The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge (7 page)

BOOK: The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge
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It was a half hour later that he returned. He knocked on the door
and called out to her. When she unbarred the door to allow him entry,
he had Annabelle with her. Annabelle's clothes were ripped in places
but she seemed unharmed in the main. Roberta had draped her torn
dress back over herself, securing it with the belt from her dagger.

Ethan settled Annabelle down in a chair, sat on the bed
possessively close to Roberta and began to speak:

“So Annabelle, Roberta tells me that you know the location
where she was supposed to be delivered to, is that so?”


“You'll tell us that won't you? It is why you were taken
back from the crew before they got any further than pawing you.”

“Only if you promise to let me go and not give me back to
the crew. You let me go when we get to the location and I'll tell it
to you.”

“You aren't in the best position for bargaining, but Roberta
seems to have a bit of a soft spot for you and asked that you be kept
from the crew. The old captain complied shortly before she slit his

Ethan's hand slid possessively to Roberta's thigh, sliding down
through the slit left in the center of her dress when he had sliced
it open. Roberta made it easier for him by spreading her legs,
flashing both inner thighs in the process.

Annabelle's face looked frozen in shock. It wasn't obvious if it
was caused by the casual reference to Roberta slitting the old
captain's throat, Ethan's possessive movement, or Roberta's reaction
to his movement. In any case she simply sat there blinking for
several moments.

“So was that a yes? I'll not be given to the crew?”

“If our plan works, you won't be given to the crew. They'll
have enough money to buy finer wenches than you, as many as they may
want.” replied Ethan.

“What are you planning Roberta?” Annabelle's voice was
starting to edge into hysterical territory again.

“Well now, Master Gutren was paying for my maidenhead
essentially, wasn't he? I've given it to Ethan here, so now Master
Gutren can deal with him for it instead of me. I'll be very
interested to see how that works out, won't you? Now tell us where
the meeting with him or his men is to take place and any conditions
attached to it.”

Annabelle's gasp and blanched face showed her opinion of Roberta's
plans. After several moments she began to speak again:

“Yes, I'll tell you.”

“Good. If you lie to us I'll make sure Ethan gives you to
the crew with explicit instructions to keep you tied up in an area
where any of them can make whatever use of you they might desire,
whenever they might desire. Keep that in mind when you relay the
information to us, won't you?”

“Roberta! I thought we were getting along well.”

“Annabelle!” Roberta said mockingly, “I thought
you were an evil old spinster with a tongue that could flay the skin
from a person at arm's length. I dislike being played for a fool, and
I am the first to admit that I cling to my grudges until I've repaid
them to my own satisfaction. Deal with me fairly and I'm rather
sweet, or so I've been told, but if you cross me, you're better off
begging the devil for mercy than doing so of me.

I find your sobbing, hysterical carcass to be of little or no use.
I do, however, have use for your knowledge. I did think that you
would more easily reveal your information if you hadn't been raped,
though. I thought that if the crew had raped you repeatedly, you
wouldn't be able to form a single word to speak through your
hysterics. So when Ethan says I have a soft spot for you, he is
incorrect. I simply desire to find out what you know about the
arranged meeting. If you are fair and speak true, we'll simply drop
you off there. If you lie then you'll be given to the crew, assuming
you survive the experience.”

Annabelle caught a look of admiration on Ethan's face as he
glanced at Roberta. She wasn't sure which one she currently feared
more. She had utterly misjudged Roberta as the proverbial lamb, when
it was turning out that she was actually the wolf in sheep's
clothing, who had simply not started devouring the flock yet.

Annabelle immediately started telling them everything she knew
about the meeting. It didn't take long to reveal the information and
once she was done, Ethan escorted her from the cabin again.

When Ethan returned Roberta looked at him for a moment:

“Do you think I overdid that a bit? I don't really hate her
and would prefer she not be raped, but I thought that perhaps my
turning on her would unsettle her somewhat.”

“No, and you were quite convincing. I was wondering if I had
utterly mistaken you when I judged you earlier.”

“Yes and no, probably. There are some people I would treat
that way, evidenced by my request for you to remove Master Gutren. I
am still vexed by Annabelle for the way she fooled me with her
initial attitude though. So it was easy to pretend as I did. I do
hold grudges, and terrifying her in that manner allowed me to pay her
back something of what I owed her. My father and elder half-brothers
have the distinction of being the only other ones in the same
category as the man who would have bought me.”

“Then I did not misjudge you. I thought you a woman with
strong passions, in both directions. I know for sure that your
physical passions are strong. Holding grudges fits with strong
passions, and revenge against those who have wronged you the most
fits with it as well.”

“I must change the subject I fear. When your men looted the
other ship, did they loot our cabin as well? While I am sure that you
find my current clothing most fetching, I don't believe it is
something I should continue to wear, either here on the ship in case
the crew see more of me than I'd like, or to the meeting, which I
will need to be present for.”

She demonstrated her concern by turning quickly, only to have the
front of the dress slide and reveal half her body.

“I can go and check on that, although I do have an idea.”

“Please check, and then you can tell me your idea, whether
we need it or not.”

Once more Ethan left the cabin and Roberta barred the door again.
She sat, staring out the porthole, allowing her thoughts to settle.
This hadn't truly been something she had planned for, although it
seemed to be working well. She allowed her thoughts to settle out
until Ethan knocked on the door again. She rose and let him in, he
was carrying the small bag that she had brought to contain her
mother's things.

“This is the only bag they took from in there. They took
this one because it had several items of gold in it. The clothing
they left behind, it being bulky, and since it would not fetch a
decent price.”

“Well, clothing can be replaced but if you would return that
bag to me then I would be most grateful. It contains those things my
mother left to me on her death.”

“Certainly, here you are.”

He handed the bag to her.

“Now, we will need my idea, although it won't get us through
the meeting. We'll need to arrange to get you a dress before then.”

“If I only need a dress for at the meeting then you can
simply get me a needle. I'm sure you have needles on the ship, for
repairing the sail if nothing else. If you can get me the smallest
needle you have, then I can certainly make this dress presentable for
the meeting in the two days it should take us to get there. Now what
was your idea?”

“Would you like to have the freedom of the ship? I think
that we can dress you in a linen shirt, jerkin, breeches, and
stockings. We'll bind your breasts down. While I find them to be
quite enough for my enjoyment, they are small enough that they could
be bound without much discomfort on your part. After the meeting you
can don those and come back, pretending to be a man, and I can
introduce you as Red-Faced Robert. For you will surely be red-faced
if you spend any time in the sun. We'll let it be said that, like the
former captain, I am a lover of men. Then you can share this cabin
with me, have the run of the ship, and not have to worry about
dresses. What do you think?”

“My voice will give me away, it is too high for a man.”

“Not if we suggest that you were castrated. Your voice is
lower than many eunuchs that were castrated at a young age. It might
seem demeaning ,but you will still get more respect that way than if
you are revealed as a female. You are quite skilled enough with sword
and dagger to defend against any who challenge you, and they would
not believe that a woman would have such skills either. If necessary
you can earn their respect with a demonstration of your skills. I am
also fairly sure that no man of the crew would ask any questions
about the castration itself, I'm sure they'd prefer not to think
about it at all.”

“Do you think that it would truly work?”

“It would fool most of the crew, and those who are
intelligent enough to see through it would not say anything about the
ruse. Not if they know what's good for them.”

“I'd be willing to try it if you're sure that it would work.
I like the idea of living as a pirate. Especially if the sharing the
cabin with you comes with more of what we did earlier.”

“Consider it done them, I'll track you down some clothing
and you can practice in the cabin. You can still be somewhat
effeminate posing as a eunuch. None of these men would have had
enough experience with them to know what to expect and what not to

Ethan paused and moved closer to Roberta:

“We have nearly two days before the meeting. Have you given
any thought to my earlier request? I find myself capable to follow
through on my earlier offer ”

“Would you accept a condition?”

“What condition do you require?”

“If I let you do it, will you promise to do what you did to
me earlier again? Several more times at least?”

“Done!” Ethan said, his hands already opening the
buckle on her belt.

8 – Willingly Given

Roberta's dress swung wide open as Ethan released the belt. Ethan
drank in the form of her body with his eyes. He knew that most of the
crew liked their wenches as buxom as they could find them but he
preferred a woman with smaller, tighter breasts. He'd found them to
be much more responsive to his attentions. He knew it was a fault in
himself, but having a woman react positively to him excited him far
more than anything else he'd ever tried.

Roberta watched Ethan's face as he simply stared at her body once
it was exposed. She could see emotions playing across it but she
didn't know him well enough to tell what they were. He reached out to
her slowly, sliding the remains of the dress carefully back off of
her shoulders and arms. Once more she stood entirely nude in front of
him. He simply stood and devoured her with his eyes.

Roberta didn't quite know what to do. She tried to catch his eyes
with her own but he was intent upon her entire body and was not be
distracted by a single portion. Her eyes flickered here and there but
finally she noticed the bulge in his breeches. Having decided on her
course of action, she nodded and dropped to her knees. Her hands
fumbled as they released his breeches and slowly slid them down. Now
his gaze was focused down on her head and when she glanced up their
eyes locked. Her hands continued with their task as their locked gaze
spoke volumes to one another. She now knew that it wasn't necessary
for her to do what she was doing and yet he had enjoyed it earlier,
so she continued. He knew that she had realized that and was
continuing on anyhow.

As she took his cock into her mouth, he threw his head back with
sheer joy. Not simply from the physical pleasure of her lips wrapping
around, and stroking, his cock, but also from the knowledge that she
was doing it entirely willingly.

She focused on his cock, trying to give him as much pleasure as
possible. She was sure that no matter how much pleasure she could
give him this way it would not be equal to what she had received from
him earlier, but she was determined to try her best. She felt that
the more pleasure she could give him in any fashion, the more likely
he was to bring her to the heights of passion that she had
experienced for the first time earlier in the day.

This time she sucked and licked him for what seemed an eternity.
He grew larger than he had been when she'd started but no liquid
flowed into her mouth. When her neck grew tired she drew her mouth
off of his cock and looked up at him.

He was staring down at her, hunger dominating his face. It was a
hunger that could only be satiated by devouring her sexually, by
taking her however he could and sating himself with her. Somehow she
knew that from looking at his face.

“Up, Roberta. That wasn't necessary, but I certainly wasn't
about to stop you. You have a delightful mouth.”

She stood as he had ordered. He gripped her arm gently and drew
her around to the side of the bed. Then he bent her over the bed,
with her back resting on it. He pushed her legs to either side and
after touching her finger to her pussy, and finding his finger wet
when he drew it back, he simply drove into her with no other

She was sopping wet and his cock slid in deeply with a single
thrust. It took him less than a minute to penetrate her the rest of
the way so that his cock was as deep in her pussy as was possible.
Then he started to pick up his speed and his force. When he got to a
point where the smack of flesh on flesh echoed through the cabin at
the end of each thrust, she found the pleasure she had been craving,
even without his hands on the other parts of her that he had used
last time.

Ethan noticed Roberta beginning to orgasm and reached up to her
breasts while keeping up the furious pace of thrusts that he had
established. When his hands reached her nipples and his fingers
squeezed them tightly, she screamed her pleasure in a piercing voice.
He continued to maul her nipples and pound her until she appeared to
have dropped out of the grip of her orgasm. Once she had relaxed some
he spoke to her:

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