Wrestling With Love (26 page)

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Authors: Wrestling,Love

BOOK: Wrestling With Love
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Derek leaned forward and rested his head against Scott’s chest, sliding his arms around Scott’s waist. He felt two strong arms around his shoulders and rocked him gently. It wasn’t until they had been standing there for several seconds that Derek realized they were hugging in public. He started to pull away. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I know you don’t—“

His words were interrupted by Scott’s mouth closing over his. The taste of dinner, he heat of his plump soft lips pressing against his own, the smell of Scott’s cologne 123

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Wrestling With Love

mixed together making speech impossible as his senses went into overdrive. When he pulled out of the kiss, he held Derek at arm’s length. “You think too much.”

Not knowing what to say, he allowed a smile to fall into place and chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I’ll have to work on that whole thinking thing.”

“Good.” Scott placed his arm around Derek’s shoulder and guided him toward their dorm.

Back in their room, Derek changed into clothes more suitable for mixing and they headed out together. Throughout the party, students approached him, complimenting his songs and asking if he would be willing to mix for future parties. He agreed to most requests and made a note to himself to get business cards so he could hand them out. It would make planning these events much easier for him. Despite the attention people were paying to him, Derek only had eyes for Scott and could barely keep his concentration on his mixing.

When the party finally ended, Derek was ready to rip his equipment down and drag it across the quad to their dorm room. Scott managed to slow him enough to actually put his things away properly before they left to go to their room. They walked in silence, a million thoughts running through Derek’s mind. The evening had been magical for him, and all of the good feelings running through him centered around Scott. Their dinner together had been the single most romantic experience he had ever had in his life. And now, heading back to their room together, they were about to finally bond the way he had fantasized about for the better part of the last six months.

When they got to their dorm room, Derek felt electrified, unable to control the excitement and energy surging inside him. “Just put the stuff down against the wall. We can deal with it tomorrow.”

Scott smiled. “Are you tired? It’s been a busy night.” He placed the mixing equipment on the floor and Derek put the sound system next to it. In one swift motion, he wrapped his arms around Scott, hugging him tightly and bringing their mouths together. He pulled at Scott’s shirt, lifting it up over his shoulders and head. The sudden movement set Scott off balance and he stumbled, laughing as he tried to regain his footing. Falling, they both tumbled to the floor.

Derek rolled on top of Scott, never letting go of his grip and keeping their lips sealed tightly together. Grinding his hips against Scott, his cock stiffened and grew. He pressed himself against Scott and could feel his erection pressing back against his own. Panting, he removed his lips from Scott’s mouth and whispered into his ear. “Take off your clothes.” There was an urgency in Derek’s voice and he could feel Scott respond to him as he returned the gyrating motion. Between breaths and kisses, Derek panted a few short words. He hadn’t planned on saying them, but when they came out, he knew with more certainty than he knew anything else that they were exactly what he wanted. “I want you to be the one to make love to me tonight.”


D.H. Starr

Wrestling With Love

Scott took in a sharp breath and pulled out of the kiss. “What? I thought we might talk about it first, decide together what you—”

“Are you saying you want me to top you?”

Scott opened his mouth, then closed it. After another minute, he smiled. No. I’ve been dreaming of being inside you ever since—”

Derek stopped Scott from speaking by capturing him in another hungry kiss. When he lifted his head, he only spoke a few breathless words. “I’ve never wanted anything so much.” He worked his way down Scott’s chest, trailing his tongue down the crease running in the center of his abdomen, and began unbuttoning Scott’s pants. His tongue reached the light dusting of hair at Scott’s navel and the pungent scent of Scott’s sex surrounded him, causing his mind to swim with excitement. Looking down, he caught a glimpse of the enlarged cockhead, visible in the v-opening where his pants had been unbuttoned. The sight only served to fuel his desire even more. Leaning down, he took the head of Scott’s cock, into his mouth, he flicked at the tip with his tongue, savoring the salty tang of precum which hit his taste buds and sent currents of stimulation to his own cock.

Scott moaned and pushed his hips upward. “Derek…so hot…wet…my God—”

Derek released Scott’s cock, straddled his waist, and placed a finger over his mouth.

“Stop talking. We’re both virgins and haven’t been with anyone else, so we don’t need condoms. We have everything we need. I have been thinking about this since we got back from New York and I got everything then.” He leaned over and reached into his top desk drawer, removing a bottle of lubricant.

Scott was smiling, but he also looked nervous. “Derek, I don’t want to hurt you. Maybe we should talk—”

Derek kissed Scott again. Pulling out of the kiss several seconds later, he panted a brief instruction “Please, Scott. Shut up! Who’s the one who’s thinking too much now? This isn’t my way of saying thank you for tonight. This is because I love you. I love you and I want you to be the person who I do this with. I never want anyone else to ever do this with me. Please, make love to me. I’m ready and I want you to be inside me. Tonight.”

Scott rolled Derek onto his back and cradled his head between his hands. “Are you sure? Is this really what you want?”

“Yes, more than anything. Please.”

Scott lowered his head and placed his lips gingerly on Derek’s mouth. His tongue gently massaged his lips and slowly worked its way inside. The kiss was slow and wet, tongues tousling against each other. “Do you want me to make love to you right here?”

Derek laughed. “I think I would be more comfortable on the bed.” Scott had a serious but gentle look on his face. They both worked their way into bed, Scott raising himself off of Derek by doing a pushup into an upright position, then reaching down to help Derek off the floor. Derek was the first to climb up the ladder to their lofted bed, followed by Scott whose body brushed against his as they fumbled onto the mattress. 125

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Scott’s shirt was off and his pants were already unbuttoned, so he began the process of undressing Derek, pulling his t-shirt up his body and kissing his way up Derek’s abdomen as more and more skin was revealed. Once he had removed the shirt and tossed it onto the floor next to his own, he reached down and snapped the first button of Derek’s jeans open with one hand, then slid his hand inside the boxer briefs and encircled the straining shaft.

Heat seared though Derek at the touch and he moaned, reaching up and sliding his fingers into Scott’s disheveled hair, pulling him down into a hungry kiss while pressing his pelvis into Scott’s hand.

Somehow, Scott managed to work Derek’s pants over his ass and then used his foot to bring them the rest of the way down his body, kicking them off and over the side of the bed. Lying naked, his cock leaking clear streams of precum onto Scott’s hand Derek felt a sudden need to feel all of Scott’s skin against his own. Rolling the two of them over, Derek leaned up on his elbow and reached down with his other hand to begin pushing Scott’s pants down over his hips and past his muscled thighs. When he could no longer push the pants from his position, he scooted down Scott’s body, kissing his way over nipples and stomach, until his head nestled next to Scott’s straining member which bobbed with each heartbeat. Leaning forward, he took Scott into his mouth while he pushed the pants the rest of the way down his legs, removed them, and carelessly dropped them off the bed. He continued to savor the hardness of Scott’s shaft and the tang of his fluids in his mouth, then worked his way back up Scott’s body until they lay together, face to face silently staring at him.

Derek had dreamed of this evening, this moment, for months. He had convinced himself that there was nothing in the world he wanted more than to feel Scott inside him. But now that the moment was here, that the waiting was finally over, he realized he didn’t know what to expect. Will it hurt? Will I be able to do it? What if I have to stop? Question after question raced through his mind until finally he let out a single breathy whisper of a laugh. “I’m scared.”

Scott brushed his hand along Derek’s cheek, resting it gently along his neck. “I’m scared too. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

“No. I do. I want to. I’m just scared it’s going to hurt. Can we take our time?”

Scott’s face melted into an expression of adoration and affection. “We can take as much time as you like. You tell me what to do and when to do it. If it hurts, tell me. We can stop any time you want. This isn’t the only time we can do this.”

Derek felt his fear dissipate slightly with Scott’s words of reassurance and understanding. “I promise, I’ll tell you what I’m feeling, but I really want to do this.”

He reached down between their bodies and gripped Scott’s shaft in his hand. Scott’s body shuddered on top of him. Reaching for the lube, Derek flipped the bottle open with his finger and lowered it to the hand holding Scott’s cock. He felt the slickness of 126

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the lubricant against Scott’s hot skin and it sent charges of anticipation through his body.

Scott released a guttural moan, “Oh, God, Derek. That feels so good. Your hand on me, gliding over my cock, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt.”

Derek rhythmically massaged Scott’s cock beginning at the head and sliding smoothly down the thick and pulsing shaft. Retrieving the bottle of lube, he squirted more into his palm and liberally lubricated Scott. Looking into his eyes, he was caught in a moment of pure connection. Scott was gazing directly at him and, as their eyes locked, he felt as if nothing else in the world existed at that moment. He handed the bottle of lube to Scott. “Put some on your hand and put your finger inside of me.”

Scott did as he was asked and reached down between Derek’s legs, running the tip of his finger in circles around the outside of Derek’s opening The sensation caused Derek to arch his back, gasping in pleasure. “Are you okay?” Scott asked, his eyes never breaking from Derek’s.

“Yes. It feels so good. It’s like your finger is hitting every nerve ending around my hole. Please, put it inside me.”

Scott slowly applied pressure and his fingertip slipped into the tight ring. Derek sucked in a sharp breath, feeling a burning sting. Scott stopped and looked at Derek with concern clearly evident on his face. Derek grabbed his wrist, preventing him from being able to remove his finger. After a moment, the burning sensation eased and he relaxed his grip on Scott. “More.”

Scott gently continued to apply pressure, and inserted the next segment of his finger into Derek’s hole. Once again, Derek felt the burning sensation. “Ah. It burns.”

Scott stopped. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“No,” Derek pleaded. “It’s not a bad feeling. It only hurts for a few seconds, then the burn turns to something incredible. Please, keep going.”

Obeying, but watching Derek very carefully, Scott slid the rest of his finger into Derek’s hole. Derek felt himself wince as Scott’s knuckle rested firmly against the tight rim. Staring into Scott’s concerned, caring eyes, all of Derek’s muscles relaxed, tension exiting his body. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. It feels so good. And knowing it’s your finger inside of me makes it even better.” Before Scott could answer, he reached up and cupped the back of Scott’s neck, pulling him down into a gentle kiss. It was an open-mouthed kiss, but it wasn’t deep and penetrating. Their tongues brushed against each other, flicking gently in circular motions, clean, fluid saliva wetting both of their mouths and lips. When Scott pulled back from the kiss, his eyes, though velvety, still showed concern.

But Derek squeezed the muscles around Scott’s finger, intensifying the pleasure. More. He wanted more. “Put another one in me,” He whispered, hearing the hunger in his own voice.


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Wrestling With Love

Wordlessly, Scott obeyed. His second finger made it in with far less pain. It still caused a burning and stinging sensation, but Scott seemed to be able to sense when his muscles were opening to the new pressure and he waited to continue until he Derek opened to him. “Derek, your body is so hot, and watching your face while I put my fingers inside of you is bringing me right to the edge. You have no idea how sexy you look and how amazing it makes me feel knowing I’m doing this to you.”

Derek pulled Scott’s face to his and kissed him again, deeply this time, pressing their lips firmly together. His need flowed from his mouth and into Scott’s as they devoured each other, savoring tastes and sensations. Derek pulled out of the kiss long enough to make one request, then pulled Scott back into a fierce kiss. “Put your cock inside me.”

Scott gently lifted his head. “Are you sure?”

Derek locked eyes with him. “I can tell you’re worried about hurting me, but it’s not a bad hurt and it doesn’t last long. Please, I’ve never felt so close to you. I love you. I want you inside me. I want to know that you’re inside me when you come.”

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