Starbright (59 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Richland

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Starbright
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Preston tucked one Oscar under his arm and offered Aidan his hand. “Thank you again for agreeing to be in
. I meant what I said onstage tonight. I couldn’t have done it without you. Good luck to you and Beth with
Golden Gloves
.” He gave the couple a sympathetic look. “And with everything else, too.”

Aidan shook Preston’s hand. “I hope to work with you again.”

With a wave good-bye, Preston disappeared down the corridor

Beth pulled Aidan aside as the next group exited the pressroom. “I suppose we should join Olivia, Connie, and Matthew at the after party. Nathan will meet us when he’s finished here. Unfortunately, I have to take a studio car.”

Surprisingly, Aidan grasped her hand and guided her around the corner, leading her to a vacant corridor with a dead end. A spark of sensuality lit his eyes as they drifted down her body.

“I’ve wanted to do this all night.” Aidan pinned her against the wall and captured her lips with his. His Oscar pressed into her hip while his free hand found its way to the back of her neck, kneading… stroking.

The heat rolling off him melted away the tension Beth felt from the evening’s events. She closed her eyes and kissed him back, desperate to make up for their physical separation throughout the award show and press duties.

Aidan’s lips captured her neck. “Let’s take off somewhere… alone.”

Shockwaves of desire shot through Beth’s body, washing her obligation to attend the after party from her mind. She nodded.

Aidan looked around the corner. When the coast was clear, he took her hand and led her through a maze of corridors in the opposite direction of the common exit. They arrived at an unmarked steel door and stepped out into a dark alleyway, freed from duty and restrictions, able to indulge in each other.

Aidan’s motorcycle was parked next to the exit.

Beth giggled. “You planned this entire thing, didn’t you?”

The grin he gave her confirmed her suspicions.

To prepare for their departure, Beth traded her Harry Winston diamond necklace for her angel pendent and placed the loaned jewelry inside her purse for safekeeping.

Aidan assisted her onto the motorcycle before mounting. Beth held both of their Oscars and her purse while he removed the keys from his pocket. Moments later, the engine roared to life.

Aidan looked at her over his shoulder, his green eyes shining with moonlit mischief. “Hold on tight, little dove. It’s time to fly.”




Beth tightened her arms around Aidan on their drive away from the RKO Pantages Theater. As they merged onto Highway One, she recalled her ride with him to Mulholland Drive on Halloween. They had come so far since then. Most notably, Aidan’s eyes no longer possessed the hollowness they did on that late October night.

Within minutes, Aidan eased off the throttle and exited the freeway. To Beth’s surprise, he headed toward the beach. Just shy of the sand, he halted the motorcycle, planting one foot on the pavement.

“Do you trust me?” he asked in competition with the wind and rumbling engine.

Beth placed her cheek to his back and gave his torso a squeeze. Aidan knew her answer. The tires sprayed a geyser of sand behind them as he steered onto the beach.

Beth shrieked. “Are we allowed to do this?”

Aidan’s chest vibrated with laughter. “You know me, baby. I make my own rules!”

Abruptly, he shifted their course, so they raced parallel to the water. Beth closed her eyes and breathed in the salty air as mist from the ocean peppered her face. She’d never felt so free.

She hadn’t spent any time at the beach since her arrival in L.A. because she was always too busy with work, first at Schwab’s Pharmacy, and now at the studio. Tonight, as she shared the coastal beauty with Aidan, her hectic schedule no longer mattered, nor did all the time she had lost in the vigorous pace of everyday life.

With a soft purr, the motorcycle slowed under Aidan’s control. Beth opened her eyes. They were a few miles down the beach, away from the pier and surrounded by darkness, except for the glow of the moon.

Aidan braced his foot on the sand, tilting the motorcycle to the left. Beth let go of him and waited for his instruction to dismount. He cut the engine and hopped off the motorcycle, his other foot landing on the sand with a soft thud. His suit jacket ended up draped over the handlebar, with her purse and his keys tucked inside one pocket.

Aidan took one of the Oscars and helped Beth dismount. Her heels sunk into the sand. She lifted the hem of her gown so it wouldn’t meet the same fate.

Aidan brushed his lips to her cheek. “I’ve always wanted to visit the beach with you.”

“Me, too.” Beth closed her eyes, listening to the surge of the waves and reveling in his kiss.

“Walk with me?” he said softly.

Beth nodded and released her dress, allowing the bottom to ghost the ground. The sand found its way into her shoes, filling the spaces between her toes as Aidan led her toward the ocean.

They stopped when the rushing waves faded into the sand only inches from their feet. The wind floating off the Pacific ruffled Aidan’s hair as he studied the coastline, his expression lost in contemplation. He looked so innocent, a young man free of worry. Beth couldn’t bear to interrupt him.

Aidan dropped her hand and loosened his tie. Unfastening the top two buttons of his dress shirt, he looked at her and held up his Oscar. “How about we get rid of these for a while?”

“All right.”

Aidan guided her away from the water. A few feet from the ocean, he leaned down and shoved the base of his Oscar into the sand. He stepped back and dusted off his hands, smirking.

“What do you think?”

Beth planted her Oscar next to his. “Perfect.”

Aidan wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. Despite the cool breeze, her body warmed and melted into his embrace. Brushing the hair from her face, he captured her lips with his. Beth whimpered softly, her need to touch him properly propelling her decision to remove her gloves. She tossed them to the sand and drove her hands into his hair.

They stumbled toward the water amidst heavy breathing and soft moans. Breaking their kiss, Aidan swept his hand behind her head to her hair clip.

“May I?”

Beth nodded.

Aidan released the clip and put it in his pocket, freeing her wavy tresses. He pulled his fingers from root to tip. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the entire world.”

“Well, maybe on this beach.” Beth gave him a witty smile. They were the only people in the area.

Aidan shook his head. “If you could see yourself right now, you wouldn’t correct me.”

Blushing, Beth focused on the water. Aidan rested his chin on the top of her head and she nestled against him, unable to find the words to tell him how incredible he really was.

“The ocean is so calming,” she said, relishing the Pacific’s salty spray. “Perhaps we can go swimming together on a warmer day.”

Aidan pulled away. Beth wrapped her arms around herself and scanned the shoreline, enthralled by the energy flowing from the tide. She heard shuffling beside her and discovered Aidan removing his shoes and socks.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Why wait for a warmer day?” He rolled up his pants to his knees.

“Won’t the water be cold?”

Aidan flashed a dazzling grin. “You better believe it, baby.”

Beth unfastened the straps of her heels and removed them, following his lead. As he inched closer, she backed up toward the water, turned on by his enticing gaze.

“I bet you can’t catch me!” With a teasing smile, she dashed toward the ocean. When she hit the cold water, she gasped but still plunged in further.

Beth shrieked with delight as Aidan captured her in his arms and showered her with kisses. The moonlit water splashed up to her knees and played with her dress, its frigidness and her beau’s tender embrace taking her breath away.

“I’d follow you to the ends of the earth, little dove. Across any ocean.” Aidan brushed his lips to her ear. “I love you.”

She tightened her arms around him. “I love you, too.”

The waves calmed as they shared a sensual kiss and waded back to shore.

When their bare feet met dry sand, Aidan draped his arm over her shoulders and rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “We’ll leave now so you can warm up.”

“Can’t we stay a little longer?” Beth regarded him hopefully.

“Sure. But if the cold becomes too much, let me know. We have all the time in the world to come back to the beach.”

Beth nestled into his side. “I promise I will.”

As they walked along the beach, they came across a large stick lying on the ground. Aidan picked it up and traced something in the sand. When he was finished, he stepped back and took Beth’s hand. She read his moonlit message, which he surrounded with a heart.



Aidan Loves Beth Forever

March 1954



Aidan dropped his gaze to the ground. “I know it’s silly, but if I could etch those words in stone on this beach, I would. That way they’d remain here forever, instead of being washed away by the tide or destroyed by footprints.”

Beth touched his cheek. “That isn’t silly at all. It’s a beautiful sentiment.”

“I will spend the rest of my days trying to be worthy of your love.”

“You’re worthy,” she whispered. “So very worthy.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Beth took charge and brought their lips together. She needed him to feel the truth behind her words—to feel how much she loved him—so he would never doubt himself when it came to their relationship.

Tugging at clothing and hair, they staggered away from the water, never breaking their kiss. Aidan held her close until a colder wind moved in and then suggested again that they leave to warm up. Beth agreed this time. He took her hand, and they strolled leisurely back down the beach to his motorcycle.

On their walk, Beth came up with an idea to manage the cool weather in the meantime.


He stopped walking. “Yeah?”

She dropped his hand, a large smile gracing her face. “I’ll race you.”

And with those words, she was off, holding the bottom of her wet gown in her hands to make her departure swifter.

Aidan called after her playfully. She quickened her pace, her heart pounding in concert with every footprint she left behind.

With their clothes and Oscars in sight, Beth stopped running and dropped her gown, allowing the bottom to sweep the sand again. Aidan skidded to a halt before her.

Panting, their eyes wide with mischief, they locked in a tantalizing standoff, each one waiting for the other to make a move.

Aidan took the initiative. He crouched down, ready to pounce. “Do you have any idea how much I want to kiss you right now?”

Beth’s reply was more of a plea than a challenge: “Then come and get me.”

Aidan lunged and captured her in his arms, his hands grazing her body in all the right places. As he kissed her, she pushed against him, feeling the swell of him between her legs.

Tangled in their ardent embrace, they collapsed onto the beach, Aidan coming down on top of her. He threaded his hand into her hair, cushioning her as she lowered her head to the sand.

As his lips brushed her neck, Beth cupped his arousal over his pants. Aidan moaned and flipped onto his back, pulling her on top of him. Her knees pressed into the sand on either side of his body as she moved against him, her rational thoughts dissipating as her pleasure took the reins.

Aidan’s hands found her breasts. Beth gasped and arched her back, looking up at the starry sky. Her thoughts roamed to the important item inside her purse. And it wasn’t her Harry Winston jewels.

Their lips reunited. Then Aidan was on top of her again, placing his lips to her neck. With each kiss, Beth’s thoughts became clearer. She struggled to voice her decision through her ragged breaths.

“Aidan, wait.”

He stopped kissing her immediately and straightened his arms, pushing away from her. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Beth pushed his sand-speckled hair back from his forehead, the corners of her mouth lifted in a confident smile. “I’m ready.”

His eyes widened. “You mean…?”

“Make love to me, Aidan.”

He brushed his fingers to her cheek. “I didn’t pressure you in any way tonight, did I? I need to know the decision is yours and yours alone.”

Beth shook her head. “You didn’t pressure me at all. I love you, and I’m certain I don’t want to wait any longer. That is, if you want me…”

“Baby, of course I want you.” He graced her with a kiss and leapt to his feet, brushing the sand from his clothes.

Beth looked at him quizzically as he helped her stand, too. “Where are we going?”

Aidan held her close and kissed her forehead. “Please allow me take you to my house. I want to make love to you for the first time in my bed.”

Beth’s smile returned. “I’d like that very much. And, um, in case you’re wondering, I have my diaphragm in my purse…” Her face flushed with her admission.

Aidan chuckled. “You brought your diaphragm to the Academy Awards?”

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