The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge (9 page)

BOOK: The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge
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“No, not for a while. I've just
taken the most recent sighting and my presence isn't required on deck
until right before dusk. I've been wondering what to do to fill the

“Well, allow me to eat my lunch
and then perhaps we can find something to do to pass the time

Roberta sent a wonderfully lecherous
look, more appropriate to a man's face than her own, in Ethan's
direction. As Ethan sputtered and eventually ended up doubled over
with laughter, Roberta demurely sat down to eat her lunch.

The next two days passed rapidly for
Roberta and Ethan. Whenever Ethan felt that his presence was required
on the deck Roberta would work on the dress, finishing it with half a
day to spare. When Ethan was not on deck he was in the cabin with
Roberta. Much of their time was spent on her walk and on small ways
to make her disguise more convincing, ways that would stand up to
heavy activity levels. They had satisfied themselves that the
disguise would work unless someone actively didn't want to believe it
and studied her intently. The rest of the time that they spent
together in the captain's cabin was spent exploring one another
physically. Each attempted to learn the desires of the other, what
brought the other joy, and what to be avoided. They did, of course,
attempt to sate each other repeatedly but it seemed to them that the
more they had of each other, the more they desired.

Ethan was on deck, and Roberta was in
the cabin, when the ship came to a halt. Roberta found the footing
strange as the ship stilled, having grown accustomed to the rolling
motion it made when under sail. A glance out the porthole showed that
the ship was mooring at the docks of a small port town.

10 – Scouting the Target

Ethan stepped into the cabin a short while later, chuckling to

“I had forgotten that there's a new quartermaster. Before I
was captain I'd be off the ship by now trying to find a place to sell
whatever cargo we had. I started to do that this time before catching
myself. We've larger plans to follow through on though. Shall we go
and find the inn that we are to meet Master Gutren's men at

“Certainly sir, I assume you will be there to protect my
virtue?” Roberta couldn't keep a straight face and burst out
laughing as she finished the statement.

“Yes, of course I shall. I'm sure that between the two of us
we could find it again in order to protect it.” Ethan grinned
at his own statement.

Ethan's grin was contagious and, grinning like fools, the two
prepared to venture off the ship. Most of the crew was getting a
short shore leave, for overnight at least, so they waited until the
crew had gone before leaving. The fewer of the crew that saw Roberta
as a woman, the more likely her disguise as Robert would succeed.
Ethan produced a knitted cap which she could tuck her hair under, it
would be a permanent part of her disguise if they could find a way to
secure it all times.

When they slipped off the ship they didn't see any of the crew
that remained, except for the quartermaster who was guarding the
gangplank and waiting for the dockhands to show up and unload the
cargo that they were selling.

They made their way to the inn that they needed to be at the next
day, and rented a room for two nights. They went down to the common
room and had a meal that was not prepared on ship. As they relaxed
with ales, a new experience for Roberta, Ethan looked over the men in
the room.

He approached the man he considered the most likely candidate to
have the information he wanted and spoke to him:

“Want to earn yourself an ale on me friend?”

“Sure, what ya need?”

“I'm guessing that you'd know the location of Master
Gutren's estate. I know it is near to the town and I need to escort
the person at the table there to Master Gutren tomorrow.”

“Sure, buy me that ale and I'll give you directions. It's
easy to find if you know what you're looking for.”

Ethan purchased the man his drink and received directions in
return. He returned to the table and told Roberta that he had them
but that he'd like to verify them just in case the man was only
trying to cadge a drink.

They discussed the matter and decided that Ethan would return to
the ship and find a crew member to go and check the directions out.
It should only take an hour each way so they would know by dusk if
they had received the correct directions. Meanwhile to minimize her
possible visibility to the crew, Roberta would wait in the room they
had rented.

Ethan escorted her back to the room and reminded her to lock the
door, and brace it with something since it was a flimsy lock. Roberta
did so and Ethan returned to the ship. When he returned a short while
later he told her that the crewman would look for them here after he
checked the information.

“Roberta, is there anything you want or need while we are in
a town? I know that you lost your clothing, but dresses are out of
the question while you're in disguise. Is there anything else you
need or want?”

“Well, I noticed that the balance on your cutlass was well
off from what I was trained with. Are all the cutlasses on the ship

“Yes, mostly. Although the balance on mine is better than
any of the others there. Do you want a sword, is that what you're

“Wouldn't it be in character for my disguise? Not to wear
all the time, but to actually possess my own?”

“Quite possibly. It wouldn't be out of character at least.
What type of sword are you used to?”

“A straight saber, slightly lighter than your cutlass.”

“Well, shall we go out on the town and see what we can

They went out in search of a saber and a means to keep the
Monmouth cap she wore secured. Sabers were easily found, but finding
one of a size and weight which resembled the one she had trained with
took some time. A sword of decent quality was eventually found though
and she fastened the scabbard to the belt which held her dagger. A
means for securing the cap was eventually found in the form of a
colorful ribbon which she would tie around the cap just where a hat
band would be on a different style hat. It wasn't perfect but until
they found something better it would serve.

When they returned to their inn, the crewman was sitting at a
table in the common room, sipping his own ale. He nodded to Ethan as
they entered the room. They took seats at the table with him and he
proceeded to inform Ethan that there was an estate at the end of
those directions. He couldn't be positive it was Master Gutren's as
he had never seen the man. But it did fit the description the escort
had given them.

The crewman returned to the ship and Ethan led Roberta to their
room. Roberta went through a series of exercises with the sword to
find its balance and familiarize herself with it. Then she worked a
while on finding the best way to secure her cap with the ribbon,
until Ethan distracted her in her favorite way. The bed in the
captain's cabin was more comfortable than the one in the inn, yet
neither noticed in the slightest. Eventually they fell asleep wrapped
about one another, having exhausted themselves attempting, once more,
to sate their passions.

The morning saw them both up early though. Roberta was nervous
about their plan, which involved allowing Master Gutren to take her
to his estate in a coach. There would be a raiding party hiding
nearby that would storm the estate while the coach was gone and
Master Gutren would find his welcome home not to his liking. Ethan
would 'escort' both the escort and Roberta as the representative of
Roberta's father. So he would, at least, be near to hand throughout
the ordeal. Roberta would keep her dagger concealed in the folds of
her dress as she had before and Ethan would carry her saber, so she
wouldn't be defenseless, but she still felt uneasy with the plan.
Possibly this was because for a brief time things would appear to
progress much as her father had intended.

11 – The Raid

At mid-morning Ethan went back to the ship once again. When he
returned to the inn he was accompanied by Annabelle and carried a
wrapped package that contained Roberta's dress. Master Gutren's
representatives were due at noon so shortly before then Roberta
changed into the dress, leaving the saber and the seaman's clothes in
the room for Ethan to transport to the estate.

At noon Ethan was in the common room, carrying a seaman's bag
containing Roberta's items. Roberta and Ethan both were keeping an
eye on Annabelle who had been warned what would befall her should she
let slip that things were not as they seemed.

Two men entered the room, dressed in the clothing typically worn
by servants of the upper class. They were both armed with swords on
their belts. One leaned his head back outside and said something. A
grotesquely fat man, dressed in expensive clothing, entered next. He
was holding something in his hand and scanned the room, finally
settling his gaze on Roberta.

“So my betrothed has arrived at last. I've been looking
forward to seeing you in person. The locket sent by your father does
not do you justice.”

Roberta, hating every moment of it, stood and walked to him.

“You must be Master Gutren. I am pleased to meet you.”

“It is good that you are. You shouldn't like to see what
would happen if you were not. Let us go.”

“Sir?” Annabelle spoke questioningly, “She does
have the temper; you asked me to find out.”

“Ah yes, you've done well. Here is your payment.”

Master Gutren tossed a small pouch of coins in her direction and
turned to leave.

“Master Gutren?” Ethan spoke respectfully.

“And you are?”

“Ethan, sir. I was sent by Master Cantas to ensure that
Roberta reached your estate. Might I ride the coach with your footman
to see to my duty?”

“If you must, but she has already been delivered to me.”

“Yes sir, but Master Cantas was most specific. I would not
risk his anger.”

“I see that you are a properly obedient servant to your
master's wishes; I wish that I had more of your ilk. You may ride
with the coachmen.” Master Gutren's condescending tone angered
both Ethan and Roberta but, as of yet, they did nothing about it.

They left the inn, converging on a coach in the road in front of
it. Roberta and Master Gutren entered the coach. One footman took the
reins while the other footman and Ethan mounted the back of the

“I apologize sir, but I must ask when my father will be paid
the bride price. He bid me ask you as soon as we were private.”

“I have your bride price in a chest at my house. It shall be
shipped shortly, within a container of goods with a much lower value
so as not to tempt fate, nor man. Now, you shall remain silent woman.
I'm sure that your father has trained you to your place among men. If
not, then I shall have to do so.”

Roberta spent the ride fuming as Master Gutren pawed her breasts
through the dress, once even slipping a hand inside the dress,
straining the hasty repairs she had made. She just kept telling
herself that the fat man would soon perish. She thought about taking
care of that now but they needed him to direct them to the chest and
she feared that her dagger might not be long enough to penetrate his
heart through all of his fat.

The coach arrived at the estate and the footmen leaped from it,
sensing something amiss. There was no-one to be seen and they had
obviously expected someone to be waiting for them. Roberta threw open
her door and jumped to the ground, oblivious to the indignant cries
and threats of Master Gutren. Ethan had loosened the top of the
seaman's bag and her sword hilt protruded through the top. Ethan
walked over to her, offering the sword hilt to her grasp.

“Shall we take care of the footmen my dear? I hadn't
expected two. I could probably take them, but having seen you
familiarize yourself with the sword last night, I think that you are
more than capable of taking one on your own.”

Ethan thought to himself that she could probably take him as well
but didn't voice that thought.

“Why thank you Ethan! You are dear to me as well, so please
be careful, and I shall endeavor to do the same.”

They advanced along the side of the coach and when Master Gutren
saw them through the open door he shouted:

“I am betrayed! Guards!”

The footmen turned to face the opponents that had been approaching
them from behind. Ethan cursed that they had lost the opportunity to
surprise them but it made little difference. Evidently Master Gutren
thought that giving a man a sword made him a guard. The two were
dispatched in moments when it was revealed that they had little to no
skill at arms.

Once the two footmen were down, the raiding party exited the house
as planned. Roberta and Ethan forced Master Gutren from the coach.

“Now, if you want a chance to see another dawn, you'll lead
us to that chest you spoke off.” spat Roberta.

“What viper was Cantas trying to pass of as his virgin
daughter?” said Gutren.

“I am his daughter, but no virgin. As to whether I am a
viper, would you care to feel my bite?”

Roberta raised her sword to Master Gutren's crotch, poking

“Now, where is the chest? Lead us to it or I shall apply
pressure with my sword arm.”

Master Gutren saw reason quickly and waddled towards the house,
Ethan and Roberta following with drawn weapons.

When they entered the house behind Master Gutren, they saw that
the staff were all tied up in the grand hall. Gutren led them through
that to a storage room in the back of the first floor. The chest of
gold was within it and was quickly claimed by two of the crew
designated by Ethan. They left the room with the chest, leaving the
three alone.

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