The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge (5 page)

BOOK: The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge
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Roberta spat out the last two words as
though they were acid burning her mouth.

“What? That would be impossible.”

The man burst into laughter even as he
was speaking.

Acid dripped from Roberta's words as
she quickly replied:

“What, are you another boy lover
like the captain?”

“Not at all. But if you
me to rape you, then it isn't rape now is it?”

“Oh,” Roberta's acid tone
disappeared, replaced by one of slight embarrassment.

“You know what I mean though.”
she tried to recover.

“Yes, but you were the one
requiring exacting precision to the bargain. I'd hate for you to
claim that I hadn't held up my end of it.”

The man was now staring at her,
interest plainly visible in his eyes.

“Now if you want me to act as
though I were raping you, I'd be happy to oblige. Although you could
also simply ask me to fuck you instead to keep those nasty rape
overtones out of the equation.”

“Now you're mocking me! Why can't
you just rape me and get it over with?”

“Because I'm not coming within
arm's reach of you until that dagger is well out of your reach.”

“Oh,” once again a simple
statement had deflected Roberta's ire.

She couldn't blame the man, she'd
killed three others with the dagger already today. The blood of the
captain was still on it and, she realized as she glanced down, the
dagger was still in her hand. She also realized now that she felt no
remorse for the killings.

Shouldn't that bother me?,
No, I know
what was going to happen if I didn't. I have reason to be mostly
undisturbed by my actions. But I should feel something about it!

She knelt in front of the captain's
corpse, spat on the dagger since the blood had begun to dry, and
proceeded to clean and dry it on the corpse's clothing before
replacing it in its sheath. She removed the belt and dagger and
placed them in the farthest corner of the room from where the bed was
located. Then she went and sat back down on the bed.

“Better now?” she asked,
with a slight mocking tone to her own voice.

“That depends, you don't have
another weapon hidden on you anywhere do you?”

“Well, why don't you come search
me before you rape me. Or do I have to scream for some other man to
come do it? I think that might make your grasp as the new captain
somewhat tenuous, don't you?” once again Roberta's tone was
filled with venom.

“Other men, oh yes. Allow me to
take care of something first here.”

The man walked to the door and opened
it. He barked a pair of commands and two pirates came into the room.
They looked at Roberta and looked at the man. Then they went to the
captain's corpse and dragged it from the room. When they shut the
door behind themselves, he barred it and turned to face her.

The man strode over to Roberta. Once he
was within arms reach he paused for a moment. When she made no move
towards him, he continued in closer. When he had closed to within a
foot of her and she had still made no movement towards him, he
reached out. He grasped the front of her bodice and used it to pull
her to a standing position. Once he had her standing he ripped the
front of her bodice, straight down to her waist. Roberta's breasts
spilled out into the chill air of the cabin, her nipples tightening
from the cold.

6 – Sealing the Deal

Roberta had called it rape but it was no such thing by anybody's
standards. She'd asked for it verbally and while the man was rough,
he wasn't violent. As she stood in the cabin, the front of her torso
exposed to the cool breeze from the open porthole, the man examined
her. At first Roberta thought it was the same look that a merchant
used to examine a cargo before he purchased it and she began to grow
angry. When she looked closer she saw the fire in his eyes that had
not been there earlier. The look was still one of possession, just
not that of someone buying something. The look said to her, even with
her complete inexperience with such things, that the man considered
her as a conquest. The look was one of surety, it said that he would
be doing whatever he wished with her and that she would neither
resist nor object, and that he knew it. Once she had plumbed the
depth of the look on his face and in his eyes, she felt herself
growing warm and wet down below.

His hand reached out to stroke her exposed breast, two fingers
running the curve of the outer edge. The contrast between his
callused fingers and the softness of her own skin set Roberta's blood
to thrumming in her veins. The lightness of his touch with hands that
were obviously strong made her wonder what he was doing.

“Are you going to rape me or not?” she demanded.

“No, I'm not going to rape you. We went over that. Since
you've given explicit permission it cannot be termed rape. I am,
however, going to take your virginity. In every way I can. Are you
aware that the female of the pair can also experience pleasure?”

“Of course I've heard that. I'm just not sure I believe it
from the other things I've heard.”

“Well, we'll see if your opinion changes after the fact.”
the man said, leaning his head in to her breast.

His tongue flicked out to caress her tightened nipple. He left a
generous daub of moisture on her nipple when he withdrew his tongue.
The breeze cooled the moisture and her nipple tightened more, causing
a tiny ache to begin within it. A soft, involuntary gasp escaped her
lips as she imagined she could feel the breeze itself caressing her

She was looking everywhere but at his face. She could feel her own
face flaming, as it did when she was embarrassed, and she was ashamed
at how red she envisioned it. He finally reached out and grasped her
chin. He forced her face up and forward until she was looking at him.
His cheeks were weathered from exposure to the sun. The tan on his
skin was darker than she had thought in the dim light of the cabin
and corridor earlier. His eyes were the most vivid shade of green she
had ever seen. His hair was a very light brown but darker at the
roots, as though the sun leached the color from it as it grew. He
smelled of salt and sweat, but the scent was not the foul stench of
sweat that she had noticed on her half-brothers after they had been
drunk for days on end. The sweat smelled, instead, as though it were
fresh, as if recent exertions had set him to sweating and he simply
hadn't had a chance to clean up yet.

She noticed that his gaze was locked on her own face and she knew
what he was seeing. Her pale skin would currently be flushed a
brilliant red. The flush would cause the spattering of freckles
across her cheeks to stand out even more so than they did against her
normal coloration. Her eyes were blue. They were of a shade that was
almost gray, but still called blue by most people. Sailors called her
eye color 'Stormy Blue' since the shade resembled that of storm
clouds on the horizon. Her hair was a dark orange-red. It was a
darker version of that coloration than she had heard of on any other
redhead. The shade made her skin appear even paler than it truly was.
With any source of light on it the orange in her hair was visible,
devouring the light and glowing as a result. When she spent too much
time in the sun, it brightened the orange to flaming highlights.

He smiled and leaned in once again. This time his mouth closed on
her other nipple. With his lips tight around the base of her nipple,
his tongue danced with it. Flicking against it from all sides and
slowing to moistly glide over her flesh. His tongue teased and
taunted her. One moment it was pressed firmly to her skin, the next
nowhere to be felt. Then it would dart in again and gently brush her
skin before retreating once more. Roberta felt her breath catch in
her throat. She'd experimented with playing with herself, stroking
and pinching her nipples and her pussy, but she had never achieved
half the results this man had already accomplished by simply toying
with her nipples.

Now both nipples were taut. They ached and throbbed in time with
the blood moving through her veins. She wanted something desperately,
but she had no idea exactly what it was. She could feel the warmth in
her pussy spreading farther into her body, the wetness within her
increasing at the same time. Once more the man leaned back and simply
looked at her.

“Ah woman, you don't know how beautiful you are.”

“Five thousand escudos beautiful, at least until you get on
with this!”

“Whoever was paying that would've been getting a bargain.”

“Are you going to fulfill this condition of our bargain or

“Tell me your name first.”

“It's Roberta, Roberta Cantas.”

“I'll be damned. Any relation to Geoff?”

“What is it with you pirates? Why do you all know my

“It isn't only pirates that know Geoff Cantas. Everyone

“Why would everyone know my brother?”

“Maybe because he's reputed to be the best swordsman in the
Caribbean? Wait, let me guess. He's the one that trained you, isn't

“Yes, he is. Now can we please get on with this?”

“A moment lass, I mean Roberta. Is Geoff liable to have a
problem with what is about to occur?”

“I doubt it highly if it gets me out of my father's grasp as
intended. Geoff and I are close. If you're worried about him, should
the necessity ever come to pass, I'll vouch that I requested it. But
not if you delay much longer!”

“Well Roberta, now that I know your name, I'll proceed.
Should you care at all, my own is Ethan.”

“A pleasure to meet you Ethan, now will you please rape me?”

“As I said before, I can't do that with you so willing. I
will proceed towards removing your virginity though.”

Ethan drew a small knife from a slit on his belt and Roberta
flinched back. She was relieved when he simply set to cutting her
clothing off of her though. A flick of the knife and the front of her
dress, from the waist down, parted as her bodice had. Now the whole
thing was easy for him to push off of her. As the fabric pooled on
the floor. He pushed on her shoulders.

“On your knees Roberta, this I require before I continue.”

Roberta dubiously dropped to her knees as Ethan undid his
breeches, revealing his cock.

“Now take my cock into your mouth. Just a bit at first, and
get to know it with your tongue.”

Roberta followed his instructions.
Anything to get him to rape
she thought. She found the
taste odd at first. There was the taste of sea salt, a second taste
similar to the smell of Ethan's sweat, and then there was another
taste that she could only associate with Ethan despite it being
totally unfamiliar. She took his cock between her lips and slid her
tongue up to the tip of it where it protruded into her mouth. As she
licked the tip it began to grow, sliding deeper into her mouth all on
its own. Her eyes turned up to Ethan, who was staring at her as she
took his cock in her mouth.

“Don't worry, that's supposed to
happen.” he said upon noticing a touch of alarm in her eyes.

Roberta took him at his word and went
back to what she had been doing. There were now several inches of
cock in her mouth and the small gap she had left between her lips had
been filled by the growth. She felt Ethan push with his hips, sending
his cock deeper into her mouth and she tried to accommodate his

“Now lass, you just hold still.
I'm going to hold the back of your head and drive my cock in and out
of your mouth. After a minute or two, you'll receive jets of liquid
in your mouth. Swallow it all and then we'll see about taking care of
your desires.”

Ethan was good to his word. He placed a
strong hand on the back of her head and held it firmly in place. He
began to thrust his hips forward and back, sliding his cock in and
out of her mouth. When she tried to open her lips to allow his cock
to move more easily he shook his head and glared at her until she
closed them once more. She knelt in front of him, held in place by
his strength, as he pumped himself in and out of her mouth over and
over. As he had warned, after the first couple of minutes, a liquid
began to spurt into her mouth from his cock. She tasted it and found
it warm and salty. The taste wasn't bad at all, and she swallowed as
she had been instructed.

“Thank you Roberta, now I can
take your virginity and maybe give you some pleasure in the process.
It had been a very long time for me and I knew that it wouldn't take
me long to cum the first time. Up on the bed with you lass. Lay down
lengthwise on the bed and spread those shapely legs for me.”

Once again, Roberta followed his
instructions. She clambered onto the bed and arranged herself
lengthwise down the middle of it. She spread her legs as Ethan
climbed onto the bed with her, having divested himself of the rest of
the clothing first. He knelt between her spread legs and leaned his
head in towards the junction of her thighs.

Roberta heard him sniff appreciatively
as he leaned in. The next thing she noticed was a very gentle touch
against her pussy. Whatever was touching her was soft, warm, and
moist. It began to slide up and down repeatedly. Then she felt
fingers, rough callused fingers, began to pinch and pull at her pussy
lips. The fingers spread her wide and the soft, moist thing, that she
had finally identified as Ethan's tongue, dove into the gap created
when his fingers spread her.

Her nipples were throbbing violently
now as her blood raced through her veins. They were telling her that
she was very close to what they wanted. Of their own accord,
Roberta's hands drifted to her breasts. Her fingers began to play
with her own nipples. This time, her fingers managed to produce a far
better reaction than the times she had tried the same when she was
alone in her room.

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