The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge (8 page)

BOOK: The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge
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“Now, I'll remove your last virginity. I'm guessing your
body is much more relaxed after that so it will be easier and less
painful for you.”

Ethan drew his, still rigid, cock from her pussy and angled the
tip just a bit lower. He moved the tip of his cock to her tight
asshole, positioning it to penetrate her. Then he began to press
forward. The juices from her pussy had his cock slick and he began to
slide into her. Her ass tightened on his cock instinctively and he
grunted with pleasure as he continued pushing, forcing the tip of his
cock past her sphincter. Roberta made several strange noises, but
Ethan had no idea what she meant by them so he continued. Inexorably
he penetrated her. He would push his cock in an inch or two and then
withdraw half the distance he had just acquired before pushing in
again. Slowly he buried his cock in her ass.

When Ethan had just more than half of his cock buried inside of
her, Roberta spoke:

“Stop for a moment. Oh, I don't know how that feels. It
feels incredibly good but at the same time it hurts a lot.”

“Well, some women enjoy some pain with their sex, they say
it still feels like pain but that it feels good also.”

“That could be what's happening to me.”

“I'm going to keep going, let yourself go. Don't try to
resist the pain like you normally would, embrace it the same way you
embraced your pleasure earlier on.”

Ethan applied pressure again, sliding deeper into her. He could
feel Roberta relax some and his cock slid deeper into her as she did
so. This time it was Roberta's turn to grunt:

“Ungh! That's odd, it hurts but the hurt feels good if I
just relax to it.”

“That's exactly what I was talking about. Now I'm going to
finish getting inside of you and then fuck your ass until I cum
again. Feel free to talk if you want but I'm not liable to respond
for a while.”

Ethan pressed hard, sliding in farther. He was close to his goal,
with only an inch or so left of his cock to penetrate her. He
withdrew a tiny bit and thrust forcefully. As he felt the last bit of
his cock slide into her tight ass, he paused for a moment. After
briefly savoring the feeling of filling her ass, of her ass trying to
crush his cock as it attempted to return to its normal size, he began
to thrust.

He discovered that Roberta was as prone to orgasm when taken in
the ass as when taken in her pussy. He knew that he'd be a while in
cumming. He wasn't eighteen any more and he had already cum twice
today. As he pounded her ass, she moaned and groaned with both
pleasure and pain. When he took a hand from her breast to play with
her clitoris she exploded with pleasure. Another scream rang out in
the cabin, very audibly displaying her mixture of pleasure and pain
as her ass clamped down on his cock even harder than it had been

He continued to play with her clitoris, trying to keep her in a
state of orgasm as he pounded away. Every time her ass clenched on
his cock again he could feel himself getting closer and closer to
cumming. Slowly her orgasms faded away, the clenching becoming less
and less noticeable. He was getting tired and both of them were
coated with sweat when her ass gave him one more tiny clench that put
him over the edge.

His cock jerked and spasmed inside of her ass as he came. In his
exhaustion he slumped forward onto her. The slickness of both their
bodies was sufficient that he had to catch himself as he began to
slide back off of her. The motion drew his cock from inside of her
with an audible 'pop'. Roberta herself began to slide off the bed
once Ethan's motions no longer pinned her to it. He lifted the lower
portion of her body, shifting it fully onto the bed, then he crawled
onto the bed beside her.

The cabin was redolent with the scent of their sweat and their
sex. He idly reached over to fondle her breast, the slickness of her
skin allowing his fingers to glide all over her. The feather light
touches drew a moan from her but no other motion. He leaned on his
elbow with his chin propped on his fist and simply watched her
glistening body in the fading light that came through the porthole.
He savored the sight and smell of her as the light faded from the
sky. As he lay back on the bed and began to drift off to sleep his
last thought was:

I think that she is mine and will stay that way forever,
through her own will. I hope so at least.

9 – Disguise

When Roberta awoke in the morning she was slightly chilled, sore
in some very odd places, sticky with dried sweat, and quite alone.
When she slid out of bed, she noticed her dress folded neatly on the
table. Atop the dress was a section of canvas with several needles
stuck through it. Most of them were too large for her purpose but the
smallest one would serve, barely. She decided that the two seams on
the bodice and the one rip down the front of the lower portion of her
dress would be repaired with what appeared to be needlework Xs. It
was a quick pattern for her and she could obtain the material for it
by unraveling the base of the inner portions of the dress. She'd
leave the slits she had cut down the sides, just hemming the edges so
they didn't unravel.

As she unraveled the portions of dress she would need to use for
thread, she heard a familiar voice booming out orders on the deck.
She couldn't make out the exact words but the sound of the voice was
familiar to her. She couldn't make out any words in his grunts the
evening before either but she recognized his voice. The same was true
now. She smiled and thought:

Well now, I suppose I should be careful of what I dream about,
since this last one has come true. Although the dream and even the
following daydreams came nowhere near to the reality. I wonder if
he'll want to do any of that to me again tonight? I hope so, even if
I am a little sore. It would be worth it were I in thrice the pain.

Roberta caught herself humming as she
sewed. Humming was a habit she had lost when her mother died. When
her mother had still been alive Roberta had always hummed when she
was happy. She realized that despite, or perhaps because of, the
total chaos of the last few days of her life that she was indeed
happy. She smiled as she sewed, humming a little ditty that her
mother had taught her.

Ethan came into the cabin before she
was very far along with her task. He had brought her breakfast and a
container of water and a cloth to clean herself with. Once again as
he took in her naked body, he smiled and stood entranced for a

“As much as I hate to do this,
these are for you also.” he said, handing over a bag.

When Roberta looked inside, she saw the
clothing he had mentioned before, as well as a strip of thin, but
strong, cloth.

“The cloth is to bind your
breasts down with. A shame it is to do so but to have any chance of
passing amidst the crew you'll need to. You may not be buxom but none
would doubt that you were female if they saw you in a linen shirt and
jerkin without them tied down.”

Roberta blushed, despite their thorough
intimacy of the day before, she was still embarrassed by a man
speaking freely of her breasts.

“Thank you again.” she

“It is I that should be thanking
you.” replied Ethan, “Especially if you intend, as I
hope, to stay here with me. Lots of the crew have no problem with
raping a woman for their pleasure. Any of them are willing to buy a
wench for a night in port. None of them seem to want the same wench
over and over. I fear that I differ from them in both those regards.
I can perform a rape if necessary but, compared to last night, it is
unsatisfactory to me. I can hire a wench and that is somewhat more
satisfactory but I know that she is there for the money. If you stay
with me than I know that you are with me because you want to be with
me and that makes everything we do far more satisfying to me.”

“I will stay, I can make no
promises as to how long. This is all so new to me, but I discovered
that I was happy earlier today, and that has not happened since my
mother died.

On the subject of you differing from
the crew, I've noticed something. When you speak to me, you use
proper English, diction, and an extensive vocabulary yet when you
speak to the crew you speak to them in their patois. Which is the
real you?”

“Both of them are the real me. I
was, as you have probably guessed, educated abroad. This occurred at
my father's insistence. But when I was sent off for my final year of
studies, my ship was intercepted. I had the choice of being impressed
by the pirates or being dead. It was an easy choice to make. I
learned the speech of the crew so that there would be no
misunderstandings and so I would fit in better. But I still retain
the speech of my home and school to use as appropriate.”

“Ah, then you were from an upper
class family I assume?”

“Yes, at least they were at one
time. Since then, the family fortunes have fallen somewhat. It seems
that pirates have raided several of their shipments, causing them
financial hardships.” Ethan said nonchalantly, “I never
did want to go to school abroad and when I told my father that he
punished me for it. So now, he is punished in turn. I regret any
hardship that my mother has encountered because of it, but she
refused to even speak to my father about my not going to school and
so has brought upon herself any hardships she must currently endure.”

“That seems a somewhat similar
tale to mine. My father was forcing me to marry against my will. I
might ask, at some point, if similar actions can be taken on my

“I would not want to anger Geoff
so I would have to decline.”

“Yes, but Geoff has, by now,
taken his leave from my family and started his own business. Thereby
forcing my father and half-brothers to take up the reins of the
family business once again. I was thinking we might speak with Geoff,
ask him if he has any desire for revenge against father as well. If
he does, he might well be able to supply us with information as to
when my father is attempting to make or receive shipments. Would that
be a more satisfactory situation?”

“That sounds as though it might
be ideal, should Geoff agree. First, though, we have another matter
to attend to. Since Master Gutren has set the meeting near his own
home, would you strenuously object to allowing his servants to
ransack the house and carry off anything other than jewelry or coins?
Those we shall add to our own takings.”

“He has no wife currently and his
children have moved out. So barring any servants with loyalty to him
that goes beyond his death, the idea has merit. I assume this plan is
to muddle the path should anyone try to discover who killed him?”

“Yes, that is the idea. After
all, the authorities who heard a servant spout tales of pirates
raiding a manor house that is not immediately beside the sea would
assume that the servants so speaking were trying to conceal their own
actions and not being truthful.”

“I have no qualms with such acts.
I am surprised that you would ask me about this though. I would have
sooner thought that you would simply inform me that things would
occur in such a fashion.”

“What can I say? The first plan
was yours so I thought that you should be consulted on any alteration
to it.”

“So long as we obtain the gold
and Master Gutren does not retain his life I am satisfied. Beyond
that I will leave it to your own judgment. “

“Then we shall loot the whole
thing. No reason to pass up the chance. I must go again now, be sure
to try the clothes on. Although I am entranced by your nakedness
every time I see it, you will need to get used to those clothes over
the next two days.”

Ethan left the cabin to go attend to
his duties as the new captain. Roberta sat back down and sewed until
she found a good stopping point. Then she took the clothes out of the
bag and attempted to bind her breasts. It took her several tries to
successfully bind them and after that she took several more tries to
get it as comfortable as possible. Next she slid on the linen shirt,
it was obviously Ethan's since once she had it on his scent enfolded
her. The jerkin slid on easily enough and then she slid the breeches

She tried walking around the cabin and
realized that her stride was totally unsuited for this type of
clothing. She stopped and thought a bit, remembering how Ethan walked
and how other men she had seen walked. Then she tried it again. She
thought that she was doing better with it but decided that she really
needed to wait and let Ethan see her walk. Maybe he could explain how
to alter her stride better. Barring that she could watch him walk and
try to duplicate it.

Roberta sat back down in the men's
clothing and began to sew once more. She would work while she waited
for Ethan.

Ethan returned in mid-afternoon,
carrying her lunch with him. When he saw her in the men's clothes he
stopped dead in his tracks.

“How do you do it woman?”
he demanded, “How do you put on men's clothing and become more
desirable still?”

Roberta flushed:

“I think that you flatter me
Ethan. I have been unable to duplicate a man's stride yet. I will
need your help.”

“Here is your lunch, it can wait
for a while though. Go ahead and walk about the cabin.”

Ethan watched as she walked and then

“Your stride is too tight. You
must lengthen your stride and endeavor to keep from rolling your hips
when you move. I think attention to those two things will allow you
to pass as a eunuch. Whole men will not expect you to walk exactly
the same as them but if you adjust those two things your stride will
be closer to a man's than a woman's. Especially the women these men

“Thank you Ethan, I'll see what I
can do. I imagine you have to go again now.”

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