Tryst (11 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Tryst
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I walked over and hugged her and kissed her head, hoping that she understood. “I love you baby.”

“No you don’t you don’t care…” She started crying again but I couldn’t let that stop me this time. Instead it made me wonder about Brianna, how many tears had she shed over me?

“If that’s the way you feel I’m sorry to hear it.” I started to walk away but her next words stopped me cold.

“I’m glad her father beat the shit out of her for being a slut.”

I turned and looked back at her as my blood turned to ice in my veins. “What did you say?” For the first time in her life she looked at me with uncertainty, but there was still enough venom left in her to make her finish.

“I told him, in fact I told everyone what a little slut she is.” She was crying and hurt and so sad, and I dreaded what I had done to her by dragging this shit out. “If you no longer wish to live here I understand, but I’m going to get Brianna and bring her home.” I turned away heartsick. I had just seen so much of her mother in her it was scary. I’d created a fucking monster with my bullshit.

Chapter 10




Her father had hit her. That’s the one thing that kept going through my head as I got dressed. He hadn’t done it in a while she’d said, when she finally broke down and told me about her home life. I knew her parents, we were about the same age, had gone to the same school.

Their situation was a bit like mine and Priscilla’s only they didn’t have the loving parents to step in and take the burden off their shoulders. That in no way excused his treatment of his wife or his family though.

I couldn’t wait to get to her now. I didn’t even call ahead first, just left the house and drove away. I see now where I had gone wrong. I should never have given my daughter any kind of power over my love life, should never have even involved her in the equation even though it was all in my mind.

She was old enough that she should understand falling in love, and if her problem was with the fact that Bri was her age, then there was nothing I could do about that. I wasn’t some dirty old man out to get his rocks off, this was the woman I’d fallen in love with. The heart knows what it wants and mine wanted her, only her.

I went to her house, the little rundown cottage that could do with a good overhaul, and walked right in. She was sitting at the kitchen table with the asshole, looking miserable. Her eyes flew to mine when I walked in. “Come.” I pulled her up from the seat without a word to anyone else in the room.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

“You might want to step the fuck back outta my face drunken ass. And the next time you put hands on her I’ll chop your arm off at the fucking elbow.” He had the good sense to read the danger warnings in my eyes.

I was suddenly more pissed than I’d ever been. Pissed at him, Crystal, myself, mostly myself. She snatched up a little purse from the side table next to the door as I pulled her along behind me.

“Gabe wait, I have to get my stuff.” She said it with a question in her eyes, I understood. “No you don’t, whatever you need from now on I’ll get. We’ll come back for the jeep later.” I took her to my car and strapped her in, ignoring the drama unfolding in the house behind me. “Say goodbye baby, you’re never coming back here again.” She broke into tears.

I held her little hand in mine all the way home, just grateful that she was here and whole and still mine. I wasn’t expecting to see Priscilla’s car parked in my driveway, but I guess I should’ve. We’d both done a great job of teaching our daughter how to manipulate others to get what she wanted.

Bri looked at me with fear in her eyes and I felt that shit in my guts. I’d done this, instead of being the rock she deserved, the man who stood behind her in all things, I’d been a fucking asshole who’d left her open to ridicule from my own daughter and her father’s hand. Luckily for him there were no marks on her that I could see or I’d have skinned his ass alive.

“Look at me babygirl. I just went into your father’s house and took you out. Do you know what that means? It means that from now on you’re mine. Mine to keep, to cherish to spoil, just mine in every sense of the word. I’m going to tell you what I told my daughter. I love you, the love I have for you cannot be broken. I love my daughter, that’s never gonna change, and I hope that one day you two can get past this and be friends again. But if you can’t, you and me, we’re in this for the long haul. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

It seemed like all she could do was cry and nod her head, but that was okay I could do the rest. I’d wanted to take her in there and get her settled before tackling Crystal but it looked like once again shit was taken out of my hands. “Just follow my lead in there baby, and remember no matter what’s said, at the end of the night you’re in my bed under me.” That seemed to be enough for her and I climbed out and went around to get her.

I kept her hand in mine and her body well shielded behind me when we walked into the house. They were both in the kitchen looking ready for battle. “We need to talk Gabriel it’s best you send your little girlfriend away this is a family matter.” Priscilla had once again lost her fucking mind. Bri’s hand trembled slightly in mine, but I squeezed it reassuringly and she settled down some.

“First, what the fuck are you doing in my house? I don’t recall inviting you, and second, as my fiancé she has more right to be here than you do.” Fucking A they wanted to push my buttons, well let’s see how well they liked it when I pushed the fuck back.

There were a lot of indrawn breaths including the girl behind me, and I saw mother and daughter zero in on her finger. Thank fuck I had her ring upstairs in the safe already.

“Well, this whole thing has upset our daughter and I think you can agree that after the rough start she had…” Priscilla was gearing up for battle and I could tell from her first volley that they had decided to play hardball. Too bad for both of them that shit had grown old, and I’d had the past three days to get my shit together. This shit was not going to end the way they expected, I’d see to it.

“What rough start, what the fuck are you talking about? We got pregnant when we were young, our parents stepped in, she’s never wanted for anything in her life, please explain to me when the fuck our daughter suffered this great injustice that justifies her being what she’s become.”

“Dad…” Hurt, she was hurt and pissed but I think the latter more so than the former. “Listen sweetheart, I love you, you’re my kid, but you cannot and will not tell me who to love. I put her through enough hell while trying to figure out the best way to tell you about us. Sorry you’re hurt by this but Brianna is the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.”

My daughter screamed like I’d punched her in the gut while her mother sneered at me. “Woman? She’s barely a child, what kind of sick relationship are you two having? I mean what can you two possibly have to discuss with each other?”

“You were younger than she is when you had Brianna remember, as to what we discuss that’s none of you fucking business. I repeat what the fuck are you doing here?” Now I was beyond pissed because this was all bullshit. I’d done everything right to make up for my mistakes, not that I would ever see my kid as such. But I had spent the last ten years or so trying to make up for not being there from the beginning.

I’d busted my ass to make sure that I could give her a good life, like the one my parents had given me. Didn’t I deserve some fucking happiness? I’m fucked if I was gonna plead with anyone for that shit. My daughter I’m sorry to say had shown that she didn’t give a fuck about me, sad to say but it’s true.

In the three days we’d been sequestered here together, she’d thought only of herself and what my being with Brianna would do to her, like what the fuck? But it was the fact that she had called Bri’s dad knowing that he was an abusive asshole that was making it easy for me to stand here and watch her cry without going to her. Plus I was pretty sure she was pulling one of her mom’s old tricks.

“I hate you, if she moves in here I’m leaving.” How does a father deal with that shit? I know my kid isn’t all bad, I’ve seen some good in her over the years. At the end of the day though, she’s gonna do what…what the fuck?

“No you’re not. You’re staying your ass here because nobody on this fucking earth loves you more than I do I don’t give a fuck what this bitch says. You take one step out this fucking house it will be your ass.”

“Dad.” Uh-huh. I saw the little smile that she wrestled back into place. Well fuck; if I’d known that that’s all it takes I would’ve done this shit a long time ago.

“How many times must I tell you pumpkin, you’re my kid, I love the hell out of you and if you don’t know this by now then you’re not the smart little jellybean I know and love.” Fuck, I can play hardball too. Those were all the names I used to call her when she was a sweet little doll who didn’t give her dad an ounce of trouble.

“But dad…” I could tell she was weakening and wasn’t sure what exactly had brought this about now, but I wasn’t going to question it.

“No buts kiddo, you’re old enough to understand certain things. The fact that I spent so much time thinking about how best to break this to you should tell you how much you mean to me, but I can’t keep hurting Brianna like this, I won’t and you’re not going anywhere.”

She didn’t say anything as her eyes flashed to Brianna and moved quickly away again. Okay, that was going to take some time but at least no one was reaching for the butcher block.

“Now Priscilla I suggest you leave, the three of us have shit to discuss and since you don’t live here I don’t see the need for you to be here, scram.” She puffed up like a damn peacock with ruffled feathers but who gave a fuck?

“It’s okay mom, I’ll be fine.” I think for the first time I actually saw a motherly look on Priscilla’s face. It didn’t last long but it had been there nonetheless. Will wonders never cease?

I didn’t bother seeing her out she knew the way. I waited until I heard her car pulling away down the drive before releasing my breath. She can turn shit on its head within the blink of an eye. If there’s shit to be done, it was always best to keep her negative ass out of the equation.

“Now, Crystal my beautiful daughter, I’d like you to meet Brianna the girl I’m going to marry. I know you’re mad right now, and I wish there was a way to get beyond that, but you’re gonna have to work through it on your own. Just know that I’m here and I’m your dad and I love you and I’m always gonna love you pumpkin.”

She still had that fuck you look about her, but what did I expect? She got that shit from me. “I don’t know dad, I’m still mad at both of you for lying to me and for…well, dad she’s my age, gross.”

“If you fell in love with someone older, would you want me to love you less for it?”

“Dad…” She blushed and looked away from me. What the fuck? “Hey what was that look?”

“What look dad?” Still blushing and now looking guilty as shit to boot.

“The one you just had on your face. What’s that?”

“It’s nothing dad.” It’s something alright.

“Are you dating somebody, who is it?” I’m gonna skin the little punk whoever he is for messing around with my kid.

“Gabriel really?” This one was rolling her eyes at me and shit. “No I wanna know.”

“Leave her alone Gabriel.” What the fuck? Two minutes ago they were mortal enemies and now what? What the fuck is wrong with females anyway?”

The two of them kind of met in the middle of the room and the fucking whispering and giggling started. I was disgusted to say the fucking least, after all the shit they’d put me through this was it? I stomped out of the room still thinking about who the fuck in this town thought he was good enough to date my daughter. I’ll have the little fuck’s nuts in a vise if I ever found out.

They got to talking while I left them alone, but stayed close enough in case there were any gunshots fired. When I heard Crystal jokingly say ‘as long as you don’t expect me to call you mom’ I knew we were going to be fine.

Crystal decided she needed to go hang with her girlfriends but I think she was trying to give us space and though I appreciated it, I didn’t want her thinking she had to do that shit. “Cryssie this is your home, you don’t ever have to leave if you don’t want to.”

“I know dad but I’ve been cooped up here with you forever and I haven’t seen my friends. Besides you guys haven’t seen in each other in a while right?” She was still doing her territorial thing, making sure that the last three days had been hers. I was glad I could give her that.

“Yeah it’s been a while.” Funnily enough I wasn’t in an all fired hurry to jump in Brianna’s pussy, which was a minor miracle. You’d think after being without her for so long that that would be the first thing on my mind, but it wasn’t. I just wanted to hold her and reassure myself that she was here and that we’d weathered the storm.



I lied. As soon as my daughter’s headlights headed down the driveway I was on her. I didn’t even take the time to undress her or myself, just unzipped, pushed her skirt up and out of the way, moved her panty crotch to the side and slid my cockhead in her.

“Fuck I missed you.” I kissed her mouth like I was dying for her taste, which wasn’t far from the truth. The kiss helped to make her wet since she wasn’t really prepared to take my cock. I nibbled her lips and made fucking motions into her going in inch by inch.

“I’m gonna do you hard this first time baby, then we’ll take it slow.” She nodded against my chest as I raised her legs and wrapped them around my humping ass. I tore her shirt with my teeth and fell on her tits ravenously. With each suck of her nipple into my mouth her pussy got wetter and wetter and my dick slipped in deeper.

By the time I was halfway in her I was fucking her into the couch hard. She didn’t complain thank fuck because I wasn’t going to stop, I needed this shit. “You miss me?” she nodded her head and threw it back as she arched beneath me. “Say it, tell me you missed me.”

“I missed you daddy, fuck me.” Oh yeah that’s my girl. We may have taken a break but she was still all mine. I buried my face in her neck going after my spot. When I found it she jerked and twitched and I pulled out of her pussy fast enough to cover it with my mouth as she squirted. I could barely swallow that shit fast enough, but as soon as she was done I fucked back into her.

“Again, I want more, we’ll do this all fucking day.” I had a lot to make up for after all. She clung onto me like she was trying to burrow into my body and make us one. I had to calm her when she started crying because her emotions were overwhelming her.

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