Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation (24 page)

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Authors: Diana Richardson

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Spirituality, #General, #Psychology, #Human Sexuality, #Health/Sexuality

BOOK: Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation
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 Tantric Meditation

Peace Pervading Armpits

Lie in a relaxed position, as suggested in the alignment exercise above, for twenty minutes or more. Close your eyes, taking your awareness into your body. Start just between the two armpits and with your total attention “pervade an area between the armpits into great peace.” Forget your whole body; remember the heart area between the two armpits and your chest, and feel it filled with great peace. When the body is more relaxed, peace automatically happens in your heart; it becomes more silent and harmonious. Done frequently, this practice will establish peace within you and make you feel more independent, and love will be more of a giving; you’ll have so much peace, you’ll want to share it. You will be returning to a source in yourself that is always there.

  Extending Awareness of the Physical and Energetic Bodies

Tantric Meditation for Growing in Consciousness

As you lie in the aligned position already described, you can deepen your experience by closing your eyes and imagining yourself looking backward into your body. Imagine that vision is reversed and your eyes can look inward and downward into yourself, even as far as your genitals. Breathe deeply and slowly into your belly, as if the breath is massaging your insides and touching your genitals. Continually pull your attention back into your body and use the subtle sensations in it as an anchor. Deliberately disconnect from distracting thoughts when they pop into your mind. Let them float away, and instead return home and immerse yourself in the body so that you feel a sense of resting deep within. The sensation of being submerged in yourself. Travel with your awareness to any places in the body that are tingling, pleasant, alive, or warm, or where fine vibrations are present, and be with them, dissolve into them. Notice how inner sensations expand when you take the time to feel and acknowledge them.

At a certain point, once the practice of immersing into and merging with your senses takes root, the feeling of your having physical boundaries will disappear; you will feel as if you dissolve and become as light as a feather, bathed in golden light, floating suspended in the universe. You are, but you are not. In this way you can grow in consciousness until every cell is penetrated with light. The moment consciousness touches the cells, they are different. The very quality of the cells changes. Sensuality is gradually awakened as consciousness filters through the body.

You can set a clock alarm for the amount of time you wish to devote to the experience, or you may leave it up to your inner clock to spontaneously return you to normal consciousness, with the sense of having lost all track of time. You are likely to notice that afterward you feel refreshed and rejuvenated, as though you have had a drink directly from the source of life. It is also beneficial to practice this meditation before sleeping at night and at any time during the day when you need to recharge your energy.

 Awakening the Rod of Magnetism

Bringing Attention from the Head to the Perineum

This visualization will help you shift attention away from the head of the penis, where it goes automatically because it is there that intense pleasure is experienced. Envision your penis as a channel or conduit, and refocus your attention on the base of your penis, in the area of the perineum. The perineum, a small, coin-sized area of knotty muscle lying directly in front of the anus, is virtually the root of the penis and is its energetic source. It is where the muscles and tissues that form the penis initially emerge from your body. Begin to visualize your penis as a channel for potency, warmth, and love. Imagine it to be a wand or fountain of light and liquid gold that emanates from the perinium and streams along its length.

When you begin to make love and feel the heat rising, bring your attention to the perineum. Consciously relax the entire area, including the anus. When you notice your attention start to drift—there are, after all, abundant distractions—you may notice that the pelvic floor area once again contracts and tightens. Repeatedly relaxing the anus and maintaining awareness of the base, the perinium, will give you an inner feeling of your penis as a complete unit, rather than a disembodied tool for thrusting. It instead becomes a divine instrument capable of channeling subtle energies that flow or stream from the root upward to the radiant head and beyond into your receptive partner. Be aware of your breath and of the subtle sensations deep within your physical core as your inner rod of magnetism awakens. Notice how the life force rises to caress your heart into vibrant aliveness.

When you make love with your partner, take this awareness of the inner rod of magnetism with you and relax into the receptive containment of your partner’s vagina, knowing that there is nothing to be done but relax and notice how energies awaken, flow, expand, simply because you put your attention there.


It is like a new beginning—a tentative and vulnerable new beginning. Getting to know both in theory and in experience that by placing awareness and presence inside my body, energies begin to flow, all by themselves, and that then can mingle with those of my partner. A very important shift was seeing my penis and my role as a male as being noble and that my “task” is to be fully present in my penis and ultimately deep in the vagina. Nothing more, and this is my deepest longing.
I feel, more than ever before, that I can direct my attention into my body, my home, my perineum. Especially honoring and focusing on my perineum gave me great joy when it responded by radiating beautiful energies. Overall this attention to my body, and the fact of doing more exercise, has allowed me to relax more deeply, calming my mind, releasing chronic restlessness.
I truly see this approach to the body and sex as the deepest form of peace work for the planet. Personally and collectively I see it absolutely necessary for healing.



The Book of Secrets.
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998.
My Way: The Way of the White Clouds.
Pune, India: Rebel Publishing House, 1995.
Sex Matters: From Sex to Superconsciousness.
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2003.
The Tantra Experience.
Pune, India: Rebel Publishing House, 1998.
Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.
Pune, India: Rebel Publishing House, 1998.
Tantric Transformation.
Pune, India: Rebel Publishing House, 1998.

For more information about Osho and to purchase books and CDs, visit


Love Brings All to Life.
Audio CD
Making Love 1 & 2.
Audio CD (Sexual Love the Divine Way)
Raising Children in Love, Justice, and Truth.
London: Barry Long Books, 1998.
Stillness Is the Way.
London: Barry Long Books, 1989. To purchase these products from Barry Long, visit


Richardson, Diana.
The Heart of Tantric Sex: A Unique Guide to Love and Sexual Fulfillment.
Alresford, Hant, U.K.: O Books, 2003. [Originally published by Thorsons/Element in 1999 as
The Love Keys: The Art of Ecstatic Sex
. MaLua: Light Meditation for Women.
Guided breast meditation CD with music (English/German language). Cologne, Germany: Innenwelt Verlag, 2009.
Tantric Love Letters.
Alresford, Hant, U.K.: O Books, 2011.
Tantric Orgasm for Women.
Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 2004.
. Slow Sex: Making Love a Meditation.
Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 2011.
Richardson, Diana, and Michael Richardson.
Tantric Love: Feeling versus Emotion—Golden Rules to Make Love Easy.
Alresford, Hant, U.K.: O Books, 2009. [First published in German in 2006.]

To purchase books or CDs, visit
. For further book information, visit www.love4couples.com or

Translations of some books are available in German, Spanish, Swedish, French, Italian, and Chinese.


Robinson, Marnia.
Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships.
New York: Random House, 2009.
Rosenberg, Marshall.
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life.
Encinitas, Calif.: PuddleDancer, 2003.

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