Real Ultimate Power (15 page)

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Authors: Robert Hamburger

BOOK: Real Ultimate Power
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injas don't hold hot babes and listen to them complain all night—they pork them. BUT, before a ninja can pork a hot babe, they have get them all hot and ready. They do this through romance, telling them compliments about their blouse, or buying them a dinner platter. But if you don't want to do any of that stuff, then here are some tips to be romantic like a ninja:
Pull her hair, but not too hard.
Wear cologne. Put some on neck and wrists. You can also put some on your shirt.
Pretend you don't like her, 'cause if she knows you like her, then you can forget it.
Make sure you have clean underwear and if you don't, just turn a dirty pair inside out.
Talk to other girls right in front of her face.
Get her to notice you—wear brightly colored clothing or a tall hat.
Find someone weaker than you and make him look dumb.
Follow her home and watch out for her, like if some robber tries to attack her, you would just be there, jumping down from a tree, scratching his face, all the while telling her, “Relax and keep calm, I've got everything under control.” But if you end up killing the guy and she passes out, just pick her up in your arms and carry her to her house and leave the girl on the porch. Make sure to wrap her up in a blanket and leave a plate of warm food in case she gets hungry. Then, before you leave, put a note underneath her hand that says, “Don't worry about anything. He will never hurt you again. I cut him up pretty good. If you need anything else, just give me a call. Robert.” But use your name instead, and USE CURSIVE—that stuff is romantic. Then she's yours.
Now, if you do all that stuff I told you and you finally get the girl into the basement, you can dry ride her—it's like making out, but without the commitment. Here's how:
Find someone you like more than a friend, but less than a wife.
Hang out with them around two-and-a-half times.
Wait till there are no adults around.
Rub your crotches together while wearing pants.
Leave the premises.
And if somebody's dad comes home, you can stop immediately without a problem—so, who cares!
A Ninja Makes a Telephone Call
Who is this?
No, really. Who is this?
Don't worry about it.
Do you want to die or something?
Then why don't you come over and fight me, since you seem to be such an expert on being so tough?
Make me.
You called me. So let's do it.
If we fight, you die.
Wait. Could you hold on a second? I have another call.
Of course.
Hey, I got to go.
What happened?
It's somebody for my mom.
O.K. Bye.
Joining a Ninja Clan
Did You Know?
In the olden days, ninjas would develop their strength by wrestling with dogs, playing video games, and just plain hanging out. Fortunately, not much has changed.
n each ninja clan, there is a division of power. Bosses are at the top. Usually there's only one ninja boss, because it's easier that way, but sometimes there's more if nobody wins the fight (draw). Then there's a secretary who writes down what they talk about in meetings, not secrets though—that would be insane. And the rest of the ninjas are regular ninjas. You can either work alone or you can join a clan. Sometimes, it's good to join a clan, because you can exchange weapons when you get bored of yours, and you can also change home base every couple days or so. But if you work alone, you don't have to vote on anything. Plus, you can make your own hours. And if you don't need anyone in your life, then it's probably best to work by yourself. Plus, it's pretty difficult to join a clan. First, you've got to know other ninjas, and that's tough for the obvious reasons. And then you have to get them to like you, which is almost impossible if your mom doesn't even like you.
Not everybody can handle joining a ninja clan, though. To get in, you have to eat burning charcoal and pick up hot pans with your bare hands or you can just stick your head in boiling grease for two seconds.
A lot of people recommend finding a clan that's older than you, because they can teach you a lot about sniping and secret paths, but those clans are really hard to get into. Besides, sometimes it's better to join a clan of people younger than you, because you can take over since you're probably bigger than everybody else. Then they'll be your personal servants, and you can make them carry you to your next victim and everything.
There was a younger clan in the neighborhood. I talked to them a couple times, but they were pretty disorganized. So I didn't even bother. But there was another one that was better, and I asked the leader whether he knew anything about ninjas. He said, “Yeah.” and I was like, “Can you back it up?” and he said, “Maybe.” So I really wanted to get in. But, then, they said I would probably get too excited and screw up a mission. So I was like, “COME ON!” and he was like, “No way! Look how you're acting now.” And I was like, “This is how ninjas act!” And he was like, “No.” That's O.K., though, because there's no way I could take someone like that seriously.
It doesn't matter anyway, I choose to work on my own because I don't like explaining myself, and I always end up doing all the work anyway. So to start your own ninja clan, you have to have a base. It can either be in the woods or made out of blankets. It
to be accessible for dogs that want to be a part of it. You've got to have weapons, which I'll talk about later. And you've got to be a

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