Authors: Richard F. Kuisel
Iran; hostage crisis; trade sanctions against
Iran-Contra Scandal
Iran-Libya Sanctions Act
Iraq: American unilateralism and; Operation Desert Fox; Operation Desert Storm
isolationism, American
Ivester, Douglas
Jeanneney, Jean-Marcel
Jobert, Michel
Jospin, Lioneli; economic and social policies; and linguistic defensei; national or cultural identity issues and; and Operation Desert Fox; technology initiative of
Joxe, Pierre
Julien, Claude
Julliard, Jacques
Juppé, Alain
Kahn, Jean-François
Kantor, Mickey
Kaspi, André
Kohl, Helmut
Konopnicki, Guy
Kristeva, Julia
Kroc, Ray.
See also
McDonald's labor: American businesses and labor code violations; economic liberalization and; trade unions
Lacorne, Denis
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy
Lagardère, Jean-Luc
Lang, Jack: and awards to American artists; cinema industry and; critiques of policies; Cuba comments; and cultural imperialism as political issue; and defense of cultural diversity; and economics of cultural trade; Mexico City UNESCO speech; Television without Frontiers directive;
language: anti-Americanism and; English and globalization; English as “official” language at Euro Disney; English as second language in France;
Franglais; initiatives to protect; and national identity; Toubon Law
Lefournier, Philippe
Léotard, François
Le Pen, Jean-Marie
Levitte, Jean-David
Lévy, Bernard-Henri
liberalism, economic/free market; Balladur and; Chirac and; Fabius and; and income inequality (
See also
poverty); Madelin and Mitterrand's socialism and privatization and Reaganomics and; RPR (Gaullists) and; as threat to republican solidarity; UDF and
Libya; trade sanctions against
Lyotard, Jean-François
Maastricht Treaty
Madelin, Alain
malaise, French
Mamère, Noël
Marchais, Georges
Mauroy, Pierre
McDonald's: adaptations to French market; as American symbol; business innovations; customer demographics; effects on eating habits; expansion of; franchise system; French competitors; French farmers and; German franchises; labor practices; “made in France” advertising campaign; McJobs; protests against; as threat to French food culture
medical research, rivalry over
Memmi, Albert
Messier, Jean-Marie
Messmer, Pierre
Meunier, Sophie
Middle East: French relationship with Arab world; Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
See also specific nations
Millon, Charles
Milosevic, Slobodan
Minc, Alain
Mitterrand, François: and the American economy; Atlantic Alliance and; attitude toward America and Americans; “cohabitation” (power sharing) with Chirac; economic policies of; and George H. W. Bush; as ineffectual; political career of; on Reagan; Reagan and; and Silicon valley; State visit to US; unemployment as focus of.
See also
Bosnia; Euromissiles; Iraq “mixed” economy
Mnouchkine, Ariane
Moati, Serge
modernity: America and; as American cultural context; anti-Americanism and rejection of; and cultural change; French “path” to
Moïsi, Dominique
Monnet, Jean
Montagnier, Luc
Morin, Edgar
Morin, François
Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF)
multilateralism and multipolarity, French pursuit of
music industry
National Front party
nationalization of companies
NATO: American unilateralism and; Chirac offer to rejoin; CSCE as alternative to; “decoupling” and; Eastern Europe and; and ESDP; French opinion and; Germany as part of; Mitterrand and; and post-Cold War restructuring; Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR); WEU as security alternative to; Yugoslavia and
neoconservatism in US
“new realism,”
New Right (
Nouvelle Droite
Nicaragua: conflict over US anti-Sand-inista policy
Nixon, Richard
Nora, Pierre
nuclear weapons: Apollon project; “decoupling” and; “double zero” option; “dual track” strategy; French nuclear capability; Iraq's development of “weapons of mass destruction,” 256; mulitlateralism and; Pershing and cruise missile deployment in Europe (
See also
Euromissiles); Reagan and disarmament; Reagan and SDI proposal; Reagan's “global security” agenda; strategic deterrence; Test Ban Treaty
energy opinion, American perceptions of the French
opinion, French perceptions of America; age demographics and; cultural imports and; as cultural nullity; descriptive terms as barometer of; as different from Western European; as domineering; elite
public; gender and; global leadership; as indifferent; media as influence on; as motivated by self-interest; political affiliation and; of popular culture; social policies; stereotypes and; surveys as source of; values differences and
Ory, Pascal
Parti Communiste Français (PCF)
Pasqua, Charles
Pauwels, Louis
Peer, Shanny
Pernod-Ricard bottling company
Petersburg Declaration
Peyrefitte, Alain
Pinto, Diana
Soviet Union (USSR)
Pivot, Bernard
Plan Juppé
Plantier, Daniel Toscan du
Poirot-Delpech, Bertrand
Pompidou, Georges
productivity rates
protectionism: “Fortress Europe” and the EC as trading partners
Quilès, Paul
Rapid Reaction Force
Rassemblement pour la République (RPR); defense policy and
Reagan, Ronald: anti-communism of; conservatism and;
abandoned by; economic policies of (
Reaganomics); election and reelection of; French opinions of; Iran-Contra Scandal; Mitterrand and; Mitterrand on; SDI proposal
Reaganomics: and French economic liberals; French rejection of; Mitterrand's economic policies contrasted with; social welfare
Regan, Donald
religion: American religiosity; cartoons about American pop culture as competition; Catholic Church and French identity; Islamic fundamentalism; Muslim immigration and assimilation
republican solidarity: benefits of; deficiencies of; French defense of
Reston, James
Revel, Jean-François
Reykjavik Summit (1986)
rivalry (international) between France and US
Rocard, Michel
Roger, Phillipe
Roux, Jacques
Rupnik, Jacques
Saddam Hussein
Saint-Malo declaration
sanctions, trade
Sandinista government (Nicaragua)
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Sauvage, Léo
Scarpetta, Guy
Schmidt, Helmut
Schultz, George
Scowcroft, Brent
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
defense Séguin, Phillipe
Seillière, Ernest-Antoine
Servan-Schrieber, Jean-Jacques
Seydoux, Nicolas
Shalikashvili, John
Silicon Valley
Single European Act (SEA)
Slama, Alain-Gérard
Socialist Party: American culture and; anti-Americanism andml; Atlantic alliance and defense; and GATT; and Gulf War; and the market economy; and Reagan; rupture with capitalism and the mixed economy.
See also party leaders, e.g.
, Chevènement, Jean-Pierre; Fabius, Laurent; Jospin, Lionel; Mitterrand, François. Sokolov, Raymond
solidarity, social.
republican solidarity Sollers, Philippe
Solzhenitsyn, Alexsandr
Sorman, Guy
Soviet Union (USSR): collapse of;
with; and domination of Eastern Europe; Euro-Soviet pipeline; grain embargo; Gulag effect and French opinion of; invasion of Afghanistan
SS-20s “Euromissiles,”
stagnation, economic “Starwars” (Strategic Defense Initiative)
stereotypes: of American products; of Americans
stock options
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
subsidies; for agriculture; for audiovisual sector
Suffert, Georges
superpower(s): America as; EU as potential; and French autonomy; French opinion of; and “new realism,”; USSR as (
See also
Gorbachev, Mikhail).
See also
hyperpower, America as
Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)
Tasca, Catherine
Tavernier, Bertrand
Tchuruk, Serge
information technology television: Bas-Lauriol Act and language requirements; as cultural threat;
and the French audience; French as consumers of American; as information source; privatization of stations; quota system for imports; taxes levied on; technological advances and
Television without Frontiers directive
Thatcher, Margaret: and defense strategy; economic policies of; German reunification and; popularity in France; and Reagan's strike against Libya; trade policies
theme parks.
Euro Disney Thibau, Jacques
Lang's cultural policy and; and support for Sandinista government
tiers-mondisme de droite
Toinet, Marie-France
Toubon, Jacques
Toubon Law
Tournier, Michel
trade: American access to European markets; American self-interest and free trade principles; Fortress Europe; Franco-American bilateral; French concerns about US trade and globalization; import/export and French GDP; Iran-Libya Sanctions Act; Single European Act (SEA) and; trade sanctions.
See also
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT);
specific sectors
(agriculture; audiovisual industries;
) trade unions
transatlantic community: common values and; continental drift and the French Way (
See also
Americanization; investment; NATO; trade) triumphalism, American
Union pour la Démocratie Française (UDF) unemployment: as chronic and endemic in France; and dollar exchange rate; and French policies toward; and French response to US policies toward; McJobs and; multinationals (American) as employers; rates in America
unilateralism, American: French responses to; and trade sanctions.
See also
Iraq; Yugoslavia Union pour la Démocratie Française (UDF); and anti-Americanismnii; economic liberalism and; reaction to American financial policy; security policy and
United Kingdom (UK).
Great Britain United Nations: and American unilateralism; French reliance on; and multilateralism; reappointment of Boutros-Ghali as secretary general; UNPROFOR and security in Yugoslavia
Uruguay Round, GATT negotiations
USSR. See Soviet Union (USSR)
values: and American commercial enterprises in France; American
French or European; common values as foundation for alliances; French national identity and; republican solidarity as French
Vargas-Llosa, Mario
Védrine, Hubert
Vidal-Naquet, Pierre
Waechter, Antoine
Walters, Vernon
Wanniski, Jude
Warsaw Pact
welfare state: benefits of French; deficiencies and economic costs; French reform efforts; public expen-World Trade Organization (WTO), ditures as percent of GDP
Western European Union (WEU): Chirac and revitalization of; as security alternative to NATO
Wieviorka, Michel
Williamsburg Summit
Winock, Michel
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Wylie, Laurence
Yugoslavia; French military involvement in; NATO intrusion into; UNPROFOR and security in
Zoellick, Robert