The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge (6 page)

BOOK: The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge
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Ethan heard a loud gasp from Roberta
and looked up. He smiled to see that she was playing with her own
nipples. She was as eager a wench as he had ever encountered and she
was still a virgin. He figured that if he played his cards right and
brought her some amount of pleasure her first time, he would be able
to have her over and over. He focused his attention back to her
pussy. Now his fingers slid inside of her. She was wet enough that
she wouldn't even notice the roughness of his skin, unless she
noticed it as added stimulation, which would be fine with him.

His tongue slid up her pussy, to the
little nubbin of flesh that hid behind its own shield. He used the
hand that wasn't inside of her to slide the flesh shield out of the
way, laying bare the nubbin that was his target. His tongue slid down
to the nubbin and stroked it gently. Roberta let out another gasp and
he took that as a sign to increase the pressure of his tongue. As his
tongue played with the nubbin of flesh Roberta's breathing sped up,
faster and faster. Finally he slid his tongue back into his mouth and
his lips clamped down on her clitoris. He pinched it with his lips,
drawing backwards to stretch it out, the pressure of his lips keeping
it trapped between them. He released the pressure and followed it
back down, sucking her clitoris entirely into his mouth now and
continuing to suck on it, stretching it once more with just the
suction from his mouth.

Roberta had ceased gasping and moaning.
She was fighting to hold back a scream now, Ethan was doing something
to her with his mouth that had her writhing on the bed with pleasure.
Her breath kept catching on her and she had to force herself to
remember to breathe. The fingers that Ethan had been thrusting in and
out of her were withdrawn from her pussy and she took a breath. It
was easier to contain herself now that those fingers were gone. Out
of the blue, she felt the fingers that had just withdrawn from her
pussy slide up her body and clamp down on one of her nipples with
great force. The scream she had been holding back erupted from her
lips, her back arching in sympathy with the scream.

Ethan smiled to himself.
she's ready to be entered,
thought. He removed his hand from her nipple, the second one from her
clit hood, and his lips from the nubbin of flesh that was her
clitoris. He shifted position so that he was leaning over her chest,
holding himself up on his hands. Roberta's eyes were fluttering
wildly and she didn't appear to see him. He shifted his hips to bring
his cock in line with her pussy and slowly moved forward until he
felt her flesh against the tip of his cock. Making sure that he was
well lined up, he drove forward softly. He felt the soft flesh of her
pussy engulf the tip of his cock. Her own moisture was sufficient
that there was little friction at the start. As he slowly drove more
deeply, he could feel the flesh of her pussy constricting him as the
thicker portion of his cock forced its way inside of her. Soon he
felt the barrier that she was so desperate to lose.

“Roberta? ... Roberta?”

He had been going to taunt her and ask
her if she was absolutely positive that she wanted him to do this,
but she was still lost in her own pleasure. He wouldn't draw her out
of it just to taunt her but his next action was sure to draw her out
of it, at least momentarily.

Ethan drew his cock back a tiny bit and
then thrust forward as hard as he could. Another scream tore from
Roberta's lip, this one equal parts pleasure and pain. Her eyes
opened as he watched her face. There was a look of confusion evident
in them for a moment, then they focused on his own eyes and he
watched as she realized that a part of her conditions were now

She didn't try to get up and flee as
soon as he had taken her virginity. He had feared that she might do
so. Ethan kept his cock inside of her and still for several minutes
to allow her pain to pass or at least lessen. Roberta simply stared
at his eyes as he did so. He had no idea as to what she might be
thinking but once he began to move inside of her again, her eyes shut
once more and a smile spread across her face. He kept a close eye on
her face for a few more minutes and each time he saw a wince he eased
down the speed or the force a little until the smile returned.

Once Ethan had been pumping away at her
for a while and saw no more traces of discomfort after several
minutes, he changed his tactics. He slowed his thrusts, supported a
small portion of his weight on her body, and snaked a hand back down
to her clitoris. It had given him the best reaction so far and he
wanted her to connect having his cock inside of her with as much
pleasure as possible. He hadn't simply been flattering her earlier on
when he said that five thousand would be a bargain. In his opinion,
she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Add in the fact
that she had a temper, an attitude, and training in sword and dagger
fighting and he had already lost himself to her.

She had been enjoying herself a bit
with him just thrusting in and out of her. Once his hand found her
clitoris again she lost control. She writhed and squirmed beneath
him. Her hands came off of her nipples and her arms encircled him.
She drew him down to her chest and he could feel her nails biting
into the flesh of his back. He couldn't resist himself, his lips sank
to meet her own and when he felt the plump softness of them he
pressed hard against her, his tongue driving into her mouth.

He couldn't thrust as hard or as fast
pressed against her as he was, but he could feel her breasts pressing
against his chest, her hard nipples pushing into his skin as her
breasts were crushed beneath him. His tongue took her mouth, firmly
and authoritatively. It explored the inside of her as far as it could
reach in every direction. It wrestled with her own tongue,
establishing its dominance within her mouth. Then it finally
retreated. He took her upper lip and using light pressure to trap it
between his own lips he drew it out, stretching it. The soft flesh of
her upper lip was pliant and malleable to his demands. Finally he let
it go, watching it snap back into place. It was swollen slightly from
his attentions, making it even more plump to his eyes and to his
lips, which returned to pressing against her own. He drew her lower
lip out in a similar fashion, plumping her lips for his pleasure.

All the while he continued to thrust in
and out of her and to stroke her clitoris with one hand. The hand was
trapped beneath his body and slightly uncomfortable but he didn't
care since he could still control the fingers that were giving
Roberta pleasure. He pushed himself back up off of her after a while.
Roberta was moaning, her eyes fluttering, and a tiny string of drool
trailed from the corner of her plumped lips.

Ethan removed his hand from her
clitoris and moved it to her breasts. He increased the speed of his
thrusts again now, the power of them increasing in proportion to the
speed. His hand cupped her breast. It was a tiny bit too small to
fill his entire hand, but it was firm, and the surface of her skin
was soft to his touch. He caressed the breast he held, stroking it
repeatedly with his fingers. Soon he could feel the need to cum
rising within himself. Despite his recent orgasm his cock was ready
to cum once again.

He settled back onto his knees, trying
to find a position that would allow him more time before he came. It
was to no avail, he found that now her breasts were in perfect
position to allow him to take one in each hand. This time his grasp
was not as gentle and as he squeezed her breasts he could see the
marks left by his fingers. He moved to her nipples and his attentions
there were as rough as they had been on her breasts. He pinched and
squeezed them. He stretched them straight up, seeing how far they
would go before she cried out. All the while she was putty under his
hands. The rougher he got with her, the more she writhed and
squirmed, the louder she got, and the closer he came to cumming once

Soon, the urge to cum was the only
thought left in his mind. He leaned over her once again and began to
thrust as hard as he could and as deep as he could, over and over.
She responded with a near deafening scream of pleasure. He pounded
her with all the force at his command and in a short time he knew
that he was about to cum. He drove his cock as far into her as he
could manage, spurting his cum as deeply into her pussy as he was
able. Finally, spent and exhausted, he withdrew his cock from her and
rolled to the side, collapsing on the bed beside her.

It was several minutes before either
spoke. When the silence was broken it was Roberta speaking:

“Ethan you bastard, I hate having
to change my opinion. It seems that you've forced me to do so in this

Still reveling in the afterglow, Ethan

“Then I assume that you enjoyed

“After the first part at least,
but I had been warned it would be painful. Thank you for pausing
immediately after that part.”

“I did tell you that I wanted to
bring you pleasure, didn't I?”

“You managed it skillfully
enough, thank you. Thank you also for making me ineligible for
'honorable matrimony' to any of the qualified suitors my father had
been encouraging.”

“Not only did I accomplish both
those worthy tasks but I have also determined that no, you are not
concealing a weapon anywhere else on your person.”

The bald statement, delivered in the
tone of a boy who has captured a frog and is happily showing it off
to his playmates, drew a laugh from Roberta.

“No indeed I am not. Except for
my brain and perhaps my body itself, if I can learn to use it

“Yes, but I had already
determined that your brain was a weapon so it was not concealed. Your
body is most certainly not concealed.”

His hand reached over with the last
statement. He drew a finger down the side of her breast and, when she
didn't complain, he continued his reach until he was playing with her
nipple again.

Roberta arched her back and felt like
purring. Were she a cat, the entire room would be echoing with the
rumbles of it. Ethan continued to toy with her nipple and she made no
move to stop him. She had enjoyed his attentions far more than she
thought would be possible for a woman to enjoy sex and was now loathe
to give up the feelings she had discovered. His current actions only
brought a small amount of pleasure compared to how she had felt
earlier, but in that small amount of pleasure was the promise of the
greater pleasures she had just recently experienced.

“So now you need not fear being
married off, but there is one more virginity that I can assist you in
losing, aside from the two I've already relieved you of.”

“The two you've already relieved
me of?”

“I'm guessing that you had never
had a man's cock in your mouth before. I know for certain that you
had never had one in your pussy before.”

Ethan gestured to the small blood spot
on the blanket and the small amount of blood still oozing from her

“That tells me that you were a
virgin in your pussy. Am I correct about your mouth?”

“I'd never even seen a man's cock
before today.”

“As I thought, and so perhaps
that could count as another virginity I've taken from you. I was
guessing that you would want to lose them all so that there is no
manner in which you could be declared a virgin though. It is a
technicality that an unscrupulous man might try to take advantage of
by avoiding precision in statements. I will warn you though, this one
would probably seem more like rape to you than the last.”

“And this virginity is what?”

“Surely if you'd never seen a
man's cock, nor sucked on one, nor been fucked by one in your pussy,
then you'll have never been fucked by a cock in your ass either.”

“Isn't that what those boy lovers

“Yes, but a man and a woman can
do it as well. Some women love it, some hate it, and some claim to
not care either way. But, I thought that I should at least offer to
make you completely non-virgin in a sexual manner.”

“I'll think about it. You're
right that my father would certainly try to use that to his advantage
should he get his hands on me again. And should he discover that I
was a virgin in such manner still.”

“You have a while to consider it.
I wouldn't even be able to physically perform that duty for probably
an hour or more due to our recent activities. In the meanwhile, I
should go and check on your escort, see if she is capable of coherent
speech, and see if she is willing to divulge the information we

As Ethan rose to dress and leave the
cabin, she saw the trails of red on his back.

“Ethan, what happened to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Those trails of red on your
back, were you whipped?”

“No Roberta, those are from your
fingernails. Only appropriate I suppose. I drew blood from you,”
he gestured to her virginal blood on the blanket, “and you drew
blood from me in return.”

7 – Planning Ahead

Ethan left the cabin, closing the door behind him. He had first
warned her to not allow anyone but himself in, telling her to bar the
door behind him. As she slid the bar into position she could hear him
speaking to the two pirates that had been in the hall outside the
cabin since she had entered it much earlier. He was telling them that
he'd be standing for captain and that he'd have to have a pick for
quartermaster to replace himself. She was amazed at the abrupt
alteration in his speech patterns. When he spoke to her, he had an
educated diction, grammar, and vocabulary. When he spoke with the
other pirates he dropped into their patois immediately.

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