Tryst (8 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Tryst
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“You gonna behave?” I nodded my head like a rag doll while he tried to tear through the lining of my ass. How could something so painful feel so good? “Nnnnnnngggggg…” I couldn’t help it, my poor ass was on fire but my pussy was like a never-ending stream all over his fingers, and when he bit into my neck, marking me once more, claiming me as his, it was too much.

Chapter 7




“Fuck, shit, Bri, wake up.” She was still impaled on my cock with my fingers stuffed in her pussy. This shit always scares the fuck outta me no matter that she’d done it more than once in the time we’d been together. That couldn’t be good could it?

Three times in as many weeks? I pulled her into my chest and laid on my side with her held close, my cock still buried inside her ass. A quick check showed that there was no tearing, no blood, so I breathed easy. “Come on baby, come back to me.”

She came to not long after while I was kissing all over the places I could reach on her neck and face. “You okay?” at her nod I started ass fucking her again, nice and slow this time as we laid on our sides. I lifted her leg so I could fuck into her and get at her pussy at the same time.

“Hold it there for me.” She held her leg in place so I could have my hands free to play inside her pussy at will. “You gonna run from me again?” She shook her head and bore down on my fingers while pushing her ass back hard on my cock.

It wasn’t long before I felt the telltale signs of my cum rising and I pulled out of her ass just before I started to shoot, turned her onto her back and sprayed her tits with cum.

She rubbed it into her flesh and even licked some off her fingers while her body writhed on her clothes. She was still in heat. I fell between her legs and growled into her pussy, letting my tongue clean her walls as she fucked herself to an orgasm that lifted her off the ground. My cock was rock hard again, but there was no way I was going inside her again before I cleaned up.

“Let’s go, you’re sleeping with me tonight.” Her spoilt ass was pleased as punch I could tell. She was getting her way, but at what expense? I’d called off the meeting with my ex and our daughter, putting it off for a later time, once I ascertained that it wasn’t life threatening or even remotely important.

Every once in a while Priscilla likes to flex her muscles. Even though she had never had any real interest in raising our daughter, she resented the fact that Crystal preferred me and had essentially ran off to come live with me

This has apparently been one of those times, only now it seemed like Crystal had been in on whatever it was. When Bri had pulled her little stunt I’d asked them point blank how important the meeting was and when neither of them could give me a valid answer I’d told them I had to run. It wasn’t about giving in to her it was about making sure that no one got hurt in this equation.

Crystal is my daughter; she’s got me, her fucked up mom, and both sets of grandparents as her safety net. There was no way I was ever going to let anything happen to my little girl as long as there was breath in my body. And then there was my little Bri, sweet as fuck, and fast becoming my everything. I wouldn’t hurt her for the world.

Bri and I hardly had any time together, only stolen moments here and there and mostly to fuck. I didn’t want her to ever think that that’s all she was to me that that’s all we are to each other. I took this girl’s virginity, and though she wasn’t my first virgin, she was the first one since I left high school and the only one that was so much younger than I.

I felt more than a cursory responsibility for her, like I said she was fast becoming the center of my universe and that wasn’t just paying lip service. When someone worms their way into your every thought you take notice. She was under my skin in a way that I knew that nothing and no one would get her out, and that’s exactly where I wanted her to stay.

I was also very aware of the shit that was going on in her life in the cesspit she called home. I needed to get her the fuck outta there as soon as possible, but before I did anything, I had to put out any fires before they started. There was no point in taking her out of the frying pan into the fire. I knew it was probably just a pipe dream believing that I could transition this shit without any blips, but I was gonna give it my best shot.

Whatever they were up to I wasn’t sure, but I’d ended up sending Crystal home with her mother for the night. Neither of them was too pleased and they were both surprised. I hate being manipulated and although they hadn’t got around to telling me what it was they were after, I left the situation thinking that it was something I wasn’t going to like.

I helped her up and got her back into her clothes before heading back to the car. “Call your parents and let them know you’re not going to be home.” I knew she always gave them the impression she was coming over to be with Crystal and that was another thing that was sticking in my craw.

Not that I thought they’d care one way or the other as long as she was out from under foot, but if they knew the truth then there was no way of keeping the shit contained until I was ready.

I never thought to be in this position ever. My life had been going along just fine. Marriage was never on my horizon, I’m a bachelor through and through; at least I was until this one shook her tits at me. I looked at her as we walked through the grass in the dawning moonlight, hand in hand. How my life had changed in the twinkling of an eye, because of this one little girl.

It was always going to be just me and my daughter and any grandkids she gave me when she grew up and got married. I wasn’t even remotely interested in settling down, and even with my teenage daughter in my care, pussy was never a problem.

Now my life had been turned upside down and she had fast become almost overnight, the most important thing in my world, and that right there, was part of the guilt that was holding me back.

Up until a month ago, my daughter was about the only thing I gave a shit about, now there was someone else sharing space in my heart and I know my little girl, she’s not gonna like it. And now I’ve come full circle, it’s like being on a merry go round with no off switch.

I buckled her in and stole another kiss before studying her sweet little face in the moonlight. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” The smile that bloomed across her face was worth it all. I clasped her behind the nape and studied her for the longest time, so fucking young.

“I’m going to make this okay, just trust me alright.” I kissed her forehead before releasing her and heading for my side of the car. Once settled I reached for her hand, kissed her fingers, and pulled out headed for home.


Shit went smooth for about a month and a half after that. I was slowly working on Crystal, trying to bring her around. I’m not sure how well that was working though, because my woman was still having to sneak into my bed, but we were making the most of it.

She was almost out of school and summer was going to be here before you know it. That was going to be another headache, how the fuck were we going to see each other? I knew that shit was going to be the deciding factor, because there was no way I was not going to see her for a whole summer, no fucking way.

She hadn’t pressured me to tell my daughter lately, in fact she seemed to have accepted her lot, and that too made me feel guilty. Every once in a while when I sat down and looked at the situation I felt like kicking myself in the ass.

I was beginning to think that I’d let shit go on this way for way too long. Like maybe I should’ve just said fuck it way back in the beginning, and let everyone know that she was mine. How had I fucked this up so badly? Always in the back of my mind though, was my daughter, the little girl I knew like the back of my hand.

Maybe I was partially to blame for her attachment to me, and maybe that’s bullshit. Aren’t all little girls supposed to cling to their dad and shit? So what if I had given my kid more of me than most people did? She needed it with a mother like that. Not to mention I was partly responsible for her unconventional beginnings.

I had a lot to make up for where she was concerned, again more guilt. I just know that every time I thought of her being hurt by this, I remember her little face telling me about her friends having a mommy and a daddy and why did she have to live with grandma and pop-pop? Granted that had been years ago and she had probably outgrown that shit, but I hadn’t, that’s the kind of shit that stays with you.

On the other hand I had a hot teenage girl that I was crazy about who was getting the shitty end of the stick. The fact that she hadn’t complained lately didn’t necessarily mean that she wasn’t still feeling like second best, and that’s why I was at the dealership getting her a new ride.

I should’ve done this a long time ago, she didn’t have a ride and was always either walking or hitching a ride with friends. The jeep I was gonna get her will raise some heads and more than a little bit of questions.

Everyone knew her family couldn’t afford something like this. I think I didn’t give a fuck anymore and maybe I wanted those questions so that I could finally get the fuck out from under this cloud of deceit. I wasn’t feeling very magnanimous anymore, though it was my own fucking doing.

All my life I’ve had to follow a certain guideline. My parents hadn’t beaten a dead horse, but I was never unaware of their disappointment in my teenage faux pas. They stepped up to the plate when they didn’t have to and that made all the other bullshit null and void as far as I am concerned, but it was never too far from my mind that I had to make up for what I’d done.

I think I’ve gone above and beyond to prove that I’m not a complete fuck up. I now have sole responsibility of my kid and have been doing a bang up job if I do say so myself. So why must I suffer guilt for wanting this one thing in my life? Was that too much to ask? To live freely, openly with the woman I love without anybody having a fucking mental break?

“Why are we here?” She held onto my hand as I approached the guy at the dealership. She’d been silent the whole time I was lost in my head. I squeezed her hand and kept silent, I wanted her to be truly surprised when she saw what I’d got for her.

I’d already chosen her Rover a few weeks ago and had been waiting for the call letting me know when they’d finished custom making it to my specifications. I’d chosen her favorite color, cherry red, with snow-white interiors, and the plates simply said, MINE.

I watched her reaction when she first saw it; it was priceless. I felt the tremble in her arm that ran through her whole body before she turned to me and broke down in tears with her face in my chest. “Give us a minute would you?” I asked the sales guy over her head so I could tend to her.

“Here now what’s this? Look at me baby.” She refused to lift her head so I just held her there while she cried what I hoped were tears of joy. When it seemed like she was winding down I lifted her head so I could see into her eyes.

“Happy?” She nodded and I wiped her tears away. “You love me, you really love me.” She seemed really befuddled by that which I didn’t quite understand. What the hell is wrong with women anyway?

“Because of a jeep? Not because of the one hundred times I’ve said it to you in the last few weeks.” I shook my head and led her to the driver’s side door. “Hop in, take it for a spin.” She squealed and hugged my neck tight enough to break it before releasing me.

I got the keys from the guy and since the shit was already paid for he had no issues with us taking it out for a test drive. “It’s all yours baby let’s go.” I couldn’t keep the stupid grin off my face; her exuberance was catching, plus the fact that I felt like I had finally done something right for a change.

Things were going great, she was asking me a thousand things about her car when suddenly she stopped and turned to me at a red light. “What color did you get Crystal?”

“She got a different kind of car, this one was your favorite so…” I stopped talking when I saw the look on her face. It was as though someone had come along and let all the air out her tires or some shit and I was left wondering what the fuck had just happened.

“What is it” I knew it was ‘something’ because her face looked like a fucking thundercloud. When she folded her arms and pouted like a damn brat I knew I was in for it. “I don’t want it.” What the fuck?




I knew it, I knew it was too good to be true, everything he does for me he has to do for her and he can’t ever see where that shit is just wrong. Why can’t I have something for myself, something that’s just about me? He got me a bracelet a couple weeks ago; in fact it was right after that night that I’d disappeared on his ass. He made me swear not to take it off, and I felt so special, until I saw his damn daughter in almost the same one.

It wasn’t, not really but the fact still remained, he got me one so he had to get her one too. Don’t ask me why this shit burns my ass, it’s not like I’m jealous of her or their relationship, at least I don’t think I am. But it feels more and more like everything in my life hinders on her and what she’s gonna do think or feel. Fuck that, I don’t want the stupid jeep or his stupid dick anymore.

I could feel myself slipping into that danger zone, the same one that had got me the fucking of my life a few weeks ago in the damn dirt, but this is bullshit. Things have been going so well here lately. We were closer than ever before, even our afternoon trysts were more intense and more and more he was doing everything to prove to me that I was more than just a cheap lay.

Like flowers when I wasn’t expecting any, and little gifts that I had to keep hidden from the rest of my household because they were fucking thieves. I loved the little trinkets and stuff, but nothing made my heart sing like it does when he showers me with his whole attention.

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