Tryst (13 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Tryst
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Chapter 12




Gabe’s been so sweet these last couple of weeks that it was hard for me to even remember all that had come before. My siblings had settled in really nice here and I was pleasantly surprised at the way Crystal was being with them, especially the girls.

We were getting back to the way things once were between us her and I, especially after my brother let slip how bad my father had beaten me up after her phone call. She suffered a lot of guilt over that and I’d had to spend some time convincing her that all was forgiven. Her father on the other hand was not so easy on her and I ended up having to call him off, sheesh.

But that’s not what’s bothering me now as he enjoyed his favorite pastime. The kids were out of the house. I think Gabe had treated them all to a movie so we could have some alone time. Not that we didn’t have all the space we needed, the place was huge. But every once in a while he wanted me all to himself.

He was between my legs with his head buried there as his tongue did amazing things to me. My hands were buried in his hair as I egged him on, but my mind was full of worry. Still, who could resist that tongue?

I’m not too sure how he’s going to handle what I have to tell him before the others get back. I wish there was a way to hold out for a little bit longer, but lately he busts a gasket if I hold anything back from him. He’d made me promise not to keep secrets from him, and as much as I hated to do this to him after all that he’d already done, bringing my siblings here, I don’t have much of a choice. I missed my period.





Something’s fucking with her I can tell. I’m lying here between her thighs trying to get her to do her squirting trick and I’m close, but I know when something’s wrong with my woman.

The last few weeks have been beyond compare. We’ve bonded together as a family without any real hiccups. There was nothing I could think of that should be making her miserable, but she was.

I gave her pussy one last lick and nipped her thigh before moving up beside her. I played in her pussy with my fingers because I knew she hadn’t gotten off as yet and she can get rather cranky when that shit happens, but I needed to know what was going on inside her head. So a face to face was in order.

“Talk to me babygirl what’s on your mind?” She turned eyes to me with just enough of a hint of fear in them to have me worried. “What?” I stopped moving my fingers and pulled her into me with my other hand.

“I think…please don’t be mad daddy.” She burst into tears and my heart tripped. What the fuck was going on? I pushed her head back so I could look into her eyes. “What’s hurting you baby talk to me. We had a deal remember?”

“I didn’t mean to do it I promise, I think it just happened. I mean we never used protection or anything and…” I was trying to keep up with her ramblings and it was finally starting to dawn on me. I hadn’t thought of my vision or whatever you want to call it in ages, but I think in the back of my mind I always knew.

“Are you…?” I couldn’t say another word, my chest was too full of emotion, but my hand spoke for me. It came up and over her tummy and held her there. The biggest fucking grin broke out across my face and I kissed her like our lives depended on it.

“Oh babygirl, you should’ve seen your face. What did you expect me to do huh? And better yet, what did you expect to happen if you kept letting me fuck you raw?” I tried stealing more kisses but she got feisty.

I laughed hard and long as she pummeled my chest. “It’s not funny Gabriel you knocked me up.” My poor little babygirl. I had to calm down though because she seemed genuinely concerned.

“I know baby it’s ok, there’s nothing for you to worry about. It’s nothing like your parents or when I got Crystal’s mom pregnant. This baby is gonna have everything and then some. Look at me, do you love me?” She nodded her head as I slipped between her thighs. “Then trust me everything’s going to be perfect. Now let’s fuck, I wanna feel your pussy around me while my son is in you.”

I slipped into her softer, gentler than I ever had before. “Keep your eyes on mine, I wanna see you, I want you to see me while I’m loving you.” I loved her slow and deep even though her sweet pussy teased me to fuck harder. Not with my kid in her.

At least that’s what I told myself until she tilted her pussy up and dug her nails and heels into me. She was in rare form as she used her pussy muscles to control my cock. “Shit!” I still put up the good fight, fucking into her nice and slow, making sure to catch her clit with my every deep stroke into her upturned cunt.

She slid on and off my pole leaving her pussy juice behind, making it easier for me to stretch her pussy with my cock that seemed to be more than a little happy with the news of her pregnancy, because he was harder than he’d ever been.

The little sneak bit my nipple right over my tattoo and made my cock do handsprings in her pussy before I lifted up and planted my hands in the bed next to her head. “You sure you want me like this? I don’t know if you can take it babygirl, he’s more than a little bit hungry.”


I slammed into her to give her a taste of what she had in store if she kept her shit up, but she just spread her legs wider and took me with her nails biting into my ass. “Fuck me fuck me fuck me.” She took up a chant that went straight to my cock, who was only too happy to oblige.

“Don’t hurt my son with your shit.” I tried calming her down but she was in a frenzy all of a sudden, her pussy hot, her tits pressing into me, begging to be suckled. I took first one then the other between my teeth and bit, licked, and sucked. She went crazy and my cock enjoyed every second of it.

“Hold on baby, shh, shh, come ‘ere.” I pulled her up into me as my cock took long deep dips into her pussy. She wrapped her little legs around me, her body completely covered by mine and she clung on like a limpet as I fucked her hard.

“Fuck your babygirl daddy make my pussy hot.” I had to cover her mouth with mine because she was making me lose my shit. The kiss was hot and hungry as I lifted her ass in my hands, pulling her pussy tighter against my cock. “My son’s in you, that’s the hottest fucking thing in the world.” And it was.



“Tell me you want me to breed you again, say it.”  “I want you to breed me again daddy, fuck my hot pussy and put a baby in me.” That’s my girl. Ever since we had the twins I’ve become obsessed. We had one more boy exactly a year after the twins and now we were working on his playmate.

Her tits were full of milk as they bounced on her chest from my pounding, and they were already leaking, waiting for my mouth. The kids were down for their naps, and the doctor had given the all clear while I was sitting there in her office with my wife this morning.

We had made it home, got the rugrats their lunch and put their nosy little asses to bed. Of course I’d taken the day off that went without saying. Two and a half months without pussy was fucking torture and though she liked to service me with her mouth and ass, nothing beat the pink gash.

The others were in school, it was barely eleven o’clock and with afterschool shit, I had a good seven hours to fuck. I can do a lot of damage in seven hours and I planned to.

“Keep your legs up baby daddy’s gonna fuck you deep.” I wasn’t kidding about breeding her, there’s something about her having my kid in her that flips my switch, and she’s had me gone since before the first pregnancy so you could imagine.

I licked a bead of fresh mother’s milk from her nipple before pulling it into my mouth to feed. Her pussy clutched around my cock and refused to let go. I had to fuck through her tight muscles to get my shit moving.

Her body was still soft from the baby, her ass filled my hands and my dick couldn’t be happier. “You make me crazy.” I was gentle with her, because I like to make my babies like that. Who the fuck knows when she does catch? but when I’m actively trying, I like to make love to her.

I held her hair back and kissed her little face all over as I ground my cock into her pussy. I love you sweet babygirl, your daddy loves you.” Her pussy juiced at my words and she drew me in closer.

You’d think that after three and a half years and three kids that I’d grow a little tired of the pussy but it was quite the opposite. The shit was like fine wine; it got better with age.

Her body had changed too. Her once compact cheerleader’s body was even more magnificent. After two pregnancies she was softer, curvier. And though she’d had a rough time accepting the five extra pounds that were all in her ass after the twins were born, I was able to convince her that that shit was phenomenal. Now she waves it at me every fucking chance she gets.

But nothing beats when she’s like in her sixth month and beyond. I don’t know if it’s the obvious evidence that I’d been there and my seed had taken root for all the world to see, or the way her tits get larger. I just know that all she has to do is walk into a room and my dick gets hard.

There was a time when the kids avoided our side of the house because as they put it we were being gross. Crystal and Dean, that’s the brother, were really good at reading the signs and getting the other two out of the way. Speaking of Crystal, she spoils the shit out of her three little brothers and they adore her.

The two oldest were already in college but for some fucked up reason we’d made things so great at home, that nobody wanted to leave. They were going local. Bri and I had adopted her siblings, making us the proud parents of seven kids, she’s twenty-one, don’t ask. We haven’t seen nor heard from her parents, well not intentionally anyway.

We’ve ran into them on occasion here and there, but my kids don’t have anything to do with them and since they don’t seem to want to change I’m not about to force them. The kids are flourishing and happy and that makes Bri happy so that’s all the fuck I care about.

Now we’re working on another little girl, though the thought does scare the fuck outta me. The only reason I was even contemplating the shit is because I’d seen her, last night in a dream. She’d come to me, the most beautiful little replica of her mama. I can’t wait to meet her.

“I want a sweet little girl this time, just like her mama.” I kissed her eyelids, her lips, her cheeks, before lowering my head to her tits and nursing. She came around my cock, setting off my own jet of cum deep inside her. But even after that I still wasn’t done with her yet. I’ll never be done with her.


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