Tryst (6 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Tryst
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We’d only just begun, but already what we felt for each other was so strong, so all consuming, that I knew it was only a matter of time before she acted out again in her bid to get me to claim her publicly. The fucked up thing is, I totally understood her position, but my hands were tied. I owed my kid, I had to at least try to get this shit right.


Now here we are weeks later and I was still no closer to a solution. If her home life wasn’t so fucked up I maybe could’ve bought us some more time, but I knew I was in a fucked up position there too.

Crystal for all her years, was still very much a little girl. She hated to share me with anyone or anything. It tore a hole in my gut to think of hurting her. But now there was someone else in my heart, another young girl who’d found her way there for entirely different reasons.

Brianna hadn’t had it as easy as Crystal and though I had to drag every detail out of her, I knew enough to know that all was not right at home. I needed to get her out of there as soon as possible, as much as I needed to claim her for all the world to see.

I flung myself off the bed totally disgusted with myself. I’ve always prided myself on my decisiveness and that upfront take charge manner I was known for. Where was that guy now that I needed him most? If it was anyone else, anyone at all, but it wasn’t, it was the little girl who had once told me that I didn’t love her enough.

Hearing that shit from your kid even if she’s too young to know what she’s saying, stays with you forever. And if you’re anything like me, you do everything in your power to prove different.

My phone rang breaking me out of my reverie. I frowned when the readout said Priscilla. What the fuck did my ex want? we tended to avoid each other like the plague, only getting together when it involved our daughter, and since she’s lived with me we hadn’t had to have one of these little meetings. I answered the phone expecting her to fuck with the rest of my already fucked up day.

Chapter 6





Almost a month and I’m still pinching myself. It seems so surreal sometimes, like something I dreamed up like I used to when I was a kid. But no, this was no dream, I could still feel him leaking out of me, he cums a lot. I would’ve cleaned up after but he likes me to carry his scent all day, so I only brush my hair and clean up my thighs from being so sticky. Everything else stays as is.

I can’t say that I hate the feeling, I kinda like the fact that I’m walking around in the open with part of him inside me. it usually takes a few hours for the glow to wear off, and lately I was beginning to think that some of my classmates might be growing suspicious of what I’ve been getting up to in the afternoons. It sure beat cheering practice, which I no longer missed.

Anyway I know that some people have noticed the change in me and though no one has said anything as yet, it’s only a matter of time. Some days I’m sorely tempted to take matters into my own hands and just tell Crystal the truth. But then I remember how new our relationship is Gabe’s and mine, and I get cold feet.

What if he gets so mad that he can never forgive me? And what if like he says, she’s completely against it? would he leave me? he says no but I don’t have a very good track record with anyone being loyal to me.

Am I being selfish to want him to let the world know we’re in love? I don’t think so. I do have a little resentment against Crystal for standing in the way of that but can you blame me? She’s his daughter not his wife, why should it matter to her who’s in his bed?

She’s my friend, but she can be a tad bit selfish where her dad’s concerned. If I wasn’t so in love with him, if I were just out for a good time the way I thought this thing was gonna go when it first started, I would be okay with that, but my heart was involved.

He says he understands but then he has me playing the waiting game. I wasn’t being this way because my own father was a dick who only remembered me when he was drunk and needed a punching bag while mom was at work.

We were the clichéd white trailer trash, everyone who knew us looked down their noses at us, that’s when they weren’t feeling sorry for us. I didn’t set off to land myself a rich guy. Okay maybe I’ve had moments when I daydreamed of some white knight coming to my rescue and taking me away from my misery, but I had outgrown that shit by the time I was twelve, which was about the time I learned that life was not a fairytale.

I’ve done everything I can to distance myself from my family’s legacy of waste and no good shiftless assholes both males and females. I wanted more for myself and had figured out that my way out was through school.

When I first realized that the one thing I was really good at could be used as my ticket out of this hell I went after it with everything I had. Cheerleading was something I’d gone after because I was tired of the other girls snubbing me when I knew I could be better than they were. They weren’t too pleased when I outshone their asses and they were even more pissed when their star quarterback came sniffing around.

Him I sent back when I realized he had only one thing on his mind. I’d let him get as far as sticking his fingers inside me, but that was it. When I learned that he liked to share way too much with his teammates when I walked up on him unawares, that was the end of that.

I didn’t need to be doing that shit anyway, that’s how mom ended up stranded here in a dead-end job with a husband who’d as soon beat the shit out of her as love her. She’d been the pretty cheerleader too and he one of the jocks on the team with a bright future ahead of him.

One teenage pregnancy later and those dreams were crushed and lives altered. For whatever reason those two miserable people had decided to get married, probably pressure from their parents. But it was the worse decision they could’ve ever made.

That didn’t stop them from going on to have three more kids though, or from enjoying each other still if the sounds I heard coming from their bedroom some nights were any indication; gross.

But I was never allowed to forget how I had destroyed their dreams, or how all their hopes now hung on me since apparently I owed them.

Then the cheering thing became a bust even though coach said I could go the same route she did, but she’d cheered in college too; I knew it was over, but all was not lost, my grades weren’t anything to sneer at, so there was still the chance of a scholarship.

The thing with Gabriel had started out of sheer overpowering physical attraction. I couldn’t have resisted him if I tried. That first day when he walked in the room looking all hot in his slacks, with his silk shirt opened to the third button and his sleeves rolled back showing the tattoo on his arm, my panties were instantly wet.

Not even the jock had got me that hot and bothered when he’d touched me, and that was before my daddy had turned those jade colored eyes on me. I had a hard time keeping my thoughts to myself that day, and not giving it away to the others in the room.

They were all twittering and acting like typical teens and I found myself becoming jealous. My face became flushed and for some reason I wanted his attention only on me. It didn’t enter my head that he was a grown man, I knew he wasn’t married, and he was so hot.

I started doing stupid shit to get his attention, like splits and turns that I knew were moving my top in just the right way to show off my tits. I’d banded them a little to help the girls with their routine, but I knew they were still spectacular.

When I realized that he was doing some looking of his own, that’s when I started plotting in my head. I’d only expected to have some fun with him, never once did I think that the strong pull I felt that day would lead to anything more than me losing my virginity and having some fun.

I mean, why shouldn’t I? I’d heard the girls whispering and giggling about him, they all had crushes but were too chicken shit to do anything about it. Then again they were all a year younger than me and Crystal had them all in fear of retribution if they did anything more than looked. Even that she had warned them to keep to a minimum or they won’t be invited back. Funny, she never once warned me off.

I hadn’t laid eyes on him until that day, but I’d heard plenty about him leading up to it. The talk was all about the hunky dad with the dreamy eyes and the hot bod. There were even some seniors who went by his construction sites to ogle him and not a few mothers who were vying to get into his bed.

None of that mattered to me when he made my pussy twitch. I just knew that he was going to be the man to take my cherry and good riddance. At least it wouldn’t be a green boy who’d knock me up first chance because he didn’t know what he was doing.

Of course Gabe and I had yet to use a condom or birth control of any kind and he knew I wasn’t on anything. Some days I was afraid of getting pregnant and some days I thought it was the best thing. Maybe then he won’t have a choice but to tell the world that he was mine.

My mind came back full circle and I bit into my nails as I made my way back to the main road that would take me back to school just a few short blocks away. Lately, even though it hadn’t been that long since we’d found each other, I was beginning to get depressed on these walks after.

I felt like he was putting someone else before me, even if that someone else was his daughter. Shouldn’t I deserve some of that same care and affection? After all I was just barely a year older than she was, and I was somebody’s daughter too ya know. Though my dad wouldn’t have given me a second’s thought if it were he.

I don’t have a grievance against his daughter or anything like that, that’s not what this is. But I was in love with him and to me it didn’t matter who didn’t like it, they should just get the hell over it already. It’s not like she’s five for heaven’s sake.

But there was no use getting upset over it. I always did and then the alternative left me deflated. I couldn’t imagine being without him now, and I was too afraid to push for fear of losing the only good thing to have ever happened in my stupid life. On the bright side it wasn’t all- bad.

All this sneaking around was fun in it own way I have to admit. I did enjoy the danger aspects of it, and I especially got a kick out of sneaking into his bed on those few occasions when Crystal had a sleepover.

I think she almost caught us last night when she came to the door though after I’d been so loud. Just thinking about the danger of it all was making me wet and the feel if his sperm running out of my pussy was making me light headed. But that was nothing new. It seems in the weeks since we’d met and I’d given him my virginity I was in a constant state of arousal. The man could get me going with just the sound of his voice.

He had fast become my addiction, my obsession, my everything. There was hardly a minute of any given day in the last few weeks that he wasn’t on my mind.

I could hardly sit still some days while class was going on, because I knew that in just a few short hours he was going to be pounding away at my pussy. I get a kick out of sitting there amongst my peers studying algebra and lab while soaking my panties at the thought of what was coming.

I think the fact that he wasn’t what he seemed had a lot to do with it too. Like the world saw him as this successful businessman, while I got to know the real man beneath the suits.

I wanted that man, all of him. Not just his cock that I’d grown addicted to. Not just his mouth on my pussy; making me feel so good I’d already fainted twice, but the whole package.

I wanted to wake up next to my man every morning and go to bed wrapped in his arms at night. The only time I felt safe anymore is when I was under him. Just being in the same room gives me a sense of security, because I know he truly loves me.

I’m sure most people would call me a fool, they’d probably say he was using me, but I know what I know and we’re in love. I only have to go by the way he kisses me when he thinks I’m asleep, or the promises her makes then. Or the way his body trembles under my hand. I won’t say I control him with my pussy, but I know he’s about as addicted to it as I am to his dick.

The nights were the worst. Not being with him then was about to drive me insane. Some nights I missed him so much I’d call him no matter what time it was and he’d sit up with me until I fell asleep on the line. He keeps telling me to wait so I will, I just hope it’s not much longer.


The bell was about to ring for last class of the day. Crystal was staying after class for practice, he hadn’t said yes to meeting up later but he hadn’t said no either, so I was tempted. As much as we had come to mean to each other though I was still a little wary of overstepping.

I wasn’t too fond of his belt or his hand on my ass, even though it was nothing like the whippings I used to get at home. No his whippings usually ended with a good hard fuck, and if he ever found out that I did half the shit I did just to feel the flat of his hand heating up my ass, they’d be hell to pay.

I have to say in three weeks I think we’ve run the gamut. I don’t know if it’s because of our unusual arrangement or not, but I do know some people can go a lifetime and not share half of what we already have.

Like the ass whipping and drilling in a public place. That shit wasn’t much fun in the beginning but by the end of the night I’d learned to appreciate his anger. Especially the next day when he was all tender with me while he fucked me blind on my lunch hour.

He’d more than made up for the number he’d done on my ass, not to mention the fact that he’d sent me home like a disobedient child. The thing is, here I was finally fighting against my parents and their idea of discipline, while totally giving in to Gabe’s.

I checked my phone to see if he’d sent me an answer about tonight but there was nothing. I felt a little deflated but I didn’t let that deter me, like I said, he hadn’t said no.

I don’t know what it is, but I live for those texts from him, telling me to meet him at his place for some afternoon delight, or just to come over because daddy needs his babygirl.

My panties get wet at the little ding because I know it’s him. We have the routine down pat, that’s why we haven’t been caught yet. That and the fact that his house was a little isolated and most of the people in his area were at work during the afternoon.

Crystal had no clue that I was fucking her dad, we never really talked about him, why would we? I was just the girl who was helping her with her tryouts. Though lately I don’t know, she seems to look at me different somehow, but that could just be me projecting I guess.

I was almost to his place to surprise him when I got his text telling me not to come. Those I hated. I stopped in my tracks and changed tack. Defeated once again. I read the message a second time and felt the anger pick up steam.

I knew I was angry and that my anger was never a good thing, it usually got my ass in trouble. But sometimes a girl had to do what a girl had to do. And when your older boyfriend told you he couldn’t see you because something came up involving his ex and their daughter, all kinds of alarm bells goes off in your head. At least they did in mine.

Everything I’d ever wanted in life I’d had to fight for, why should this be any different right? well I was tired of fucking fighting. It was about time somebody fought for me dammit.

If I didn’t know better I would think that Crystal was trying to sabotage my relationship, but why would she, I don’t even think she knows half the time. But here in the last few days she’s been acting kind of strange and now this.

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