all
the girls out there would agree with me when I say penises are so
weird looking!

I eyed the
length and width of it with some trepidation, it seemed awfully big
but for all I knew it was moderate size. Feeling a bit like an
anxious kid going to pet a strange animal for the first time, I
reached out and ran my index finger along one side, catching it on
the ridges and veins but being surprised by how soft the skin felt
although it was hard at its core. Having taken the first step I
felt brave enough to wrap a hand around its length and, as I gently
squeezed, I could feel his blood pulsing through it.

For several
minutes I ran my hands all over his shaft, beginning to enjoy the
little chokes of sound I could elicit from Jack as I did so. But
eventually his hands closed around mine, holding them still where
they were for a moment and then pulling my hands away.

"I think that's
enough of that for now," he said, his voice strained, and I grinned
at the effect I‘d had on him.

"Well then, I
guess that just leaves …" I said, trailing kisses down his

Jack leant past
me, opened the drawer in his bedside cabinet and pulled a condom
out of the box he had tucked inside. He ripped open the wrapper
with practiced ease but just before he rolled it on, I reached out
and plucked the flat piece of latex out of his hands. Pinching the
top as we had been taught to do in those innumerable sex-ed
classes, I rolled the condom down over him and then took a moment
to admire my handiwork.

"Safe and
secure," I pronounced.

"Good," he
replied, before beginning to shuffle backwards on the bed and
putting his hands on the top hem of my knickers. He paused there
for a moment, as if waiting for me to object, but when I didn't, he
gently pulled the fabric down my legs and discarded my knickers to
the side.

I thought Jack
would immediately move on top of me but instead he bent his head
and I only had time to state "Oh my God!" as I realised what he was
going to do before I was reduced to simply grabbing the bedclothes
and gasping occasionally.

Just as Jack
had driven me to the stage where I thought I would explode he
raised himself on top of me once more, leaving me as quivering and
boneless as jelly.

Propped above
me his blue eyes bored into mine as he said seriously, "Tally, are
you sure?"

"Yes!" I
hissed, still trying to recover. "For God sake yes!"

"Alright then,"
he said with a small smile. "Now I know I said I'd never hurt you
but this might sting a little bit and there is not really much I
can do about that."

I nodded to
show that I understood and I did of course. I'm turning 19 in a few
months, it’s not like I’m totally clueless in these matters.

The good part
was that I had plenty of other stuff going on to take my mind off
the pain. Jack, as if there was ever any doubt, was extremely
careful with me, holding himself still until it subsided and I
encouraged him to go on.

In those first few moments I think I truly understood the
meaning of the word 'intimate' for the first time. No wonder sex is
a bigger deal for women, it's a huge thing to allow someone not
only to be close to you but also
you, almost a part of you.
It’s along the same vein as allowing someone into your home, you
hope they'll be respectful and not trash the place, but on a much
grander scale! And, without getting too gross, let me just say that
Jack is a very good houseguest.

I think,
despite all the new and interesting things I was experiencing, the
moment which surprised me the most was the split second of
understanding which passed between Jack and I just before we
reached our peak. If there was anything which remotely scared me
that night it was that moment. But, obviously, I didn't have much
time to analyse my uneasiness over that zinging spark as there was
much back arching and skin raking to occupy myself with.

When we were
spent we curled around each other on the bed, our legs still
entwined, my head resting against his chest listening to the
pounding of his heartbeat gradually slowing.

We didn't talk
for a long time but eventually Jack stirred and, brushing some of
my hair off my face so he could see me clearly, asked, "All

"All good," I
confirmed with a satisfied smile, feeling like the Cheshire cat. I
walked my fingers up and down his chest for a moment and then
added, "I guess now I'm just waiting to hear the lesson that I
learnt today.

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