Tryst (7 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Tryst
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Last I heard she had cheerleader practice, something she would never miss in a thousand years. And since when did Gabe meet with his ex? as far as I knew they couldn’t stand each other. Not that he’d ever discussed her with me, I’d heard it all from Crystal before daddy and I became a thing.

I calmed down enough to send him back a heated reply. He knew how I felt about our stolen moments, knew what life was like for me at home and that the only happiness I had was our times together. If he was going to fuck me over for his little family then he could go fuck himself. And that’s exactly what I told him too.

When my phone rang two seconds later I let it go to voicemail. I’m sure he was going to be pissed, but he’s a big boy, he’d get over it. As far as I was concerned he had a choice to make and he was making it pretty clear where his heart laid.

I’d seen my mom settle for too long to get myself caught in that rut. If Gabriel Darcy wanted me then he was gonna have to work for it. Just because I’d fallen into his bed one week after we met did not make me easy.

I turned my phone off for spite the second time he called, even though it almost killed me to do it. I didn’t go home either, instead I headed for the local hangout where the kids usually went at night. There weren’t that many people around this early in the evening but I could use the solitude, I needed time to think.

Putting things in perspective wasn’t really that easy when you only had one choice. I was so in love with the idiot it was stupid, and I couldn’t see walking away no matter how much he pissed me off. But maybe this way I could get some of my own back.

I didn’t stop to think about his anger because I didn’t care. He’d chosen them over me and I was so done. I fought back stupid tears as I sat there mulling over the situation and coming up with no answers. He held all the cards, once again I was getting the short end of the stick.

By the time I was ready to go people were showing up. I turned my phone on and was blasted by his first voicemail. “Call me back this instant or you won’t sit for a week, you’re being unreasonable Brianna and you know it, fuck…” He hung up and I looked down at the screen; that had been an hour ago. “Oh shit.”

I wasn’t feeling so brave anymore as I made my way home on foot. I kept looking over my shoulder expecting him to jump out at me any second. Gabriel is a bit volatile when riled and the tone of that message said he was beyond pissed.

I was so lost in thought of what he might do to me that I didn’t see him approach. I opened my mouth to scream when the hand grabbed my arm until I smelt him.

“One fucking sound outta you and you’ll regret it.” Oh he was pissed, well too damn bad, so was I. Now that he was here I wasn’t so afraid of what he’d do anymore, I was too pissed at him to care anymore.

He dragged me to his car right there in the open just a little ways down from my house. No one was about, but who knows who was looking out their window. I didn’t have time to enjoy the fact that he had come after me, as soon as he got in the car after buckling me in and slamming the door, he went off.

“Where the fuck have you been?” I folded my arms and looked straight ahead. If he wanted to know where I was then he should’ve been with me. “Brianna I asked you a question look at me little girl and don’t fuck with me. I’ve been sitting outside your fucking house for an hour.”

Good, if he was here then he wasn’t with them. I don’t care how selfish that makes me he was supposed to be mine. “Did you hear me?” I turned eyes of venom his way even though I wasn’t really that mad anymore. He’d come after me, he’d really come after me and if I played my cards right there might be a good hard fuck in this for me. I needed one, needed that connection, that reassurance I guess.

“Oh you wanna play, fine.” I didn’t know where the hell he was going when he sped off and I didn’t really care, we were together and I had won. I felt a little bad about the way I’d done things but why shouldn’t I come first for once in my life?

He drove out of town so I knew we weren’t going to his house. That stung a little but I guess I should celebrate my mini victory and not push too hard too fast. It had only been a few weeks after all, but so much had been promised in that time, so many dreams weaved even if they’d been left unspoken.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Don’t you say one word to me you spoilt little bitch, you’ll see where we’re going soon enough.” I didn’t have long to wait before he was pulling off onto this dirt road that led to nothing but overgrown fields. I don’t think anyone even came here anymore, but it was the in place when my folks were younger.

“Get out.” He growled the words at me before slamming out of his side of the car. Well excuse me, grouchy much? I stepped down and waited for the explosion. The crazy one was stomping through the brush grabbing at his jet-black hair and mumbling obscenities.

When he was rational again he came back to where I was standing next to the car out of the eye of the storm. “Where were you?” I’m guessing he though that was his calm voice but the steam coming off of him was a testament to the fact that he was about to blow his gasket.

“Nowhere.” I was in the right mood for his ass let him see how that shit…oh shit. I found myself backed up against the side of the car with his body pressed into mine causing me to lean back. “Do you think I’m playing with you? You think I’m one of those fucking little boys in your class? I said, where…the fuck…were…YOU?” He actually reached down beneath my skirt and tore my panties off before sniffing them. I was almost lost for words.

“I went by the old lookout spot.” I’m dumb but not that dumb, what I was about to get might be more than the spanking I’d bargained for, he was beyond pissed. “Who with?” Damn I thought answering was supposed to make him ease the hell up. Instead he seemed to be taking that shit up a notch. “No one I promise. I just went there to have some time alone to think.”

“What the fuck was there to think about? I told you I was meeting with Priscilla and Crystal, which means it had something to do with my fucking kid, and what the fuck do you do? You pull this shit, you know what? maybe you’re not ready for me or this, maybe you’re too fucking young to be thinking about real relationships.”

It scared me more when he moved away than it did when he was leaning over me so threateningly. “Daddy I’m sorry…” I tried making a grab for him bit he moved out of the way, sending the knife deeper into my heart.

“That’s just it, you’re always sorry, until the next time you don’t get your way and you act like a fucking spoilt brat again. This is not fucking high school I’m a grown fucking man with a kid and other responsibilities. I’ve known you for a grand total of one month and yet in that time I’ve put you before everyone else. Every time I take you to my bed I run the risk of fucking up my relationship with my daughter. I asked you for time, what the fuck is so hard about that?”

Damn now that he put it that way I really sounded like a selfish hag. I was scared out of my mind at the way he seemed so final in his speech. “Please don’t leave me.” The words came out like a croaked whisper, barely making it past the lump in my throat.

He stopped midstride and turned those eyes that had the power to make me melt my way. I saw his body relax with his next breath and he hung his head for the longest minute of my life before looking up at me again. “Come here.” I never moved so fast in my damn life as I did then.

“I’m sorry daddy.” I clutched at him as his arms came around me and he buried his nose in my neck. “I missed you baby, I didn’t want to miss our night together any more than you did, but sometimes shit comes up and I know you’re young but if you’re gonna fuck with me that’s something you’re gonna have to get used to. I’m not gonna stop taking care of my daughter just because you’re in my life, you’re gonna have to learn to accept that because it’s never gonna change.

Doesn’t mean I’m choosing her over you, just means you two fit into two different compartments. I won’t hurt you for her, and I won’t hurt her to please you. I know my kid, I know what she can handle and as much as I have come to feel for you, I can’t see hurting her over this. Just let me work it my way. I promise you no one is going to keep us apart, but if I don’t handle this the right way it’ll do more damage than good. Tell me you understand.”

I was trying I really was, but all I heard was that once again I was second best. He squeezed me when I didn’t answer him fast enough. “I’m trying.” He didn’t say anything for the longest time and I held my breath until he lifted my face to look into my eyes. With my head held tenderly in his hands he lowered his lips to my forehead. “We’ll be fine I promise. Now you have to take care of this.” He took my hand and pressed it into his hard cock behind the fly of his jeans. Just that fast I was hot for him. I wanted him inside me like yesterday.

I didn’t object when he took me down to the soft grass beneath him with his mouth covering mine greedily. “Don’t ever disappear from me again, I don’t like it. I thought I would go out of my mind sitting there waiting for you baby.” His hands were making small work of my clothes as he spoke softly to me.

When I was naked he spread my clothes out beneath me before pulling his shirt off over his head to place beneath my head. As soon as that tattoo came into view I was up and on him with my lips around his nipple. I licked his flesh as he held my head in place.

I was suddenly ravenous for him. That split second when I believed there was a chance he might leave me needed to be erased from my mind. “Wait babygirl.” He tried stopping me when my hands got a bit too rough going after his zipper.

I guess he was afraid I would hurt his big hard cock in my haste, but there was no way I would ever be that careless with what’s mine. “No.” He grinned and his hand came down to help me when I growled in frustration. “Here, is this what you’re looking for?”

His cock came into view hard and already leaking. My eyes went to half slits as I inhaled his scent before sticking my tongue out for my first taste. “Ummm, so good.” I looked up at him with a happy grin before taking his cockhead into my mouth sucking like I was about to suck every last seed from his balls.

“Damn baby, fuck.” His hand grabbed the sides of my head as he started to face fuck me. I laughed around his cock as I looked up into his eyes, which softened as his hands softened to smooth my hair. “I love you.” I almost choked at the words spoken so matter-of-factly.

“Fuck baby, take it easy.” I looked up at him befuddled with his cock bobbing in front of my face, a long string of pre-cum hanging from my lip and leading back to his cock slit. He’d never said the words, not like this, not ever that I could remember.

Three weeks; I swallowed around the lump in my throat and went back to making love to my favorite organ. I didn’t need to repeat the words to him I’d screamed them at him enough while he was fucking away at me, but this, this was huge.

I tried to show him my appreciation by doing everything he’d shown me, all the ways he liked for me to pleasure him with my lips and tongue. I fondled his nuts in one hand while using the other to keep my pussy happy as I fed on his cock like a newborn calf.

His hand in my head holding me in place was soon pulling me in closer to his body until his monster cock was stretching my face on its way to my throat. I didn’t care how much my face hurt tonight I was going to make it up to my daddy for being a pain.

“Daddy wants to fuck babygirl, this brush might be too harsh for your skin, on your knees.” I was only too happy to get into place though I hated giving up the cock for as long as it took for him to get into position.

He was soon behind me though and when I felt his mouth on my pussy and his fingers in my ass I knew I was in for a treat. “Ohhh yeah daddy, play in my ass.” He ate my pussy like it was going off the menu any day now and I loved it. “I want your cock, please fuck me.” I was surprised I could string so many words together.

There was something crazy going on inside of me. Maybe the threat of his leaving, I don’t know, but I needed him like I needed air. “Soon babygirl let daddy eat.”

“No daddy now.” I got a smack on my ass and he did what he wanted anyway.

I came twice on his tongue and once with his fingers before he slid the dick home and sent me into ecstasy. “I love it, fuck me hard daddy.” I pounded the ground as his cock filled me to overflowing.

I always had a problem taking his meat all at once, but tonight I wanted it to hurt, I love that little extra burn sometimes. I like walking around afterwards still feeling him between my thighs.

“I still need to teach you a lesson for today, I won’t put up with such behavior Bri.” Shit, the words were barely past his lips before he was driving his cock into me over and over again. “Daddy…” I started my whining plea right away but he wasn’t listening to shit I had to say.

I had to dig my nails into the dirt to keep from being fucked into the ground. He growled something at me just before he pulled out and went into my ass. I didn’t scream, there are no words in any spoken language for the sound that came out of my lungs just then.

There was a burning sensation in my ass and I expected to feel it tear any second but somehow he got his cock to fit without destroying me. Still, I felt like I were being slit in two and his dick felt twice as big as it did in my pussy.

When I could talk again it was too late. By then he had reached around and shoved two large fingers inside me to the hilt and had his thumb on my clit. Sensory overload. I had a burning ass and a singing pussy.

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