Tryst (9 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Tryst
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Those days or rare nights when it’s just him and I, the way he looks at me, touches me, talks to me. I wish I could bottle them up for times like this when I want to bash him in his stupid man face.

“Brianna the light’s changing move.” I folded my arms and looked straight ahead. I was so hurt I could cry, but the funny thing is, I had no idea why. Was it because he didn’t get it, didn’t get why I felt this way, and I had the feeling he never would? Was it because I loved him so much that I hurt, but he could never think of me without thinking of her?

I felt like a shit for that last thought, but there you have it. He sighed loud and hard before climbing out of his side and moving around to mine. People were already starting to blow their horns and the look on his face when he opened my door did not bode well. I forgot how pissy he could get when his every command wasn’t obeyed. Tough.

“Move over. I said scoot your ass over before some asshole sideswipes my ass.” Oh yeah, that. I scooted over to the passenger side and tried not to show any fear at his gruff attitude. It had been a while since I’d seen him anything but happy or horny, how soon we forget. Still, this shit has got to stop. How does he expect me to feel when he does shit like this? “Exactly what is your problem now?” I rolled my eyes at his stupid ass question.

“Don’t be so fucking dense.” Ooh, shit, if looks could kill. He turned a beauty of a glare my way and had me stumbling in my thoughts. “What did you say to me?” There was a line of red climbing up his neck and that tic in his cheek was going into overdrive.

Still the little monkey on my shoulder would not let me back down, each time I did we only ended up back here. I was sick and tired of the bullshit and he could take his jeep and shove it up his ass if he thought…

“You’ve lost your fucking mind? Is that it?”

“I just wanna go home.” I kept that pissed off look on my face even though inside I was shaking like a leaf and close to tears. I was so mad I could spit, all the joy over the pretty new jeep gone.

Was I being unreasonable, was it too much to ask that he think of me for once without having to make it up to someone else? He didn’t say anything else as we drove back to the showroom but his death grip on the steering wheel was a dead giveaway.

I knew he was already beyond pissed, that’s why I don’t know why I did what I did next. The sales guy whom I hadn’t hardly noticed or paid attention to the first time around came over to see how everything went.

Now here’s the deal, whenever I’m out and about with daddy which is a rare occurrence in itself and usually involves travelling to at least the next town over, I go out of my way to look extra special. I can afford to do this now, because one of the things daddy had done in the last month or so, was set me up with an allowance.

The first time he handed me the new little bankcard with my name on it I accused him of treating me like his kept woman. He of course blew a gasket and had a minor meltdown as per usual before fucking my brains out in his kitchen to prove his point. I was his one and only and it was his job to take care of me. So, with that settled I got down to some serious retail therapy, and daddy was not a cheapskate.

So, imagine my five foot two self in one of those pin-up dresses from the sixties, you know the ones with the polka dots that the women wore cancans underneath or something. Anyway mine’s red with white polka dots, because like daddy knows as he’d proven with the jeep, red is my signature color.

My heels brought me up to about five-five, still nowhere near daddy’s six-four, but good enough. The dress itself seems innocent enough, I mean it comes to my knees and there isn’t an over abundance of cleavage on display, but there’s just something about the cinched waist and the little hidden gathers under my already bountiful tits that makes it a wet dream.

Now that I was paying attention I noticed how sales boy was trying valiantly not to look. That was a good thing because Gabe has been known to threaten a time or two when someone of the opposite sex got too close. I love it, but most of the time it’s just an innocent eye fuck from some random dude that gets his shorts in a twist.

This was going to be different. This time to prove a point of my own, I was going to be the one flirting. What point might that be you ask? That I can have any man I want and I don’t need to play second fiddle to his damn grown ass daughter that he felt the need to treat like a baby.

“Oh everything was just perfect, Stephen is it?” I pretended to have to lean in close to read the name on his tag and of course I stumbled and he had to catch me. We exchanged small talk while I stood as close to this poor man as possible without being inside his pocket.

I didn’t look to see Gabe’s reaction, just kept going while I had the nerve, though halfway through I was starting to question just what the hell I thought I was doing. I didn’t want this, didn’t want him. I just wanted my daddy to love me best.

The slamming of the car door didn’t phase me, but the arm that came around the nape of my neck was a sure sign that I’d gone too far. Damn. “Step the fuck back.” Poor Stephen was swallowing golf balls it looked like after that threatening warning from Gabe.

I was close to laughing until I got a look at his face. “Da…” He actually shook me by my neck, not hard mind you, but enough that I knew he was pissed.

“Get in the fucking car.” I ran to his parked car a few feet away without looking back. Oh shit, what had I done? I don’t know what all was being said, but when I was brave enough to look, poor Stephen was looking pretty well chastened.

Gabriel turned and walked away heading towards me and I was giving serious thought to running. He was there before I made up my mind one way or the other and the fact that he slammed the car in reverse without another word was more than enough of an indication that my ass was in trouble.

Usually I could get behind a good spanking, it had been a while since daddy lit up my ass before giving it to me nice and rough, but somehow this felt different. I kept taking peeks at him out the side of my eye and that tic was just jumping away.

I started and stopped myself a million times from saying anything to him. He wasn’t exactly looking like he was in the mood for conversation. When we reached his house after driving down the long ass driveway I was giving serious thought to hopping out and making a run for it.

“Don’t even think about it. Get your ass inside.”

I couldn’t help myself I just had to have the last word on this one. “Oh, is your precious daughter not home? Am I allowed through the front door?” I think that whatever he’d had planned, I just upped that shit by like a thousand. Now I was the one swallowing golf-balls. I jumped out the car and ran into the house thinking of places to hide. “Shit, fuck, what do I do?”

Chapter 8






How had the day gone to shit so fast? I thought I was doing a good thing, thought we were finally making progress. Why should she care if I bought my daughter a car, what the fuck did that have to do with anything? Would it make any difference if she knew that hers had been chosen and designed first? Or that at seventeen it was time Crystal had her own car?

Why did she have to make everything into something it wasn’t? “Where the fuck are you?” She wasn’t in the bedroom where I’d expected her to be. That last crack stung because it was true, and more because I thought she understood why things had to be the way they were. Why I couldn’t flaunt the fact that I was fucking her best friend in my daughter’s face.

Maybe if that was all there was to it, it might not have been so bad. But the fact that I loved the little idiot was bound to complicate things. I knew that as sure as I was breathing.

I found her in the master bath trying to get into the closet in there. “Get out of there.” I should probably go downstairs and soak my head or some shit. Get away from her for a while until I cool down, but that wasn’t my style, not where she was concerned anyway.

She flew past me and into the bedroom looking like a wild thing that had been trapped. What kept my full head of steam going is that she wasn’t looking even remotely remorseful. In fact she looked downright mutinous when she looked at me.

“I see you still haven’t learned your lesson yet.” I advanced towards her as I slid my belt from my jeans. Her eyes followed the strip of leather with the fat buckle and she decided to run. Bad fucking move with the mood I’m in.

“Get your little ass back here or you’ll only make it worse.” I folded the belt in half, not even a little bit regretful about what I was about to do next. It seems I needed to break her of this fucked up habit she has.

Flirting with other dicks especially when she knew I was watching was a serious offense. Everything else aside, that shit was not something I was willing to overlook. She could’ve found a million other ways to make her displeasure known.

“I said come here now, I’m going to teach you once and for all not to fuck with me like that. Do you think you can make me look the damn fool and get away with it?” I was getting more pissed with each word that passed my lips. I didn’t move another inch forward; let her come to me.

“No daddy no, I’ll be good.” She was still backing up the hardheaded little fuck but I wasn’t about to chase her around the room. Just a crook of a finger was all it took to have her moving front and center. She was pretty in tune with my moods so she had to know that she had gone way beyond what was acceptable.

I wasn’t going to threaten her with leaving, that shit fucks her up, but I sure the fuck was going to make sure she knew once and for all that this was a dangerous game. I’d almost knocked that boy’s head off. As it stood I was giving serious thought to costing him his job and that shouldn’t be, because she was the culprit.

“Daddy…” She was scared, as she should be. She’d only felt my wrath once or twice before and I’d gone easy on her then. This time she knew she was in deep shit. She should’ve thought out her little plot better. Trying to get back at me was never a good idea. I always win. She was never going to escape me, no matter how fucking mad she got about whatever the fuck. And shaking her ass and waving her tits in front of some poor fool was only liable to get his ass killed and get her exactly what she was about to receive.

“Get those clothes off.” I ignored my hard dick, which stayed that way around her no matter what. She could hold a gun on me and I’d still want to fuck her, as I planned to right after I tear her little ass up for being a bitch. I’d had one bitch in my life already I wasn’t about to see her go down that road, acting the fuck out when she didn’t get her way.

She fumbled out of her clothes as I watched, her eyes never straying too far from the belt in my hand. For someone who had so much damn lip she sure was afraid of retribution. Of course the sight of her body got a reaction but I tamped down on that shit. It wouldn’t be the first time she made my cock leak all over my jeans.

“Turn around.” Her firm young ass came into view and had my cock thumping against my zipper. He’ll have to wait until after. It was never a good idea to let these things fester. Who knows what the fuck she’d try next. And if I fucked her before I punished her misbehaving ass she’d always think she could get over on me. No, it was best to rein her ass in now.

Our situation was already rife with pitfalls and bullshit; I didn’t need the added headache of her ass trying this shit every time things didn’t go her way because she knew she had me wrapped around her fucking little finger and would let her get away with it.

I acknowledged to myself that I knew it was harmless, that she would never actually go through with it. It was the thought that for even one second, some other dick thought he stood a chance with what’s rightfully mine. That’s the shit I have to destroy.

“Lean over and grab the bed post.” My bed was a fucking monster, one of those old mahogany numbers that weighed a ton, with posters as big as my legs. She did as she was told but still looked over her shoulder to see where me, and the belt was.

“Eyes front.” She whipped her head back around and held on tight. She was already whimpering low in her throat and her legs begun to rub together. I took the opportunity to walk up close and run my hand over her ass cheeks.

“Damn, it’s a shame to heat these up, they look so good pale.” That was one of the things that turned me the fuck on no end; her pale as fuck skin against all that wild black hair.

I ran my fingers through the crease of her thighs and teased the heat of her pussy. She was already wet the little cock teasing bitch. No doubt she’d done her little dance to get a reaction out of me. Only this time I’m afraid she’d bitten off more than she could chew. “Is this for him or me?” Just saying that shit out loud made my vision blurry.

“You daddy, only you.” Her breath hitched and I knew she was crying already, too bad her tears didn’t move me. I drew out the suspense, as I let my fingers play with her as I nibbled her neck. Was I gonna fuck, or punish?

I finger fucked her sweet pussy from behind while rubbing the thick leather belt against her clit. Her pussy soaked the leather as her scent rose up to my nostrils. “Umm, I can smell your heat.” I ran my nose along her neck to her ear while digging my fingers into her heated pussy. She started moving against my hand she couldn’t help herself, and her whimpers soon became moans.

Just when I felt her body tense in that way it does before she cums, I pulled the leather away and brought it down across her ass. She screamed bloody murder and hopped from leg to leg. “Don’t you fucking move. You wanna flirt, huh? Wanna parade my pussy for others to see? We’ll see about that shit.”

I painted her ass red until I almost drew blood. If she didn’t have to go back to school the next day I probably would’ve. I was pissed beyond reason even though I was holding that shit in best I could, so that I didn’t go overboard and really fuck her shit up.

The fact that she always resorted to flirting with other men whenever she was pissed about our situation was fucking with me. It was fucking with my head that I couldn’t show my ownership in public, that I had to fucking sneak around like a fucking criminal to be with the woman I loved. That shit was about to end soon because I wasn’t about to let anyone else even entertain the idea that they even stood a chance ever again.

Too close, I’d seen it in her today, she was fast losing patience and though I couldn’t really blame her, I wasn’t about to let her break my fucking teeth. She belonged to me, no one else and the sooner she accepts that the better.

She was crying and begging me to stop but all I saw was her hand on his chest and that stupid fucking grin on his face. On second thought I will get his ass canned the little fuck. Later though; right now I had a babygirl to correct.

I ignored her tears and ‘daddy I’m sorry’. I have the feeling that I’m going to be heating up her ass for the rest of our lives for one thing or another because she has a stubborn streak a mile wide.

“Get on the bed, now.” She sulked her way into the middle of the bed while I stood behind her and stripped. I took my time, knowing that it was making her crazy. After she’s been punished, whether by a spanking or a timeout, she likes her daddy to reassure her. I’d bet anything that the fact that I haven’t fucked her yet is more of a punishment in her eyes than the ass whipping.

I climbed up behind her and took her ass in my hands. Leaning over, I licked the welts that I’d just made there with my tongue. She moaned and twitched her ass. I took my time licking each welt before dipping my tongue down to her pussy where she was waiting for me. “All that sweet nectar, just for me.”

It pissed me off all over again that she had been flirting, so, instead of the lengthy tongue fucking I’d had planned I reared up and plowed into her pussy, hard. “Ughh, daddddyyyyy….”

“Yeah that’s right I’m daddy and you’ve been a bad fucking babygirl, now take this dick and shut the fuck up.” She tried muffling her moans and groans as I punished her pussy with deep hard strokes that hit her sweet spot each and every time. I’m not sure how much of a punishment it was if she was enjoying the shit so much.

“You got something you wanna say to me?” I stopped fucking her and just held my cock still inside her, giving her time to catch her breath. “I’m sorry daddy I didn’t mean it.” Sulky little misbehaving bitch, she got off lucky. I went in deeper at an angle and got stuck in her too tight snatch.

She was sniffling, and of course that shit pulled at my heartstrings, so I had to ease up. Her ass was already lit the hell up and I know she was waiting for her daddy to give her some sweet loving and make it all better. “Okay stop crying now baby, I’m not mad anymore.” Spoilt fuck.

I ran my hands lovingly over her ass up her back, and down again. I let both hands drop down to her tits and fondled her while easing out of her pussy and going back in again.

“Daddy loves his babygirl, but I will light your ass up again or worse if you ever pull that shit again you hear me?” I let her feel my dick on that last stroke and she screeched and bucked, her back arching deep, only sucking me deeper into her cunt that seemed even tighter than it had ever before. I was this close to emptying my sac in her too soon, that’s how good that shit was.

She did her ass roll on my dick and I almost shot off. “That’s right babygirl, fuck yourself on my cock.” She growled and pushed back against me with her whipped ass. I knew she liked a little pain with her pleasure, that her pussy was feeling real good right about now, as my hands ran over her welts while my cock pounded into her.

“Yes daddy yes, fuck me fuck me fuck me.” She went off on a tangent whipping her head around in a frenzy as she begged me to fuck her harder, deeper. I knew what that was about too and sought to rein her in, to bring her back down before she hurt herself. So fucking high-strung. But she was my high-strung little bitch to deal with. Only mine.

I whispered sweet nothings in her ear while deep stroking her and teasing her clit gently. When she was calm again and feeling the love I went back to giving her what she likes. A hard fuck.

My babygirl might be new to the game, but she was a fast learner. She likes to fuck and she likes it wild. I put my anger aside and enjoyed the feel of the sweet young thing around my meat. Her pussy was like a never ending stream of cunt juice and her moans never stopped.

For some reason when I bit into her neck her pussy went on lock, choking off my cock. “Let go.” I licked her neck where I’d bitten her and she fucking squirted, all over the sheets.

It was a while before I could talk after witnessing this shit. “You have got to do that shit again when I’m eating you.” I think we were both amazed by that shit. “Daddy?” Her voice told me she was just a little scared.

“It’s okay baby, nothing to be embarrassed about.” Oh damn was I gonna have some fun with that shit. A fucking squirter. It was now my mission in life to make her squirt into my mouth every chance I got.

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