Tryst (5 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Tryst
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I knew I had to be hurting her little pussy, she was still so fucking tight and her pussy didn’t seem to ever want to stretch. Add the fact that she makes my dick harder and longer than it’s ever gotten before and well there you have it.

“I’m gonna cum in you now ready?” She nodded in the dark and her pussy clenched around my dick trying to empty my balls. My back locked up as I started spurting up inside her. I actually felt the velocity of that shit as it left my dick and wondered how the fuck it wasn’t coming out the top of her head.

We should’ve left it there, we’d already skirted close to the edge as it was with so many people in the house, but neither of us were willing to let the other one go. I ran a bath in the en suite bathroom, part of my ritual after having her. Like I said, her home life wasn’t much and because of the secret nature of our relationship, I tried to make it up to her in other ways.

Taking her from my bed, I laid her in the warm water filled with bubbles after she released me from the lip-lock she had me in. I grabbed the soft washcloth and starting at her feet, bathed her. Of course there were stolen kisses and hidden touches beneath the water that led to more, and before you know it I was fingering her to orgasm while I sucked on her tongue.

I took her from the water and back to my bed where the sheets were almost off the bed from our earlier round. Laying her back on the bed, I buried my head in her freshly washed pussy for a taste. She rode my tongue like a good girl and begged me to fuck her. “Make love to me daddy.”

Climbing up her body, I teased her pussy with my cock, running it up and down her slit until her fat clit was stiff and standing at attention. When she started keening in her throat in heat I decided to take it easy on her and slid inside. We both liked missionary, and since it was the best position for lovemaking, we usually gravitated to it when that was the mood we were in.

I held her as close as our bodies would allow, with my face buried in her neck as my cock rubbed against her pussy walls, slamming into her cervix with each stroke. “Can you feel that baby? feel how hard you make me?”

“Uh-huh.” She was throwing her pussy back up at me hard and I tried to slow her down by taking slow sweet thrusts into her hot cunt. That’s when I heard footsteps outside my door. Next came my daughter’s voice calling out for me. “Dad, are you up?” Her voice was a whisper and I knew she wouldn’t open my door without an invite.

I didn’t know whether to feign sleep and answer or what. Brianna and I had both stopped moving at the first sound of her voice, but I noticed something amazing. The pussy under me was cumming and cumming hard. She was getting off on the threat of being caught. “What is it sweetheart?” I made my voice as tired as I could make it as I started moving again.

“Oh never mind dad night-night.” she moved off back down the hallway towards her room. “That was close.” I pushed her hair back and looked down into her fever bright eyes as I started fucking in earnest, it seems she wasn’t the only one excited by the prospect of being caught in the act. “Fuck me daddy, fuck me hard.”

She attacked my mouth as her pussy tried to break my cock off at the root. She thrashed beneath me in the throes of an intense orgasm that had her lifting me with her body. I fucked into her hard enough to take her back down to the bed and then proceeded to fuck her unmercifully.

We were like two wild things as we rolled around on the bed, her nails drawing blood down my back as my cock did it’s best to fuck her into oblivion. Each time I thought my dick was done for the night, that he couldn’t possibly go another round, she’d turn those big brown eyes on me and my cock would spring the fuck back up.

Or she’d stretch and open her legs showing me her fresh fucked pussy with my seed oozing out of her and I’d fall on her like a starving beast. It was without a doubt the most erotic night of my life so far, and I knew it was because of her and what she made me feel.

I didn’t want to let her go anymore than she wanted to leave, but we couldn’t risk it. “You have to go babygirl, thanks for coming to see me.” I kissed all over her face as she wrapped her strong young legs around me. “One more.” I whispered the words as I slipped into her, ignoring the soreness in my dick as her hot juices coated me.

By the time she crawled out of my bed the sun was already coming up and we were both tired as fuck. I ate her pussy one last time in the shower before sending her on her way back to her friends who were none the wiser I hope. I still didn’t know what my daughter had been after.

Chapter 5




Now as I lay here on the edge of my bed going over all that had happened between us in the last few weeks, I knew something was gonna have to break soon. She was getting restless I could tell. She needed me as much as I needed her, and this having to separate at night was fast losing its appeal.

I was doing this shit for my daughter yes, but was it really fair to Brianna? My heart actually hurt for that girl, something I’d never experienced before. I think after the teenage fatherhood thing I’d put my emotions on lock, it was as if I already had a family, me and my kid, and I wasn’t looking for any more permanence in my life.

I’d made Crystal my whole life, even when she was only spending weekends with me, and now there was something else that I wanted; something that I knew was going to cause a riff between us.

Brianna felt like I was choosing sides, choosing my daughter over her. Either she was too young to understand, or that jealousy streak I’d sensed in her to rival mine was rearing its head. She refused to listen, and the more we fucked, the more obsessive she became. I couldn’t blame her I wasn’t much better.

We’d become each other’s drug of choice, every free moment was spent together and we’d already started taking chances to be together. I felt like an ass with the sneaking around shit, but my daughter’s abandonment issues were never too far from my mind.

The problem was, my woman had issues of her own and she was looking for me to have the answers. No matter what, she was staying with me though, that much I was sure of.

In the short time since we’d met, I ‘d gone through a drastic change. Where before I shied away from anything even resembling commitment, I was now obsessed with way of tying her to me permanently. The shit scared me because I knew that I was willing to lose a lot to keep her. That shit made me feel like the worse fucking human being on earth, but it’s what is.

One day my daughter will grow up and start a life of her own away from me, what then? Would I look back on this as a lost opportunity? Fuck that, it will never happen, there’s no way I would ever let Brianna go, she’s in my blood.

We’d already talked about our future together. She is gonna stay local and go to college here, because there was no way I was letting her out of my sight for four fucking years. I couldn’t go a whole day without seeing her, and my possessiveness was out of control.

I didn’t even want her smiling at another man. I’d become this whole other person since meeting her. A man who had thoughts of keeping his woman all to himself and not sharing her with anyone, not even her friends. I don’t know what the fuck that was.

I knew I wasn’t worried about the age thing, it worked for us, but just the thought of some other dick sniffing around her was enough to make my ass postal.

We had our first fight over that shit about a week ago. The way shit was going you’d think we’d been together for years instead of a few weeks, but that’s how intense we were.

It was on one of the rare times we’d been out together in public, though we weren’t alone. Crystal and some of her other friends were there. We were celebrating a victory for the school’s football team and all the jocks were there at the local pizza place.

It wasn’t my scene but my daughter had dragged me along after the game. While we were there amidst the noise and bravado and posturing, I was sitting back relaxed and enjoying the fact that I had someone in my life that I was falling in love with, falling my ass.

That’s just a little lie that I tell myself when I want to convince the old me that I still had some semblance of control left. The truth is I was head over heels and barely treading water.

In the last few days I’d fucked her in every way imaginable even though I know her pussy had yet to recover from her first pounding. It was my way of getting my scent in and on her. I planned to keep that shit up until I had her under my roof for good. Until then I did my best to mark her, I was sure other males could scent me on her and stay the fuck away or bear my wrath.

The good thing is, that she was as starved for me as I was for her, and most days we barely made it past the living room floor. I’d fucked her on the kitchen island the day before for fuck sake. And that had led to even more- hard fucking in the outdoor sauna.

Needless to say things were moving really fast, but there was a fly in our ointment, Crystal. I couldn’t figure out how I was going to tell my daughter that I was in love with her friend. I knew that she had just enough of her mother in her to make my life difficult.

Bri was not happy with my decision to wait for the right time, and I think that’s why she did it, right in front of me that night.

Some young punk, probably one of her classmates, and definitely part of the team, came over to our table and started chatting away. It was easy to tell where his real interest laid and it took everything for me to stay in my seat and not beat these people’s kid into a bloody pulp. Especially when I started wondering if he was the fucker that had had his fingers in her.

She laughed and batted her lashes and even went so far as to put her hand on his arm while leaning over just enough to give him a glimpse down her fucking top. I know that fucking move, women had made that move on me countless times in the past.

Now mind you she had no way of knowing what the fuck she was getting herself into. She had no way of knowing that I would hurt her for that shit, that was a big fucking no-no. For a man as territorial as I am, that shit’s the equivalent to waving a red flag in a bullpen.

I sat there for a few seconds trying to calm the fuck down with no luck. The place was full to bursting with the local high school crowd, and my daughter and her girlfriends were sitting right there across from me, looking as innocent as they wanna be.

When I was calm enough to think rationally, or as calm as could be expected I pulled my phone secretly and held it under the table. I’d come up with a plan to deal with her shit and assuage my anger immediately, because if I held this shit in too long, she’d be worse for wear I was sure.

There was a little area around back where nobody goes because it’s dark and grassy, while the rest of the lot is paved. I texted her instructions to meet me there. NOW. I watched her reaction as her phone buzzed in her purse.

She read her phone and I could see her struggle not to look at me. Just before she announced that she had to go to the bathroom or whatever excuse she was about to use to do my bidding, I really didn’t give a fuck, I got up from my seat.

“I’ll be right back sweetheart, I have to make a call for work.” I pretended to be reading something on my own screen with a frown on my face. That frown worked to hide the red rage that was beating inside my chest.

“Oh dad, you work too much.” Crystal pouted at me as I threw some money on the table.

“Why don’t you ladies invite some of your friends to the table and order another pie?” She squealed and jumped up to hug me. I felt like shit for lying to her, but nothing was going to stop me from getting my woman out of there for some much needed correction.

“Thanks dad you’re the best.”

I didn’t even look at Brianna as I left, just kept reminding myself that she was young and probably meant nothing by it. That shit did nothing to ease the anger though, and by the time I made it around to the side of the building I knew she was in serious trouble.

The area was already in complete darkness, which would suit my purposes perfectly. It was also situated in such a way that no one could see us back there, but we would have more than enough time to see anyone headed this way. Like I said no one ever came here anyway so I felt relatively safe to do what needed doing.

I nabbed her as soon as she turned the corner and pushed her into the wall. “Hey…”

“Not one more fucking word outta you, what the fuck did you think you were doing in there?”

“What, what are you talking about? I was just having fun…”

“Is that what you call it, fawning all over that poor boy, do you know how close I came to breaking his fucking arm for touching you? And you were encouraging him. Well guess what sweetheart, you’re going to find out just why you shouldn’t have done that shit, not to me.”

The thing is we’d been going along fine, I thought she understood, especially after our second day together when I spelt this shit out for her. Now there in the dark I pushed my hand up under the short cheerleader type skirt she wore and cupped the heat of her pussy.

“This is mine, you do not flaunt what’s mine for others. You do not fucking do that shit in front of me ever, nod your head if you hear me.” She had to nod because I had my other hand wrapped around her throat and there was no way she could talk.

I knew she was pissed about my last refusal to just throw our relationship in my daughter’s face, but I knew what the fuck I was doing, she obviously didn’t. She seemed to forget that I was older and maybe knew a little more about what the fuck I was talking about; but that was neither here nor there.

“Now you’ll get a taste of the real me, and I hope to fuck you never cross this fucking line again or it will end worse for you. You’re getting off easy because you didn’t know. Don’t do that shit again.”

She started to struggle then, my words sending fear into her heart. “Daddy…” Her voice trembled with fear but that was too bad, she shoulda thought of that shit before she fucked with me. I tore her panties and shoved them in my pocket.

Two large callused fingers found their way inside her pussy without my usual gentleness. I finger fucked her pussy until I felt her cunt start to juice, then I pulled them out and fed them to her. “I don’t want anything from you.”

Her eyes widened on mine when she realized how serious I was. I never miss an opportunity to taste her, fuck if I could go around all day with my mouth attached to her cunt I would, that’s how much I love the taste of her.

She whimpered in her throat at the harsh look on my face just before I turned her around roughly to face the wall. I was so mad I barely knew what the fuck I was doing. I wanted to fuck the sight of what she’d done out of my head, and I wanted to heat her ass up at the same time.

I’d never spanked anyone in my life, but the urge was so strong there was nothing for it. I pulled my leather belt from its loops and the crying started. “No daddy.”

“I told you to shut the fuck up.” I wrestled her back into place because she started to struggle harder.

“Listen, you either settle your ass down and take what you’ve earned or I walk.” She stopped all movement and tried looking over her shoulder at me. I hated the look on her face, that fear that had nothing to do with her ass being beat, and more to do with me abandoning her.

I knew what that shit was about, but there was no way I was going to allow myself to be manipulated by her bullshit. I’d given her everything I could, done all I could at this time to make her feel safe and secure.

There was no fucking reason for her to act out and especially not because I needed more time to work on my daughter. What the fuck did she want from me?

I held her against the wall and wailed her little ass until it was red. I had a hard time keeping her cries contained so in the end I put her ruined panties in her mouth.

“Now you won’t be doing that shit again any time soon will you? Answer me dammit.” I drove my fingers back into her before dropping my pants and kicking her legs open. She was wet as fuck and my fingers were soaked. I pulled them out and fed them to her again before plowing into her from behind. I had to catch her cries in the palm of my hand.

I wasn’t quite sure if they were cries of pleasure or pain; probably a mixture of both. I knew her ass had to be hurting, but I was still too pissed to care. I sent my whole dick into her belly and fucked her hard against the wall, pounding out my frustration in her pussy, but still that wasn’t enough.

My head cleared enough for me to hear her soft cries and pleas. “I need to fuck you harder, this isn’t working for me.” I looked around for somewhere to put her on her back in the debris back there but it was too dark.

While she was sniffling and telling me how sorry she was, I took her down to the ground in the grass and mounted her pussy from behind.

“This is my pussy, you even think of looking at another dick I’ll make you sorry you were ever born. Tell me you understand what the fuck I’m saying.”

“Yes, please yes, I’m sorry.” She wasn’t sorry enough yet if you ask me.

I fucked her so hard I felt sorry for her. She bit into my hand to muffle her screams as I tore her pussy up. It was the first time I’d used my dick as part of her punishment, but her offense was such, that I was making damn sure she never did that shit again.

My last insult was to pull out of her warm cunt and cum on her ass, right on her little puckered rosebud. She’s lucky I left it there I could’ve taken her ass cherry right there in the dirt. “Go clean up and go home.” I hung around long enough for her to stumble to her feet and wobble away. No way I was gonna leave her back there in the dark.

I stuffed her ruined panties in my pocket and made it back to the table where the others were digging into their pizza and chattering away. Good, no one had noticed our timely disappearance together.

The jock was looking around as if he was searching for something and I wish I had an excuse to break his fucking face. It was then that I realized just how fucking far gone I was, and that something needed to be done.

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