If Ever I Fall (12 page)

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Authors: Erin Trejo

BOOK: If Ever I Fall
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A few more rough strokes and I blow into the streaming water.

“Fuck!” I growl as my release wears me out.

I grab my shampoo and wash my hair as I think about what to do with the band. I know they want Laney in on it but she is still learning to read music. I wouldn’t embarrass her in front of them by telling them she doesn’t know how but they are hell bent on her playing with us.

I finish washing and climb out of the shower grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my waist.

Walking into my room, Laney scares the shit out of me.

“Jesus Christ!” I nearly trip over myself seeing her standing there.

“Sorry, I was going to see if you had another towel.” She stands there in a tight long sleeve shirt with her hair held on top of her head with hand. My breath catches in my throat as I watch the little drops of water sliding down her neck.

My dick hardens instantly beneath my towel and I know she sees it by that little devilish grin she’s giving me.

“You want this one?” I grip the towel that hangs around my waist as her eyes widen. Fuck she is so damn adorable.

“Maybe.” She giggles before she starts to turn to leave the room. In a split second I’m behind her, gripping her around the waist so she can feel my dick stabbing into her back.

I lean closer and kiss the water drops on her neck and watch the shiver roll over her body. It only makes me harder to know that she likes me as much as I like her.

“You can have this one now.” Reaching down I pull the towel off my waist and pull it around in front of her, breathlessly she takes it.

We both stand still for a long time our breathing heavy. I know she isn’t ready for this so I make the first move to step away.

“Get dressed before I lose my mind.” Slapping her on the ass she yelps before she giggles.

“Ok.” She walks out of my room and straight across the hall to hers, I don’t move though.

As soon as she steps into her room, she turns to close the door getting an eye full of my dick before she does. She fucking liked it, I saw that blush.

With a chuckle, I close my door and turn to get dressed.



I have never, ever been so turned on in my life! I swear to god when his lips touched my neck my insides quivered. No one has ever made me feel like that before.

I dried my hair in a hurry before pulling it up into a messy bun on top of my head.

Surprisingly I am feeling a ton better. My stomach is grumbling too so I guess that’s a good sign.

I grab my cell and Gavin’s that he left in here before walking out of my room. Closing the door behind me, I see Gavin’s is open.

I’m not usually the intruding type and earlier was just an accident so I don’t go in as much as I’d like to see if he’s still naked in there. Holy damn that was hot!

“Still thinking about my naked body aren’t you?” How in the hell could he know that? I look up at his little grin and smile shaking my head.

“You think you are so hot don’t you?” I put my hands on my hips as I look him over. He knows he’s fucking hot, who am I kidding.

“Nope. I’m just me.” Shaking my head I hold his phone out to him. Gavin takes it in his hand but grabs my hand as well yanking me into his chest.

“I didn’t want to push you earlier. You need to tell me if I’m going too far.” He leans down brushing his lips over mine before kissing me slowly. So slowly it’s like a dream.

“I think I like where you are right now.” Gavin smiles before his lips claim mine again. He feels so amazing. He’s so soft and gentle.

“We need to go before I cross the line. You taste so amazing.” My breathing picks up and I want him to cross the line but I’m still scared.

Gavin steps back shoving his phone in his pocket before he grabs my hand.

“Let’s go meet the family.”  His fake sarcastic tone makes me laugh.

“Are they that bad?” I follow him out of the house and towards the truck where he opens the door for me.

“I don’t know if they are that bad, they are loud though. I have a lot of cousins and they have kids. It’s like a zoo.” Gavin chuckles as I climb in watching him close the door.

Gavin walks with such pride as he makes his way to his side. I wonder if he’s excited to see his family.

“How long has it been since you saw your family?” Suddenly I’m interested in his family. I want to learn what makes him tick and makes him happy.

Gavin starts the truck before he answers. I watch the slight smile tug at his lips.

“Most of them live around here. A few live out of state and I only see them for Thanksgiving or Christmas. They swap out every year.” That must be nice to have so many relatives all come together to celebrate. I wouldn’t know though.

“It’s nice that they do that.” I turn to look out the window as we drive. I know Gavin said they go to his grandparent’s for Christmas every year. It must be nice to have the close family bond that they have.

I wonder what it would be like with my brother if he was still alive. Would we have that bond the way Gavin and Sean do?

“Don’t overthink everything. We are going to have fun. If you get overwhelmed tell me and we can leave. I won’t hold you hostage at my mom’s.” I smile over at Gavin. I wouldn’t mind being held hostage by him. Holy shit, I need to stop!

“You seem to have it all so why don’t you have a steady girlfriend? I know what you told me but you’re too damn sweet to not have one.” Gavin clears his throat before shifting in his seat uncomfortably.

I wasn’t prepared for what he said to me next.

“I thought you were my girlfriend?”  Is that what I am? We didn’t talk about that. He just said he would take things slow, I didn’t know that meant I was his girlfriend.

Shaking my head slightly, I don’t know what to say.



I never thought to bring up the subject of her being my girlfriend but it did kind of make sense. I thought that was part of the talk we had, judging by her reaction I was wrong.

“Let’s just forget that question.” I don’t want to freak her out, so I figure we will just drop it. For now.

“I just don’t know what to say Gavin. That’s a little fast isn’t it?” She figures this is the obvious answer to my question but not if she’s asking me.

“I thought you felt something. I’m sorry Laney. I told you how I felt. Just forget it. We can talk later.” I try to not sound pissed off but I am a little. I thought we were making progress with each other but now that doesn’t seem to be the case.

“I do Gavin. It’s just.” I shake my head to cut her off. I remember what I told her.

“I told you I would give you time, I wasn’t lying.” I reach over and grab her hand pulling it to my lips before kissing it and setting it in my lap.

We drive in silence the rest of the way but I don’t let go of her.

I pull into the driveway and kill the engine before turning to Laney.

“I’m sorry. I know I can be pushy and a pain in the ass but there is something about you and I want to know it. I want to be the one that breaks down ever wall you have up around you.”  A tear slides down her cheek which I quickly wipe away.

“You are Gavin. You have already ripped through a layer that I never let anyone else through.” When she admits it, I almost lose it. Is she really letting me in?

I lean across the seat brushing my lips across hers, savoring the feel of her before deepening the kiss. I run my tongue across her bottom lip and when her mouth parts for me, I have to try to conceal the moan that rips from me.

Laney’s hand slides up the side of my neck stopping and gripping it in her little grasp.

I pull back and look in her eyes, seeing all the fear she has tugs at my heart. I want to take it all away from her but if she doesn’t let me in I don’t know how to.

“You ready for this?” Laney follows my eyes as I look out the front window at all the kids running around. Glancing back at Laney, her mouth is hanging open.

“Told you!” Laughing she smiles at me.

“Did you forget that I work with little kids all the time?” Could she be any sexier? The way the light reflects off her skin and sparkles in her hair. God, she is gorgeous.

I reluctantly let go of her and climb out heading to her side. Helping her out when the kids spot me.

“Uncle Gavin!” The screams come out of nowhere and before I can turn to stop them, I’m being tackled to the ground.

Screams and yells explode around me and I lose Laney’s hand but I have missed these kids.

“You guys are winning! You’re winning. No, now I’m winning!” I roll around on the ground wrestling with the kids. I know they call me Uncle but they are all my cousins’ kids. I would love to have nieces and nephews but I don’t think Sean is going to have kids any time soon.

“We got you Uncle Gavin!”

“Are you taking us on the 4 wheelers today?” These kids are a mess but I love them to death.

“We’ll see. Ok, ok. I need to get up. You kids are killing me.” The kids jump off of me and run away as Laney stands there smiling down at me.

“You think that’s funny?” Laney holds her hand out to help me up.  Wiping at my jeans to clean the dirt off, she keeps laughing.

“I think it’s perfect. They all love you so much!” She seems so excited to see all the kids having such a good time. It makes me wonder about her family life when she was growing up.

“They’re great. Those are some of the ones that live nearby. I see them a lot.” I reach over and grab her hand watching her smile at the kids again.

I lead us to the front door when it flies open, Sean flying out of it with a nerf gun.

“HEY! You’re here.” Sean hops off the steps and rushes straight towards us.

“We’re here. What the hell are you doing?” I look at the gun and back to Sean while he smiles like an idiot.

“Here. Game on motherfucker.”  I catch the gun that he threw at me before letting go of Laney. She stands there smiling that perfect smile of hers.

“OH SHIT!” I yell when I see all the other kids running from the house shooting. I take off running as Laney laughs.












“He’s the biggest kid out there.” A dark haired woman walks up next to me watching Gavin run around shooting at the kids.

“He seems to have fun though. I’m Laney.” I extend my hand to the pretty lady and watch as she takes it.

“I’m Beth. I’m Gavin’s cousin.” She’s beautiful. She has the same dark eyes as Gavin and Sean.

“You’re the one he’s been talking about huh? Piano girl?” I narrow my eyes at the nick name. I didn’t know he called me that.

“I guess that would be me.” Just as Beth is about to speak again Gavin runs over throwing his arm over my shoulder.

“Stop scaring my girl off.”  Beth smiles over at the two of us.

“I’m not. Hell, I can’t scare her away if she’s stayed with you!” Beth laughs as she walks away as Gavin breathes heavily from running.

“Sorry, I should have introduced you.” Moving his hand off my shoulder he grabs my hand again walking us up the steps.

My heart skips a beat the closer we get to the door. This is all new to me; I’ve never met anyone’s family. I’m afraid to look like an idiot or have someone question me about my own family. I haven’t thought of anything to say to them about that.

My palms sweat and I know Gavin can feel it but he just tightens his grip.  As soon as we step inside, I wished I didn’t come. I’m overwhelmed by people. There are people everywhere and kids running around.

I don’t know why it bothers me the way it is but I swear I may have a panic attack.

“MOM!” Gavin yells next to me, I tense up more. What if his mother doesn’t like me now that we are together? We are together right?

I watch as the tall elegant woman makes her way towards us with a smile plastered to her face.

“Gavin! I’m glad you made it.” She pulls him into a hug before looking over at me. Gavin said that they have been getting along a lot better these days.

“So I meet piano girl again I see?” Apparently everyone but me knows I have that nickname. I need to ask him about that later.

“This is Laney. Laney this is my mom, Tammy.” I reach out to take her hand but she pulls me into a hug instead. Wow! I didn’t see that coming.

“I’m so glad to see you again. Gavin talks about you a lot. Sean too. You have made an impression on my boys.” I don’t know what to say. I didn’t think I affected anyone.

“It’s nice to see you as well.” My voice is lower than usual and I feel off. I don’t fit in here, I have no family but I told Gavin I would come.

I suck it up and meet the rest of his family; he has a lot of family too.

After we met the family, we ate, which I was grateful for. I didn’t realize how hungry I was after that lovely stomach virus I had. Thank god that didn’t last!

“I’ll be right back.” Gavin walks away from me after I nod at him. I watch as he walks through the maze of people in the living room with a smile on his face. He seems so at ease when he’s here. It’s really nice to see this side of him.

“Do you want to play? I am learning to play the keyboard.” A little brown haired girl smiles up at me. How can I say no?

“Of course I do. What’s your name?” Her smile brightens when I ask and it melts my heart. I love kids and working with them gives me such a thrill.

“I’m Chrissy. Come on.” She grabs my hand and drags me with her out of the living room and down a long hall. She stops us at the last room before I follow her inside.

“Look! I can play that keyboard.” Chrissy smiles at the piano that sits in the corner.

“That’s not a keyboard sweetie, that’s a piano.” Chrissy jumps up and down before she moves to sit on the bench where I follow.

“Do you know how to play it?” Chrissy smiles up at me next to her.

“I do. Want me to show you?” Her little brown curls bounce up and down as she nods excitedly.

I put my hands on the piano and start to play simple pieces of music. Chrissy seems so interested and it fills me with joy. I love when kids feel the same way that I did about music.

It soothes me being in here away from everyone playing. It gives me a release that fills me with so much passion.

“You are good at this. Can you play Christmas songs?” Chrissy lays her head on my shoulder as I nod. I play her some Christmas songs as she sings and wiggles around.

“I hope you’re being nice to my friend, Chrissy bug.” Gavin’s voice has me stopping and turning to look at him.

“Don’t stop. I love listening to you play.” Chrissy hops off the bench and runs from the room as Gavin makes his way closer. I love watching the way he moves, so confident and collected.

“Are you eye fucking me?” Gavin asks as he drops on the bench next to me with those dazzling dark eyes boring into me.

“Oh Mr. Brady you do think highly of yourself.” Gavin chuckles as he wraps his arm around me.

“I think highly of you.” His lips touch my cheek and I melt. I lean into his touch and warmth. I don’t know why he makes me feel this way.

“Thank you for bringing me. I didn’t have a family growing up. It’s nice.” I can feel him tense up before relaxing again. I just let a piece of that wall fall and Gavin slipped in.

“I’m glad you told me.” My heart skips a beat and a slight weight is lifted off me. I’ll just hold onto to the whole truth a little while longer.














The holidays are like a fucking mad house with our family. Laney has been great though. We have had family stay over a few nights at our house and have visited with my mom, who has been surprisingly nice too but lately I feel like Laney is throwing those damn walls back up that I worked so hard to get down.

“You want me to bring something home to eat?” I grab my phone off the counter before picking up my keys.

“Umm, sure. I have to work a little late tonight. I should be here by 7 though. Don’t you need to be in the studio?” I watch as Laney speeds around the living room grabbing her stuff for work. I swear that girl has been on fast forward since Thanksgiving.

“Nope. Sean has date night or some shit with his girl.” I pop a piece of muffin in my mouth as my eyes track Laney’s body. Damn, she makes those pants look sexy as hell.

When she bends over to pick up her papers to slide them into her bag, I rush up behind her gripping her hips in my hands.

“Can you not keep bending in front of me like that? My dick can’t handle the view.” Laney giggles that sweet giggle she always does.

“Your dick can’t see. Have you seen my folder?” Her head flips around but my hands stay in place. I can tell she’s getting a little agitated with me but I can’t help myself.

“Nope. I’ve only seen this ass.” Running my hand over her ass, she straightens and turns to face me.

“Are you serious? Is this going to be the same shit all the time?” Wow! I didn’t see that coming from her. I wonder what the hell her problem is.

“Sorry. Fuck me.” I start to walk away when she smarts off.

“Yeah, that seems to be all you want.” I turn around and watch her stuff the rest of her things into her bag before throwing it over her shoulder.

Laney tries to walk past me but I stop her. I grab her wrist and pull her back in front of me.

“You want to tell me what the fuck I did?” I raise my voice slightly but damn I don’t know where the attitude is coming from.

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