Confidential (37 page)

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Authors: Jack Parker

BOOK: Confidential
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Chapter 20




I woke up with Camdon's arms around me, and I snuggled a little bit closer to him. He grumbled in his sleep, adjusting his arm around me, and I couldn't help but smile wide.

This is how it should be between us. I should wake up like this every morning, and then panic and sneak out back into my room before any of our parents came in. I sighed sadly at the thought, knowing that would never happen, and wondering where we would go from now.

As if on cue, my phone vibrated violently against the floor, still where I threw it last night. I squirmed out of Camdon's arms and picked it up so it wouldn't wake him. It was a text from Tom.

Make sure you ask your friends how Camdon is doing! Thx-Tom

I almost passed out then and there, deleting it quickly, even though I knew Camdon was still fast asleep. I curled up beside him again, about to fall back asleep, when I heard someone stumble throughout the hall, and start wrenching loudly.

"Gross." I sighed. I gave Camdon a kiss, before getting up and slipping on a t-shirt and sweats. "You are nasty." I told Dylan, as I watched him hurl one more time into the bathroom sink. "The toilet is that way." I put up the seat for him and he just moved over to the floor, sitting besides it, waiting for the next wave to hit him. "Hold on, I'll be right back." I went and got a glass of water and some advil, and came back to sit beside him.

I rubbed his back as he threw up into the toilet one more time. "You finished?" I asked.

"I think so." He rinsed out his mouth and took a sip of the water. "How much did I drink?"

I giggled. "Um. Not much."

"No way." He glared at me.

"Yes way. Try like, five shots worth." I smiled

"That's not a lot?" He asked, frowning.

"Not really. Especially not for a guy who's probably six foot."

"Yeah but my legs are the size of that toothbrush." Dylan leaned against the wall. I laughed at him, giving him another advil. "How are things with Camdon?" He asked.

I sighed. "Better, for now."

"What does that mean?" Dylan raised an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head, "I just… have to talk to him about something and I'm totally dreading it. I don't know. Things are so great now, I don't want to ruin it. But I have to talk to him."


I squirmed a little bit. "It's complicated… I'll tell you all about it after I tell him."

"You better." Dylan took a sip of his drink. "How's Arizona treating you?"

I shrugged. "It's alright. I really miss you guys. Nothing's the same as it was, not that I was expecting it to be, but still. And I can't wait to graduate already," I shook my head. "Actually, compared to being in Iowa and the way it was before, it sucks."

Dylan gave me a hug, "It sucks without you. Marcus is obsessed with Clarissa and I feel like the only one left not in her fan club." I shuddered and he laughed. "Let's just go to college together. We can make it one more year." His eyes lit up, "Hey! I bet you can spend the summer with us, just tell your mom I'm a girl still."

I laughed. "That could totally work! I would love that. Sounds like a deal to me."

We heard a laugh at the doorway and Dylan and I looked up to see Marcus smacking his knee. "You puked this morning?" He laughed. "Are you serious, man? Learn to hold your liquor!"

I threw a towel at him. "Shut up." I wrapped my arms around Dylan defensively. This only made Marcus make fun of him more, but Dylan was used to it, and stayed next to me, breathing deeply and trying not to throw up.

Marcus poked his head out of the bathroom and looked down the hallway. "Hey," He asked, coming back into the bathroom, his mouth in a full grin, "Did Camdon sleep with you last night?"

Dylan rolled his eyes and I gave Marcus a blank stare. "So?" My voice was defensive.

"Just wondering." He said, still smiling. He waited for a moment before bolting out the door towards my bedroom.

"Don't wake him up!" I hissed.

"Why? Pretty tired from last night's activities?" Marcus smirked, pausing at the entrance of the door.

"Please Marcus! Leave him alone, he's sleeping."

Marcus slowly backed up in to the room, picking up Camdon's shirts and shorts that were discarded on the floor, "Nice."

"I hate you." I told him. "Do not wake him up."

Marcus's eyes swept over the room, assessing the scene. "I'm not going to." He left the room as slowly as he crept in and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I asked, "What are you going to do?" I was about to follow him when I heard Dylan start puking again. I sighed and went back to help my friend. A couple moments later I heard Camdon yell, "SHIT!" There was a loud thud, and then
, "What are you DOING?" He yelled again.

I rushed into the room and Marcus was rolling on the floor laughing, "Just giving him a cold shower Heidi, no need to stress out."

Camdon stood on the floor completely drenched in water. "Ohhhhh." I cooed, coming over to him. "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him but Dylan was throwing up, and I thought he wasn't going to do anything-"

Camdon's face immediately relaxed once he saw me. "It's okay." He smiled. His arms were out to his sides, water dripping off of them. I stepped closer to him and hugged him, even though he was soaking wet and only in boxers.

He kissed the top of my head, and wrapped his arms around me. "I hated waking up without you next to me." He whispered in my ear.

"You guys are sick." Marcus said in disgust.

"Hey!" I told him. "You got my floor all wet!"

"The sun will dry it." He walked out of the room, moving back towards the bathroom.

I looked back up at Camdon, who was staring at me. "What?" I asked, smiling.

"Nothing." He said, bending down to kiss me. I sighed into his mouth, standing on my tippy toes to deepen our kiss. My tongue grazed his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, letting our tongues touch. He put me on the bed again, and I easily matched the pace of his kisses.

"Where did you go this morning?" He asked against my lips. His hands were holding onto my hips, before caressing the inside of my thigh.

"Um…" I struggled to find words again and Camdon kissed me harder, his hands moving faster. I didn't want Dylan or Marcus to walk in on us so I squirmed away. "You're so distracting." I couldn't help but blush.

He laughed. "I just missed you." He gave me a quick kiss. Oh what I wouldn't give to spend all day in bed with this kid.

"Mmhm. Sure." I smiled, pulling him out of bed with me. "Dylan's pretty sick. I think he might have started throwing up again."

"Is that where you went?" He asked,

"Yeah." I sighed. "I felt so bad for him."

Camdon slipped on some swimming trunks, but left his shirt off, grinning as he noticed me looking at him. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom. "Are you done yet?" I teasingly asked Dylan, who was brushing his teeth.

"Are you?" He shot back, and I gave him a triumphant smile.

"Where's Marcus?" Camdon asked, "I think I'm going to go punch him in the face now." Dylan gestured towards the kitchen, "Thanks," He said, and bent down to kiss my cheek. I watched him go.

"He's so cute." I sighed.

"Stop." Dylan rolled his eyes. "You need more friends that are girls."

"I have friends that are girls. And they are annoying. And pretentious." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"When are you going to talk to him about that thing?"

I banged my head against the wall. "Today. It has to be today. If I don't
him soon I never will."

"How mad do you think he will be?" Dylan asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. I have no idea how he will react. It scares me." I looked at Dylan, "I don't think I can loose him again."

"Marcus and I can give you guys some more time, don't worry about it. We're happy just hanging out at the beach. We'll get to see you all summer." He nudged my shoulder.

"Thank you," I gushed. "I'm so, so nervous."

"What is it?" He asked, "I won't say anything to anybody, I swear."

"It was an accident, I didn't really realized what I was doing-" Dylan just watched me worriedly. "I," I looked at him, "I found Camdon's father." I said very quietly.

Dylan's mouth dropped open, "Where? How does that even happen?"

I shook my head, "I have no idea. It has to be the weirdest coincidence in the world. He lives here, and I ran into him… and just... I messed everything up. I was so mad at him. And now he wants to meet Camdon, and then, Camdon showed up here." I shook my head, "Oh no, no, no."

Dylan looked at me, "You need to tell him."

"I know!" I sighed, "I'm going to."

"Does his dad know he's here?" Dylan asked; I shook my head. Camdon reappeared in the hallway.

"Hey there," He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder, kissing my cheek. I looked at Dylan in desperation.

"Marcus told me he wanted to look for
present for Clarissa and I need to find some for my sisters." Dylan wiped his mouth with a towel. "I think we're gonna head out."

"Want us to come with?" Camdon turned and asked.

"Nah, you guys go to the beach or something." Dylan kept his cool, but quickly left the room.

Camdon shrugged, "Okay. That sounds good to me." Camdon turned and kissed me before I broke away.

"Camdon." I said his name. He must have picked up on the tone of my voice.

"What's up?" He frowned.

I watched over his shoulder as Dylan dragged Marcus out of the room. I took his hand and led him back to the chair we were in yesterday. I sat in his lap and leaned against him, tucking my head under the crook of his neck.

I could feel the tension in his muscles ease up, him thinking that we were just snuggling up together, but me knowing I was making sure he wouldn't be able to get away from me. I gently moved his face towards mine, so we were facing each other. He smiled sweetly, and I let him have the couple moments of bliss before I changed his world forever.

"I love you." He told me.

I could have started crying. Of course he would tell me that. "I love you too. I really do." I wanted to forget about it, but I couldn't. "Camdon, if I tell you something, will you promise to just listen to me?"

"Sure." He frowned.

I grabbed his hand tightly. "I'm not really sure how to tell you this…" I let my thoughts run through my head, how trying to best tell him. "I did something I shouldn't have, I should have told you the minute I saw you, but I couldn't," I started to get choked up but stopped myself. "But everything was going so well, I couldn't do it."

Camdon looked at me sadly, "You slept with Ian didn't you?"

I froze momentarily. "No." I couldn't help but laugh. "No, nothing like that." I took his face in my hands. "I love you way to much. Kissing him was practically a chore." To reassure him, I kissed him, "Nothing like the way it is with you." He broke out in a smile and pulled me closer to him.

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