Read The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge Online
Authors: Amy Morrel
“So, should he get to see another dawn?” asked Ethan
of Roberta.
“Do you have a use for him? I will tell you that he insisted
on pawing my breasts all the way through the coach ride.”
“Well then, I think he shan't see another sunrise. The only
question is quick or slow and painful.”
“Well, I'm sure being married to him would have been a drawn
out torture for me. But since he has so kindly provided us with a
chest of gold I'm willing to let it be quick, if you prefer that.”
Ethan leaned over and kissed Roberta, who kissed him back
fiercely. As he did so he raised his sword to the level of Gutren's
“You never paw a woman without her permission Gutren”
said Ethan, “especially not
Ethan thrust hard, penetrating through Gutren's blubber to pierce
his heart, the following slash opened his throat as well.
Roberta gave only a fleeting glance to the man bleeding to death
on the floor. Then she turned to Ethan.
“Is that what I am? Am I your woman?”
“No, you are your own self. I am hoping, though, that a part
of that self is willing to be my woman. I am sorry to have said what
I did but I wanted to distress him before killing him.”
“No, I am more than happy to be your woman if that is what
you want.”
“Not only my woman, I hope, but my partner as well. It seems
your idea here has, so far, gone off quite smoothly.”
“Well, that is a step up from simply being your woman, if
not as much as I had hoped for. So long as being your partner does
not interfere with being your woman as well I accept.”
Ethan wondered what she could be hoping for. He looked at the
corpse on the floor and thought for a moment. He quickly went through
the pockets of the corpse, retrieving the item he sought, as he
continued musing over her words.
What is she hoping for?
It can't be that, she is soured
on the idea of marriage from the arranged one that she managed to
But Ethan could think of nothing else that her words might refer
to. Strangely, his heart grew lighter at the thought and with a
jaunty step he turned.
“You'll need your disguise now. I shall go and set the crew
to pillaging the house while I explain the situation to the
servants.” he handed her the seaman's bag as he turned to leave
the room.
Roberta grabbed him and drew him back. She leaned up to kiss him
firmly. Instantly the kiss turned passionate. Low in her throat she
“I trust that we'll have some uninterrupted time together
before long? I have this urgent need for you. I hope it does not
abate before you can see to it for me.”
“We need to be out of here quickly anyhow, I'll see what I
can do to hasten things more. Perhaps I can leave a trusted crewman
to watch over the pillaging and we can escort the chest back to the
ship ourselves. Come out as soon as you have changed your clothing.”
Ethan left the room and Roberta heard him dispatching the pirates
to thoroughly loot the house. As she was binding her breasts, she
heard him instructing the servants that they would be released soon
and that once they were they could take anything left in the house
that they desired. But that they should leave as soon as they could
else they might be held responsible for the death of their master.
Roberta walked out in her disguise as Robert. No-one payed her the
slightest bit of attention except for Ethan, who turned and smiled at
the sight of her. She walked to his side and took up a position
there. Ethan was bracketed by the chest of escudos and Roberta. As he
glanced from side to side, his grin grew larger, so large that the
servants watching him began to fear that he was mad. It added impetus
to his earlier words for most of them and so they were plotting what
they could quickly grab before departing as they waited for their
“Bosun!” Ethan's voice rang out.
“Aye Captain?” he heard from elsewhere in the house.
“Bosun, to me.”
“Aye sir.”
A few moments later Black Bart strode into the room. He was named
for the shade of his skin. It was a deep ebony with a shimmer in the
“Black Bart, I need you to take charge here and keep the men
in line. Keep my promise to the servants that they will be unharmed.
Robert and I are going to take the chest to the ship, I'd rather not
have all the loot together as we head back. I'm sure the men are
going to attract attention.”
“Robert? I'm not aware of that member of the crew captain.”
Bart glared at Roberta.
“Robert was my inside man for this job. He was the one that
alerted me to the opportunity to obtain a chest of gold. I promised
him a place on the ship in exchange. He is a eunuch, as you can see,
and will be living in my cabin with me”
Ethan glared at Bart as though daring him to make something of it.
Bart glanced from Ethan to Roberta and back again. Roberta stepped
closer to Ethan who protectively put a hand on her arm.
“Aye, that's how it is then” said Bart, “I can
do that captain. Sorry to question the order but with this much at
stake some of the men, myself included, are a bit tetchy.”
“Yes, that's how it is. I'll let it slide this time but
don't make a habit of it.” Ethan spoke loudly.
In a softer voice Ethan continued:
“Bart, you know me. I was quartermaster for two years. Did I
ever once short anyone or make an unfair split? I'm a bit nervous
myself and will remain so until this chest is stored safely aboard
the ship. Plus, Robert has requested my attentions, having been
aroused by the violence. I'll admit that I'm aroused myself some as
well. So between these two things I thought a rapid return to the
ship was in order. I figured that you, of all people, could keep the
men under control. I'm sorry to snap at you as I did but I wanted the
men to hear that after you questioned me publicly.”
“Aye Captain. I should have known better than to question
you.” Bart's bass voice boomed out, “I'll take care of
Roberta and Ethan hefted the chest and carried it out to the
coach. It had never been unhitched and the horses were shying away
from the two corpses on the ground in front of them. Pools of blood
surrounded the corpses and the horses could undoubtedly smell it.
Ethan calmed the horses and got them turned around. Once they
realized he was leading them away from the blood they cooperated
smoothly. Roberta and Ethan hefted the chest into the passenger area
of the coach, then Ethan mounted the driver's seat and Roberta
climbed on the back. If the townsfolk were used to seeing the coach
with two armed men on the outside, then that is the appearance
Roberta and Ethan would give them. With the inner curtains drawn,
no-one could tell that the coach was empty of people.
Ethan got the horses into motion. Roberta had assumed that he
could drive a coach since he had taken the driver's seat but the
motion was very jerky as they started. By the time they had reached
the main road it had smoothed out though, as though he were
remembering long unused skills. He sped the coach up as quickly as he
dared until they reached the outskirts of town. Then they assumed a
sedate pace down to the docks. When they reached the docks Ethan
dismounted the coach and trotted to the quartermaster. Shortly there
was a pair of the crew carrying the chest to the captain's cabin,
with Roberta and Ethan escorting them. The chest was locked in the
cabin and Roberta and Ethan went back to the coach.
“We'll just release the horses and drop off the coach out of
town. I saw a turnoff not far outside the town.”
They assumed their previous positions and drove the coach back
through the town. Once they reached the turnoff, Ethan took the coach
off the road and back into some bushes.
“Do you need my help releasing the horses?” asked
“No, I'll have it done quickly and we can head back to the
Roberta had other plans though. She slid into the interior of the
coach and quickly removed her breeches. When Ethan came looking for
her she was on all fours on the floor of the coach, waggling her
bottom at him.
“I don't want to wait any longer. Plunge your cock into me
now! Please?” she entreated.
Ethan swung the door shut behind him and hastily knelt, pushing
his sword back and out of the way. His breeches slid down as quickly
as he could manage it. He plunged his cock through the red bush that
surrounded her pussy, finding his target as surely as the tide turns.
She was sopping wet, her juices having trickled down the inside of
both legs. The scent of her alone, in the enclosed area, was enough
that his erection had been at full when he entered her. He
immediately set to plunging in and out of her. Within two minutes
Roberta was biting her lip to avoid screaming. Even with that, she
was still loud enough that if anyone had been right outside of the
coach they would have heard her. As she relaxed she began speaking to
him, her words soft:
“I'm yours to use this way as long as you like but think.
Should you fill me with your cum, we can go back to the ship. Then
you can strip me naked in your cabin. You can arrange my naked body
on a bed of gold coins and have your way with me at your leisure.”
Ethan grunted and found himself filling her pussy with his cum as
he visualized the scenario she described. Oh, how the red of her hair
and the golden tones of the coins would highlight one another. The
white of her skin would take on a golden hue from light reflecting on
the coins and the pink of her nipples would stand out all the more
for it. Ethan came as hard as he could remember, despite only fucking
her for about five minutes.
Ethan didn't lose his erection when he came. The picture she had
painted in his mind was keeping him hard and ready for it to be made
a reality. When Roberta noticed she said:
“I see you like my plan for the afternoon. Shall we put it
into action?”
They were both dressed again quickly and they began the walk back
to the ship. They were unmolested and seemed to go unrecognized as
the two that had been driving Master Gutren's coach. When they
reached the gangplank the quartermaster was still standing guard.
“Jack, once all the crew have returned we'll be sailing on
the next high tide. Are we supplied and did you manage to sell off
the cargo?”
“Aye sir, the last of the supplies are due within the hour.
The cargo is sold.”
“Good then, I'll be in my cabin with my eunuch Robert. He's
to be auxiliary crew for now. He'll eventually have other duties once
he's been taught them but for now he's my bed warmer. I have a need
for another form of action after the action earlier today.”
Jack tried hard to suppress a smirk, it didn't work well.
“Aye sir.”
“You've a problem with that Jack?”
“No sir, just thinking that you're much younger than the
last captain. After a fight all he wanted was a drink and a nap. I
think I like it better this way.”
“Glad to hear it Jack. Glad to hear it. Let me know when
everyone has returned.”
Roberta and Ethan nearly ran to the captain's cabin. Once they
were inside and the door was locked and barred, Roberta began
stripping all of her clothes off. Ethan went to the chest and slid it
over beside the bed.
With repeated glances at Roberta as she stripped, Ethan began
spilling handfuls of gold onto the bed, spreading them out to a
roughly uniform thickness. Then he turned the lamps up so he could
see the coins glinting in the light. Finally Roberta was totally
nude, so he picked her up and positioned her in the center of the
coins. Then he stood back to admire his handiwork. As he gazed at her
on the bed of gold, he began to strip.
Ethan mounted Roberta as she lay upon the bed of gold. He thrust
into her in a frenzy. He knew that he wouldn't cum any time soon
after just doing so as forcefully as he had, but he didn't care. He'd
exhaust himself this way if that's what it took. What was occurring
would've been a fantasy of his for years had he only managed to think
of it on his own. He was saved from exhaustion though as Roberta
“This gold is awfully hard and uncomfortable. Let me show
Roberta rolled him over while keeping his cock inside of her.
“This is nice; let's try it.” she said when she
realized that she was atop him with his cock buried inside of her.
Roberta began to ride Ethan's cock hard, as hard as she could. She
was quite fit from her weapons practice, especially in the legs,
which were what she needed here. She rode Ethan hard, bringing
herself to orgasm several times. He loved the sight of her with her
head thrown back, hair dangling loosely, her eyes closed, and her
body convulsing around him. After her fourth time cumming she asked
“Are you going to cum for me?”
“Not anytime soon from what you're doing. It's delightful,
incredible even. But you were right, the gold is very uncomfortable
and that keeps distracting me.”
“Well, let's see if I can distract you from your
Roberta rose up off of his cock, reached down and moved it. Then
she attempted to lower herself down with his cock in her ass. After
several fumbled attempts she finally managed it. She let herself
drop, wincing in the process but watching Ethan's face throughout.
She got the reaction she had hoped for and proceeded to lift herself
almost off of his cock then drop her weight until he was fully in
her. She did it over and over. It was all over for Ethan within a
couple of minutes after she started that tactic. Once again she felt
his cock twitching and spitting inside of her, this time filling her
ass with his cum.
Roberta's face went dreamy and she just leaned forward, lying on
Ethan's chest. As his cock grew soft it eventually slid out from
inside of her. They lay like that for a time until Roberta began to
move again. She slid off of him and off of the bed. He joined her and
they swept armfuls of gold back into the chest.